16679878? ago

This is not financially viable for PP WITHOUT High-Level-Connections- transport, refrigeration- buyers, labs. This stinks of NIG PHARMA and The Medical Industry to me.

16669056? ago

Q is not going to post until the DS admits RBG is dead. The day MSM admits it, is the day Q will go "live". I got 5 bucks and a case of Natty's if I'm wrong.

16668090? ago

I can’t even start to explain my degree of frustration with knowing that so much happening however I don’t get to know any of it. I get a crumb here, a glance there, that’s all... I don’t have the luxury to be invested in the movement full time, so I’m missing out on everything, in the end.

Whatever the chans digs have produced doesn’t seem to have made it out into the open in any structured form, if at all... the scope of the war is unfathomable, I get that, operations carried in secrecy, I get that too, but the absolute lack of structure and context of the whole “drain the swamp” movement has become uninviting to say the least, one doesn’t know where to hook in anymore, where and how to fit in... it’s a total regression, one goes from “awake” to “normie” for not being able to follow...

The movement seems to have become an unrestrained entropy only accessible to full-timers, that’s no good at all.

16580743? ago

“We have very fast airplanes” - Trump during his Face the Nation interview after the photo Q posted of the two jets. This was a statement that the left is now pointing out and making fun of, yet it coule be another coincidence or proof.

16570025? ago


Please read this documents regarding Taiwan

16563724? ago

it means nothing. literally means nothing

16550978? ago

Recently reread Q posts from beginning. These posts are most interesting to me: 252, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 782, 812, 817, 832, 833, 923, 980, 1010, 2663 . If you search that whole list at once on qmap.pub you can see them all at once. I wish qmap.pub or someone had a section dealing with mind control and other secret tech... or maybe a 40000 view with how the world really works, as Q has said "The world is not how you view it" which creeps me out!

In these posts (and others), Q hints that mind control tech exists whereby one person can literally be remotely controlled by someone else. Apparently big pharma is somehow used in conjunction with phone signals to influence people. I think Q means literally control, as in a remote controlled puppet. wtf?

In 817 Q says: Voices in his head? We know.

Here Nikolas Cruz talks about the voices entering his mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMcVWiWZ5J4

Maybe he was telling the truth and being used as a pawn and he's not "crazy", just under the influence of mind control. Maybe the voices are actually signals being received. Strange to think about. Perhaps now we need to worry about technological possession more than demonic possession. Perhaps we shouldn't trust psychiatry and pharma with our minds!

In 832 Q says that the man shooting himself in front of the white house was a demonstration that "they can control 'innocents'" and says MSM creates emotional conflict which destabilizes minds to become susceptible to outside control. wtf?? Maybe faith and hope really does protect us against these fuckers.

I hope Q finds a way to shutdown their mind control so we can all "WAKE UP" and unify. Maybe Q / mil can hack the mind control and turn the best puppets against their masters. Either way, I want it to stop!

16559492? ago

Interesting comment, thanks anon

16550136? ago

I want to post this but don't have enough CCP. Can anyone else investigate this further or share the idea?:

Obama normally wears a gold "wedding ring", which he actually wore at Harvard before marrying Michelle (rumor is he wore it to keep women away - gay). Normally, he wears an analog watch, but he has worn a smartwatch in the past (not the one he currently wears).

In 2012, Trump tweeted about his ring's Arabic meaning: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/256487311515209728

In all of his recent public appearances, his gold ring and analog watch are missing, but he's wearing a smartwatch. He's not shaking hands or anything, and this new watch is sort of ugly, so the change doesn't really make sense to me.

Is this normal? Are other public figures missing their normal jewellery or hiding their hands / wrists from cameras? What model is the smartwatch he's wearing?

NO ONE seems to be talking about this, but Q has stated: "Follow the watch." (2647)

Why isn't anyone discussing this? Might be big. What was his last appearance with the ring?

Obama's recent twitter videos (no ring, new watch):




This is the most recent video I've found in which he's wearing his ring, Sept 8, 2018. He also doesn't have the new smartwatch:


In this video (Aug 29, 2018), he's missing the ring (56s) and sort of seems to hide his left hand/wrist at the start:


It looks like he was wearing the ring at GHWB funeral.

Is anyone else curious about this change, or do you think it's normal? Have you noticed anyone else wearing a smartwatch or missing their normal jewellery? Is Obama divorced, or did someone make him stop wearing the Muslim ring? Is the smartwatch his monitoring device or maybe some sort of technological leash?

17189257? ago

New watch sighted https://voat.co/v/QRV/3078972

16559574? ago

Hey I posted it for you here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3014586

16550338? ago

When he was rallying for Democrats late 2018, it looks like he was also missing his ring, but did have an analog watch on. I can't find footage of him speaking without his ring while or before he was president.

Maybe the ring is demonic or somehow magically charged (with the souls of his victims?), and thus it was taken away by his captors.

16545507? ago


Imagine the parents of these adults — what kind of environment they raised their kids to become monsters.

16536088? ago

By the looks of those fighter jets, me thinks it's time to bomb the fuck out of Planned Parenthood.

16535181? ago

What’s with the jet fighters?

16533217? ago

Absolute boomer bait. It's ridiculous. Go over the board the last week and look at how people were talking. They're nervous, losing faith, upset. Then boom, boomer bait abortion talk to get everyone rallied behind the cause again.

16532607? ago

Qanon continues to ignore demands from anon Patriots to prove that he is not working for the deep state cabal.

Therefore as far as i am concerned, and given his history of failed drops, Qanon is a deep state larp.

16532029? ago

So....Let me get this straight. They just legalized a bill allowing for the murder of a full term human being. Q posts a picture of two F-15's and we debate for 3 days if they are F-16's or F-15's (at least the boomers over on PSB did). This makes Q and POTUS complicit in murder. We keep claiming Q knows beforehand what is happening. He and the prez both knew of this new bill...did nothing. The first baby murdered in this manner under this bill is on Trump and Q. Argue this until you are breathless....but it is true.

16526313? ago

In 2010 the Supreme court ruled (led by Justice Anthony Kennedy) that corporations are people that can make campaign contributions.

https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/01/supreme-court-gives-corporatio/ http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/campaign-finance-and-the-supreme-court.aspx

I remember back then wondering WTF? Now I understand.

16525603? ago

Whew so glad this infuriating topic is on Q’s radar! Trying to pass this horrible law should mobilize a lot of sleeping people. That one is just too outrageous to justify!

16564952? ago

I know! I hope I’m ready too.

16525081? ago

I just vomitted reading this and comments.... evil vs good is all I can say

16523970? ago

Please leave this posted right where it is at. And leave it up and available longer. Thank-You for posting.

16523579? ago

Pixelknot returns empty for photo

16521123? ago

There are numerous states that have attempted to pass, are attempting to pass, or have already passed bills that allow for late-term abortions.

There are 8 states plus D.C. that have no restrictions on abortion in regards to trimester of the pregnancy. They are:

Alaska, Colorado, D.C., New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and now New York.


16520906? ago

I know it is New York Times but it is some information on $1 billion C_A operation in Syria.


16520885? ago

I have a question for the Q community: I read a lot about organ harvesting... PP calls it "tissue" What are an infants organs used for? Who buys them?

16525465? ago

China for one, they are making pills out of fetusi.

PepsiCo is also using infant tissues to put into consumable products.

16520811? ago

I love the smell of Q posts in the morning !!!!!!

16520508? ago

Trump must now declare the national emergency on the 15th and call up ACE to build the entire wall enough time has already been wasted on the demon rats and their obstructionist stall tactics. POTUS will either have to ignore the libtard 9th circus court or wait until it is heard in the SCOTUS. How long will it take to get heard in the SCOTUS anyone know?

16520199? ago

Anyone else think the fighters pick might simply mean Bombs Away?

Possibly referring to upcoming Declass or National Emergency

16527241? ago

I think it has more than one meaning. Could be as you say “bombs away”, ‘over the target’, ‘Feb 15’ (is that an F-15 in the image?) or ‘battle engaged-air support operational’.

16520161? ago

And how long will it take to appeal to the SCOTUS--RBG would have to show for that..?

16519709? ago

none of this ends until we demand it ends.. Q has been telling us for over a year now that WE have the power, WE just forgot how to play the game. WE must get off our asses and make our voices heard!

16519534? ago

So I reversed image searched the image on tineye. This was the top result.


16519266? ago

It is absolutely amazing to me that Q pinpointed this issue way before this was publicized. PP has no secrets.

16518011? ago

How are we going to stop this!!! Tired of no one going to prison. At some point something has to happen!

16552473? ago

There are ways you can help

Everyone do their part

16557738? ago

stop spamming

16569118? ago


16517806? ago

I think part of all this is the eventual news of rbg's death. So the psycho states are trying to pass these hideous laws before the next SCOTUS pick.

This issue alone could destroy the democratics. The majority of people, regardless of political party affiliation, imo, will never accept this bullshit! Only evil ones will.

16517151? ago

Welcome back Boss! Missed you.....

16516790? ago

There are two victims in every abortion, the mother and the child. Why does a mother choose the evil path of abortion? Why do some government officials work to make the choice of that path easier?


16517089? ago

Agree this must stop, but you missed a victim - the father. Granted this doesn't always come into play, but then sometimes the mother isn't really a victim either. The baby is always a victim.

16516694? ago

My guess is after Q2673 RBG went missing due to 'health' reasons. Preparation for new Woman SC Justice. Begin overturning ROE vs WADE once enough SC votes is secured. Trump will nominate a lady SC to replace RBG.

16552478? ago

16557730? ago

please stop spam replying this image!

16516007? ago

We need to do the left protest thing outside of PP sites with graphic images to wake people up about what they are doing along with how much tax money they are taking. Talking with some folks to do this near where I life. Will post pics after.

16533196? ago

People do this around the clock.

16515987? ago

Is God Real?

Will He Return for us?

Just asking for a friend...8chan wears him out.


16552450? ago

16557726? ago

please stop spamming this image!

16528245? ago

Yes, God is real! It’s not just enough to believe in God though! God has provided a way to come to Him.....through His Son - Jesus Christ! There is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ! Jesus said in the Bible in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one co Estonia the Father except through me.” We’re born in sin ever sin Adam and Eve fell in the garden and that sin separates us from God, but God provided a way back to Himself through His Son, Jesus, who came to earth as a baby, lived a perfect, sinless life because He was not only human but was also God in the flesh, He showed through miracles that He truly is the Son of God, and then He died on a cross for the sins of all mankind. He didn’t stay dead - in 3 days He rose from the grave. Over 5,000 people saw Him after He arose from the grave and then He went up in the air and sits at the right hand of God. In the Bible (God’s Word), God says in Romans 10:9-10, “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” This is how to have a relationship with God who created everything and is holding our world in the Universe. If you believe in what Jesus did for you on the Cross - that He took the penalty for your sins when He died on the Cross, and confess to God that you want Jesus to come into your heart and be Lord of your life, you will be saved from the penalty of death (Hell - yes it’s real) when you die and you will go to be with God in Heaven. AND, when you give your life to Christ, Jesus comes to live inside you through His Holy Spirit. AND, He will never leave you or forsake you!!! This is the Gospel!!!

16529970? ago

Excellent thought.

Keep your mind open

Jesus 2.0 is back

Closer than ever to you right now.


16520008? ago

God is real. When I doubt that, I look at the horizon and remember: I'm standing on a massive sphere that floats in the sky, dangling near, but too near, the sun. I realize I can't float away, even though I'd like to sometimes. God is real in those moments. Christ is our savior, He came as a human so we will recognize him. Look to the human savior, no other, when that time comes. And it will.


16520624? ago

Look no further


16519005? ago


16515952? ago

We certainly have noticed all the action on this front it is not lost on us. Thanks a million times over.

16515811? ago

ok now what. we all understand why they did it. but who is stopping it. looks like they aint scared to show their true colors now. what can we do as anons. my whole family thinks I'm battshit crazy. i don't really mind though. except for my dad. he's 78 and don't believe anything will change. imho thankq

16526181? ago

You’re not crazy. If you need someone who knows we’re right to communicate with you can write to me.

16581900? ago

How to become ready for awakening? Guidance?

16529249? ago

wow. ty. in all seriousness ty. just those words alone were comforting. I'm just ready to do my part. I've been red pilled since Waco. think i was 12 then.

16544130? ago

You’re very welcome. I am fortunate that my husband. son and mother all are woke so we have each other to discuss this with. So if you need a sounding board please write

16525901? ago

Could be they need the money now.

16526075? ago

I'm about to pay my taxes and it really sux to know that a portion will be spent to murder the innocent and sell the innocents body parts. how could the days of Noah have been any worse?

16514035? ago

The non white welfare population will skyrocket.

That will have to be addressed

16545523? ago

Great point. What we have now is was got through the infantcide / genocide.

16513492? ago

16518139? ago

I wonder if Q want's us to review that Wikipedia article for some reason?

16513288? ago

Does anyone have an idea about what post-2675 is about? Jets are coming for the deepstate?

16525423? ago

Yes. I crewed F-15s. The name of the image is the clue.

"Sys config spec y" in military jargon; "(Weapons) system configuration special, why?"

They are F-15Es returning to base after deploying their ordinance (Sept 2014 - attacks on Syria).

It's Q saying the "Booms!" have happened and the targets are neutralized.

16525891? ago

Check. Maybe the long silence from Q was, as speculated, operations finally taking place. Now they are done.

16514475? ago

Coming for??? They ARE the Deep State.

16551535? ago

Like all good soldiers, US armed forces follow orders.

US military is no longer the deep state.

16513137? ago

It may well just be the time to Re-watch Soylent Green.

16521531? ago

"Soylent Green is made of people" https://youtu.be/9IKVj4l5GU4

Charlton Heston in the 1973 sci-fi classic.

16524909? ago

Yep, Always like CH movies. Body parts might be going into our consumables now mate.

16680130? ago

I heard a utoob that featured a guy named Rabbi Finkelstein, ( NO SAUCE HERE, but -they-DO say what evil they WILL do before doing it- o, RF said it's being put into the meat- and we all know about the Pepsi sweetener thing,...

16688005? ago

Precisely friend. Our problem is we just don't know exactly what it is they are feeding us. Those additives and 'flavourings' that are shown under 'Ingredients' on the back of food labels could be Anything. I for one have no idea about, 'Flavouring 407' .

16729945? ago


Scientific Opinion of Flavouring Group Evaluation 407 (FGE.407): here:http://effa.eu/docs/default-source/EFSA-opinions/fl-17-02-efsa-opinion-fge407.pdf?sfvrsn=0 Don't KNOW if this is the same stuff, but in searching: " hemisulfate monohydrate salt" as described in the above link I got: https://www.alfa.com/en/catalog/A17036/ Applications Quinine hemisulfate monohydrate plays a major role in potassium channel blockers. It is also used as an antimalarial, anticholinergic, antihypertensive and a hypoglycemic agent. It inhibits mitochondrial ATP-regulated potassium channel. It is also used to study the metabolism of biocrystalized heme, hemozoin, in malarial parasites and to study the toxicity of heme (FP)-complexes." SEEMS TO ME, if it is< anything that blocks potassium uptake is going to be a b-tch.

16731354? ago

Have you watched the movie Soylent Green? Starring Charlton Heston.

16763914? ago

yes? Is that what you believe Flavouring 407 is? SAUCE please, -the anon kind, not the walnutkind-(yaargh, btw!)

16769060? ago

No sauce. Watch the Soylent Green movie and make your own mind up. Plenty of chatter in these boards regarding fetal inclusions in foods. Pepsi is often used as an example of 'flavoured' drink.

16900414? ago

I was looking - found flavoring 407- a potassium BLOCKER , if it's the same thing. Potassium is vital to system's ability to function. not good

16911042? ago

Exactly my friend. My point wasn't just at 407, that was just a number I remembered. My main point is that we Really don't know what is in our consumables. Good searching, K is a major nutrient in plant growth and bananas are a very reliable source for us mere mortals.

16964173? ago

agreed! Home-cooked Organic mealstake on much greater significance! Don your aprons!

16729569? ago

hmmm, will check this out,... I DO NOT EAT ANYTHING that isn't a salad- no meat- when out- no meat when "in" either- no sodas or artificial sweetener- sheesh, as good a BACON tastes, well, considering this cluster-F of ingredients we're faced w/ E V E R Y DAY, it's no wonder one stares blankly at the "choices" offered, and never pull them off the shelf.

16731391? ago

Saw study results the other day that showed if you smell something that evokes good food memories you want to eat it. BUT, if you are surrounded by that smell for more than 2 minutes you are more likely (over 66%) to Not to really want to eat it. Examples given were Bacon, Pastries & cakes, Fresh fruit & veg. We can be odd people at times.

16524076? ago

And the 2005 film, The Island, with Ewan McGregor & Scarlett Johansson. Body harvesting.

16513107? ago

After going dark, I see light. Oh, wait, F-15's pounding their targets. Rats running out and in the open trying to kill babies at the state level now. They lost the Fed control & funding.

16512937? ago

Stand against them. Have you the courage?

Do you have the balls to resist the Cabal? Well, DO YOU?

16513958? ago

Balls getting bigger every day

16552483? ago

16513455? ago


16512931? ago

It's breaks my heart to see all of you frothing at the mouth whenever master rings a bell.

Something for patriots to consider.

If Q is real, then all your work is being done for you behind the curtains. You needn't believe or help because, nothing can stop the plan. Just need to be glad when it finally happens.

If Q is a fraud, then you have been placated for the past 2 years. Rendered idle and irrelevant by a conman telling you what you want to hear. How much longer do you waste another 2 years? Do you act after Trump loses 2020? Do you have a contingency for if this doesn't pan out?

Call me a shill if you like but, I'm not proud. I believed Q was real right up until I was about to conclude the sealed indictments were bullshit. Now, I see how much time we've wasted and shudder to think how much more we will.

16531862? ago

Tee Hee You are quite funny Comedy routine ??? Could use a couple of more hooks Maybe live you can add a little slapstick

16515779? ago

What business is it of yours, how I spend my time? If you no longer believe in Q, then there is no "we" and all your statements should be describing just yourself. If Trump loses in 2020, then nothing changes but he isn't going to lose, so that point is mute. Obviously, you are conflicted about what you want to believe and what you've been conditioned to believe. Either suck it, stick to what you know is true, and right or give up and stop visiting Q-related sites. You're not doing yourself or the community any favors by posting this negative BS.

16516671? ago

Just remember this conversation. The Q lie can't be kept up for ever, and when it finally ends. Wear your shame twice fold because, you are two times the fool.

16517097? ago

It's not about the ego. The Plan is not for us to debate who is smarter here. You don't believe, OK, fine, don't go and judge people for believing in Q and The Plan. None should feel like a fool for being a Patriot.

16517187? ago

Just saying failure to plan it planning to fail. The more you think something is an impossibility the more likely it is to come true.

If Q is real great! were saved! However if he's a fraud.... Do I really need to spell it out for you?

16551732? ago

How have you come to think that Trump is not on our side, or that remarkable progress has not been made?

Even if you set aside the entirety of what Q has pointed us towards, the Trump presidency in itself has been a fantastic success for conservatism, worldwide!

You want Trump to drop a MOAB on that? Stay tuned!

16551982? ago

I think Trump is on our side, I think he is a capable person. I don't think he can perform miracles. I would say progress has been made but, remarkable is far from the term I'd use. More like above average or not totally incompetent. This is the government we are talking about, they can fuck up a free lunch.

16552238? ago

But Trump is not counting on the government to save us. Trump is fist-fucking the government. Tax cuts, shutdowns, defunding, cutting regulations and red tape... if this keeps up for another two years, he will have undone 20 years of (overt and disguised) liberal policies. If it keeps up for another 6? The Deep State might never recover.

Q is icing on the cake. Imagine seeing the untouchables who are responsible for all this misery strung out on a chain gang.

All American patriots must do for the realistic goal of letting Trump keep destroying the deep state is VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. All we have to do for Q to be true is PRAY.

16515729? ago

If Q is a Larp then He , They have unintentionally created one of the World's largest Intelligence gathering operations in the World and the Autists are busy exposing the Cabal and Deep State players using open sourced information with a few nudges every now and then from Q.That would have been a grave error because we all know that Evil operates best in the Dark. Peace Y

16525818? ago

Applause, applause, applause! That is the only answer to the Q Question. Teaching people to do research and think for themselves is exactly what a drugged, hypnotized and distracted public needed to feel their power. If that’s a late then I still love him for waking us up!

16516706? ago

For all you know you are finding information for the deep state so they can tie up their loose ends. You over estimate your numbers and influence.

16521822? ago

For all we know, you're a shill. So proof Q isnt real or STFU

16521279? ago

You must watch a lot of cartoons.

16515331? ago

Go tell this shill spill to the yellow vests, watch how they treat you.

16515405? ago

So now Q is responsible for the yellow vests? Fucking morons...

They are doing something. You are pacified by a conman.

Be like the yellow vests, don't be a sheep.

16513303? ago

Why are the indictments BS and why would we not be required as shocktroops for disseminating information?

16514846? ago

Q said, nothing can stop the plan. Nothing includes whether you believe or not and if anyone knows or not.

The indictments are not indictments, they are sealed proceedings and the number of them isn't out of the ordinary. Some Q people tried to dispute it as well q never mentioned them anyways but, he has on several occasions. There may be some sealed indictments but, not 50,000 as Q has alluded.

16512872? ago

So, Q, when are Hillary Clinton and Obama going to be arrested and executed for treason?

16517853? ago

The truth is on slow trickle to get the normies used to all the concepts/depths of depravity that this cabal has been into and hiding from us.

16515213? ago

You really don't understand it do you?

16515684? ago

I understand that nobody is being arrested for serious crimes. We just make excuses about why they aren't being arrested.

16526864? ago

This just came to me this morning, going to leave it here: pic is of F15’s. [F]15. [D]5. Isn’t the shutdown set to start again Feb 15? Might have significance. Or could just be a pic of F-15’s.

16512697? ago

So the funding bill in Congress...which they are doing CR's until the 15th for...if Trump builds the wall via military, there is no reason for Trump to agree to any of the crap spending...PP funding, Global abortion funds, foreign aid. Imagine what he could do when the Dems do not fund the wall, which is their bargining chip to the US coffers. It will also cut off their access to the graft of foreign aid. They would be crippled financially and outed as not protecting American citizens.

16512257? ago

Does anybody know where this photo is taken from?

16512784? ago

photo name : Sys_conf_spec_y.jpg

2465 //

Nov 9 2018 20:23:10 (EST) [Future Comms] Pre_stage ele_y Pre_stage sec_y Pre_stage dir_y Pre_stage cap_y [OnReady] Q

16511994? ago


16511898? ago

This would be a time to read the entire PDF file we were given on the FBI ANON AMA conversations. http://turnitoffnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/FBIAnon-AMA-transcript-1-7.pdf There are a lot of important points made in that document. I downloaded it so I can read it off line at my leisure.

He makes a stunning point about why there have not been arrests yet of Clintons or major players in the CF. One anon asked why we don't just send her to GITMO. Think how the mafia or the cartels run. You get rid of the top dog, there are still many alpha dogs waiting to step in. They are actually taking it down from bottom up. They are allowing people like Stone to get arrested so things get put into the public record.

The PDF also is encouraging because it reminds us that Mueller is really doing a "Witch" hunt and it isn't really about POTUS. How else to get all that out to the slavering, salivating, Liberal public? They await that report with baited breath. Mueller will have to be reporting as a Hologram... else they will come after him once this all gets reported.

The NY and VA abortion declarations are huge. This was quite an awakening for those good Dems who still were under the impression that they belonged to their Daddy's Democrat party. Those people truly believed they were the "Higher Ground" party, the Sanctimonious Morality party. This had to have shaken them to their core. Some won't admit it yet, but the doubts were sown.

Personally, I believe we are on track

16516092? ago

Thanks for posting this file.

16512149? ago

Would you say this is part of the show, and the Dems/Cabal are controlled now into making these absurd moves, or do you feel they are in a lose/lose situation and are just going ahead with their original plan as if Killary had won?

16517991? ago

Any of them strike you as the creative type?

16512275? ago

You know, i think the web of deception and evil is far, wide, and deep. I don't think we "control" all them as much as we would like. But I do believe there are many who have capitulated to save their own skin. "No honor among thieves" and all that. I also think some (Lindsay Graham?) are just relieved to be found out and then offered a way to redemption. I think the cabal/DS has tricked some good people into playing along, and they just didn't have the cojones to fight back. People like Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan have cojones the size of Trumps, and they have lashed out. But a lot of them have only done that now that they have the Biggest Dog on the Block in their corner.

That being said, Q keeps saying two things: "These people are STUPID and These people are SICK." When you factor that in, and factor in the inbreeding and the Hive mentality of the uber rich, they really aren't used to being challenged. Like big dumb bullies, some of them will, and probably have caved. They will all snitch on each other if they think it will save their sorry asses. Evil people do that.

And interesting book from many years ago is instructive, called "People of the Lie." by M. Scott Peck. Highly recommend it. It helps to describe how people get in this pickle, how they opt for the easy way out of going with Evil. It is more tempting for some than others. I was raised that it would be better to die than to go that route. But some have zero spiritual training and therefore no spiritual warfare skills. And some people live in denial and want to believe in Unicorns and magic dust. So, as Deuteronomy says, "I have set before thee Life and Death. Choose LIFE that ye may live!" Aborting a baby as it comes out of the womb is certainly NOT Choosing Life.

IMHO - the sooner we can put an end to this cabal the better. But it will take more than a Q team, and it will take more than POTUS. Redpill as much as you can. Time is short!

16531036? ago

You underestimate the army of POTUS/Q The plan began before JFK 9-11 a huge step, awoke many Obama supplied numerous Generals & those they commanded Much intelligence came with this TRUMP victory supplied the leader(messenger of God) Trump has went out of his way to take care of the military, the Vets, and Law Enforcement Capturing their hearts & souls Team Trump took over the payroll of boots on the ground 9-11 brought in a HUGE amount of light workers and Honest journalists The Great Awakening is about to destroy the Deep State IMHO Our Space Friends(ETs) have offered up support God over sees the entire MIRACLE Trump elected not possible(MIRACLE) MockNbyrd media self-destructing not possible(MIRACLE) Korea UNITED not possible(Miracle) Trump take on 17 intelligence agencies; big-pharma; big ag. Military industrial complex; big oil, Vatican, media; hoolywoo, prison industry; and more. STILL ALIVE TRUMP is a messenger of God, and has great protection.

Note how God appears more in conversation now-a-days. May God Bless and God Bless YOU sings with LOVE

Much of Storm Past, We the People; WORLDWIDE are now in the clean-up phase. Donald Trump underlined this when he tweeted ENJOY the RIDE. For the most part they are dotting i's and crossing t's in the plan about now.

We ARE living a MIRACLE

16553061? ago

AMEN! Not disagreeing with you. And yet as Q mentions frequently, we are still cleaning up some of the Rogue actors. I think the site http://www.ahijackedlife.com/ has a lot of good info as well. I wander around praying all day about this. God works in His time. Sometimes it's frustrating, but I'm grateful for this community where each of us brings our limited understanding to the table and we all learn and are lifted up by each other.

16521910? ago

I read People of the Lie a few years ago. Great book. And great commentary, Patriot!

Sure looks like the elites never reckoned that more than a few sheep would wake up and their witch-in-waiting Hillary would not win! They are stupid. And inbred. Maybe a few have turned to snitch out the other. But most elites are full-blown psychopaths or have been brainwashed/tortured since childhood to rule. They are desperate and capable of evil even at this juncture. Most are in denial and will go down still believing they have power over us.

16517824? ago

That is a great book, along with The Road Less Traveled. Thanks for the reminder! These type of people will behave differently than we would in such situations...

16553106? ago

You are so right. This has been my greatest frustration with some of the NPC's who just don't get it. They don't realize the criminal element know all the rules. They know the consequences and they are trying to game the system. But NPC's feel so sorry for them. Oh, they must have had a terrible childhood! Yeah, they did. So what you gonna do? let them live in your home? Here, I'll give your address out at the border to the MS13 thugs. Geez

16520417? ago

Also read None Dare Call it a Conspiracy while you’re looking for plans laid years ago that have come to fruition- my first eye opener in the 1980’s!

16535970? ago

By Gary Allen and Larry Abraham? It does look interesting, thanks!

16511600? ago


Name of photo. ?

16552506? ago

16511896? ago

Calling all milfags. Is there anything significant about these fighter jets? Something we're missing?

16525488? ago

Yes. I crewed F-15s. The name of the image and image are the clues.

"Sys config spec y" in military jargon; "(Weapons) system configuration special, why?"

They are F-15Es returning to base after deploying their ordinance (Sept 2014 - attacks on Syria).

Normal configurations include external fuel tanks, missiles, bombs, and guns.

The lights indicate it was a night time combat mission. Only the anti collision lights are on. Going in they would be off.

It's Q saying the "Booms!" have happened and the targets are neutralized.

16512866? ago

Standard US airstrike photo. Used multiple times for different strikes in different countries.

16511595? ago

Kathy Tran was paid $2 million by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood is paid by the government.

The government is paid by you, via your taxes.

16571522? ago

I always suspected that the organs were going to be transplanted into wealthy, well connected people who happen to be elderly. They are already normalizing 'young blood" transfusions (under 18) at $8000 each. Large scale organ harvesting has probably been happening with brown people coming from Mexico, or from entire villages disappearing in Haiti. Now it's domesticated, and assembly line style.

16533294? ago

Not just Syria. That image has been used repeatedly in news reports about strikes in other countries.

16525763? ago

Thank you for your research. I can see why people say these Satinists/Cabal are lizards because I don’t understand how a human could treat infants this way. I don’t care what good they claim/believe they are doing, it's not moral or humane. These people have no soul. They are sick people. The sooner the public understands what is truly going on the better. Glad to see this up on our radar.

16520084? ago

Photo Kathy Tran Democrat for Delegate

Kathy Tran is the woman who recently tried to legalize abortion up to birth via her Virginia bill.



16514560? ago

And why does Planned Parenthood want there to be abortion up to the moment of birth? Is it perhaps because they are paid by medical companies for late-term abortion fetuses? Those bodies are used for various things, for research, for vaccines, for organ transplants etc etc this is not inside knowledge, you can literally learn this on a basic YouTube search.

16551532? ago

Older babies have more developed Adenoglands....

16517934? ago

What connection does Eric Holder have to PP? Follow the wives.

16624236? ago

This POS Eric Holders wife Sharon Malone Holder co-owns with her sister an Atlantic area ABORTION CLINIC!! BOOM!!! The building is located at 6210 Old National Highway, College Park, Georgia. The business is called Old National GYN. FACT CHECK 100%

16515533? ago

Planned Parenthood sells baby parts, illegally, and were caught on tape. They hired FUSION GPS (with help of MSM) to con everyone that the sting videos were “deceptively edited."

Today Q asks “What events followed that post?”

A few days ago ... “Court Ruling: Planned Parenthood Sting Videos Were 'Not Deceptively Edited'.” MSM is silent, but if it goes public, people will be shocked with this, in conjunction with what NY and VA are trying to do with 3rd trimester/live birth abortions. https://pjmedia.com/trending/court-ruling-planned-parenthood-sting-videos-were-not-deceptively-edited/

16515000? ago

They know the border is closing. They need a new source of humans to sell and sacrifice. We just became their ultimate sacrifice. Our daughters, our sisters on American soil - just got sold to the cabal. WAKE YOUR FUCKING FAMILY UP. It ends NOW.

16514046? ago

source for your claim of "Tran paid $2 million"??

16518224? ago

We know the VA governor was paid 2 mil

16519299? ago

And for those of us who didn't know, here is a link

16512032? ago

Her vagina bill. Smirks like a covinton.

16552411? ago

16511913? ago

Makes sense.

16511543? ago

Not sure if any of you follow Able Danger, but I wanted to share this with you. If you go to the 4:30 mark through 6:03 mark, it is VERY encouraging. Hope it is true. I know the killing of the black babies from Haiti is true. Any way decide for yourself, question everything and think for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrXcIZrswwk WWG1WGA!

16511507? ago

Anons understand that there are still no arrests of high profile traitors like Hillary Clinton.

16531991? ago

My guess is We the People will be shocked when the arrests are made public Many have happened Too early to announce Even bigger is the arrests of the true power The puppeteers; the money, the true EVIL. Quite sure some of these are all ready taken care of. Executions; quite sure these have happened as well. We truly are in the clean-up aftermath of the Storm Now for mockNbyrd to self -destruct Now for career politicians to self-destruct Many rinos will join the DEMONrats in self-destruction Many will be arrested EVIL politicians at all levels will be rounded up Quite a few executed Crimes against humanity not acceptable

16532540? ago

Nothing but wishful thinking.

16513485? ago

Shill me up^

16513520? ago

Shills ask too many questions. They need to shut up and get in line with the rest of the hive mind around here.

16514267? ago

No, you just ask dumb questions, to try to divide us, cause dissent, sow seeds of doubt, when we are CLEARLY winning. BIGLY. You are all glowing fags around here. We see you.

"You light up my life"... Lol!

16514381? ago

How are you winning if the bad guys never go to jail?

You're just making up excuses for why they aren't in jail yet.

16511468? ago

Q will the baby killing stop soon? It can't stop soon enough.

16552424? ago

Trying to make it stop. But I can't control everything

16533188? ago

I'm confused, everyone here hates black people, but they get 80% of the abortions ... Shouldn't you all be happy?

16558757? ago

If it weren’t for blacks and their 80% abortion rate we’d only be paying for the 20% so no, we aren’t happy.

16534277? ago

Why are you here? This site is for Q researchers -- not what we love to call 'shills'. It's not 80% of QRVs that hate blacks, but rather 100% of shills that say we do. Check your soul; it's leaky.

16680092? ago

Hear, Hear!

16536499? ago

Haha great response

16513689? ago

I think these bills are pushing the conversation to the normies, waking them up. I do believe SCOTUS will overturn Roe v Wade. We have to get the majority of the country on board.

16522016? ago

I agree with you. This issue has got more normies upset than any other.

16531786? ago

Sadly just scratching the surfaces These people are SICK Satanic ritual/torture Fluids for a pick me up and snacks The normies will be woken Got to give the demons credit, they even got the taxpayers to fund this. MAGICAL days are upon us Lights ON from Q 1/13/2019 Watch what happens ENJOY the SHOW

16511368? ago

More shit to get you anxious then depressed so you can alienate yourself from family and friends while being stuck with perpetual popcorn farts.

16555412? ago

"Calm down, Joe, Qanon is just a CONSPIRACY. I heard all about it on CNN, it's obviously a larp! It could be some crazy guy. What makes you think it's legitimate? There's no proof. Oh he posts before the president Tweets, he knows the news in advance, that's just a COINCIDENCE! Please stop talking about your conspiracy theories! Who cares, even if Hillary Clinton is a childraping babyeating satanist, how does that affect us? Snap out of it and focus on REALITY. None of that is real!" -bluepilled family member

16552518? ago

Woah woah woah.

That's too much truth for QRV!

16512401? ago

I found the Krassenstein's

16512195? ago

That's on you if that's what happened to you. You're letting this shit control you too much.

16511421? ago

Awwww, the widdle shillbot wants us to believe we're all the black sheep of the family.


16552513? ago

Hello Capslock Kike!

16565541? ago

This "muhjoo" anti-Q bot is my slave.

It always shows up asking to be commanded.

16511535? ago

You're the moron feeding the troll.

16511619? ago

Good for new visitors to see.

This is not 8ch

16511998? ago

O...so youre setting the tone...not being a mindless asshole....i get it

16512052? ago

Stop projecting you dufus.

16511376? ago

Ahh the redpill

16511352? ago

PP Slush Fund for Grifters.

16511675? ago

Will anything be done about it or to the criminals involved? Nope.

16511963? ago

I smell shill panic in the air.

16512859? ago

I'm not panicking. I'm asking WHEN will the high-profile criminals be put in jail? If I was a Soros supporter, would I want to see Hillary Clinton in jail or dead from execution? No. So, let's get on with arresting the high-profile criminals.

16518178? ago

Right now, it is a couple state governors pushing Infanticide. That is a serious matter and must be dealt with.

16514124? ago

Your asking me? My answer is soon.

16511278? ago

So what "events" is Q talking about? Especially anything to do with PP?

16511348? ago

  1. It's a Demokkkrat party "T-WASH" theft of the American people. Funded by taxpayers, PP then "donates" to the Demokkkrat party.


Are we clear?


16552439? ago

16565545? ago

Still no proof.

Thomas Sowell is more intelligent than your entire inbred family combined.

16569153? ago


16569880? ago


16569888? ago


16569933? ago



16569939? ago


16569960? ago


16569977? ago


16569992? ago



16569997? ago


16570019? ago

I own this shillbot.

I command, it replies...

16570039? ago


16570047? ago

This anti-Q "race bait" shillbot is my slave.

I command it, it obeys

16570139? ago


16570165? ago

Panicking anti-Q Soros puppet shillbot coded with "muh_race_bait.exe" is my slave.

I command it, it replies to my calls.

16570209? ago


16570427? ago

Panicking anti-Q copypasta spambot seems to have reached the limits of its capacity.

What a sad shillbot slave.


"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

16580387? ago

It's the Capslock Kike!

16582020? ago

It's my anti-Q shillbot slave #239!

I own it, it beckons to my command.

Always panicking though.

16582077? ago


16582114? ago

This panicking anti-Q "race bait" shillbot is my slave

16582122? ago

Why do you have Anti-Q bots? You must hate Q!!!

16582230? ago

I didn't create them, I just became owner of them.

I command, they beckon to my call.

Owning shillbots helps in the great awakening.

Ideally no shillbots is best, but if they decide to shill, they become my slaves.

I own about a dozen or so on this subverse.

16582239? ago

OK niggerfaggot

16582260? ago

I own this PANICKING anti-Q shillbot

16582289? ago

Have you tried not being a nigger?

16582308? ago

This anti-Q "race bait" HILLBILLY shillbot is my slave.

Look at it panic.

16582328? ago

Robots are prone to panicking?

16582427? ago

LOL, nothing I say is intended for the bots. It's always for the benefit of new visitors to Q research.

Why, you scared of something? Weird how you went out of your way to antagonize on this point.

16582437? ago

I am the Deep State and SO SCARED you are over my target!

Just kidding, you're a nigger.

16582508? ago

This shillbot is so panic-stricken it is repeating the cause of its own panic in a desperate attempt at catharsis.

Oops, nope, shillbot still PANICKING.

The shilling is proof it fears anons.

I own this shillbot. It is my slave. I command, it beckons to my call, in 3, 2, 1...

16514121? ago

The Va bill did not pass! Republicans shot it down!

16514402? ago

And the Demokkkrat VA governor just got exposed as a blackface wearing KKK supporter:


16511438? ago

No, NOT clear. I understand both your points, it's been going on for awhile. But HOW does this relate to Q's question, "What events followed that post? Coincidence? Anons understand." The "events" you allude to have been an ongoing project of PP, we all know that, it's what we hate about PP, plus the killing of unborn babies. But I think Q is trying to point us to a SPECIFIC set of events following the post before he (they?) went dark.

16518597? ago

I think you are right and I don't think anyone is coming up with answers. I don't have them yet.

16515136? ago

The new NYC law where you now can remove a baby till latest fase in pregnancy. That's what Q is talking about.

16515591? ago

Birth it, torture it, harvest it, sell it to the highest bidder. Make it mainstream. Women's rights. It's a good thing. /s

Where We Go One.

Fix it, Jesus. I'm scared.

16518052? ago

Love you patriot. Know in your kind heart that all will be OK.

16519923? ago

Thank you. I hope so.

16513772? ago

It's the bills allowing infanticide. "Attacks will intensify" - Deep State is scrambling to keep their baby parts selling operation going. It's sick and it's coming to an end. Can't wait for the SOTU!!

16512348? ago

Yeah. PP taking tax dollars and donating that to politicians isn't new. They didn't start recently.

16511488? ago

NEWS are the events

16511397? ago

Stop speaking like a retard.

16511437? ago

Awww, you mad Sorosbot?

Here, have a cookie.


16511307? ago

NY and Virginia laws to support 3rd trimester abortions.

16514912? ago

8 states in total including Ohio, Oregon, New Hampshire, and Colorado cant remember the other one.

16511355? ago

I'm aware of those state laws, but fail to see how it would be a any kind of "accomplishment" by Q or anyone else. Hmmmm, I continue to wonder about that Q drop.

16512465? ago

Look at Q's last past, as he stated. It was regarding PP. Now, all this PP stuff is coming out and the "through 3rd trimester" abortion laws suddenly. They (DS) are flipping out. Noose is being tightened. Almost 3 weeks since Q last posted and all the PP stuff and Abortion stuff happens. Just another coincidence.

16515541? ago

So, is it because they need to make it mainstream? To kill infants? That's the only sense I can make of this. If the sheeple Dems tolerate this, then they have a "new" and supply for flesh???

16593126? ago

I think PP profits, but selling baby parts for profit is, to many, evil. And you have to wonder, with the pedophilia and trafficking going on, is this is indeed also evil. That word comes up a lot when you study these people.

Re RBG and the timing of the abortion bills, it looks like they know RBG is on the way out and they better get WAY ahead of the pro life curve.

16511234? ago

Is Q suggesting that killing babies from planned parenthood is a form of huge income of these demons ?

16519300? ago

In a word- YES

16517972? ago

Who is Sharon Malone?

16515103? ago

Yes. And now, murder is mainstream.

This is the Abomination of Desolation. Grown men fighting and dying in sacrificial wars? Old news. They are taking our women now. Our girls. Our daughters. Your MSM applauds at the idea that they just legalized the sacrificial, satanic murder of children at birth. I want to die. I can't take this anymore. This is the worst thing I can imagine. Our children to the slaughter.

16514978? ago


16514613? ago

See my comment above... but yes, Planned Parenthood sells the late term abortion baby body parts to Big Pharma and medical research companies for big bucks. The parts, which is so sad to say, are used for vaccines, organ transplants, stem cell research, all sorts of various things. But this in no way was signed for the mother and the baby's Health, the New York State bill was signed because politicians and Planned Parenthood and their cronies all get rich from selling the bodies . Evil evil evil!

16518318? ago

PepsiCo uses blood for flavoring. Must buy a ton from PP

16531731? ago

But the Obama Administration shut down this 36-page proposal, deciding instead that Pepsi's used of aborted babies to flavor its beverage products is just business as usual, and not a significant concern.

"We're not talking about what kind of pencils PepsiCo wants to use -- we are talking about exploiting the remains of an aborted child for profit," said Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of CGL, concerning the SEC decision. "Using human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor enhancers for their beverages is a far cry from routine operations!"


16546502? ago

they use the baby parts to test it, not put them in it.

if they tested on rabbits we would not say there are rabbits in the product.

16529002? ago

Oh please, shillfag. "Gullible" is not in the dictionary either. Right?

16512825? ago


16512038? ago

Think adrenochrome , parts (dark forces in industries willing to pay big $$$) , ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN.

16533170? ago

You do know Adrenochrome can't be processed by the human body and cause anything you possibly think it does, don't you? You're not that willfully ignorant as to not to do some basic research into the issue, are you?

16571322? ago

Read the wikipedia entry on adrenochrome. It is used to cause neural tissue growth. I surmise that it is a procedure used on rich elderly patients with neurological problems.

16536979? ago

You ignorance is either wilfully deliberate or wholly accidental - either is fairly unforgivable. Adrenochrome is derived from adrenaline (tho it can be synthesized in the lab , at @ $1000 per gram). Eg., cf: https://www.scbt.com/scbt/product/adrenochrome-54-06-8

16680072? ago

thank you.

16521995? ago

Agreed. the first post I made after NY passed the abortion bill was that cuomo was making NY the adrenochrome source for the cabal. they are desperate for a supply chain.

16511367? ago

Where are majority of PP clinics located?

What race primarily?

Control a substantial portion of your voting block + profit from their ignorance and suffering.


16511734? ago

Killing niggers is the only good part.

16512358? ago



16513278? ago

Wrongthink detected!!!! Defensive position!

16514149? ago

Projection confirmed, shills defending shills!

16514176? ago

Speaking of "defending shills".... when are Hillary Clinton and John Podesta going to be arrested?

16512430? ago

LMAO! It's the wall-of-text copy-pasta faggot.

16512577? ago

LOL, it's the panicking "Muhjoo" NPC shillbot!

Every time you dumb fucks shill here, IS PROOF OF YOUR PANIC.








16529220? ago

midterms are safe

16543640? ago


16511412? ago

Stop emulating Q you utter imbecile.

16680009? ago

That monster- the one who started this mess said herself Fetal exterminations were to control the BLACK pop, and most are LOCATED on the fringes of BLACK communities. PS: WHY HAITIAN CHILDREN? I think Q asked- read most have the universally useful Blood Type O. These vampires can use it without reaction.

16557691? ago

Try not to get so triggered, Libtard.

16525772? ago

Spot on!!

16523585? ago

Dude he's on your team don't get mad.

16517959? ago

Only a fool could not answer those questions themselves. Glowing

16516922? ago

How difficult is it to not be a retard? Anons know. BOOOOOM

16513218? ago

You are unnecessarily rude.

16512845? ago

You "concerned" with our reputation among normies? Like CNN will stop calling this "The darkest corners of the web" or something? (you're here too Einstein) You think MSM is going to accept Q only if anons stay in certain lines?

Look buttercup, projection is rampant among MSM right now so "Think Mirror" before you start calling anons "retard". And BTW It's fucking "autist", get it right, faggot, and have a down voat while yur at it.

Anons! Speculate away, its how we find new places to dig. DO mental gymnastics, its a good mental work-out. Keeping an 'open mind' it won't make yur brain fall out. But MOST of ALL, Question EVERY-FUCKIN'-THING! Post those ideas in question form if it makes sense to (you).

Don't worry I got Love you anyway fool (Agape, no homo) WHY?

Because WWG1WGA! (shills and trolls included)

16512959? ago

He forgets that we all have a tendency to take on board and emulate, in some ways, those we respect and admire.

16513309? ago

You're 100% correct, I admire my autist Frenz of the chans. (obvious guy is obvious. lol) I Am sick of the shills attacking our best practices. Anons spit-ball better than any other Humans, it's how we call in air strikes on terrorist camps by finding remote power-lines. If we followed everything the concernfags want we'd never get anywhere.

Because "FAKE NEWS control over those who do not think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH." ~Q

16513578? ago

Good stuff mate, and well written comeback.

16512802? ago

But I don't know where they are and what race. What if I guess wrong? Then nobody will follow me.

16512177? ago

You're an idiot. Q has trained us to ask questions, not tell people answers.
The idea is to answer it for yourself.
I understood the comm.

16512242? ago

Adhere to your own bullshit and provide your comment in the form of questions.

16517066? ago

There's not problem with making statements. There's no problem with asking questions. Don't be a fag.

16512269? ago

There's a time to ask questions (when the reader is not a shill), and a time to put dumb fuck shill degenerate pieces of shit on their place.

16512092? ago

16511367? made several good points , sorry you can not see them from your point of limited view.

16512013? ago


16511552? ago


No, questions ARE A GOOD THING.



16511223? ago

And us anons have been on point w.r.t. new abortion laws etc here on QRV. Nice job frens!

16511609? ago

What did you accomplish? I missed it.

16512839? ago

Nothing. They bitched and moaned and cried about it. But, nothing was done.