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ASolo ago

Oh I see I've wandered into a subforum of think- and LDT3 work. Wow you two I'm impressed I cannot believe the breadth of work you folks are doing. I wish I had the energy you two do. Phenomenal.

ASolo ago

I mean this is incredible, it takes me forever to compile every connection I have stored in my head and many if not most time (lately) it's almost impossible to get it out of my head and into print because of the myriads of connections and the resulting confusion of making sense to the reader without a ton of backfilling. I've noticed that it is an impossible task lately for me and I'm very thankful to have people out there like you two that have the kind of dedication to document all these ominous connections. I wish there were more people like you to talk to around here where I live we are so few and far between.

think- ago

You might also want to check out my fledgling v/sraconvictions sub. I try to collect newspaper articles about Satanists convicted for sexual abuse and murder - since so many people claim there have never been any convictions.

I have created a number of small archive subs in order to get the info out of my head, and into print, lest my head doesn't overflow with info.... ;-)

Two other projects are v/JimmySavile and v/ChildRapeGangsUK, but there isn't much info there yet - I didn't have the time to post much. But you might want to subscribe and check them from time to time. :-)

Yes, it sucks that there are not more Pizzagate researchers we can meet in real life too.

ASolo ago

Yeah it's all rather impressive. You must be typing all dern day lol., I go check out v/sraconvictions as well. That's kind of one of the things that bums me out about voat is how hard it is to find subdomains like these that people have ben posting on for, well, with you almost two years now and hardly a soul can find it.

think- ago

I will link to it in the sidebar, and will ask @Vindicator to link v/pizzagateart in the sidebar of the main sub, too.

Vindicator ago

Would love to do this. Only problem is that Esoteric's gang of groupies will then reeeeee that we are trying to control the narrative by only endorsing certain other pizzagate related subverses. I ain't linkin' to Amy James' subverse, or Jangle's adrenochrome subverse.

You really should crosspost any complete research threads to pg, anyway, because most people don't bother to search Voatwide for pizzagate related submissions -- they just leave the checkmark clicked in the sidebar that limits search to the subverse.

From time to time, however, like this example, I could sticky an individual quality article from your subverse to help people realize the resource is there. I'm not sure you really want the shill crew wandering around tracking their dog doo into your house(s).

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Vindicator ago

@think-, see parent.