16636951? ago

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16613250? ago

So why the hell Trump supports Israel!?

16599277? ago

It's not only the man. It's the education system. It has been manipulated by a socialist/communist agenda going back to the 50's. Probably before this. Notice how everything changed post 1913? Ask yourself why. Then you may know why it's not just about arresting Hillary. This is deeper then most of us know.

16598023? ago

So much THIS^^^

16597852? ago

And why did you omit the names of these Jews? Are we supposed to go read all those fucking books cited at the bottom because you posted a graphic?

16599872? ago

Are we supposed to go read all those fucking books

...yeah, you should read sometime

16604849? ago

Boomers ain't got time to read! That yacht (that they bought instead of leaving an inheritance for their children) won't drive itself!

Don't forget to pay for their medicine, you ungrateful children!

16597796? ago


16597788? ago

This venue, and some on 8Chan, are the only places I've heard about Bolshevism. I remember back in middle school, many...many years ago we were briefly taught about the Bolshevik revolution. It was glossed over. This is a topic I intend to do much more research on. Thanks for the post OP.

16597280? ago

Am reading Gulag Archipelago right now! Horrifying.

16596893? ago

Neoconservatives + SJW + hating Europeans and Christians + Jewish supremacists = Bolsheviks

16596674? ago

Jewish Bolshevism is the wolds largest mass murderer. Now they want globalism to enslave us all.

16595436? ago

Bolsheviks were made up of lots of ethnicities, it is like the snowflakes today, wanting something for nothing or the peasants in France during their revolution. To say it was jews is flat false, but you don't care about being accurate or truthful as long as the bullshit narrative goes out. Fucking Russians killing and raping across Europe in WW2 were not jews. Fucking Russians dislocating entire countries post WW2 were not jews. Khmer Rouge in Cambodia were not jews - the thing they had in common??? They were fucking communists.

16596457? ago

Obviously not all the soldiers were jewish, nobody claimed that you retard. But the leadership was, the men putting everything in motion were. But you dont care about that do you goy?

16598071? ago

Fuck off anti semite. The truth is the leaders were Godless heathens, as i suspect you are as well

16606161? ago

https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/247752/why-did-russian-jews-support-the-bolshevik-revolution https://archive.fo/95tBp

This scholar of Jewish history at Columbia University indicated that Jews were almost entirely socialist, many of whom were in fact Bolshevik. If you are attempting to make distinction between religious and ethnic Jews this is a matter of debate not suited for discussion.

16612064? ago

it is a matter of debate, you are linking religion w/ a people. Trying to discredit by sleight of hand. disengenious at best

16612708? ago

The people described therein were both religiously and ethnically Jewish. Did you read the article? There's no sleight of hand, I brought information to the discussion. Literally what is disingenuous about bringing information to the discussion?

16619966? ago

The writer is who i am talking about - anyone can say anything and you sheeple just gobble it up. How many pogroms did the soviet union have against the jews? If the jews were the leaders why did they let that happen

16621120? ago

The article goes into pretty significant detail about it, there were pogroms every which way against various groups. White army, red army.. Bolshevik consolidation of Mensheviks, Bund and Zionist factions into the republic government. The Soviet Union was multi era. The Stalinist era was not beneficial to Jews, nor to anybody. Majority of the pogroms were Stalinist. Golems have a habit of going out of control

16625662? ago

Lenin and Marx were ashamed of their heritage and did everything they could to persecute jews. You talk as thoug an ivy league institution is something more than a communist production factory. Grain of salt w/ these institutions - kind of like the main stream media

16627623? ago

Doesn't change the facts!! Lenin was Jewish!!

16633603? ago

so was your ancestor - you do realize that don't you?

16634097? ago

What ancestor are you talking about?

16640717? ago

your ancestors, you know who I'm talking about.

16640773? ago

I really don't

16612660? ago

Take it up with the professor not with me

16604921? ago

Well jews are either godless heathens or devil worshippers, so...

1 John 2:23 "Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also."

16612018? ago

When our Lord returns, all nations of the world will come to Jerusalem to worship (Micah 2:3). Jerusalem will be the capital city not only of Israel but of the entire world, and the Word of the Lord shall go forth from Zion (Isaiah 2:3). Jesus will reign from Jerusalem (Luke 1:32). Israel is at the center of God’s plan.

God has said:

the Jews would be disobedient—and they were, the Jews would be disbursed—and they were, the Jew would be discredited—and they were, but you could no more destroy the Jewish race than you could destroy the sun, the moon and stars. They may be chastised, they may suffer, but God said, “I will keep My word to David, his seed shall endure” (v. 29).

16599069? ago

Sure thing goyo

16599416? ago

You get your 1099 from soros yet? Find it interesting that such an antisemetic asshat would work for soros

16600715? ago

What are you going off about

16601351? ago

The lie that bolshevism was started by jews - got to stop with the antisemitism. Allah is not God

16602107? ago

Whatever you say goy. Dont want anyone telling truths abouth your people huh?

16612109? ago

lol, not jewish - just don't like lies being perpetrated. Allah is not God

16612654? ago

Im not mudslime why do you keep saying that as if youre making a point?

16619992? ago

just reminding you that there is only 1 true God and Allah is not it, nor is Baal nor Shiva. God is love, racism is hatred, the opposite of love

16622088? ago

You mean the jew god. No thanks kike

16625689? ago

You are still a racist asshole - and Allah is not God and "his prophet" was nothing more than a pedophilic charlatan. Go ahead and declare a fatwa against me

16626830? ago

I never claimed to be mudslime i dont know why you keep crying about it.

16633593? ago

don't need to claim it, your actions and words do. Allah is not God

16599900? ago

Just curious, why do you think that the globalists would be paying people online to redpill people?

16601273? ago

Not red pilling anyone using lies and half truths and being racist bigoted assholes

16605743? ago

Mud slinging is not an argument

16596812? ago

He's a shill and has been named: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3017856

16596205? ago

Communism is a Jewish creation.

As for the Russian soldiers committing despicable crimes I agree. Many of them did. They were encouraged or rather ordered to be as violent as possible by the Bolshevik (Jewish) officers. Plus aparantly the worst abusers were the mongol and predominantly Jewish troops who came up the rear to make sure everyone was raped, tortured and abused to the nth degree!

I didn't realise any of this until recently either. It came as quite a shock to discover how much has been hidden from us and how we've all been misled .

There are countless places online to discover the truth. But one very good source that EVERYONE should watch before discussing the subject is the following 12 part series - very eye opening!

EUROPA – The Last Battle ~ The Full Documentary (2017) By Tobias Bratt Approx 12 Hours! http://truth.prabhupada.org.uk/europa-the-last-battle-the-full-documentary-2017

NOTE: Prob best to search on YouTube for latest uploads of it (as it is often removed!!)

16598112? ago

Tobias bratt is not a good source for waking people, he is pretty fucking crazy

16595643? ago

correlation != causation.

16595280? ago

It reminds me of Antony C. Sutton's book on how it was funded by 'international bankers' - a free pdf file here: https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Sutton_Wall_Street_and_the_bolshevik_revolution-5.pdf

16595026? ago

10 times as many ukrainians were killed than were jews in WW2 and nobody talks about that either. father in law was witness to it.

16597751? ago

They were posting public service signs telling people not to eat their children while they were exporting grain out of the region. People would walk down the streets stepping over the dead bodies left to rot on their way. 8 million people starved to death. It is without question the most horrific event in human history.

16594631? ago

(((They))) have now ensured that this is BOT taught in schools anymore - just holohoax lies

16595628? ago

russian bots confirmed

16594576? ago

Those of us who were taught these things in school know. Since the 80's however, history is not being taught as it was supposed to be.

16594547? ago

And who were the (((Bolsheviks))) that killed so many Christians ?

16597818? ago

Yes, can we please for once get some actual researchable names? Instead of just retards saying "believe me it's da jewz..."

This is the hindrance to morons so-called "redpilling" everyone, that we're supposed to simply believe it was "da jewz" because someone said so, but nobody actually presents factual names and evidence in these posts. We're just supposed to take some internet person's word for it and then have the burden of looking for the evidence?

Here's a name for Mao's Communist propaganda minister - **Israel Epstein. **

Was that so fucking hard? Wow, a real name!!! Something concrete that people can research! It's amazing!!!

Apparently too difficult because I keep seeing these posts and no real information. Just "believe me because I told you."

16613171? ago

You ‘could’ research it yourself?

Many here have done just that and you want all that information in a bitesize tidbit?

Get your friends or fam to sit though ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ (it’s a long one!)

Once they realise they have been taught and sold lies they will be much more open to other things.

That said, many here claiming to be red-pilled are far from it - and refuse to go deeper down the rabbit hole.

16599851? ago

If you aren't willing to do any form of research then you're just asking to be spoonfed by people who have. If someone is kind enough to offer you a recommendation on what to read / look into, that's as far as they need to take you. You're obligated to go the rest of the way and do some learning for yourself.

Spoonfeeding is what they did for you in school, and it didn't create critical thinkers.

16595510? ago

Genrikh Yagoda

16594958? ago

3 Jooos from Novosibirsk.