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15441920? ago

Pour stored water back and forth between two containers a few times to introduce more oxygen again. -GrammAA WAWY

15438096? ago

I like how the hammer in your pic is $5.56.

15433176? ago

I'm going to add something often overlooked in these posts. HAM RADIO. Ham operates on MANY frequencies (bands) and even a low power radio can bail you out ESPECIALLY if repeaters are still up and may very well be. You can buy a VERY cheap Baofeng hand held 2 meter 70cm radio with a simplex range of between 5-10 miles. Hit a repeater and the range goes WAY up. Screw worrying about a license. You dont need one to BUY and OWN it only to broadcast. And lets be honest, in a SHTF period The FCC will have far more to do than chase down unlicensed Elmers. I HAVE my General ticket But Im sure not going to be turning anyone in.

15433418? ago

This is awesome and thank you for mentioning it.

There's so much more I wanted to include in my list, however I wanted to keep it super-cheap and as simple as possible so as not to scare anyone away.

15433643? ago

My Pleasure. its a great SHTF backup piece of tech and communication and when its NOT that its just fun and interesting to listen to.

15431166? ago

I'd say fill a memory card with lots of TV shows & movies in case you don't have power or internet, unless you want to be bored.

15438247? ago

Books! No batteries required.

15429000? ago

Do I believe we could have Martial Law in the US any day now? Yes. First of all, Obama was actually prepping for that. One intel guy told me the brouhaha at the southern Cal border (remember the people who were being bussed in and the community stopped it?) was actually designed by BO to create a reason for martial law. Didn't work.

Now - with a new sheriff in town, and with several more EO's designed to make it possible to a) take assets away from child sex traffickers, b) arrest people in high political places, and c) use a military tribunal instead of regular judiciary - I would say we are headed in that direction. It may be the only way to enable those arrests and quell the crowds.

This zero hedge article from Obama days outlines some things to think about https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-02/what-would-happen-if-martial-law-was-declared-america

Now, let's get real. I love GEOTUS and am amazed at what he has accomplished. At this point I still trust that what he's doing is supporting the country and the Constitution. I would hope that Martial Law - if it is declared - will be for a short period of time. 3 months, maybe 6? Because I can't see the US surviving much longer. Far too much disruption in the markets, communities, and small businesses.

So, let's say he does declare Martial Law and he means well. Let's say he has his MI guys in place who are supposedly on our side. Hmmmm - great! Unless you live in a Democrat controlled state. Or Broward County. Or Mexifornia. I would hope the "resisters" are the ones arrested and not us. I would hope we get to keep our 2A rights. I would hope we could put a Q on our door and show whose side we are on. But that's a fantasy. We saw what happened in New Orleans after Katrina. People who weren't even in the flood zones, who lived high and dry in relatively solid neighborhoods, had their doors kicked in by the local gendarmes and all their guns confiscated. We only need to look at the old movie about Athens, Tennessee http://constitution.org/mil/tn/batathen.htm to understand how people with a little power will act when given more than their integrity - or lack thereof - can contain.

Think long and hard about this. What will really happen? How will we survive. How will we identify trusted allies? We can't go it alone. But as Ann Landers used to say, "Better to be alone than wish you were."

This is real and there are many on here who don't have a huge community to support them. Think about that. We also have the enemy looking over our shoulders here. Realize that what Obama put in place puts every single item you prep with at risk of being confiscated. To those Obama shills on here who think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, I hope you realize that his 8 years nearly pushed this country into the crapper. In case you need a refresher - http://freedomoutpost.com/1063-documented-examples-of-barack-obamas-lying-lawbreaking-corruption-cronyism-hypocrisy-waste-etc/ And the laws he put on the books will come back and bite all of us. I hope for Karma's sake that they bite his ass and all those smug members of the Clinton Criminal Cartel first.

I'm not a concernfag, nor am I negative about this movement. It's a matter of understanding human nature. I trust Q and Q+ ... most local law enforcement? Meh, not so much, smaller towns can be the worst. Sheriffs? Probably (I would take Sheriff Joe back in a heartbeat. I wish we could raise Sheriff Dever from the dead. - he was murdered prolly by O'bots ppl.) Ex military - hopefully. Regular anons on here? Mostly.

The point is - dig your well before you are thirsty. You can plant small indoor gardens with greens and some medicinal plants. You can reach out to others who share our views and make some pacts. You can plan for the worst and hope for the best. An old neighbor (thankfully now gone) laughed at me when I bought some portable solar kits. Low and behold, we had a power outage and I was running a small refrigerator and a fan when the entire neighborhood was sweltering.

So here's advice from someone who has been through 2 hurricanes and one SHTF scenario: Buy less and learn how to use it before buying more. Taste any of the food you get before stocking up on a years worth of high-sodium cardboard. Date everything you buy so you know when you got it and how old it is. Some food will kill you if it is expired. Some not so much. Know which is which. Honey (if it's real honey and not the cheap Walmart brand) will last forever.

If you want to really get into this, the LDS church is certainly good for one thing - those ppl know how to prep. Here ya go, free - https://survivalcache.com/book-review-lds-preparedness-manual/

Know your limitations. Know how to keep what you bought fresh. Know how to use every self-defense tool at your disposal. Never let your car get below half tank. Keep your wits about you and your powder dry. Call your mom.

that is all

15428621? ago

I stored about three terabytes of porn on some thumb drives I had sitting around not in use. That should hold me over in case of apocalypse... I think.

15428419? ago

Not much to add other than plenty of ammo and it is pretty cheap right now. I like the Berkley water filters alot and if you have the money the Goal zero solar generators with the lithium batteries are fantastic and built well. I use them for my Refrigerator if the power goes out and with solar panels you can run them indefinitely but they are expensive.

15427104? ago

Delusional deranged nonsense. It's actually quite sad to see what the Q cult does to people, preparing for an era of martial law which will never happen.

Please get psychiatric help. Q isn't real and you're basically just in a cult now.

15426692? ago

I have been a "preper" for a couple years now (leading up to the 2016 election) and I know it seems daunting to start... but start with the basics and build from there. I look at prepping as an insurance policy I hold from myself & my family... we spend hundreds every month on car / home/ health insurance... why not put some of your cash towards preparing your home for uncertain times. Decide what is best for you, do a little each week, each month, each trip to the grocery store... whatever fits your lifestyle & budget best.

1) clean water should be your #1 priority. Try and prepare for 1 gallon of water per person per day. This will include drinking water, food prep, and cleaning yourself. If the water is shut off for more than a few days, do you have a way to get clean water? Can you collect rain water or river/spring water, do you have a way to filter it? If you have a well, can you get water without power (hand pump)?

2) food - canned goods are great, especially for short term disturbances. They don't have to be heated, and if you eat right out of the can there is very little cleanup. But for longer term, what do you have stored? Although it is not ideal, you can buy a lot of rice and dried beans very cheaply and if you store them correctly, they will last a long time. Our local Sams Club sells 50 lbs of rice for $16 and 12lb bags of dried beans for $8...so for under $50 you can get nearly 100 lbs of shelf stable food... BUT.... you will need water and a way to cook! There are also some really great freeze dried meals you can buy too, but they are much more costly. We now have a year+ for 2 people of the freeze dried meals, as well as a bunch of rice & beans.

3) weapons - can you protect your family? Do you have plenty of fire arms & ammo? Also think about rifles for hunting (small and larger game). You can have all the guns and ammo you want, but you really, really need to know how to shoot them. You need to practice, you need to feel comfortable with them. You need to teach your family gun safety. You need to be able to protect your family without even thinking about it.

4) medical - as OP stated, you really need to have extra medicine that you depend on. Also think about food/water borne illnesses that will be prevalent in a SHTF scenario. We have stocked up on Imodium, pepto, antacids, etc. As well as a lot of trauma supplies.... sutures & injectable lidocane, bandages, stuff to treat wounds (small & large). Vitamins are good to have, I know we would not be getting enough fruit or dairy, so I have a lot of calcium, Vitamin C, etc. We also purchased antibiotics for fish & birds. This is not something we will take unless we need to, but they come in human dosages, and are made in the same factories as human medicines. I have purchased several doses of several different types that can treat a wide variety of ailments. I have also printed out a sheet that shows what antibiotics to take for what illness, how much to take and for how long... I keep this with the pills.

5) Hygiene - how will you keep clean? Where will you dispose of garbage & waste? Women - do you have feminine hygiene items stocked up? If you have babies - do you have diapers & formula? We keep a ton of extra toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates / plastic ware, plastic bags, garbage bags... We also keep bleach crystals, since liquid bleach has a shelf life! We keep lots of soap, tooth pasts, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc.

6) Long term prepping - we have a large variety of seeds. I have also stocked up on canning supplies (jars, lids, pectin for jellies, etc.) If you grow your own food (or hunt for meat), do you have a way to store it? We live on over 100 acres, so we have plenty of room to grow stuff... if you live on a small lot, can you plant a garden? Do you have any skills that you can use to barter for stuff you need? Can you make soap, or make liquor? Can you sew? Can you can meat or veggie? Make jellies? Can you fix stuff? Do you have farm animals that produce milk or eggs? Think about your special skills and what people might need... stock up on items that you can use to get stuff that you can't get on your own. Also think about entertainment... a deck of cards, some books, something the kids play.

7) communication - this is the next item that we will be working on. I have started looking into getting my Ham radio license... and this is something that would be important if social media / cell phones etc were taken out. How will you talk with friends and family?

8) Alternative energy - We live in hurricane country, so we are used to losing power for long periods of time, just last year we were out for 6 days. During this time, fuel was really hard to find, so running the generator was scary, because we didn't know if we could keep it going. Since then, I have purchased a solar generator (basically battery packs with solar panels and an invertor). This will not run a whole lot, but I can run my well (long enough to fill up our 200 gallon tank with water) and then hook up the fridge for 8 hours or so. We get a lot of sun, so solar is a good option for us. Best part is, it is silent, unlike the very loud gasoline generator, this won't alert the neighbors! If the grid goes down, can you power anything? recharge batteries for flashlights? How will you cook? How will you bathe? How will you use the bathroom? These are all things you need to think about now, and stock up on items that will help you survive.

9) Neighbors - this might be the most important - get to know your neighbors if you don't already. You can not survive alone, you have to have a team. no matter where you live, you need to get to know the people around you. Are they going to be part of your survival team or will they be trouble... all good to know BEFORE shtf. For us, we have some great neighbors and a few that will be a problem, I have bought extra supplies knowing that the people we will need help from are not as prepared as we are. In my experience, most people are thinking about the uncertain future. Even people I didn't' expect to, do. Do not tell all your neighbors about your preps! But once you find out who is trustworthy and who is on the same page, work with them to come up with a plan. It is good to have people with different skills, maybe a neighbor is a nurse, or a mechanic, or has military training. Maybe they can be a great asset to have but they don't have the funds to fully prep.... keep this in mind when you are buying your supplies!

I know this is a lot to consider if you are just starting out... but we all started somewhere. Come up with a list of items that you must have day 1, how much will this cost? Work your budget around it. Put aside $20 a week (or $50 or $100) and start a small prepper pantry. Start out slow, buy some bottled water (or refill old bottles with tap water), buy some canned goods, some extra batteries, some extra medicine. In a couple months you will be surprises how much you have!

15426650? ago

Martial law will not cause power failures. Mind your own business and don't be an anarchist radical and you will be left alone.

15426477? ago

And PAIN KILLERS! At some point in a SHTF scenario, there will be pain... a fall from a ladder, a broken bone, maybe even a gunshot wound. Whatever pain killers you can put back FOR LIMITED USE (you don't want to create drug addicts) as a stopgap measure, these can help in a time of need until medical help can be arranged. They can range from simple powdered aspirin up to the more powerful prescription stuff; if you or someone you know has such things and will share, put them back for future needs.

Also, in hostile confrontations (there will be LOTS of angry, hungry, and impatient people who have relied on the government for so long they will have forgotten how to fend for themselves... they will think that you owe them something), the two best partners of being armed are COVER and CONCEALMENT. If you have to choose one, concealment is usually better than cover. Prepare your mind to know that you may have to shoot someone. Get your head around it, when they come to your house for supplies, they won't be gentle about it.

Finally, all the preparations in the world are good, but basically use your head, trust no one that you haven't known a LONG time, prepare for the worst and pray for the best.

15426075? ago

Got all the supplies...now I need a gun for defense. I never thought our nation would come to this. I'm full of sorrow over it...but not paralyzed by it either. We have been squirreling away supplies for months now. Most Floridians who prepare for hurricanes know how to survive for weeks on their own. Good luck to all of you when the SHTF. God bless.

15426294? ago

Pump 12ga like the remington 870 with a super-max reciever. It can fire nearly any shell on the fly. Very nice if you are looting ammo. Also a sidearm like a super common 9mm. Then, ofcourse an AR. That would be a pretty good set-up. Next you have to get good with them in good conditions... easy. go to the range. Then you have to get good with them in BAD conditions. Like go camping and carry your weapons on an 8 mile hike with no food and try to shoot afterwards. Then when you are great at that, get good with your weapons in AWFUL conditions... Like stay away for 2 days in the woods with not nearly enough food and pushing yourself beyond your limits physically so you are exhausted, cold, hungry, shaking and miserable... Then go shoot your weapons while someone fucks with you and distracts you. That is what will keep you alive.

15426018? ago

Where do I get the iodine to treat a water tank that is around 2000 gallons? all I can find is tiny quantities for treating a little water bottle for camping or whatever. I have a large rainwater collection system and would happily treat it with Iodine, since we apparently are all deficient anyway, but I can't find the stuff in bulk that is configured to treat a large tank like I have. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

15433141? ago

WARNING - you don't need much iodine to purify water.

Iodine in small amounts provide fantastic health benefits but you can become ill from overdosing - but if you use the minimum about to purify water than you can drink the treated water indefinitely without concern.

You'll only need about 2 drops of pure iodine per quart. A drop is about 0.05 ml... so two little bottles like this will treat 300 gallons / enough water drinking / cooking water to last two people for almost a year.

15433758? ago

cool yeah I have a 2000 gallon rainwater collection system screened to 45 micron right now. I would love to treat it and be able to use it as drinking water if possible.
Thanks for the brand.

15433850? ago

It shouldn't matter what brand you buy just as long as it's PURE iodine in one form or another.

I bought this brand last time, but only because it was on sale.

15434788? ago

Yeah I see a lot of Potassium iodide crystals. Most all of them say "do not eat" ha ha. Any thoughts on Potassium Iodide? I see that commonly in the small tincture bottles but the chemistry grade ones all seem to be against consumption but excellent price!. Anyway, thanks for your help on this and sorry for being a useless faggot when it comes to chemistry!

15434997? ago

Any thoughts on Potassium Iodide?

I bought this brand of potassium iodine and it's good stuff.

In my humble opinion and based on three minutes of research, Potassium Iodide and Potassium Iodine seem to be the same stuff... although I personally wouldn't risk consuming the cheap chemistry option until I knew for sure.

15425983? ago

I have a whole house generator that kicks on when power goes down including the grid. I need more supplies though

15426365? ago

Will it run your well if you have one? Do you have enough fuel? can you hear that thing running? A running generator will be a massive red flag that someone is living good in a bad situation. Make a massive muffler for it by stuffing a 55 gallon drum full of fiberglass insulation and burying it in the ground. Run the exhaust into the drum then make an exit for it so that it is very very quiet.

15425507? ago

Stock up on ammo. Without ammo, your gun is just a fancy stick.

15425488? ago

Re: Tea Light Candles & 0-60MPH Prepping

I've never gotten close to 8 hours from one, maybe 5 and the last 30 minutes were pretty dim.

If you have an IKEA close by they sell 100 for ~$4 under the Glimma name. (Amazon though is 3X that.)

(3) tea lights will boil ~2 cups of water eventually.

(3) tuna cans in triangle will hold a pan over a tea light to warm water but there will be a lot of soot on the bottom of it.

Put (3) tea lights in-between tuna cans to boil (with even more soot).

Tuna is a good prep food, nutritious and can be eaten right from the can.

Couscous is cheap & super easy w/ hot water as is plain oatmeal. They both pair well w/ beans (from dried) or raisins (really).

Real salty but Spam can be eaten as it or added to beans, couscous, etc. Get individual slices, more $ but no fridge needed after opening.

If you like coffee, get some instant. Much easier to boil small amounts of water than enough to run through the grinds.

Most instant coffee tastes like hotel room coffee but some are better than others (Bustelo, Medaglia, Starbucks not terrible).

Try craigslist for used camping gear especially UCO Minis 1 tea light and protected from wind or knockover fire.

Coghlan's camp store brand sells a tea light lantern that is pretty good.

Make sure you have a few BIC lighters around.

With all the above, some cook pans/pots, vit-C drink mix, & seasoning (Old Bay great combo spice) and very little else you can store ~2 weeks of hot meals for 1 in a small duffel bag. Make sure you have water available. You won't gain weight but you definitely won't starve.

15425389? ago

We have an oven/hob that runs on Propane gas and one bottle lasts for 6 months. We have 2 x 325 Watt photovoltaic panels charging 200AH batteries that power a 220 volt inverter. Enough to keep our laptops, phones, radios and a few lights running indefinitely. We have a 1000 litre reserve water tank on the roof that provides a gravity feed to all taps. Enough for several days. We have a wood stove and a ton of wood - enough for several weeks. (Not required in summer.) We have 400 litres of heating oil and 500 to be delivered next week. The one thing we are lacking is enough elecricity to keep the boiler fan spinning. I need to figure out its rating and sort out a separate power supply for that. We live in a village of smallholdings, which is pretty much self-sufficient for food. But a sack of rice, a sack of dried beans, boiling water and a few greens will keep us fed for months. We live on a large Greek island. Our neighbors have guns and we are on very friendly terms with them! I have a small motorbike that will do 100 miles on a tank of gasoline and I have two full cans of gas as well.

15426398? ago

You might want to think of enough wood for a few YEARS. I heat with wood exclusively but a few weeks wont cut it if utilities drop off at times like now. Also, think about smoke from that chimney. If you are trying to keep a low profile you may only be able to burn it at night.

15425327? ago

Awesome post - one of the reasons why my wife and I just bought a house on a lake feed by a fresh water spring. We have been discussing how to use the DAM to create clean electricity. A real possibility with the water flow.It has a food closet in the basement that needs some wrk and I will be taking on that task.

15425322? ago

Thanks for this.

I've been thinking it's all too appropriate given the President's emergency system test and dedication of emergency preparedness month a bit ago. The signs are there.

15425316? ago

Check! Got it all. Started in 2012 after obumer won his second term. I guess I can thank him for something.

15425167? ago

I can vegetable soup and bought bullion enough to have soup everyday for six months just change it from chicken to beef bullion freeze corn meal and flour now to kill out bugs but sugar in store in 5 gallon buckets also dry beans

15424977? ago

Good man

15424948? ago

Women using birth control pills need to stock up enough for a month, or have other means to prevent pregnancy. I would keep a birthing kit in a sealed bag just in case.

15424925? ago

Go solar. Can everything. Stockpile guns and ammo because your neighbors and people from cities will be trying to take what you have.

15433253? ago

Yes and discuss sleeping in shifts with your wife to protect your home and family. Give each of your family members a loud sporting whistle to wear as a necklace so the entire family can be warned of any dangers and your kids can call you from a long distance if they are hurt.

15433560? ago

My kids or wife wouldn't be going long distances from the house during such a time. anytime anyone left the house it would be i na controlled situation.

15424690? ago

I don't tell ANYONE how I prep or what I've prepped. OpSec is #1.

15424225? ago

Bottled water lasts foreverJPG and large water containersJPG can be filled from the river or rainwater.JPG Treat river and rainwater with pure iodine - just enough so you can start to taste it and leave it to work for an hour. Add food coloring to your iodine so you can easily see what water has already been treated. Iodine is far superior to chlorine water purification tablets.

Keep it away from light or else youll get algea growin.

15424080? ago

Aaaand here we go with the doomsday prepping...

15424049? ago

Also, get some H2O2 (food grade hydrogen peroxide). Works wonders on many levels including treating water, cleaning, and even consumption. BE SURE TO STUDY ON DILUTIONS, and don't use undiluted.

15426731? ago

AGREED. YES, Make sure to use diluted. Muy importante.

15424005? ago

You forgot popping-corn. It lasts forever.

This is a good list for things to have on hand if the grid goes down due to earthquake, tsunami, solar flares etc. Martial law isn't so serious. Many countries have been under martial law, even peaceful friendly Canada in 1970. You just go about your business while the police use expanded powers to arrest people and the army guards critical infrastructure. Don't eat all your popcorn when it happens. You might need it for a real emergency.

15424004? ago

A few additions:

Coleman butane stoves are ~$25 @ Target & Wal-Mart.

Get as much gas as you can afford, they last ~2H; 6 cans, 12H, a lot of cooking time. Gas can be had at above or restaurant supply co.

Alternative is a used Coleman propane stove. Check local craigslist, usually cheap, they use disposable cylinders. Get as many as you can.

A USB powerbank of good capacity (5000mAH+) is handy. It can keep your phone charged up and can be recharged in your car.

Even without gas to recharge it, your car battery will recharge one ~100X or more. Just be sure you have a USB car charger too.

15438228? ago

Pros and cons for coleman stoves (mostly applies also to the lanterns too)

Propane/butane pros: cheap, easy to use, fuel doesn't expire, cheap, fairly efficient in terms of heat vs. fuel used

Propane/butane cons: cheap for a reason (made in China, not exactly sturdy), they don't work all that well at higher altitudes, not really repairable

Liquid fuel (like Coleman fuel in the gallon cans) pros: sturdier than the propane stuff (still made in America as far as I know USA USA), will last absolutely forever with a bit of maintenance (family has a liquid fuel coleman stove and lantern that are old enough to join AARP, still work), repairable, can run on gasoline in a pinch (not recommended as it tends to gum things up), works better at altitude

Liquid fuel cons: more expensive, fuel has a shelf life (a few years before you open the can, ~9 months after), a bit more complicated to use than propane stuff

And remember kids, when using gas-powered lanterns, pre-burn your mantles!

As an alternative, Coleman used to make what the called the "Exponent" line. Out of production now, but was decent stuff aimed at the backpacker-on-a-budget. Not quite as good as you'd get at a dedicated backpacking supplier, but far cheaper. Can find it on ebay. Might be good if you have to bail.

Source: used to sell coleman stuff

15441735? ago

My post was geared toward those without anything and need to ramp up fast. I like white gas stoves (& lanterns) too but you can't use them inside. That is an immediate DQ for many especially if in an apartment or condo. Not an issue though with butane / isobutane / or propane. Plus, there is a definite learning curve getting white gas gear to run correctly especially if a used craigslist purchase. Not so w/ butane etc.; open valve, light, cook. Again, this is geared toward someone that has never used these and may not have time to become proficient.

(long time stove hobbyist, 20+ using all the above + alcohol ones too. Those are my grid-down go-tos.)

15444742? ago

Those are good points. The propane stuff is a lot more convenient and easy to use.

15424897? ago

Also get the extended gas hose to connect Coleman stove or lantern to a 20 lbs gas grill bottle, hose is $25 and will save lots from buying disposable green cylinders

15424466? ago

Also would add, download a survival guide app and have it on your phone. Never know what situation you will get into. Also, Potassium Iodide for nuclear.

15424528? ago

Be sure the content is fully on the phone too.

15438232? ago

Good point. Far too many apps require internet access to work.

15423945? ago

Bubblewrap your single or double paned windows. Bubbles to the glass and cut to fit glass only. Use plain or slightly soapy water to stick. WWG1WGA -GrammAA

15438349? ago

what does this do???

15441726? ago

If done efficiently, helps to block leaks around seams of window panes and forms another pocket of air between the outside and you. Minor insultation barrier to prevent heat loss. From what I understand takes single panes windows another half step toward double pane. (approx.)

15423901? ago

Your needs are food, water, shelter, arms, and a community. If you can solve communication and transportation, all the better.

Understand that all money is a medium of exchange. You can barter with anything anyone is willing to accept. I'm guessing tools and ammo are superior currencies to anything else if you have none. Otherwise, ammo, tools, numismatic silver coins (& some gold).

Understand that it's almost a certainty that community is a requirement! If the people around you are not an asset, you stand almost not chance. If the people around you are adversarial, you stand no chance. Therefore, first order of business is not to be in an area that will immediately become ground zero for zombies.

Also, until you have taken care of the essentials, it is a waste of your time, energy, and resources, to acquire anything else.

Once you are where you should be, and have everything you can think of, focus on skills!!! Real tangible producing skills! Think medic, trades, security, hunting, foraging, farming, etc.. stuff that will benefit you when you have access to nothing you didn't bring with you. Ask yourself, if the last transport to a well prepped island community is looking for one more person, why should they pick you among the countless others to come contribute to their survival?

15438241? ago

I've heard (read) some people advocate stocking up on cheap lighters and cheap booze for barter material.

15423817? ago

Marshall law in no way means there will be no power or water. Stop just stop this is fear porn and pushes the prepper sales which have been down since TD got elected.

15423693? ago

How much iodine per gallon is at the near taste level?

15423924? ago

Add about 15 drops of pure iodine per gallon.

A lesser solution will still work, but you will need to leave it for more than an hour to make sure all the organisms are dead.

How much is 15 drops? Like I said earlier, your best measure is to add just enough until you can taste the iodine and then leave it to work for an hour.

Give it a try using safe water and you'll know almost immediately how much you need base on the slight hint of the taste of iodine.

15438783? ago

Thank you...trying to guess how much to buy.

15439045? ago

I just updated this post's main comment because another user suggested this product.

Although I haven't had a chance to try it, their demonstration video looks very convincing and it may serve your needs better / be a better investment if you don't like the harsh taste of iodine and you have some large water containers.

If cash isn't a problem or if you have aspirations of a "forever solution" or if you have aspirations of saving your entire community, then please also consider this product.

Learning things is awesome, although I still love my iodine.

15423537? ago

lol I love reading these sorts of posts because they are so vague and yet people find them informative. Chances are if you find something like this actually helping you then it is a certainty you will make it about 36hrs.

What you are not taking into effect is the human element. None of these posts recommend a place to bunker down and ride it out for at least 2 weeks. Most people will vanish for 72hrs and then venture out to take stock.

That is the point at which opportunity will become law of land.

Another thing is that if shit hits the fan how will you traverse the country side? You going to walk? Lol you will die and it will likely be from the elements. Know what was one of the most dangerous things in Afghanistan?

Wasn’t the people. It was the fucking dogs! They are cunning and far superior at hunting then you ever will be, and that is because they can form a pack without problem.

So how will you get fuel? Going to steal it from other cars and leave yourself in the open?

I suggest you research it because I won’t tell you my method as it is my exit and I spent time to find it. Plus if shit does go downhill I recommend you do what I will. Kill everyone you see.

You are not Rick from walking dead and people will always fuck you to serve their own interests. So don’t allow them and kill them all so you can get their supplies and survive longer.

Learn how to blend in with the undergrowth and become invisible so you have the advantage. Buy a ghille suit or make one.

Get what is called a trauma kit for yourself. Learn how to stitch a wound and be sure you have coagulation substrate. It won’t be like you see on the movies because that never shows the absolute truth of what man can become.

15423517? ago

Daniel 12

15423506? ago

Thank you for posting this! Good info!

15423386? ago

Thank you :)

15423234? ago

Excellent post. Great work anon!!

15423164? ago

The purpose of martial law is to protect the infrastructure and minimize disruption and destruction. It's to force order into chaos. Structure where it has broken down.

While I take no issue with the contents of your post, the simple fact is that you're far more likely to need that during social breakdown and rioting than if martial law were to be declared.

15438123? ago

Not to quibble, but I imagine that if martial law has been declared, it was due to widespread rioting. In such a situation, utilities and infrastructure may still be available, but it may still be difficult or impossible to acquire necessities for a time.

15423142? ago

There will be no civil war.

If one genuinely thinks there will be martial law declared for the duration described, one seems to be misunderstanding what exactly might happen...

15424218? ago

Although it is always good to be prepared, I agree. The precursors of civil war are not even close to happening.

Pissed off antifa in Portland do not a civil war make. Doesn't mean there won't be unrest here & there but not much to shit about.

15423112? ago

Save your life --- buy a bunch of these and keep them handy: https://www.lifestraw.com/

15423454? ago

Pure iodine is FAR better and FAR cheaper than life-straws.

Life-straws are not a practical survival solution because they are impractical for cooking a soup or stew for your family.

It's far better to collect water during winter and then treat it with it with iodine as necessary.

15431496? ago

Get both. Never know when one might outweigh the other.

15424625? ago

I disagree. Mine (that I got at Walmart) has a pouch that allows you to filter plenty of extra water and lasts for 100,000 gallons and only cost me $30.

15433701? ago

Can you please link to that product so I can add it to the main list?

15424277? ago

Iodine does not remove toxic metal, chemical, etc. Boil then run through cheap/free sand and charcoal filter to remove large particles and for drinking finish with a fine filter like life straw or a more expensive long term back flush capable filter(can back flush life straw). Chemical treatment is last resort in my opinion. Full rolling boil is better. Distillation is good method for removing particulates like salt and toxins.

15426076? ago

boil is fine, but the energy required will get problematic in a grid-down scenario. If you are going to boil you might as well just distill it as that will take the same amount of energy. Expect to need a full propane tank to get 10 gallons of distilled water. I know this because I have done it. Plan on doing it with wood... Whew... Sharpen your axe. Its gonna take A LOT.

15424893? ago

We stocked xtra bleach just takes mere drops to make water fit to drink (after filtering it) and it evaporates from open containers. https://modernsurvivalblog.com/health/disinfectant-bleach-water-ratio/ It also used for cleaning.

15423377? ago

We have a bunch :) Love 'em

15423026? ago

Treat river and rainwater with pure iodine - just enough so you can start to taste it


If you "taste" the water before the bacteria are dead then you will be dead too.

15458552? ago

Ugh, the trick of using taste is only useful for people to learn how much is needed (i.e. if their 7 gallon water container needs 40 or 50 drops).

You don't need to sample the water every time.

15422809? ago

How to save threads on voat w/o bookmarking?

15423462? ago

At the bottom of the post or comment, click the [...] next to [Reply], the click [Save].

15422484? ago

I'm so fucked. My family owns a few guns. But the problem is I live right in the middle of downtown Houston.

My car was just broken into last week, who tf knows what kinda chaos is gonna happen when the shtf. I'm trying to start store up on food and other survival items. Buut I played a lot of dayz and other survival games to know that my unlucky ass is gonna get fuckin looted anyway.

I hope everything goes by fast enough were there's not too many casualties. I'll be ready though. Talking about this kinda shit makes me paranoid. I might just climb a skyscraper and live there for a while or some shit Idk. I don't have many options really.

15426201? ago

Did a stint there... oh boy... You better get your nigger-shooting skills MAXED. Most importantly, HAVE A PLAN. Have highly detailed paper maps of your area. Have 10 ways to exit the city in a hurry. Think about what you will need to get that done in bad conditions. On my block I was part of a group of white-collar whites who had an exit plan for the city. Essentially if SHTF and everyone needed to get out fast we were going to go as a group. We had one guy with a heavy diesel truck with a massive brush guard on the front. I also had a heavy F350 with a flat-bed and a winch. Basically we could move barriers that may be in place. One family had a van that could be used to carry a lot of people if needed. One of the guys was a super local for generations and knew every back road. Had evaced from tons of hurricanes etc. This guy was pure gold and essentially was our navigator. He had maps and pre-configured like 50 routes in our GPS's so we could get out if we were separated. DO SOMETHING like this. Have an exit team and a well thought-out and practiced plan.

15424483? ago

If you have family/friends in a more rural area, can ask if you can shelter with them should something big go down.

15424183? ago

Don't be desperate if you've done nothing and now feel you need to in a rush. Don't go out blindly buying and end up with crap you don't need while overlooking stuff you do. Be methodical and focused!

Take an inventory of your home for canned goods, candles, warm clothes, shoes/boots, blankets, first aid gear, firearms, etc.

Then work backwards from each area to populate your needs list:

Do I have enough warm socks?

Do I have enough ammo for each firearm?

What am I missing for food (staples, carbs, protein, etc.)?

How will I cook it?

How will I read at night?

How will I get news?

Once you have an understanding of where your weak points are then build your buy list. The main thing is don't panic.

15423579? ago

live in the middle of downtown Houston.

Get out. Seriously. Run.

15424736? ago

It's fine, I have a tactical height advantage, and my house is made out of metal. the fire department is right across the street from me as well. I get good hunches if I feel my life is in danger, so I'll know if and when i need to leave.

More than likely I'll skip town, but I think it's gonna just be like france, nothing apocalyptic were people are gunning eachother down. It might be like that, but I doubt it. I think it's gonna be just big rioting and some looting. And the military will patrol 24/7, till it's over.

And I know what I need for survival, I already have a big list and I'm always looking to expand it. Mainly I'm focused on what I can carry in a backpack, just in case home base is destroyed.

15422677? ago

I recommend you buy each of your family members loud sport whistles and create necklaces out of them... so your loved ones can easily alert you to any problems or call you from a distance.

I recommend you and your wife become prepared to sleep in shifts to protect your home and family. Make sure you each ALWAYS carry a pistol with a white light so you can fire on a target without hesitating because you can't identify who it is at night.

If you're strapped for cash then start by spending just $10 on the non-perishable foods that I mentioned in my post and some bottled water.

Start collect any bottles you can, including plastic two leter fizzy-drink bottles - if you have warning that civil war is about to break out then plug your bathtub and sinks and fill them with water so you can then fill the plastic bottles.

It doesn't take much effort to be prepared.

15433924? ago

Wouldn't the water get stale, go stagnant and undrinkable after just a few days tho?

15434018? ago

Nah - I've carried iodine treated water in bottles for weeks and it's always been fine and people who own rainwater tanks don't seem to have any problems.

I've also been forced to drink treated sewage water when I was traveling through Tibet and the iodine worked perfectly.

15425349? ago

Add a few drops of iodine to your bottles

15424050? ago

Great post re: 2L bottles. Most usually have a few around to use.

Be sure to clean them out with boiling water first if they had sugared soda in them. More of a warm weather issue, they might grow algae or other stuff if they sit for awhile. Any sugars left inside the bottle become feedstock for that.

15426713? ago

You can also cut them (water bottles or litre fizzy bottles) in half, more like 2/3, punch hole in bottom, fill with dirt, plant seed, slide top back on, keep lid off and put in sunny place. Mini green house.

15424116? ago

I'm not sure if the cheaper fizzy drink bottles would survive boiling water, but sugar free shouldn't be a problem and I expect diluted cleaning vinegar would clean away any sugars (I expect, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

15424282? ago

They will but I should have added more detail. You don't fill them to the top, only an inch or two at the bottom and shake them good.

(upvoat for clarity)

15422477? ago

/v/preppers is another resource.

15422465? ago

Keep up the good work.

15422406? ago

Fucking amazing post, this is exactly what I've been needing. Thank you!

Pray for the best, prepare for the worst!

15424552? ago

Personally, I'd rather just go than suffer what is coming if it's going to mean fighting for your life etc. From England where there are no guns and it's a crazy lawless place for the last 20 years!

15426193? ago

If you represent the majority that might be why it's so fucked up there now.

15426033? ago

Wrong... You will fight. You will steal and you will kill to survive. Those instincts are strong.

15425019? ago

When people break in and try to steal food from your children's mouths you'd be surprised at what you would do.

15424965? ago

FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! WWG1WGA . Never, ever give up - we are many, they are few.

15424452? ago

How is it amazing? He posts the same thing every week.

15435354? ago

How do you know its a guy or that it is the same person?

15424475? ago

I haven't seen it before, new to me. Helpful stuff in here.

15422544? ago

I just said a prayer for you.

Please remember and revisit this post because the difference between a family that thrives and one that is helpless can be the cost of what many people spend on coffee in a month.

I tried to keep it as cheap and simple as possible and focus only on the essentials.

15422757? ago

I've actually already started and gotten most of this stuff, but I love seeing it all here. Especially the med kit.

But I've got some glaring holes yet. I need to think about how to solve.

As in how to heat an apartment when its freezing outside and how to get more water

15436282? ago

No Power, Expand your thinking anon, these will work well for little money. Godspeed to you. http://theselfsufficientliving.com/10-clay-pot-heaters-an-inexpensive-way-to-warm-your-room/

15436936? ago

Thank you!

15423368? ago

As in how to heat an apartment when its freezing outside

You may need to invest in some hiking-quality thermal clothing.

I climbed half way up Mt Everest during winter when the temperature was -40 degrees minus windchill and it was my thermal clothing that saved my life. Trust me, at those temperatures you will lose your fingernails if you remove your gloves for more that two minutes. I know - I've seen it because once you remove your gloves, your hands are too cold to control to put your gloves back on. You need people to save you.

At that temperature you can barely speak because your face is not just frozen, it's on fire. The burning sensation is the cold eating your skin.

Have you ever tried to eat frozen bread from your freezer? Well, that's what a meal on Quomalonga tastes like.

Trust me, if you live in a cold area then clothing is the best solution.

Here's a cropped photo (I want to remain anonymous) of the beer I opened half way up the mountain - I got one good gulp before the mouth of the bottle completely froze within ten seconds. I carried that beer under my coat for days to keep it from freezing!

I own two solar ovens which are slow but awesome for cooking hot meals like soups and stews. If you're looking to prepare for ANYTHING then I recommend buying at least two solar ovens.

Also I still need a hand cranked radio

If you already own a smartphone then please also consider investing in a hand-crank AND solar USB charger because the battery on those expensive devises are FAR better than what you'll get from a cheap hand-crank / solar radio. Please note my warning about smartphone USB recharing devices in my last dotpoint from this post.

15436311? ago

Great post! We must expand our thinking....without power. You can add a few of these for little money & they work... Godspeed anon WWG1WGA http://theselfsufficientliving.com/10-clay-pot-heaters-an-inexpensive-way-to-warm-your-room/

15436457? ago

Great article but have you tried it? How much heat does it produce? For example, if your family were sitting around one of those clay pot heaters, could they feel the warmth?

15436509? ago

Yes I have 3 & they work like a radiator. It's not going to heat a house but in an emergency they can save you & your families life. If it comes to that you would want to insulate a smaller room in your home with blankets, cardboard, anything you can find to put on walls to keep heat in. Note: you can most definitely feel the heat & want to use caution because they get that hot. God bless Patriot!

15436721? ago

I desperately want to believe it but I've seen too many convincing debunking videos like this one: https://youtu.be/S7Xv-TCGgIo

I invite EVERYONE who's used clay pot heaters to please leave a comment.

15423346? ago

I have been told by some friends in Minnesota that they keep some metal coffee can half full of sand with candles and lighters inside. You can light candles in them - the cans heat up and provide a bit of heat. They also place a small pan over them for melting snow. Close off rooms - put blankets over windows - layer up on socks, stocking hats, warm gloves. Little folding stoves with cans of sterno for cooking. There are propane stoves and heaters as well using the small canisters - just be sure you have proper ventilation. Amazon has cheap crank radio/ flashlight combos for about $6.00.

15421962? ago

LOL at Doctor Who. Fantasy land is real for you buddy.

15423207? ago

have fun, dear it's going to be a very rude awakening for you if shtf

15421973? ago

I do this for my kids who love Doctor Who.

You're REEEEEEEEing because I love my children and want to ease their burden.

15423088? ago

He's doesn't have a life and loves in his parent's basement. Always whining instead of offering solutions.