15325485? ago

Where is the Nov 30 thread?

15321476? ago


15319865? ago

See this article that shows email written to Jerome Corsi by Walter Francis Filtzpatrick 3 started he is “locked & loaded” https://www.jewworldorder.org/bombshell-mueller-under-criminal-investigation/

15319686? ago

Sentences = Punishments

[H]yatt [R]egencey [C]hongqing - "We know." This is a message to [HRC].

15315442? ago

The top of the tree pyramid is missing/ floating/ glowing sort of like on the dollar bill, lol... Cute.

15315035? ago

Holy Shit! A Christmas Tree! Even the dumbest of you must be starting to see the reality of your situation. The Deep State didn't make everyone hate you, you did.

15314993? ago

many sentences

Why not a thousand words?

15309746? ago

Was post 2504 actually referring to RBG and the replacement of her?

A picture is worth many sentences.

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?

Think timing.

Think Senate lock.

Think SC lock.

Locked & (who is) Loaded.


Look at post 1607

His choice?

Remember, Kennedy was the swing vote.

No more.

Locked & Loaded.

RBG next.


15307870? ago

Decryption key?

15306587? ago

There are 211,000 unexplained power outages in Nova Scotia Canada right now.

15306278? ago

6X-382-NTP0038-3u2 We know. Q

You don't know shit!

15305812? ago

2503 - Picture does contain reflection of someone in right pillar of archway. Appears female (pink top), long legs. Could be DF, which would make sense in context due to Q posts (and news) showing DF connections to China.

15304726? ago

The internationalist/globalist/commie devils' time is short. Thank almighty God if you are alive, in good health, and able to help in any way. Keeping people calm when the storm's high winds hit is a good start.

15304286? ago

Nothing to do with an assassination attempt. The Christmas Tree photo is a reference for Chinese spy Feinstein. Q's next post is a reference to the Supreme Court and the Senate being locked in place. "Think timing" is white hat Mueller about to release his report which will coincide with John Huber testifying to the Congressional hearing on Dec 5th which will result in the unsealing of the sealed indictments in the weeks to come.

15302755? ago

This submission was linked from this v/CalmBeforeTheStorm comment by @Silverlining.

Posted automatically (#11844) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15301755? ago

Q1607 - Locked & Loaded RBG next

15300866? ago

Per Trump's retweet regarding treason trials. It appears that BC will be doing a suicide. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtEwcW2WsAADSP2.jpg

15300518? ago

Appear weak when you are strong.

15300156? ago

Q's 2503.png photo.

Look past the tree on either side... Green Exit Signs


15299917? ago

Only 29 upvotes?

You guys suck!

Rec it up, bitchy little Q-tards.

15299214? ago

Not really Q post related, but would some patriot anon kindly tell me if we can set up a Go Fund Me to buy back the Fed? I've heard we can do it for a mere $25 per taxpayer. I'm willing to chip in my $25. Also, is it better to choose a nonFed bank for my banking? I'm hoping to RESTORE TRUST in 2019.

15302916? ago

? 325 million Americans @ $25 a person = 8.1 billion. Not even close. It's more like $65,000 a citizen

15298723? ago

Enjoying the 'locked' ref to prison, and who is loaded? (full of money?) Diane and who are all the political deep state players with China?

15297714? ago

If you type the code into Google Books, you'll get two hits. One is for a book entitled Sheep No More by Jonathan T. Gilliam. The book is for civilians on the art of self defense and staying safe. Q told us to be vigilant in Dec.


15297969? ago

Maybe Jonathan Gilliam took the pic? Huge message to the DS.

15297652? ago

We know Israel is behind it all! Assassination attempt!

15296705? ago

Was Trump 'there'? Seems to me whoever 'was' there is the one in charge of the plan to assassinate! 'We Know'!!

15295918? ago

(who is ) Loaded = Huber

15295445? ago

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

Death is an option. Question, is hanging an acceptable form to carry out the sentence?

15294316? ago

shiny floor, so you know, as above, so below.

15293964? ago

Hyatt Regency Chongqing = HRC

15307939? ago

Merry Christmas!

15308207? ago

Merry Christmas!

15293758? ago

I think you tried to link to the picture of the same hallway as is shown in Q's pic. That is the place for sure. Note it is not the same pic that Q has. Q's has the Christmas tree while this pic is of the hall without the tree.

15293888? ago

I agree. Other pictures I've seen seems to show same hallway but in other direction. Just try to add proof. 👍

15293324? ago

If u zoom in as tight as u can, on the right side of the pic, about half way up the black deco piece on the right wall corner, u can see a reflection of someone, a female I think. I'm wondering if someone special was being surveilled? Never know...

15305745? ago

Wow you are right! And it looks like DF (see earlier Q pic of her intimidating the Senator during SC confirmation).

Right side of archway. Entire archway. Someone standing like waiting for an elevator.

15296981? ago

Trying to see what you are seeing. Describe more.

15292907? ago

Is POTUS and Q referring to the SC meeting of federal agencies concerning the indictments of prisoners in the underage sex scam? The fact the agencies are now working together?

15292481? ago

(who is) = SC/SJC/LSC

15293816? ago

SC =supreme court, SJC=senate judiciary comity, LSC?

15293948? ago

First 2 are wrong. All are acronyms for the same individual.

15292261? ago


We can't do this forever.

15291582? ago

GS is loaded

15307942? ago


15308138? ago


15291157? ago

Christmas tree photo is in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency, Chongqing. = HRC?

15305900? ago

Christmas tree photo is in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency, Chongqing. = HRC?


( ~_ ^)

15291013? ago

Google books search result for: 6X-382-NTP0038-3u2

Patrick Henry "Give me liberty or give me death"

15295119? ago

The Google Books preview contains only one page.


"I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years, to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves, and the House?"

Lamps feature prominently in the pic, and the quote in general is heavy on stuff which Q followers would find meaningful.

15290471? ago

QAnon is boasting again about the Senate being locked down, really? What about Flake 2.0 Romney and Murkowski and Collins? Any other RINO Senators hiding in the weeds?

15290595? ago

Give me a break. It's WAY better than it was. We already had Murkowski and Collins. Getting rid of Flake, No Name and Cocker was huge. Romney may have been anti-Trump, but he is no where near as compromised as those 3. With 53 + the Vice President, we can lose all 3 you mention and still have a lock. So yes, Trump is poised to get in nearly any Judge or Cabinet member he wants.

15296335? ago

2 Senate Seats turned democrat : 1)AZ- Flake got replaced by Sinema no change there! 2) NV-Heller replaced by Rosen 4 Senate Seats turned Republican: 1) FL 2) IN 3) ND 4) MO all became from very blue to very red 1 Senate seat in Utah went from Sen Hatch to Sen Romney A definite gain of 2, that means someone can have a cold or a wedding and still have quorum

15300171? ago

Point is, it's WAY better than before with 3 less Cabal members and breathing room. Trump will be able to get his key appointments.

15290709? ago

Make no mistake. Romney is as bad or worse than Flake. But he is also smart and has shown he will kiss Donald's ass rather than stand up to him.

15293561? ago

Romney would have voted against Trump at every turn but since his vote is essentially null and void he will go along for optics. That 53+ is huge.

15290803? ago

Agreed. Point is, he will be lynched in Utah if he does not support Trump on most things unlike Flake, No Name and Cocker.

15290423? ago

If there was another attempt on POTUS another vital reason yet again for the Alliance to speed the fucking plan up and take down the deep state cabal worldwide now!! FUCKING DO SOMETHING!!

15303643? ago

I'm sorry your vocabulary is so limited. Try substituting "freakin", "freak" and "freaks" for your word. It makes you sound smarter if nothing else. Thank you for your post. Have a nice day.....

15290393? ago

Isn't Hillary notorious for being loaded?

15290230? ago

With the Senate and SC a lock. POTUS is loaded. And can now unload on the DS.

15290189? ago

"Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct" Verifies that Mueller is a criminal. Does.it?

15290612? ago

Nope. Just has Mueller in there to continue to operate as the "Biggest Sting in history"

15296430? ago

I will never believe it! Mueller is dirty! History proves it! The President must never trust him!

15296539? ago

Mueller is 'in' the pic!!

15290674? ago

I keep.getting that feeling as well.

15290164? ago

A picture( the one POTUS tweeted showing the DS players behind bars) is worth many (prison) sentences.

15306060? ago

Good one anon! Lol. WWG1WGA!

15300910? ago

Per Trump's retweet regarding treason trials. It appears that BC will be doing a suicide. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtEwcW2WsAADSP2.jpg

15300973? ago

Yes, it does.

15304530? ago

I can't keep track of initials. BC?

15315733? ago

Slick Willy. Look for the 'finger gun' motion in the lower right of that meme-img.

15317838? ago


15294313? ago

Thank you for confirming what I just thought myself. I had a discussion this morning at home about how I thought that tweet was a turning point though I didn't want to get too excited. Then I looked back at the Q posts and read it again with that thought and it totally makes sense.

15294144? ago

Look at POTUS tweet directly before the retweet of that picture.. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1067775022331236352

"..at least 3 major players are intimating that the Angry Mueller Gang of Dems is viciously telling witnesses to lie..."

Look at the meme itself. There are three central figures. What are they doing that no one else in the picture is doing?

15310612? ago

Do I see LL pointing a gun at Clinton’s head? Wow

15294685? ago

Hill, Billy, and Eric have hands up. Maybe Podesta too.

15294768? ago

Only HRC, Huma and Holder have their hand up with open palm as though testifying

I think what BC is doing is significant, too.

15294798? ago

I would LOL so hard if he self-Arkancided

15295195? ago

BC: "Give me liberty or give me death???"

15291133? ago

I think the "we know" is an assassination attempt on Trump. See details here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2880970

15318585? ago

I thought that also... The hotel pic?

15300682? ago

I think the "we know" is an assassination attempt on Trump. See details here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2880970

That's been completely debunked by anons. The "red dots" were reflections on the ballistic glass that surrounds Trump Melania. The reflections were coming from the red lights on official vehicles. That was not a laser dot fro a weapon or even a laser pointer.

As a shooter and I can tell you straight up that no sniper worth his salt would use a red dot or laser sight. And the way that dot was jumping around if it had been a shooter he had Parkinson's Disease or palsy.

15304506? ago

Shills abound.

15301229? ago

Links to the supposed debunking please. Why would NBC take down the video? why would the Secret Service post a link about protection during the Christmas Tree ceremony? Why did @Potus Schedule post about the bullet proof glass about "that you never see"? https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/secret-service-foils-mossad-assassination-attempt-on-potus-at-wh-christmas-tree-lighting-ceremony/?fbclid=IwAR1vIVMVGgGP-wQd3q8lEFAVOSltTJn2yFuTD5jxjuVns2oJqbo22ERcbaU.

15303132? ago

You people watch way too many movies and don't know anything about the real world. And you obviously know nothing about shooting. Or maybe I have an advantage because my nephew is a former USSS agent (retired when Obama came in). We talked about this event today and how people are freaking out over nothing. It was funny to both of us. First if that had been, which it was not, a laser sight Trump was perfectly safe because whoever the wannabe shooter was he/she couldn't seem to steady the laser dot. He must have been on LSD.

No sniper would use a laser sight because at distance the accuracy and visibility is terrible. No person close would use one because it would warn the USSS that someone was aiming and a laser works both ways. It points to the target and it creates a beam back to the shooter giving him away. Trump and Melania would have been on the ground and the wannabe shooter would be taking rounds from the select fire (full automatic) MP5 and MP5K's the USSS have on them. As you can see in the picture POTUS and the First Lady were behind ballistic glass. What kind of fool would a shooter be if he tried to fire a handgun round through that glass? It would have simply ricochet putting the shooter in more danger than POTUS.

Do you really think the USSS would have let POTUS and the First Lady stand up there with a red dot laser sight dancing all over them? They would have been all over him and her so fast it would have made everyone's head spin. And why in the hell would a shooter use a red dot laser? Why let the USSS know you were aiming at POTUS by advertising it with a little red dot? Look at POTUS schedule twitter account and it tells you why everyone thought the USSS "hustled" him out, which they didn't.




15305420? ago

Thank you for taking the time to debunk this delusional nonsense.

Sadly 99% of posters here are deluded, lonely basement dwellers with no life experience who think obsessively following a crazy 8chan LARP makes them experts on everything. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

15293520? ago

Red light looks like camera flash pre-lighting

15294588? ago

Red glow could be from red dot sights also

15300787? ago


15300495? ago

Could also be from outer space aliens.

15323687? ago

Q is an ALIEN!

15290872? ago

Came here to say this. Bravo.

15290102? ago


Link of the Hyatt Regency hotel lobby in Chongqing

15294242? ago

BINGO! Found the same photo on this link w/out Xmas tree...LOBBY is identical. Obviously a planned hit by China cabal on POTUS from WH Christmas tree lighting ceremony when POTUS had to leave briefly and come back. These people are indeed STUPID.

15294917? ago

I would say it refers back to the Feinstein info about her trips to China around the Kav hearing

15291352? ago

To the top!

15290059? ago

The image of the Christmas tree is a reminder to the persons responsible for causing the SS to rush POTUS away from the Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

"We know."

15299481? ago

I’ve noticed that there is a 12 minute delta between the two posts this morning. Given the image of a Christmas tree in the first one, I have to whimsically but also seriously wonder if the twelve days of Christmas have significance here.

Note that Q2504 contains a somewhat frequently occurring marker:

“Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?”

This statement occurs in various forms in a few different Q posts. One significant one is Q1831, which begins:

“Does POTUS make statements that are false?”

The post was made at exactly 12:00 pm and features a video of Trump at the Al Smith dinner which we are asked to “[Start @ 12:00]”

Can’t help but think this is significant. L is also the 12th letter of the alphabet.


15316375? ago

Posts 2504 and 2503. Time difference between both posts minutes difference 12, seconds difference 10. Could this be Locked and Loaded Monday DEC 10?

29 Nov 2018 - 6:01:45 AM > 12 minute difference

29 Nov 2018 - 5:49:55 AM > -10 second difference

12-10 looks like Month and Day.

A picture is worth many sentences. Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)? Think timing. Think Senate lock. Think SC lock. Locked & (who is) Loaded. Q

15299870? ago

(L)oretta (L)ynch. The card that brings down the House.

15305823? ago

(L)oretta (L)ynch. The card that brings down the House.






(´︶`)yep I'd be fine with this

15293955? ago

The photo is of the lobby in the Hyatt Regency in Chongqing China.

15290995? ago

Any info on that story please?

15291349? ago

See my link above for more details

15290629? ago

There we also lasers on Trump that were far different than the Christmas Tree lights.

15291000? ago

Elaborate as that sounds terrible.

15291102? ago

See my post here for details: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2880970

15289886? ago

Q:2503 image <A8FFF8C6-6F82-4875-9C9B-0CFB73410A93.png>: It might be an ID-number for an aircraft, but I cannot find it or the company owning it.
Yandex search: 6X-382-NTP0038-3u2
Hint to a server farm in the air?
Also when inverting the colors on the picture a few times with different filters I can see a black and white Santa with a sleigh and a reindeer on the Christmas tree.
This is Santa Claus.
The image also contains pixels out of place; unknown what messages could have be coded into the picture.

15305997? ago

Look at reflection in Right Pillar. Looks like tall female in pink top waiting for elevator. DF? Posture reminds me of pic of DF intimidating senator in confirmation hearings.

15290123? ago

Take that code and search Google Books with it. The answer is in the title. You can do the same with Q’s trip codes.

15290302? ago

15289426? ago

Hinting at the attempt on Trump's life earlier that is related to the deleted Tom Roussey tweet.

15289789? ago

Elaborate please.

15289588? ago

What was the Tom Roussey tweet?

15296658? ago

Space Force guy in following tweet makes a valid point! No crosshairs in their cameras. Very Fishy!

15290474? ago

Yikes. Thanks.