15940435? ago

This is psyop

15935977? ago

I've been called a shill a hundred times. I'm the farthest thing from it.

15935330? ago

The only thing that has divided the Q movement is Q's inability to put people behind bars. We all went out on a limb for Q and he left us to crash spectacularly over the past few months among family and friend's eyes.

15935096? ago

Or they call you a Jewfaggot.

15935031? ago

The deep state is all over this website and in mod positions especially where they ping each each by teaming the target and accuse everyone of being a shill or guessing like Blasey Ford that the target is actually someone else, and by them simply accusing makes it fact.

There is a video on yt about this, and check out the sub GreatAwakening’s gif under the mail on right that does that left eye with Trump holding a Q card over his right eye illuminati shit. The video alludes to these same people are satanists who will proudly protect pedos all the while calling a accused guilty because say so without a shread evidence calling shill everything but a white man.

Q is very right on being careful of who one follows, but sometimes that isn't as easy as a black or white decision, but more like grey in the middle, and a lot of 20/20 hindsight after the fact. Oh one more thing, don't you dare question them why they use satanic symbols such as the all-seeing eye because after that, you get put in list to be harassed in the future if not attacked on the spot or accused you of having alts and other dastardly deeds.

15934966? ago

If you have doubts PM someone you know or talk to friends. I don't think that this is the place to seed doubt. I also don't think it is a shill tactic, if anything seeding doubt is a shill tactic. So if you do it, you will be called out. Like I said, talk to a friend but this isn't the best venue. I am on other boards, the shills have taken over Great Awakening. Doubters concern faggots. Poor quality posts with links to dubious websites or endless links to videos by crazy conspiracy theorists.

15935085? ago

The mods are the one’s with shill alts it seems.

15934896? ago

Yupp I run into that all the time. You post something and get attacked. When it happens enough you think your are not among like minded people and leave. the attackers are mostly small mined people that get their rocks off by anonymously attacking others. They will be first in line for culling useless people.

15934883? ago

I use to say Trump supporters are cemented, but now I say they are made of steel! Love you, President Trump and all my fellow Trump supporters and fellow citizens in ALL THE WORLD in this movement. Thank YOU TEXAS! Thank You France! Thank You Germany!

15934727? ago

Agree with you on this. I try to encourage others even those posting they have doubts. As the movement grows more newbies will be wandering this way. Especially those that can't handle the wild west of 8chan. This was to replace the reddit home that was poofed. Unfortunately there are some who don't play well with others. It's up to the rest of us to help those who are struggling or who have questions. United we are stronger. If you aren't believing that you need to lurk more. That's the key to success at no matter which level of understanding you are currently.

15934531? ago

15934474? ago

It’s been happening since week 1 of Q sending 8chan board lurkers here,so I wouldn’t say new.But I think you’re correct otherwise.

15934438? ago

The tactic is calling everyone a shill that isn't completely and utterly satisfied right now

To be fair, we're at a crossroads in the war to save America and western civilization from the Jew World Order.

We don't have time for black-pilled edge-lord attention-seeking cry-babies who want to throw stones at President Trump because he didn't solve the world's problems on the first day of his inauguration.

Q: What do we have to lose by not supporting President Trump 1000%? A: Everything.

Q: What do we have to gain by not supporting President Trump 1000%? A: Nothing.

15934935? ago

Pretty much. We've ran out of options and time. Trump has to succeed.

15935136? ago

I only ask for all patriots reading this to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Please, arm yourself and prepare to fight for the birthright of your children because if the Jew World Order succeeds in enslaving western civilization then humanity will forever be crippled. Rather then humanity reaching out across the start and having limitless potential, we will become a world of peasant farmers enslaved by a handful of greedy, materialistic Jews living in castles made from gold.

Please defend yourself: Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15934437? ago

Fuck off shill

15935049? ago

No you! LOL!

15934449? ago

Hi LMAO anon