17193576? ago

Where's his islamic wedding ring???

17191007? ago

Looks like the same faggot to me.

17189260? ago

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17189237? ago

Where's the anon that was talking about Obama's watches and ring?

The one he has on in those pics isn't the same one as before... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3014586

17189195? ago

That's Hussein. He was in Vancouver yesterday and Winnipeg last night giving a speech.

17189141? ago

The more important question to ask is: What the hell is he doing in Vancouver talking about trade?

17189279? ago

Another anon said, seeking asylum.

17189136? ago

You should get a brain double.

17189113? ago

Yep, break from the internet

17189042? ago

I think you need a break from the internet