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16445364? ago

I come here twice a day just to check if there is any real and relevant news... which is not so often anymore

16445964? ago

This 👆🏻 This won’t be a popular thing to say but I feel like /r/CBTS and /r/GreatAwakening were much more informative with anons providing better info than what we get on here. Sometimes I see something here that is interesting but most of the time it’s just bigotry.

16446140? ago

/r/GreatAwakening was my sweet spot. Actually, the New posts that group was my hangout spot so I could see what was coming in without censorship. Shocked the day we were banned and have not really gotten my mojo over here. But, also I am in a different place now in that I know it is a 4 year plan, with another 4 year plan right behind it; so I do not need the constant hits every day.

16446170? ago

I've been liking v/GreatAwakening lately, way less shills than here.

16446289? ago

Yeah I really like that place, everytime I want to hang out with mossad niggers I go there. They support the people who tried to buy off the mods you stupid fuck.

16446824? ago

srayzie is a shit stirrer of the highest order.

16446832? ago

Do you have any examples of him doing that?

16446979? ago

Yeah, I do actually. Current thread in v/Pizzagate. Just look at how srayzie and her shill buddies are bullying and brigading the Op. Just read through the thread until you see the names of the mods from v/Great Awakening and take note of how they try to silence the Op.

They accused the Op of being a particular member in that thread when just 4 days ago, there was a thread on v/QRV about the same member being Jimmy Alefantis. I mean, seriously? Even though it's anon here, doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that the creature who created this thread is srayzie or one of her minions.

v/GreatAwakening is all about drama and power tripping. Sure wishing theyd keep it over there and stop turning v/QRV into their swampy stomping ground.

By the way, I'm not the member who's being bullied. I just like to point the light at injustice and all around asshole behavior when I see it.

16447650? ago

This is @Srayzie and I even left you a comment yesterday saying that I didn’t think you were James Alefantis. You are once again lying about me to people.

16515700? ago

I didnt know you are a satanist. I think this is something that should be in your bio so peeps know not to come to your shithole sub.

16520059? ago

Why don't you say all this when you are not an anon faggot?

16522390? ago

Because I enjoy taking pot shots from afar, just like you call your fuckbuddies up as you have in the past and teamed me like the fucking pussies you are.

What’s wrong faggot, don't like a level playing field do you? Stop crying like a stupid fucking lil whiny bitch that you are, and get over it.

Understand now dipshit or was I going too fast for you retarded fuck?

16522800? ago

I actually like when you show your true colors. I would rather you do that than pretend to be a good patriot. But, it also shows that I must be a threat to you. If I didn’t live in your head, you wouldn’t constantly stalk me and lie about me.

You remind me of the left. You’re like the democrats against the Trump administration. You pretend to care about this country, but you don’t. When you see someone that actually does, they become a threat to you.

16522920? ago

Blah blah blah, didn't read, dont care.

16447694? ago

Im not the Op. Just letting the threads speak for themselves. Anyway I did say that that anon QRV thread may or may not be you but its certainly one of your dastardly crew.

16447727? ago

Yeah, sure you aren’t the OP. You were just writing me on the other thread.

16447793? ago

Repeating this over and over isnt going to make it true. I am NOT @nothereforpizza

16448605? ago

Someone is gaslighting srayzie and I've been trying to get through to her to no avail.

16448756? ago

You can only help people who want it. Maybe she's had it coming for a long time now.

16522654? ago

You spelled she wrong, it should be spelled he instead and yes he has this coming for awhile now. 👍

16537561? ago

LMAO! Yeah, I'm betting you're spot on.

16448824? ago

I suppose. Maybe the mods were right all along and I never should have tried to help here. I've been rethinking things lately...

16448889? ago

Rethinking things are fine. Just never second guess yourself.