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15934438? ago

The tactic is calling everyone a shill that isn't completely and utterly satisfied right now

To be fair, we're at a crossroads in the war to save America and western civilization from the Jew World Order.

We don't have time for black-pilled edge-lord attention-seeking cry-babies who want to throw stones at President Trump because he didn't solve the world's problems on the first day of his inauguration.

Q: What do we have to lose by not supporting President Trump 1000%? A: Everything.

Q: What do we have to gain by not supporting President Trump 1000%? A: Nothing.

15934935? ago

Pretty much. We've ran out of options and time. Trump has to succeed.

15935136? ago

I only ask for all patriots reading this to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Please, arm yourself and prepare to fight for the birthright of your children because if the Jew World Order succeeds in enslaving western civilization then humanity will forever be crippled. Rather then humanity reaching out across the start and having limitless potential, we will become a world of peasant farmers enslaved by a handful of greedy, materialistic Jews living in castles made from gold.

Please defend yourself: Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.