16447032? ago

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16447002? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @16446979.

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16362721? ago

Sorry, bud. They just don't seem to care about your smear tactics.

Who did I piss off today?

16359116? ago

Who gives a shit

16359911? ago

Not safe to walk down the street

16359073? ago

Would be a shame if comet ping pong had a fire

16360679? ago

They did 12 hours ago someone sprayed zippo fluid all over the curtains and dropped a lit strike anywhere match

16360394? ago

way to turn public opinion against us

16365990? ago

Go commit abortion

16360820? ago

or way to destroy forensic evidence


16358919? ago

I dunno, sounds dumb and distracting.

16358672? ago

Hmmm. Alefantis has a short temper and likes to shit talk. He had an alt here for awhile -- birdzeyeview I believe. Check it out: https://voat.co/u/Birdzeyeview/comments.

Anyone who has followed pizzagate should read that comment history beginning to end, now that we have hindsight and Q.

16358762? ago

Holy fucking shit!

What the fucking fuck?! I...

Umm... I gotta talk to you...

16358750? ago

Interesting. Clicking his link crashes my Voat app (boats for android).

16358845? ago

Hm. Wonder why?

16358739? ago

He sure didn’t like Becki Percy

16358883? ago

Yes. I've had to ban multiple troll accounts pretending to be her and making videos to discredit her, using her videos. On Voat and on Twitter. One reason I knew she was legit.

16358057? ago

Oh great, it's Pizzagate sub advertisement time. I waited for that all day!

16358954? ago

tell your friend not to do that to you again, he can just ping you after he posts

16358993? ago

you forgot to take your med today?

16363779? ago

16359047? ago


16358697? ago

That you, James?

16358732? ago

T. Kirk

16360659? ago

Tiberius my nigga

16358563? ago

Why is it with jackasses like you so keen on separating PG and Q? Fuckface.


16358592? ago

Why are you so keen on uniting PG and QRV? Fuckface

16361776? ago

Because theyre both larps for rubes

16359034? ago

Because Q is behind pizzagate and he says "stay together" over and over again.

16359053? ago

Q said QRV is the official reddit replacement, so buzz off with your twisted ways to bring people to your sub.

16360838? ago

Hi @NeonRevolt

wave hello to James Alefantis while he's here

16359615? ago

Really? You think Q wants you to read nothing unless it's posted in QRV? How do you think people find shit to post in QRV?


16360080? ago

Q said QRV is the official reddit replacement, so buzz off with your twisted ways to bring people to your sub.

Who pushes this narrative?

Hint: Username = shorthand for "September-eleven"