15848441? ago

I tried to access 8ch via its IP address ( just now and received a 1003 Error = "Direct IP Access Not Allowed" from CloudFlare. So, when the DNS goes down, how are we supposed to get there?

15848187? ago

Why not IRC or newsgroups?

15848014? ago

The retards at great awakening are not to be trusted. The mod team can simply be tested about knowledge of Q and chans and they will very likely fail.

Don't take my word for it. Try for yourself.

15847558? ago

I was because REDDIT banned r/thegreatawakening. If you actually go and read 8ch.net/qresearch archives, Q was responding to an anon request to switch to a different venue.

15847198? ago

or they fuck all the dns servers globally and nothing works. hell they push all the ISP's to block those sites and if you think it isn't possible you haven't been paying attention.

15847078? ago

You fuckers had better notbe the cause of voat going away or you will have made a more dangerousenemy than your god damned cabal.

You can count on that.

Watch your step or suffer the consequences.

They will be dire

15848885? ago

Zip it, fagatron

15848246? ago

Isn't it about time for you to go loofah your glutes, Chuck Bore-us?

15847145? ago

I'll shoot you an address when you're ready, keyboard gangsta.

15847170? ago

And your house just might burn down while you're sleeping well before that. Remember Paradise?

15847370? ago

Not likely in this weather. And you're just a basement dweller.

15847413? ago

You make incorrect assumptions as a course of habit?

15847470? ago

I was just following you and your fire threat.

15847591? ago

Show me a threat. I made no threat

15847637? ago

And your house just might burn down while you're sleeping well before that. Remember Paradise?


15847841? ago

Cant tell a prediction from a threat?

15847880? ago

You fuckers had better not be the cause of voat going away or you will have made a more dangerous enemy than your god damned cabal.

You can count on that.

Watch your step or suffer the consequences.

They will be dire

Tucking your tail after playing tough guy? When you make comments like this and follow up with..

And your house just might burn down while you're sleeping well before that. Remember Paradise?

You are clearly making threats. @puttitout Are you going to do something about your goons making threats in QRV?

15847896? ago

Im right here.

You dont see any tail

15847961? ago

You backpedaled like a little bitch. @puttitout can be responsible for your actions, since you want to make threats in an anon sub and only he can see who you are.

15848058? ago

Thats simply not true.

You know you Q fuckers could just take the reddit source code and buy a domain name and have your very own webpage within hours.

There truly is no valid reason not to have done that. Instead of invading another website with this BS and possibly causing it to be taken down as the headline implies.

There is really no excuse.

The people at poal and phucks did just that. Why the fuck cant Q or one of his followers do this?

Did we come to your place and shit it up?

I been on voat since before it was voat.

You all need to fuck off to your own space.

Like we here did when Reddit became cancer.

We had respect, unlike you all, and created our own space. Not invade someone elses.

Are you all too technically illiterate to accomplish that? A 7 year old child could do it in less than an hour.

Just leave. This place was not created for you, and you were not invited.

You have no respect

15848098? ago

Look at you acting like you own the place..

I'm just going to say that the back and forth I've had tonight with subscribers of v/theawakening have been the most pleasurable I've had on Voat. (Maybe I have low standards or you're just good people). I'm voting to keep them. Can we Voat? You owe me this one! ;) -puttitout


Fuck you and your back pedaling threats. What's your username, tough guy?

15848125? ago


15848144? ago

@Puttitout see this comment chain. This faggot is making threats and is now impersonating you.

15848190? ago

Im right here dumbfuck

15848446? ago

18 U.S. Code § 875 - Interstate communications

Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

15848455? ago

Good luck with that

15854206? ago

What's my username?

15847113? ago

Fighting war mongering satanic pedophiles ready to create an NWO is more important than Voat faggot.

15847141? ago

You say that now.

We were here first.

15846874? ago

this was also before Q created v/QRV

15846947? ago

That does not negate what he said 10 days before that. We should not just take it as oh it invalidates the previous Q post right before it.

15846978? ago

enlighten me. what did he say 10 days before that?

15847025? ago

Sept 12 was the when all else fails Q post.


QRV was created 9 days later, not 10 my bad. So 9 day difference.


15847077? ago

oh, you were talking about the post I was referencing. I misunderstood. I don't know what it means one way or another. I just said he created this board after stating that. I'm curious if VOAT's new "angel" is playing a part in this.

15847102? ago

That's what I was wondering. I saw this post and many people were attacking the OP and I was wondering why when Q said 8Chan will be last. Just a warning to anons to backup their research if and when we have to go to 8Chan.


15847148? ago

I've been on voat since way before Q showed up. I hope it doesn't go down. I kinda like it here.

15846818? ago

Voat may or may not get taken down one day... but the OP concernfag honestly has no fucking idea if or when that will occur.

Don't be a concernfag.

Don't be a nigger.

15848110? ago

What if Voat takes itself down by censorship, and tracking the members? It could happen.

15848408? ago

We'll migrate somewhere else.

Q will probably nominate another home like he did with Voat.

It's no big deal.

15846825? ago

Q straight up said 8Chan will be last. This is a warning to backup all research when it does asshole.

15847037? ago

Q isn't a god and he's not a soothsayer.

Voat may or may not survive but Q's prediction isn't a guarantee - especially because Q referred to "all other sites" being taken down which should be taken with a pinch of salt because new Q boards can easily and quickly be created.

Nothing lasts forever, but there's no need to be a concernfagging nigger.

15847270? ago

They can be created but you'll need a search engine to find them and a dns server that is able to route you so there are many ways they can fuck us hard and remember the Deep State runs the internet backbone in this country and many secret societies run the ISP's DNS and basically run the entire communication systems nationwide. This is why a mesh network should have been created already so we are immune from censorship. Sure we might not be able to use the net but Q stuff could be routed through a million mesh routers, slower but more reliable though we'd have to worry about someone intercepting then replacing the original message with a fake one.

15847391? ago

You have my permission to do all those things that you think need to be done.

15847844? ago

I have the vision to see it but not the technical ability to implement it. There are mesh routers but I think there was a problem with them being used for some lame ass bandwidth restriction so the FCC pulled them plug. Now that is how intergrated the bad players are in our country and even if the FCC allowed it the person that made a program to do it with existing equipment would be sued and there is also the problem of the deep state or some entity getting on the network and releasing something like ransomware or some other package piggybacked as a package that looks harmless. They have this game fixed a million ways and they are not going down easy. Hell if they were threatened enough they would launch their own EMF bomb from this country or set it off on a large drone and be underground in a shielded high tech facility with a power supply and food and water and just let everyone die so they still keep their treasures and fuck the world. We are dealing with a huge number of narcissistic greedy sociopaths that have no remorse or guilt for anything but a few people they decide to care about and everyone else can fuck themselves for all they care.

15847060? ago

Not if it's banned. You can't do Q research on Reddit anymore or you will be banned. Many of us tried to bring it to r/conspiracy. If Voat gets banned from doing so you can't just "easily create new Q threads" dumbass.

15847135? ago

People will create new Q communities and people will create entire platforms if necessary.

Sorry, cry harder concernfag.

15847158? ago

Everything that was not backed up on Reddit Great Awakening was lost. Thousands of topics. Fuck you for those of us that don't want all of our research to go through the same fate.

15847367? ago

If you hate Q so much then why don't you go fuck yourself.

It was Q who officially endorsed QRV.

15847396? ago

Where did I say I hate Q you word twisting faggot? I said to backup our Q research which is important in our fight against the cabal.

Propaganda spewing shill.

15847547? ago

Q sent us here. If you hate that then go fuck yourself.

15847567? ago

You have no brain cells. I never said I hated QRV or Q I said make backups in case. Learn to read.

15847691? ago

If you want to go somewhere else then fuck off now.

Q / President Trump sent us here so you can eat shit.

15847732? ago

You are a misinformation shill. You don't want our research backed up in case of anything, you want to twist my words to make it seem like I wan't us to leave QRV. QRV is a treasure and Q's home, I want it BACKED UP in case they try to come after it like Q hinted at. If you can't understand that then you are not a Q follower, you are one pretending to be.

15847795? ago

If you disagree with Q then fuck off.

I back up everything locally so go eat a bag of dicks.

15847805? ago

Nah faggot, opposite I agree with Q which is why I fucking linked to his post saying 8Chan will be last. Once again you are being a liar shill.


15846810? ago



Main points of interest only.

It will serve as the main hub of all communications once all other sites 'tracking' collapse [8ch only].

What part of another wave of attacks coming [yesterday] wasn't understood?

This is not a game.


15846783? ago

Alot of people got angry in this thread and called it crazy but....Q said 8Chan will be last when all else fails.
