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15290164? ago

A picture( the one POTUS tweeted showing the DS players behind bars) is worth many (prison) sentences.

15291133? ago

I think the "we know" is an assassination attempt on Trump. See details here:

15318585? ago

I thought that also... The hotel pic?

15300682? ago

I think the "we know" is an assassination attempt on Trump. See details here:

That's been completely debunked by anons. The "red dots" were reflections on the ballistic glass that surrounds Trump Melania. The reflections were coming from the red lights on official vehicles. That was not a laser dot fro a weapon or even a laser pointer.

As a shooter and I can tell you straight up that no sniper worth his salt would use a red dot or laser sight. And the way that dot was jumping around if it had been a shooter he had Parkinson's Disease or palsy.

15304506? ago

Shills abound.

15301229? ago

Links to the supposed debunking please. Why would NBC take down the video? why would the Secret Service post a link about protection during the Christmas Tree ceremony? Why did @Potus Schedule post about the bullet proof glass about "that you never see"?

15303132? ago

You people watch way too many movies and don't know anything about the real world. And you obviously know nothing about shooting. Or maybe I have an advantage because my nephew is a former USSS agent (retired when Obama came in). We talked about this event today and how people are freaking out over nothing. It was funny to both of us. First if that had been, which it was not, a laser sight Trump was perfectly safe because whoever the wannabe shooter was he/she couldn't seem to steady the laser dot. He must have been on LSD.

No sniper would use a laser sight because at distance the accuracy and visibility is terrible. No person close would use one because it would warn the USSS that someone was aiming and a laser works both ways. It points to the target and it creates a beam back to the shooter giving him away. Trump and Melania would have been on the ground and the wannabe shooter would be taking rounds from the select fire (full automatic) MP5 and MP5K's the USSS have on them. As you can see in the picture POTUS and the First Lady were behind ballistic glass. What kind of fool would a shooter be if he tried to fire a handgun round through that glass? It would have simply ricochet putting the shooter in more danger than POTUS.

Do you really think the USSS would have let POTUS and the First Lady stand up there with a red dot laser sight dancing all over them? They would have been all over him and her so fast it would have made everyone's head spin. And why in the hell would a shooter use a red dot laser? Why let the USSS know you were aiming at POTUS by advertising it with a little red dot? Look at POTUS schedule twitter account and it tells you why everyone thought the USSS "hustled" him out, which they didn't.

15305420? ago

Thank you for taking the time to debunk this delusional nonsense.

Sadly 99% of posters here are deluded, lonely basement dwellers with no life experience who think obsessively following a crazy 8chan LARP makes them experts on everything. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

15293520? ago

Red light looks like camera flash pre-lighting

15294588? ago

Red glow could be from red dot sights also

15300787? ago


15300495? ago

Could also be from outer space aliens.

15323687? ago

Q is an ALIEN!