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16511595? ago

Kathy Tran was paid $2 million by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood is paid by the government.

The government is paid by you, via your taxes.

16571522? ago

I always suspected that the organs were going to be transplanted into wealthy, well connected people who happen to be elderly. They are already normalizing 'young blood" transfusions (under 18) at $8000 each. Large scale organ harvesting has probably been happening with brown people coming from Mexico, or from entire villages disappearing in Haiti. Now it's domesticated, and assembly line style.

16533294? ago

Not just Syria. That image has been used repeatedly in news reports about strikes in other countries.

16525763? ago

Thank you for your research. I can see why people say these Satinists/Cabal are lizards because I don’t understand how a human could treat infants this way. I don’t care what good they claim/believe they are doing, it's not moral or humane. These people have no soul. They are sick people. The sooner the public understands what is truly going on the better. Glad to see this up on our radar.

16520084? ago

Photo Kathy Tran Democrat for Delegate

Kathy Tran is the woman who recently tried to legalize abortion up to birth via her Virginia bill.


16514560? ago

And why does Planned Parenthood want there to be abortion up to the moment of birth? Is it perhaps because they are paid by medical companies for late-term abortion fetuses? Those bodies are used for various things, for research, for vaccines, for organ transplants etc etc this is not inside knowledge, you can literally learn this on a basic YouTube search.

16551532? ago

Older babies have more developed Adenoglands....

16517934? ago

What connection does Eric Holder have to PP? Follow the wives.

16624236? ago

This POS Eric Holders wife Sharon Malone Holder co-owns with her sister an Atlantic area ABORTION CLINIC!! BOOM!!! The building is located at 6210 Old National Highway, College Park, Georgia. The business is called Old National GYN. FACT CHECK 100%

16515533? ago

Planned Parenthood sells baby parts, illegally, and were caught on tape. They hired FUSION GPS (with help of MSM) to con everyone that the sting videos were “deceptively edited."

Today Q asks “What events followed that post?”

A few days ago ... “Court Ruling: Planned Parenthood Sting Videos Were 'Not Deceptively Edited'.” MSM is silent, but if it goes public, people will be shocked with this, in conjunction with what NY and VA are trying to do with 3rd trimester/live birth abortions.

16515000? ago

They know the border is closing. They need a new source of humans to sell and sacrifice. We just became their ultimate sacrifice. Our daughters, our sisters on American soil - just got sold to the cabal. WAKE YOUR FUCKING FAMILY UP. It ends NOW.

16514046? ago

source for your claim of "Tran paid $2 million"??

16518224? ago

We know the VA governor was paid 2 mil

16519299? ago

And for those of us who didn't know, here is a link

16512032? ago

Her vagina bill. Smirks like a covinton.

16552411? ago

16511913? ago

Makes sense.