15283955? ago

Don't talk to the press. Ever.

15290624? ago

I agree. I was ritually defamed by the press on nearly every channel. One channel told me they would correct the record, so I spoke to them, and they perpetuated the defamation with an even more salacious story. They forever changed how I am perceived by the public. I am so angry, all I can do is forgive them because all they deserve is death.

15283555? ago

You morons!! This is clearly a shill!! Duhhhhhh. Some folks wasted their time with "Hannah".

Don't. Feed. The. Trolls.

15290640? ago

You. Are. Participating.

15281628? ago

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15281480? ago

  • Where is your resume for us to see, including where you went to college?
  • What are the top 5 papers you sell stories to? Give the website for each.

15284644? ago

A truly fine challenge you have presented here. In and of itself is a "red pill" of sorts. The beginning of understanding 1% of the truth.

Some nagging feeling I have tells me she won't engage. KEK

15281244? ago

Lugenpresse get the oven too, Hannah.

15281165? ago

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15281149? ago

I hope you dont get discouraged by the blatant attacks you will be receiving on this post. Stay strong, there are a ton of BS posers on here trying to make the Q boards look like a hate mongering source.

Patriot here, wishing you the best on your Q research journey.

15290435? ago

Lol.v/qrv is not a hate-mongering source. It's a free-speech source with a Q-anon theme.

Free-speech means anyone can say anything. He or she can even monger hate. It's up to you as a user to counter wrong speech with right speech. Downvote a post you disagree with. Better yet, leave a comment and tell OP why he's wrong.

If you're finding you're getting a lot of the same arguments over and over, you can make a thorough academic post, refuting all their points before they make them. It doesn't matter if this post gets upvoted or downvoted, just that you save it. And when one of these exhausting posts pops up again, you merely have to comment a link to your readymade response. Counter free-speech with free-speech.

Because on Voat, free-speech is more important than any one communal theme, whether it's Q-anon or it's negroes.

15291442? ago

Good grammar.

15281018? ago

Hannah, you wouldn't by any chance be posting from a correctional facility in the Carolinas would you?

15281455? ago

Amazingly specific guess

15281522? ago

Yeah I got really excited about the potential for the press conference in Columbia, SC this morning and thought I would bring the disappointing result back in the form of humor..

E tu?

15283865? ago

Et tu

15280769? ago

15701800? ago

Surround sound 7.1

15280750? ago

Hannah, to get a good background, you need to start here:

Lifting the Veil An Investigative History of the United States https://www.wanttoknow.info/mk/liftingtheveil#13

15280747? ago

I can help you with an accurate synopsis, if you’d like. Don’t want to dox myself here.

You are brave.

15280712? ago

Israel is responsible for 9/11

15280679? ago

Hey Hannah! You're also billing yourself as an "independent gangbanger" asking for anons to run a train on ya in another post. Which is it, "Independent Journalist" or "Independent Gangbanger"????

15290557? ago

Haha. PM me the link.

15281794? ago

Maybe both?

15280588? ago

Why is a "journalist" asking anons how to do her job?

15280877? ago

Their asking for interviews ya dumb fuck

15282341? ago

Hey dumber, no, bumbest fuck. They say they are new to Q and want to learn more. A fucking journalist went to school, or at least was supposed to have gone to learn how to do their OWN fucking investigation. Get it yet dumbest fuck? I didn't think so.

15283636? ago

God you’re fucking retarded. You don’t think investigations involve interviewing people? OP is clearly doing their own fucking investigation.

It’s like telling a chef go learn how to cook because he asked you what you want for dinner.

15283805? ago

First, I'm not God. Second, if you can't recognize a fuckin' shill within the first 10 words of a post, that makes you the tardo. My guess is YOU are the OP, making you the most retarded tardo defending your own retardedness.

15283839? ago

Oh no, you got me

Appearently to stupid to even realize OPs comments are flagged.

15280535? ago

Q is a LARP.

15280528? ago

How do you feel about open borders for israel? Personally i think israel needs 100 million niggers, i mean gud bois inside her borders as soon as possible.

15280507? ago

You are one brave, brave soul to wander in here.

There are great suggests in reply to you though.

15281749? ago

That is the real secret to getting information online. Brave the shills and the trolls and find the nuggets they are trying to hide.

15282252? ago


15280495? ago

I do alot of Research regarding both Q and what we refer to as Pedogate/Pizzagate. I have my Voat research here.


Along with my YouTube channel on it here.



Q is like that movie the Unstoppables. When everything is so corrupted to the core, so upside down, so thoughtcrime and group/doublethink that when the public was outraged to learn of not only the Podesta emails but multiple politicians including the Justin Traduau Foundation sporting a pedophile symbol and the many sex abuse crimes that are coming out in Britian we all started seeing a global connected picture here of extremely evil people doing the most evil depraved things in the world that is in the realm of beyond horrific. Things that make Saw and Hostile look PG. The people who traffik children are wealthy and elite. It is now about to suppress the sales of illegal black market gun sales. Slavery never died it went uunderground and has been controlled by the Fox guarding the chicken den. Speaking of Chicken, why does a Hilary Clinton email talk about "sacrificing a chicken to Molech" when Molech is an ancient god of child sacrifice?



When you go down that sick rabbit hole, of ancient religious satanic Babylon age cults that never died and are completely sick and depraved, of Freemason imagery like Checkerboards in movies, of white rabbits and Alice on Wonderland motifs, when Johnny Depp mentions "Adrenochrome" in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, when all of these sick things start becoming more and more prevalent, when you learn on the Dutrox Affiar and the Belgian White March that had over 300,000 people in a march against elite child sexual abuse and Human Traffiking, when you learn the of the Franklin Coverup and see that a Discovery Channel documentary was stopped from airing on Television and has to be released online "Conspiracy of Silence" that involved many elite high ranking government officials involved in a pedophile ring, when you see proof after proof you are damn sure the public begins to wake the fuck up and fight back. That's what Q is. We are against the most sick people without sympathy, without mercy, psychopaths who would not blink twice and raping and torturing a child to death for sick sadism or sacrifice to some ancient god.

15280591? ago

Thank you. I can already tell there's a quite bit more ground to cover than I anticipated.

15280795? ago

People have been studying and researching a wide range of topics relating to this for over a year. To expect to come here and even know what questions to ask immediately is impossible, which is exactly why not one article written has gotten the story right. They all come along and expect to understand this within one day. People who have been here for months reading and learning still don’t understand fully what’s happening. Unless you plan on putting in the hours do us a favor and scrap the article.

15280703? ago

No problem, I have a list here too as well. Many influential people have spoken about it.


15280694? ago

Are you same Hannah asking for a hangbang? What is it exactly that you are here for?

15280485? ago

Its a larp for dumbfuck baby boomers who love niggers, kikes and wars for israel. Are you jewish?

15280478? ago

i'm totally confused how you could be a active independent reporter, reporting on political movements, and not know what Q is or have an idea as to what it is about.

15280383? ago

I will answer your questions if I can, here publicly. I've been involved since Q's first drop in Oct 2017.

15282209? ago


15280336? ago

Q for beginners part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vYqqH3-xFY

Q for beginners part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymIENvtcJqo

Q - The plan to save the world - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - We are the plan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRtEgdgj_XQ

These are only 10 - 15 minutes each and should get you started.

15280489? ago

Wow, that's what I'm talking about! You are the boss!!

Since you seem to be on top of things would you be down for an interview at a later point? When I've watched this and made my notes:)

15290578? ago

When you're boss tells you "we need to put a face to the story", tell him, "they are faceless and nameless".

15280329? ago

Try prayingmedic.com

15280464? ago

^ this.

He would be the guy you want to go to for an actual interview about what all of this is.

15280629? ago

Have you been doing your deep breathing exercises with a plastic bag over your head?

15280652? ago

Unfortunately they keep breaking. I'm probably going to have to double layer next time.

15280298? ago

You know the rules.... Tits or GTFO.


15282202? ago

This is voat, not 4chan, you fuck.

15282411? ago

Tits or GTFO rule always applies. Why? There are no girls on the Internet. There was no reason for "Hannah" to give her name except to attract attention to herself. This image explains: https://imgoat.com/uploads/6366388177/168444.png

15282463? ago

There are women on the internet. 4chan is not a source of objective truth. Good day.

15290738? ago

Right, but when a woman use the Internet like the rest of the Internet, she gets assumed to be male. When a woman makes a point of letting the rest of the Internet know she is a woman, she's just trying to get female privilege again. There is no female privilege on the Internet, if you want "girl attention" then you have to provide the one thing that sets a girl apart for the boys: bobs and vagene. Sorry you're new to the Internet, hopefully this was informative.

15280295? ago

? why did you capitalize Independent and write Thanx

15280471? ago

That is Pizzagate, not Q, but helpful nevertheless...

15280608? ago

If you don't understand Pizzagate, you don't understand Q either.

15280647? ago

I understand Pizzagate and Q perfectly, The question was posted in QRV, not Pizzagate

15280671? ago

Not you dumbass, Miss Dipshit reporter. If Hannah doesn't understand Pizzagate she won't get Q either.

15283284? ago

Thanks for that clarification! You just hit the wrong "reply" button... You replied to me, not her. No worries!

15280259? ago

Fuck right off, Hannah.


15280287? ago

I was told to expect that.. Not expecting it so fast though.

15281526? ago

That's just how we say "hi" around here. It's just a thing. I got the same thing when I signed up here. Everyone did.

15280490? ago

This place is on the edge of the wild west of the internet. People are quick to say exactly what they are thinking without holding anything back.

15280818? ago

I'm starting to notice.. That little envelope up there in the corner. It's not what I had expected..

15280932? ago

It's not so bad once you get used to it. You just ignore or down vote the trolls.

But yes. I recommend following the suggestion to speaking with Praying Medic. He would be considered an "expert" on Q.

15281012? ago

Thanks. I'm sure I'll survive, just a little overwhelmed by the impact I guess. But I got a good list of things to start off with. Thank you again. I'm excited for this!

15280461? ago

You must be a Jew?

15280493? ago

My jewdar is pinging.

15280183? ago

Interview YouTube praying medic he will be the most personable

15280248? ago

Is he here, how do I get in touch with them?

15280472? ago



15280341? ago


His videos will also give you good background information. I suggest you browse through a few before possibly setting up an interview.

This will also be good background information.


15280217? ago

This is a great idea!