15304416? ago

Jeff Sessions. Call him in as a witness.

15298347? ago

FIRST UP, Loretta Lynch! I will enjoy this.

15297686? ago

Some think that people are about to just end up behind bars like the meme. We know that proof has to be presented that's so strong people who watch the MSM will believe. OR, do we expect troops to be ready to put down paid demonstrations? As long as the main stream media is able to broadcast the mirror truth I'm not sure how this could go down. I'm glad they have it well planned, just need more popcorn.

15296275? ago

(who is) = LSC

15292614? ago

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need no water let the MF burn. Burn MF. Burn!!!

15292095? ago

Trump tweet....

Military solutions are now fully in place,locked and loaded,should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!


3:29 AM - Aug 11, 2017

15292050? ago

Interjection. lock and load. (US, slang) A command to prepare a weapon for battle. (US, slang) Prepare for an imminent event.

15291446? ago

We can hope!

15291183? ago


15290484? ago

Senate may be locked, but is it necessary to wait until the new Senators are installed on Jan 3? So wanting to have fireworks now! However, the testimonies will be lengthly and may trigger more testimony. That is good for a month. And we still need more judges at all levels before Huber and Horowitz can unleash their apocalypse.

15290441? ago

Locked and Loaded = Loretta Lynch? House Republicans subpoena Comey, Lynch for closed-door testimony

Is Lynch the RAT?

15290402? ago

interesting. looking at the reflection on the left of the pic - appears to be people seated in chairs in the lobby. wonder if relevant? probably not, but alas, it has me curious.

15290299? ago


15290042? ago

Huber is loaded with sealed indictments.

15289584? ago

Picture is from Hyatt Regency - Chongqing, China

15294272? ago

As someone said above, HRC. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Hyatt Regency China.

15289568? ago


15289539? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#11727) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15289526? ago

6X-382-NTP0038-3u2 is the last key of the multi layered encryption in the insurance files. Some of them already have been cracked. Part of it is part of the bitcoin blockchain.

15289434? ago

Soros's bank account is huge. One might say he's loaded ?

15289396? ago

I believe the Christmas tree is in the Trump Tower lobby. Can't say for sure but if you search for images of the TT lobby, all the wall and floor finishes look the same.

15289371? ago

Whitaker + Huber + Horowitz = Loaded

15289336? ago

I can't wait to see what deluded, deranged garbage the Qtards come up with to "decode" and spin this meaningless bullshit.

What happened to the mass arrests, red tsunami, 11/11?

15289478? ago

Oh you can try, but by now you just are postings are just pathetic. I suspect your funding for posting will be cut very soon.

15289691? ago

"But by now you just are postings are just pathetic" doesn't make any sense, try learning how to read and write properly retard. Nobody is funding anyone to post on fucking Voat you deranged cult member.

15289311? ago

What significance does the image have as being related to reflections. As above so below?

15289295? ago

I’m thinking HUBER is LOCKED & LOADED. Think about it. Prosecutors never make statements about ONGOING investigations, nor can they speak about anything under seal (like indictments). Yet Huber is set to testify in a public Congressional hearing Dec 5. It means his investigation is no longer ongoing. Indictments must be unsealed before he discusses them. If this happens, then We the People will all have a very Merry Christmas and 2018 will be truly glorious!

15289304? ago

I wont even wish for snow... ;)

15289285? ago

I think this is referring, not to the Christmas tree picture, but to POTUS' tweet yesterday where he posted a picture of all deep state members behind bars. Sentences refers to prison sentences.

15289145? ago

My fuzzy pre-coffee brain this morning noticed the two capital L's and thought "Locked & (who is) Loaded" might be Loretta Lynch ("loaded with information")?

Just a (most likely wrong) guess.

15289332? ago

I like this idea.

15289316? ago

Nice catch! She will be the first to testify on December 4th. Comey's anus must be puckered shut.

15297487? ago

Plus the double L repeated

15298748? ago

Plus the double L repeated


15294098? ago


15291144? ago

What do you mean nice catch? Do you actually think this fuck decoded something, or do you so desperately want to sound smart. OR, are you just saying weird shit to make Q followers look fucking dumb?

15316526? ago

Shut the fuck up Bonobo.

15322501? ago

Oh, your one of those "patriots" that likes to stifle free speech. Your on the wrong platform.

15322988? ago

Oh, did someone get their panties in a bunch? Whaaaaaaaaaa.

15324611? ago

The old ad hominem is a lazy way to debate or discuss something.

15290693? ago

I love thinking of Comey's anus as I sip my morning cuppa joe

15291047? ago

Especially the thought of it getting plowed by Mohammed somewhere in gitmo.

15292117? ago

Jihad'ing the hell out of his ane

15290248? ago

I doubt either Comey or Lynch will testify. I think I read somewhere that they do not have to since they are private citizens?

15291180? ago

Actually, Q said the LL was talking a few months back.

15298796? ago

Actually, Q said the LL was talking a few months back.

She may have been as part of a deal, but she hasn't testified in a court of law or before congress and under oath. That's what makes it official. Also you have to think "optics." It's important that the people see it.

15290581? ago

Was it in a book called 'The Opposite of Reality and What Makes Sense' by Common Sense?

15290710? ago

UGH! My favourite book! A classic authored by Ocasio-Cortez!

15292176? ago

Are you sure the book wasn't called 'Common Sense, What's That?'

15289029? ago

In 2504, I think the "picture" Q is referring to the retweet of the people in jail.

15298304? ago

A picture is worth many sentences. = JAIL sentences?

15298371? ago


15289217? ago


15289000? ago

How about we DECLAS?

15289499? ago

Trump just said he wants to hold that in reserve (unfortunately). I wonder if this next reported step in Mueller's investigation has led to his backing off: https://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Mueller-s-team-investigating-candidate-Trump-s-13429790.php

15291153? ago

He did say so... but then again, "disinformation is necessary." So who knows...

15289164? ago

shortly before or after Dec 5 (Huber&Comey testimony)

15288924? ago

[Roberts], in terms of SC, he's fucked. Then hoping RGB is finally declared, since she's been room temperature for at least a month now.

15289348? ago

i think so. the secret service twitter says something not "loaded"

15289016? ago

to be fake?

15288844? ago

Found this on goodlikeproductions, just citing:

*Locked vs. Loaded. LOCKED: - Senate Electorial Victories. - Supreme Court Vacancy. (almost) LOADED: - New Senate sworn in. - New Supreme Court Nominee sworn in.

Looks like maybe Valentines Day Massacre 2.0?*

15291178? ago

Forget GLP at once. Its a 1000% psyop. Try it yourself.. ask / say anything about "Tavistock".. i bet you get banned like you didnt know to be possible.

Tavistock runs GLP...and if you think that visitor calculator is right.. visit here http://www.siteworthtraffic.com/report/godlikeproductions.com

15304870? ago

I've been going to GLP for years because of the spiritual/woowoo stuff, but I agree that there is something fishy about the rest of the site. It's also very obvious that most of the main posters are role playing.

15291403? ago

Thank you. I never cared much about them. I remember something having been odd by GLP (forgot what it was). Actually, i found the entry by GOOG searching '6X-382-NTP0038-3u2' of Q 2503.

I sure know Tavistock from Coleman's book. Thanks v.m. for your take on GLP!

15289510? ago

FWIW Dilley continues in his claims that RBG will announce her retirement in January.

15288834? ago

"Who Is" is also how you look up who owns website domains. The Chans were totally digging on that 11/27 from an Anon tip telling them to pull up the "A" and the "MX" data on 3 specific domains' DNS records:
ClintonEmail.com / CometPingPong.com / WeThePizza.com

Here's a full recap on the subject for your reference in case it's helpful:

From 4Chan (Anons)



***NOTEWORTHY: If you go to the live web pages for the "MX" and "A" records on these DNS records (instead of just viewing screen grab static pics), you can drill-down on the IP addresses to see their associated website domains and you can drill down on the mailserver names and see individual email addresses of associated users on that mailserver. For example, there's a slew of international website domains in the IP addresses for people on the CometPingPong.com domain, and that domain has boat loads more "A" records than the other 2 domains. Also, based on the length of time any given IP address was in use, you can clearly see there's LOTS of burner phone action with IP addresses only in use for 1-3 days all over the place.


Historical DNS A https://securitytrails.com/domain/clintonemail.com/history/a

Historical DNS MX https://securitytrails.com/domain/clintonemail.com/history/mx



Historical DNS A https://securitytrails.com/domain/cometpingpong.com/history/a

Historical DNS MX https://securitytrails.com/domain/cometpingpong.com/history/mx



Historical DNS A https://securitytrails.com/domain/Wethepizza.com/history/a

Historical DNS DNX https://securitytrails.com/domain/Wethepizza.com/history/mx

15288910? ago

Seems legit otherwise why not just say who's?

15288818? ago

Has anyone ran this through that app that finds embedded text that Q told us about last summer?

15289186? ago

Do you know the name of that app?

15289573? ago


15295939? ago


15288753? ago

Where is this pic taken? Could it be from Trump Tower? If so, does the pic allude to the wire-tapping that went on there by Pres. O & crew (hence the WE KNOW)?

15299930? ago

Unreal. Thanks!!!

15289701? ago

Searched pic on tin eye. It comes up with zero hits on internet. Must be a cell phone image.

15288806? ago

I seriously doubt it is any of POTUS's properties. Notice the badly laid flooring joint. NO contractor worth his/her salt would lay flooring with an obvious joint line, very unprofessional

15288747? ago

Can anyone do me a favor and take that photo in an look at the inverse or mirror image part and tell me what they find. I would like to compare notes.

15288895? ago

That image is 5 MB which seems a little large for a .png of that size. Could there be data embedded in the image?

15288957? ago

I found in the mirror image something that looks like a man in a hoodie and mask. It is to the left side by the pillar. It looks way distorted from the light feathers "above " it/ I am no expert at this honestly.

15289290? ago

I dont see anything...

15289570? ago

it is probably nothing. I was messing around with lighting and flipping the mirror part of the image

15288741? ago

A picture is worth many (very long, multiple life times) sentences...

15288711? ago

This may have something to do with the Mueller investigation too. I think Whitaker was brought in to speed him up a bit. If you have noticed Mueller is stepping it up a notch lately. The way I perceive the "Locked & Loaded" is Q team and POTUS are locked and loaded with the goods on all the rats and the "Think timing" is about pulling the trigger when Mueller wraps it up. Its just another theory, but one I thought I should throw out there. The pic of the offices do not resemble a hotel lobby, to me it looks more like a office lobby, maybe a law firm?

15292192? ago

I agree. My thoughts are: a) Muller releases report b) Potus' team releases counter report (which points out all the REAL crimes/Collusion left out of Muller's report) c) DECLAS (to prove Muller didn't really investigate anything real, supporting Potus' statements.) d) MOAB (a bunch of documentation re: Email scandal/CF pay for play/SPYGATE/Treason. e) Arrests/Tribuanls All the while the Libs and Panty-fa are rioting so selected Martial Law imposed in the cities.

15293676? ago

Yup, exactly, by doing it this way it neutralizes Muellers report. Hopefully exposes him too.

15288651? ago

I was thinking loaded was Whitaker. He sure has been in the news a lot.

15289065? ago

Quite possible. Also, an Anon on 8Chan suggested Huber. So that is a possibility also.

15288778? ago

That’s what I thought too! Whitaker!

15288604? ago

Im going to lol if the (who is) loaded refers to the notorious rbg

15288600? ago

The picture is a Christmas tree. POTUS apparently was evac’d from the Christmas tree lighting due to a threat. That is worth sentencing. I decoded that part on my own.

15289299? ago


15288689? ago

Do you mind elaborating on the threat? I know he left the press pool behind which was weird

15289123? ago

Red dots were showing on his body and face. Fortunately he was behind bulletproof glass at the time. Perhaps they were just sending a message.

15289973? ago

The Sherlock episode comes to mind, frighteningly

15289026? ago

There was also the reporter tweeting out an image of the back of Trump, with the camera crosshairs fixed on him.

15292242? ago

Maybe this is why they decided to abandon the press and leave them behind..

15292381? ago

It was at least odd.

15293913? ago

Thinking out loud; Christmas tree picture with “We know” - could relate to the incident at the tree lighting and Q is stating “We know” who was trying something.

The two capital L’s - Loretta Lynch makes the most sense to me. In other communications LL has always stood for her.

15288597? ago

The final act is starting.

15288537? ago

Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?

I lol'd.

15290400? ago

Name one.

15295350? ago

How about the $1 trillion infastructure package he promised? He's had a republican house and senate for 2 years, and couldn't get that done, and that's even a non-partisan thing, everyone knows our infastructure is shit.

Want more?

15295433? ago

15295605? ago

Those are just plans that were pitched to Trump, not a comprehensive package like he promised.

Did you even read the article you linked to?

15295727? ago

Nope haha. Caught me.

15295402? ago


15296613? ago

How about his promise to provide matching funds for low-income families to the dependent care savings accounts?

Or how about his promise to cut the number of tax brackets from 7 to 3?

Neither of which have gone anywhere.

How about his promise to repeal Obamacare and replace it with HSA's? Once again in a Congress full of Republicans he still couldn't manage that. And it's not going to be any easier with Dem control of the house on the horizon.

This is like shooting fish in a barrel, if you want more just let me know.

15299027? ago

More. (Future proves past)

15289189? ago

The Mexicans could still pay for that Wall.

15290625? ago

That is yet to be determined. A tax on Mexican money transfers would take care of that. But if that is all you have, then Q is correct. As usual.

15296780? ago

$11.8 million per year in private funds estimated to be sent to mexico. So what tax rate on that gets you to the $6 to $7 billion Trump estimated the cost at?

15288952? ago

This comes after Trump's terrible interview in the NYPost, whereby he basically says he's ready to just use the counter-blackmailing threats and excuse that the public ought to be protected from learning about the crimes committed, in regular DC-as-usual fashion. https://nypost.com/2018/11/28/trump-threatens-to-declassify-devastating-docs-about-democrats/

15288505? ago

Stealth Bomber is loaded with a MOAB

15288504? ago

2 Ls are in caps. Maybe Loretta Lynch?

15288488? ago

Loaded? I like 🍺🍻🍻🍺

15289182? ago

Loaded like wealthy?

15290611? ago

Oooo.... that's another good one! 👏👏👏👏

15288467? ago

Huber is bringing the boom

15288432? ago


15288431? ago

I think its JA whos loaded with truth MOABS thatll be dropped during his testimony.

And Q is TELLING us, that image of the lobby contains many sentences embedded within.

Run it through a spectrogram, analyze the image to death. Check the file name, the PW below the image, etc.

I suspect the info isnt for us, and we might never find anything, that its for those in MI, or even the DS.

15290093? ago

location of tree:

  1. The anons are ON IT as usual! Kudos for finding the location of the pic Q posted this morning! Clearly a msg to someone who either was there recently or is there now. Hyatt Regency - Chongqing, China


15290913? ago

That stands for H R C!

15291005? ago


15290875? ago


15289284? ago

Scan it with PIXELKNOT?

15293453? ago

This image is a png. PixelKnot (Android app) uses F5 encryption which only works with jpg images. I am new to F5 and don't have an Android device but I did download the f5.jar from https://code.google.com/archive/p/f5-steganography/ I converted the png to jpg and ran it through f5 under MacOS terminal just to see what happens: Incomplete file: only 44 of 5759736 bytes extracted. (The output text was 44 bytes of gibberish.) If there is a message in the png it most likely is not F5 and would not survive conversion to jpg.

15290833? ago

I second this!! Can anyone confirm trying this with the code posted with the picture?? Would do it, but I am working atm.

15289485? ago

Has anything ever been found that way? He must have linked that app for a reason but I haven't seen anything come of it. I've tried a few things but I don't seem to be the one for the job.

15289090? ago

I’m thinking Huber is loaded and ready to go. Senate is locked. Supreme Court is locked, time to take down the traitors including many in the House.

15289292? ago

Huber came to mind for me as well. I bet he is locked and loaded, and he is going to be there on Dec 5.

15290286? ago

Didn’t someone post a twitter picture that showed mrs Huber is already in DC. I think Huber is already there and the play rehearsal has begun. It’s going to be glorious.

15288482? ago

"Locked and loaded" would definitely seem to be Assange. Wikileaks Twitter today just says "Assange." I know it has supposedly been compromised but maybe the white hats have taken it over. The picture worth "many (jail) sentences" I would have assumed was related to the ReTweet from yesterday, if he had not posted this picture today with the "We Know" caption and the "Reflections" title (think mirror?).

15295856? ago

RBG is usually loaded...

15301237? ago

lol Good One!!!

15289088? ago

Very good. Didn't think of jail sentences

15289015? ago

I hope it isn't just the idea that the threat from that tweet was enough to get the Dems to back off in some way against going after Trump. That he is, indeed, just playing the old Washington game of counter-threat blackmail. The "we know" with that code of some type seems to be another form of blackmail threat.

15288554? ago

Yup youre correct.

Its Trumps retweet from yesterday.

And the LOCKED are those who are to be locked away in prison. The ones in the image for starters.

And WHO is loaded, is either, as you said, Assange OR maybe someone in that picture Trump tweeted, who is testifying against the others in that picture.


Didnt Q just post about a RAT/s in DC a few days ago???

Type RAT into the QMAP as a search, youll soon see that the reference is to people RATTING/SNITCHING on eachother.

This is why its taking so long, ..... more ratting as time goes one due to these people getting NERVOUS.

Q/POTUS have what they need now to fully proceed w/o question. Air tight.

15294269? ago

Rats running. Timing is everything. Enjoy the show. Q RATS everywhere. EVIL everywhere. TRAITORS everywhere. DC has become RAT infested. How do you inflict MAX PAIN / DAMAGE? Drop [daily] carpet bombs [RATS RUNNING] >>> RATS ARE PANICKING. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS. Q

15289096? ago

"RAT" could also be an acronym. Q has often used all-caps for the word "RAT" (in post #2501 / #2165 / #537 / #2273 / #2248) instead of just "rat" (although lower case has been used too). Here's a couple interesting acronyms that "RAT" could stand for per https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/RAT

  • Remote Access Trojans (CERTs - Hacker Programs)
  • Remote Administration Tool

15288913? ago

Deadline for rat snitches have expired time for hammer time.

15288602? ago

Yep, my gut tells me these last two drops are related to POTUS retweet Re: Deep State actors behind bars.

The next scene of the movie....