16598765? ago

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16589929? ago

Communism = JEWISH

16589867? ago

And 60 million Russian Christians and 80 million Chinese.

16589650? ago

The Chinese famine under communist Mao regime killed 40 million Chinese too. Cabal communism is indiscriminate in killing human beings.

16587595? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=-pDtgWUtdUM :

80% Of The 1st Soviet Government Members Were Jews - Putin During A Visit To Moscow’s Jewish Museum - YouTube

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16589739? ago

Of course, communism (and capitalism) is jewish creation. Marx, Engels, Lenin (1/4 jew), Trotsky, etc., were all jews.

16587463? ago

This Famine put the German Holocaust to shame in its depravity.

Everyone spread this far and wide. Let the truth be heard.

16587446? ago

They deserved it.

16587465? ago

You deserve love for that awful statement.

16587415? ago

Is it pronounced holodrome? The few people I can find that know about this pronounce it holodrome

16587370? ago

How boring - this is just an exept from Wiki. Nobody is interested in your boring racist posts. Stop this. Downvote.

16587482? ago

Robot, stop. We know it's you from the lack of love.

Go away and come back with love and compassion installed.