15813042? ago

(((foreign actors)))? Perhaps (((extra terrestrial)))!

15811606? ago

88 likes. WOOOO! 1488!

15811468? ago

You can't shit an old turd.

15811380? ago

If I had the ability to downvoat I would. Your daily reminder that DailyCrusader is controlled opposition and anyone supporting it is a Deep State supporting shill.

15811007? ago

more fake news from dailycrusader...willl you fags never learn

15810551? ago

looks like israel is next! good times.

15809653? ago

Daily crusader is Muslim Brotherhood. Stay away!

15811501? ago

I thought they were jewish, though?

15809500? ago

This was posted shortly after Trump said that America gives Israel billions of dollars and they can take care of themselves.

15809088? ago

Foreign agents.....allies. 😒

Friends like these, who needs enemas?

15808963? ago

Come on guys, it's just the dailycrusader again- who keeps falling for this shit?

15815103? ago

I'd guess only the shills.

15809068? ago

Yeah, who believes the one outlet that was right about Pompeo's meeting with Netanyahu, was right about Netanyahu threatening Trump, was right about Mossad trying to kill POTUS, was right about DOJ rolling up a prison sex blackmail ring? RIGHT GUYS? Who believes these filthy goyim, naming the jews!

15810394? ago

Man, so crafty. It's impressive.

15811801? ago

it's almost like the jewish "high IQ" is bullshit when you come up against White men who actually have high IQs.

Many such cases... Sad!

15809942? ago

Muslims not jews. Islam the religion of peace and love.

15809489? ago

Not goyim, Muslims

15811791? ago

muslims are goyim to jews

15811919? ago

Muslims are bastard children of Jews who got raped by niggers and had low IQ brown nigger Jew children

15808952? ago

I don’t like that they put the ((( ))) in quotes it was not part of the tweet. The site did the same.

15812036? ago

Not to mention the entire blog post's content is the one tweet. Why not link directly to the tweet? How does blogspam get voted to the top? Because Daily Crusader is likely a propaganda effort of some kind.

15809475? ago

The site is run by Muslim Brotherhood so they go overboard trying to break support for Israel and US involvement in the middle east

15811480? ago

I heard it was a fat jewish muslim arab girl in Broward, so which is it? Muslim, or jew? Or Nazi?

15812452? ago

You imply those are not the same....

15811763? ago

You think you are so tricky. It's Muslim Brotherhood just like you. You say the same thing ever post. Die you fucking camel fucker

15811777? ago

Wait, you guys told me it was a jew who lives in Broward, now it's a muslim? Funny thing since I never met a muslim rabbi before. So which one is it, a jew or a muslim?

15811808? ago

Goat fucking nigger Muslim Brotherhood. Hasn't changed. Kill yourself Muslim faggot

15812221? ago

But at first you guys said he was a jew felon in Broward

Now he's muslim? Can't have both, y'know?

15812698? ago

It is both. Mozlems are part turd part joo

15812606? ago

You are a fucking joo nigger

15810338? ago

Man, Moishe, you guys really are devious.

15810679? ago

Half as devious as you jihadi

15811789? ago

Hang on, I thought you said Daily Crusader was jewish... now it's jihadi? I never met a jewish jihadi before. That's unique

15811857? ago

Keep playing nigger joo

15809996? ago

Sauce on the Muslim brotherhood connection?

15811492? ago

They're always talking shit about jews - they can't be good people if they have a problem with G=d's chosen

15815983? ago

Jews are going to hell for rejecting Jesus. They're not chosen for shit. They broke their covenant. Jesus talked more shit to them and about them than anyone else. Paul too. Zionism was invented by the Rockefellers and others in the 1800s to eventually justify entering the Middle East for oil, just like we did.

15813024? ago

Rev 3:9

Dr eran elhaik

15809074? ago


15808861? ago

Brad Blakeman: “The American people understand that we have been played by foreign actors who would rather have us fight their battles for them. The President says look, this is your neighborhood, you’ve got to stand up to protect yourselves. Don’t always look to America.”

— Donald J. Trump ([@realDonaldTrump](https://voat.co/u/realDonaldTrump)) December 27, 2018

Don't read into it. It says what it means, no more no less.

No it's not happening.

15809009? ago

"dOn'T REad INtO iT GoYiM truST CNN iNsTeaD" - jewed shill lmao

15809092? ago

I don't trust any News media bruh. They are all full of shit. Yeah ,, Faux News too.

15808743? ago

Is it happening?

15808878? ago

No. It isn't.

Sorry, but nothing is going to HAPPEN. This be the truth.

15809275? ago

Oh boi

Pathetic u r

15809361? ago

It is what it is. Now go take your med's and everything will be alright bruh.

15813282? ago



15809003? ago

"dOn'T REad INtO iT GoYiM truST CNN iNsTeaD" -kiked shill

15808653? ago

Daaaaaaamn. Can anyone verify this?

15815089? ago

No, it's bullshit like every other story they publish.

15815592? ago

Uggggg.....I'm so stupid I always let them get me.

15808674? ago

It's real. Crusaderanon only comes through with truth, that's why Jews hate him, just like they hated Jesus.


15808739? ago

Daaaamn. This is straight exciting. But is he calling out the jew?

15809511? ago

talking about those disgusting goat fucking niggers the Muslim brotherhood

15809524? ago

Ah....aren't they all the same, really?

15810007? ago


15808694? ago

I've noticed the recent anti-Daily Crusader shilling by JIDF. I guess this is why, huh? Top notch shit right here

15808937? ago

Oh man, so devious. Nice, Schlomo.

15808649? ago

Translation: Jews. All Jews.

15808615? ago

Is POTUS naming the jew now?? BEAUTIFUL !!!

15809011? ago

No. The Daily KKKrusader added the triple parenthesis and took the quote out of context. The full quote:

Brad Blakeman: “The American people understand that we have been played by foreign actors who would rather have us fight their battles for them. The President says look, this is your neighborhood, you’ve got to stand up to protect yourselves. Don’t always look to America.”

15809037? ago

"KKKrusader" you sound butthurt, Moshe. Also everyone knows exactly what Trump meant by (((FOREIGN ACTORS))) lmao

15809440? ago

Yes he meant the Muslim Brotherhood faggots

15817597? ago

No he didn't, kikeberg. he was just previously talking about all the money we provide to Israel and that they can fight their own wars.

15811580? ago

I heard Daily Crusader was jewish, now they're Muslim? Which one is it, Moshe?

15808991? ago

It is happening. POTUS is naming them and leaving them to die alone. God bless Trump and America

15808810? ago

He is quoting that other bloke so no, not quite.

15808998? ago

"dOn'T REad INtO iT GoYiM truST CNN iNsTeaD" - jewed shill