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15864097? ago

The person that posted this is @MissleCopterStoped. I am Srayzie. This was my response to his accusations.

@MissleCoptorStoped came over from Reddit, and tricked me into believing that he was a patriot. I made him a mod. It only lasted for 2 days because of how he suddenly changed and started treating the users once he became a mod.

He is mad at me for exposing him after continuously attacking others. That’s why he’s flipping out now. Now him and his alts are talking to each other.

You can read about how deceptive he was here if interested.

15864319? ago

That is swell of you to post further evidence of abusing your subscribers by stalking them, harassing them, and making baseless accusations against your own subscriber base of the GreatAwakening! Thank you!

Did you show everyone this sticky yet? You should after all the sticky is for your personal soapbox abuse against others.

For total transparency, Patriots need to know about you wanting to limiting and control free speech using a robot, that is by far the most deceptive a BO could do.

Tell me something scrazyie, why didn't you add @Puttitout to the above comment like I am doing now?

15864612? ago

Here is the reply I made regarding a “robot”.