15271194? ago

Q team has been saying "You have more than you know,"

Or it could be a spiritual reference, like directed prayer and positive energy actually works.

15272733? ago

Fuck that. I visualize Hillary's head on a spike. I visualize revenge and blood in the streets. I visualize dead Democrats everywhere.

15271074? ago

I used to think "You have more than you know" referee to information. Now I have changed that opinion. I now think it means we have more resources than we know - like food, friends and ability to help each other. I think these resources will be tested soon with a power outage resulting in the "10 days of darkness". I could be wrong but there have been other clues along the way. One such clue is the Clinton / Patterson book "The President is Missing". Chapter 45 of that book starts on page 218 and begins with the words "The Calm Before The Storm". 45 = Trump. 218 = the exact time of the Presidential alert. TCBTS needs no explaination. The book is about a computer virus that can take every thing down.

15270378? ago

Actually, Q is referring to an event that is imminent and unstoppable, and it has to do with the returned Christ and the true foundations of the Earth. Stay tuned.

15270237? ago

I'd love to think whatever is in motion to take down the cabal IS truly unstoppable, but I have concerns that keep me up at night. For one thing, whoever these evil bastards are with the directed energy weapons, they apparently STILL have them, and they can burn entire cities to the ground (a la California) or evaporate massive skyscrapers (a la Twin Towers) whenever they want. That could keep us in a continuous 'state of emergency' - along with the weather weapons (a la hurricanes at will). The mass Dem election fraud is a powder keg too if that shit doesn't get exposed, prosecuted (as in PEOPLE GO TO JAIL), and corrected SOON!

And let's not forget about the 10s of thousands in the invasion army amassing at our southern border that's already a lit fuse. Plus, the new fun with clowns in the Ukraine trying their best to push a war with Russia and keep POTUS away from chumming up with Putin. Then that pesky situation with that Kashoggi (Muslim Brotherhood prick) who got killed keeps rearing its ugly head (thanks to hounding by the MSM) to keep trying to drive a wedge between the USA and Saudi Arabia. And who knows what other false flag bag of tricks the cabal has up its sleeve.

There's so much going on and so many threats from every direction, and God only knows what other horrific things the bad guys have planned. I'm getting reeeeeeally anxious that if something major doesn't happen for /ourguys/ SUPER soon, the evil doers can simply run out the clock with endless crises and diversion tactics that cripple and/or delay the timeline/plan for the good guys.

It already feels like things aren't going according to plan and that we've taken some big hits and losses that weren't anticipated along the way. /Ourguys/ may simply not have even realized how diabolical these demons are that they're fighting against. What keeps sticking in my head is that the cabal has been at this for centuries - they know how to double/triple/quadruple ensure that they get their way. And, the worst part is, the cabal is fighting for their lives and livelihoods - for their very survival. They have EVERYTHING to lose - and that makes them unimaginably dangerous.

Whereas, for /ourguys/, it's more along the lines of 'another day at the office' in large part (certainly not for our military, but for the majority of folks in the executive and legislative branches). Yuuuuuge difference re: what's at stake for the cabal by comparison. Our military is probably doing all the heavy lifting, while most everyone else in our govt. probably isn't even aware of all these major operations going on.

I've had a really uneasy feeling ever since POTUS went to Paris and it hasn't gone away. Something happened there - more than just the avoided hit at the cemetery. He seems different, more frustrated, more agitated, ever since Paris. And something damn important must have been happening for him to not visit Arlington National Cemetery and all that on Veterans' Day. Nobody loves our Vets more than POTUS.

Then I read this theory about the Dems' master plan about getting Pelosi in as Speaker, then taking out POTUS and Pence so SHE'LL become President and bring in Killery as her VP. And as terrifying a thought as this is, that is a completely plausible scenario for these evil SOBs! That would explain why the Dems focused the vast majority of their seat stealing voter fraud on the HOUSE - because the Speaker is 3rd in the line of succession to the Presidency.

Does anyone have something uplifting and reassuring to help drive this fear out of me? I pray every day for POTUS' safety, but the depths of evil he's up against simply knows no bounds. Trump is but one man, even with the Q team, our fierce military, and his Digital Warriors (us) behind him, the cabal's bottomless pit of funding, global assets, Deep State infiltration across every major country's government, weapons of mass destruction that they have no hesitation in using whenever they want, and their pure evil intentions - combined with their fighting for their lives/survival - just seems like overwhelming odds in the cabal's favor.

If /ourguys/ really do hold all the aces, we "have everything" and "The Plan" is so perfect, then why is it contingent upon 50 other things happening before they pull the trigger? The big fish criminals we're talking about have committed high crimes in God only knows how many states and even multiple countries. Why on earth would them being rounded up and taken off the streets be hinging on every judge at every level in every state being replaced beforehand?

The US Attorneys can pick wherever they want to file their charges - they wouldn't HAVE to risk prosecuting someone at a court in Chicago or L.A. or Portland or Seattle or D.C. or anywhere it's guaranteed they'd get a corrupt judge. And the top dog bad guys are going to military tribunals anyway, so who the hell cares what judges are on normal district courts? These things just don't make sense to me - the supposed reasons for delay, delay, delay just don't ring true to me. There's gotta be something else going on with this.

If we've had some setbacks or lost some battles or had to shift gears to counter the cabal's moves, that's to be expected in any war, right? It would be great to just know the truth, at least a hint of what's happening - whether it's good news or bad news. We can handle it and live to fight another day.

Sometimes I feel like things we're being told about "we're in control" and "we have it all" and "nothing can stop what's coming - nothing" are meant to be reassuring (and/or maybe to scare the bad guys too), but when it's obvious that everything really ISN'T going well, it doesn't feel genuine or true. We already have the Fake News lying media blasting lies everywhere 24x7 - we don't need anyone else blowing smoke up our butts.

If the Dems were more sneaky and devious than even /ourguys/ anticipated in stealing elections, then tell us that it will be remedied or reversed/blocked or they're doing a major investigation about it. Don't tell us they didn't care about the House all along - that just sounds like b.s., ya know what I mean?

And we all know that the CA fires were nothing short of a mass murder terror attack. Why are the CA fires - still to this day - being called a "natural disaster" instead of a "terror attack"?? How is that any different than some jihadi screaming "Alahu Akbar" before slaughtering a bunch of people being reported in the news as an "Asian" who shouted "praise God" before the massacre? And don't even get me started on the Mars rover thing.

I guess there's a down-side to being a truth-seeker because once your eyes are opened, you start smelling b.s. a mile away. And my b.s. meter has been off-the-charts since the midterms. I desperately hope I'm just misreading something and my gut is WRONG, but I haven't been able to shake this feeling of dread and worry about this whole thing going off the rails. Not for their lack of trying or their dedication to executing "The Plan" - but that our enemy is far, far worse than even they imagined.

All I can do is keep praying about it and sending my love to POTUS, the Q team, our military, and all the dedicated patriots. May God watch over and protect them all. WWG1WGA!

15279132? ago

Does anyone have something uplifting and reassuring to help drive this fear out of me?

Not likely to work. You're too addicted to fear porn. Or you're a concern troll here to discourage.

Fear is a fact of life. You could find out tomorrow you have cancer. You could get in a head-on collision with some fucktard checking their Instagram. Pull on your big boy pants and do what you can to MAGA. You've let yourself become a slave to anxiety, which is exactly what they want.

Got put middle fingers on both your hands for a reason. Learn to use them against fear.

15279759? ago

I'm not a "concern troll" or shill or whatever other blanket label you want to cast my way. I was feeling confident in "The Plan" until recently - a combination of the CA fires (terror attacks / mass murder), the midterm elections, the looming disaster with the caravans, and ever since POTUS went to Paris. Something doesn't feel right to me - and this is new, just this month. I've felt really optimistic and positive about "The Plan" up until November.

Do you honestly believe that POTUS and the Q team would have ALLOWED entire cities to be annihilated and thousands of people to be burned alive if they (A) knew about the planned attack in advance or (B) could have stopped it? How many tens of thousands of invaders are amassing at our border with more on the way - ready to trigger a violent altercation that could bury our POTUS? The midterm elections were MASSIVELY stolen by Dems and so far nobody's been arrested and no stolen seats have been reversed.

The bad guys are WINNING right now. If you don't recognize that, then either you're not paying attention or your 'fantasy ending' has you blinded. My feelings of concern are warranted and based on tangible evidence of troubling events. Hopefully, these horrible situations will be addressed and resolved (SOONER rather than later, preferably). But it's unfair to say that I'm needlessly worried or some kind of (fill-in-the-blank label) because I feel this way and looking for answers and hope.

15285933? ago

More fear porn.

Stop worrying. Act.

Arm yourself and go to a range regularly. Make sure you've got food and water in the event of civil unrest. Bone up on your first aid. Make sure you've got camping gear and a disaster preparedness family rendezvous plan in case you need to bug out.

Worrying is playing their game. It's stupid, paralyzing and a social contagion. Try leading instead.

15272417? ago

And don't even get me started on the Mars rover thing.

I'm sorry, but WTF about the mars rover?

15277498? ago

This is a video on how to fake a Mars landing and includes part of the bizarro press conference with a panel of supposed NASA geniuses who led the team. I was laughing my head off at this video! I kept missing parts 'cuz I was laughing so hard and had to rewind it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5_Il2tAT7U

At 3:17 of this video, a Photoshop guy shows the (Earth's) land photograph that may have been used in some fake Mars landing photo and he shows the (original) "before" picture when it's in its Earth natural landscape, then he walks you through the Photoshop steps of how to change the sky color ("to make sure it looks completely FAKE") and the land color changed to all orangey-red so it supposedly looks like Mars. He emphasized it's especially important to make sure there's no GREEN showing in the landscape and that he's had to fire so many graphic artist people because they accidentally left some green in the Mars ground/surface shot - LOL! And he reminds the photo faker people to be sure and remove the van from the picture too - LMAO! These images "from Mars" look so fabricated, it seems like they WANT us to know they're fake or something.

These supposed NASA guys in the blue shirts on the panel can't stop raising their arms and fists in the air like Rocky Balboa after running up the stairs in that epic scene. It's this bizarre endless hootin' and hollerin' deal where they keep cheering themselves and trying to rile up the crowd (kinda like paid attendees at a Killery rally). And that Adam Steltzner guy on the panel who's the supposed LEADER of the Mars landing team at NASA - with his "Oscar-worthy performance" speech - just had me in stitches. Totally reminded me of Cryin' Chucky Schumer's little whaaaah-fest b.s.

Loved the audience reporter questions asking about the big whoop Mars image, "What file type is that?" and he couldn't answer. And the guy who asked, "What are the coordinates of where the rover landed?" and he couldn't answer. And how many freakin' references did they make to "movies" and movie ticket prices and "more stories to come" during that thing? Then there's the guy in the very front who's wearing a friggin' "AVATAR" jacket ('cuz he worked on THAT movie too)!

15272722? ago

We didn't go to Mars. It's all fake. They are shooting footage out in California and color correcting and using CGI.

15272960? ago

How do you know this?

15273233? ago

Think about it:

They lied to you about everything else. WHY would they tell you the truth on this? You have no way to verify it. Instead of spending the BILLIONS they claim on going to Mars they can funnel that into black ops programs and show you cute CGI images on TV instead. You don't know the difference anyway and you can't go to Mars to prove them wrong.

15273389? ago

So you don't really know. We have, on one side, people like you, saying it's all a scam, we never went to the moon, etc. And on the other side, there is a huge wave of people saying we actually have secret bases on the moon, mars, and throughout the solar system and beyond. I think the latter is more likely. The reason for the fake footage on the moon and mars is because they don't want us to see the real thing with all of the ruins and ancient tech strewn about.

15270472? ago

I desperately hope I'm just misreading something and my gut is WRONG, but I haven't been able to shake this feeling of dread and worry about this whole thing going off the rails. Not for their lack of trying or their dedication to executing "The Plan" - but that our enemy is far, far worse than even they imagined.

I too worry because my mind can't see the whole picture and you make some good points I've considered myself. Then stuff like this happens and I realize that there's a lot more to the story: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/hillary-has-coughing-fit-after-trashing-president-trump-in-toronto-video/

Keep praying. Don't take the black pill of nihilism, if it gets that bad we'll rise up and deal with it. In the meantime, let's wait and see how the next 6 weeks unfold while expecting victory over evil, inside each of our hearts and on planet earth.

15278008? ago

Thanks for your reply and that link to Killery's latest coughing fit. Wish we knew definitively what's causing her coughing fits - it's been going on for yeeeeeeears now.

Good to know I'm not alone in my concerns and I'm not just imagining that something is 'off.' Anyone who has watched (studied almost) POTUS speak 100s of times can pick up on things, read him, and know when something's going on. Whatever has been happening, I pray to God that it gets taken care of and things get back on track. POTUS and the Q team are, I believe, our LAST hope of saving our country (and really the world). If they don't defeat this evil cabal, I have no doubt that we're all doomed. I continue to put my faith in them and know in my heart that they are fighting every day for us trying their best to restore our nation and free us from these evil forces. Hope that the armor of God surrounds and protects them every step of the way. POTUS, the Q team, and our military forces on the front lines are, in my view, the bravest warriors we have ever had. How blessed we are to have them even TRYING to accomplish something like this.

15291658? ago

I have a feeling Macron and his wife tried to set up a scenario to kill The Trumps (Melania looked like she was trying to get a chemical taste out of her mouth after the first "kiss" greeting with Brigitte and Macron appeared to be rubbing something all over President Trump's suit pants — so that when they're exposed to the chemical whose combination makes it deadly, no one would be able to make any connections) and part of what went on in Paris was him realizing with undeniable accuracy that he truly can't trust anyone on the world stage.

Macron basically did the same thing Trudeau did when President Trump left the G7 and everyone expected AF1 to be taken out by a missile.

So sad to see them behind bulletproof glass for the tree lighting ceremony, but these are the times in which we live.

Pray. And then pray some more. Trust in God. We are all so fortunate to be alive during such an exciting time on planet earth!

15301135? ago

Whoa - interesting thought on Macron and his mom-ish wife possibly trying to poison POTUS and Melania. I've heard that Melania has already had at least 2 other poison attacks (one that led to her emergency kidney surgery and one in the UK where her toiletries were poisoned and a USSS team member died). God only knows how many other attempts their whole family has already had. It's pure madness what they're up against each and every day.

I have reached a point where I nearly go into full-blown anxiety attacks every time POTUS is out in public or traveling or in any type of exposed environment. I am so terrified for his safety ALL the time. These demons who want him gone only have to get it right for 1-2 seconds, whereas POTUS' protectors have to get it right every second of every hour of every day 24x7x365. I wish POTUS could run our country from another friggin' PLANET where nobody can get to him physically (total fantasy, obviously). But I pray for the safety and protection of POTUS and his family, the Q team, our military, and patriots every day.

15316659? ago

I have reached a point where I nearly go into full-blown anxiety attacks every time POTUS is out in public or traveling or in any type of exposed environment. I am so terrified for his safety ALL the time. These demons who want him gone only have to get it right for 1-2 seconds, whereas POTUS' protectors have to get it right every second of every hour of every day 24x7x365.

I hear you. Particularly hate when he has to meet with all the weasely leaders who are in on the constant coup and assassination attempts. We have to trust that it's the timing to set our planet free from evil and that our prayers are answered. Blessings to you, I'm sure breathing deeply and doing everything possible to stay positive.

Remember: President Trump grew up with Norman Vincent Peale (Power of Positive Thinking) as his pastor, imho it's a huge reason for his success.

15318776? ago

Blessings to you too - thank you. Totally agree about when POTUS is meeting with all the ANTI-allies (who are SUPPOSED to be our allies) - like Macron / Merkel / May / Trudeau. I wish he'd only talk to THOSE people on the PHONE preferably, or if need be for a face-to-face meeting, only see those demons on US soil in the WH instead of traveling to see them on their turf or somewhere abroad.

I've actually kinda dreamed up some kind of 'fantasy/futuristic tech' that I try to imagine is protecting POTUS - lol! I calm myself down by envisioning some kind of invisible force field surrounding him wherever he goes that's bullet-proof and D.E.W.-proof and nuke-proof. That and/or "the armor of God" protecting him. Please Lord, keep our president SAFE!

15272710? ago

if it gets that bad we'll rise up and deal with it

Bullshit. By then it will be too late. They will have you surrounded. The media will portray you as psycho gun nuts that need to be disarmed for the "good of the country". You won't be able to fight back. They'll keep you isolated and break your communication lines. The time to strike is NOW! While we can! We still have the upper hand. The longer we wait, the worse our chances become.

15275333? ago

The longer we wait, the worse our chances become.

More like the longer we wait, the more leftists implode and take each other out.

15275354? ago

They are regrouping, scheming, and organizing to come back at us even harder. We need to kill them before they kill us.

15275421? ago

Are you the OP of the long comment? I don't disagree with your point about regrouping, scheming, and intending to kill off anyone who doesn't agree. Just don't think there's any need to take to the streets without waiting to see what happens when the EO takes effect in January. It's like waiting all day for the ice cream truck and then running inside to have a long shit just as you start to hear the bells. Makes no sense. Power for growth limited by impatience.

15275459? ago

No, I'm not OP. But, if the EO's don't take out all commies soon, we aren't going to have many opportunities left. We need to strike soon, while we can. We need Q and Trump to start taking action and getting this shit show on the road.

15275479? ago

Ok, just want to make sure not to offend the OP — you're sounding more and more like a communist shill getting ready to perpetrate yet another hoaxed hate crime against itself in order to further the communist agenda. You clearly haven't read the Q drops or you would know how OBVIOUS and ridiculous these posts you're making are.

15275691? ago

What's ridiculous is that everyone believes that Q is going to swoop in and save the world. It never occurs to you to ask: "What if that doesn't happen?" If Q / POTUS doesn't do something soon, there isn't going to be anything left to save. We need ACTION! Not words.

15275820? ago

As stated previously, you clearly haven't read the Q drops from the beginning.

15276861? ago

It doesn't matter. The "drops" mean NOTHING if there are no arrests in the real world. It's all just words on the Internet. Until we start seeing the cabal being arrested en masse, it doesn't fucking matter. Nothing is going to wake up the normies except mass arrests. Trump and Q need to start taking action! The longer we wait, the harder it will be.

15291550? ago

"Blah blah blah take the black nihilism pill and convince yourself that I know what I'm talking about even though I don't bother to read the drops because I'm here to ruin your day blah blah blah"

15291609? ago

So, "confronting you with reality" = "ruining your day"?

Get your head out of the sand.

15291906? ago

Fuck off, nihilism isn't reality. Take your mental illness and go live your desperate and hopeless reality without forcing it on the rest of us.

15292113? ago

Very soon you're going to be face to face with "desparate reality". The world is a much darker place than you realize. Accept it or die.

15293562? ago

You're talking to a person who lives in the deepest of the deep blue zones. You're being an asshole because you can't accept the fact that no one wants to take your nihilism pill and join you in the streets rather than wait out the timing of th plan and see what happens. FUCK OFF MENTALLY ILL ASSHOLE WHO DOESN'T EVEN BOTHER READING THE DROPS.

15275160? ago

Fuck off.

15275203? ago

If you won't rise up NOW while we have the majority numbers, why would you rise up in the future when you are outnumbered and surrounded by liberals, communists, and leftists? At some point they WILL take back power. You plan to wait until then before you do something to stop them? You won't do shit.

15275315? ago

You're living in fantasyland if you believe progressives outnumber sane people. We're supposedly surrounded by them everywhere except that they're all posers who just go along with the fascist leftists for safety reasons. They're lazy cowards who will not be joining in if this gets to the streets. Hell, my wife could easily take any of them.

We see you posting bullshit trying to make it look like people interested in Q are violent and calling for civil war just as momentum builds for military tribunals and the left is really starting to eat their own. Must be a big FF planned, where they'll come back and look at these posts to further support the fabricated narrative that it was perpetrated by someone who reads the Q drops. Yawn.

If this does end up in the streets, you guys will be the first ones many will actively seek out to silence once and for all. Hopefully it won't come to that in spite of all your rhetoric.

15275379? ago

We need a civil war in this country to purge it of communists, leftists, and Democrats.

15275451? ago

We need to purge the people programming them or we'll just have new puppets controlled by the same puppet masters in a few years. Trust the plan, it's only a few more weeks to see what's real and what's not. Impatience is not a virtue.

15275484? ago

If a "few more weeks" comes and goes and nothing happens will you start to demand that we take action? I'm not entirely convinced that anything major is going to happen. I'll believe it when I see it.

15275499? ago

I'm not entirely convinced that your perspective matters to any of us. You can do what you want, in your own name. We're not looking to be violent nor to take out poor, brainwashed, programmed NPCs being riled into the streets (and online) by their globalist masters. We want our country back, and for them to be set free.

15275671? ago

At some point you're going to realize that you cannot free them. The only way to get our country back is to kill them.

15275829? ago

That's not the reality I experience here in the deep blue coastal city I call home, there are lots of brainwashed people waking up to the insanity of what they've been supporting. Doesn't seem to be any rush at the moment, the left is imploding and turning on each other. The more they do this, the easier for everyone when it comes time to deal with them effectively.

15269537? ago

I think it means we all have gay cancer.

15272745? ago

AIDS = Anally Injected Death Sentence

15269344? ago

I think you have more than you know also means there's more of us than we know. We're a massive core army of Patriots that know how deep the corruption goes and who can and can't be trusted for the most part. We trust POTUS we trust each other. We have a communications board, signals and call signs, and above all we're people who actually CARE and have the courage to take hits for fighting for the truth and what's right. We have a lot.

15269319? ago

I don't think Q could even keep the truth hidden from the world if he tried. Too much has already in motion.

15269215? ago

A quorum in the House of Representatives is when a majority of the Members are present. When there are no vacancies in the membership, a quorum is 218, if vacant then reduced by same number.

15269182? ago

Just watched Hannity, did you see the all the money that the Clinton Foundation gets from foreign contries?! $10-25 Million from Australia (hmmm interesting) and Saudi Arabia (hmmm also very interesting) and other Millions of dollars from other countries?! And Hannity’s source? The Clinton Foundation website! Uh hello!? The info is out there and available without security clearance. Q was just stating that many of us can find this information and can “red pill” others with proof, not just conspiracy theories.

15269271? ago

Sunday with Charles (Ortel) - you tube - he has all the info (public record, facts, not opinion) & corrupt is a understatement.

15268806? ago

Trump’s 2016 victory was a divine intervention, no doubt.

15272640? ago

Until we start seeing criminals arrested, it does us no good.

15273995? ago

Hillary would be president. Does us no good??? Are you kidding me?

15275215? ago

We've been spared death in a nuclear holocost. Granted such a gift, I'm willing to wait until the opportune moment for the White Hats to do justice and maximum damage to the enemies of us all. This cat below needs to find just a little more patience...

15274017? ago

In case you haven't noticed...she's planning to run in 2020. Why isn't that cunt in jail yet? Why hasn't she been executed?

15294010? ago

In case you haven't noticed...she's planning to run in 2020

All the traitors are running for president in 2020, not because they seriously expect to win but because they think it prevents our president from going after political rivals. Sorry but if you're a traitor, you can't be a serious political rival.

15268643? ago

"They've recently been saying "Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing."

Actually Q has been doing a great fucking stall job on this. Kudos Q, or should I say Paul Ryan?

15272878? ago

Why and How could Q be Paul Ryan?😳

15269920? ago

Think Paul Revere.

15268608? ago

We The People are the avalanche.

15268585? ago

When Q said you have more than you know, I'm combination with watching all the Sgt reports about the Currency/Fed collapse I started thinking it meant America would be able to pick itself up quickly because it has food, energy, and steel. Wow that sounds fatalistic sounding but I don't think a little bit of hard times when this all goes down.

15269032? ago

No. The insinuation is we have more INFORMATION than we know.

15269272? ago

Yeah, just expanding my thinking

15268454? ago

RULE OF LAW. The pieces have been set.. House intelligence committee investigations. Justice Kavanaugh is in SC. Tipping the conservative scale. Dozens of Federal Judges appointed by Trump and confirmed. Mean while at the DOJ,FBI.. almost All bad actors removed or replaced.. Inspector General Horowitz has John Huber investigate EVERYTHING while MSM and libtards salivate over Muller probe. Trump threttens declas of FISA, no response.. Trump orders declass, Now UK and AU call and beg POTUS NOT to declas. So POTUS got what he was after. UK and AU had to eat crow and admit their crimes. Trump walks back declass to leave the DS squirming abd held on to ir for leverage...for now..Now Jeff Sessions stepped down and his chief of staff moves up to the acting AG spot. Witiker is in position to Prosecute any and all crimes committed. Comey and Lynch testify next week, Huber testify next week, Homeland Securry election fraud report due 12/22ish... It's All coming together...D5 NO ONE can stop what's coming. Wheels are in motion. Wheels of JUSTICE.....Get yer popcorn! Enjoy the show. But this shit is coming to a head and she's gonna BLOW WIDE OPEN!!!

15269008? ago

A Voat Member wrote this and read it once a day. This helps explain more too:


If the new Democrat controlled house has no Quorum they can't hold any votes. This means they cannot vote to investigate anything or anyone.

House members are replaced through Special Election. Elections take months. If arrests happen now we lose House while we have the majority (not good but is there any business going to be done now?) and give more time for elections to take place and the House is not nulllified as long. That is good if we regain control of House in those Special Elections (3 months after arrests).

I can't imagine that Democrats will do well after the DECLAS, Huber, Mueller, and Horowitz give their reports in those 3 months leading up to the Special Elections.

If Nancy gets Speaker next week, when the arrests happen the Democrat party will have no leadership. Is it better that happen while she is Minority Leader or Speaker? Does it matter either way? The House will have no Quorum, no Speaker, and the Democrats in the house will be in complete disarray with no heir apparent waiting to takeover. Is this why Trump is supporting her for Speaker?


Meanwhile the Senate gets back to work within days to weeks because Senators are appointed by state's Governor.

If arrests in Senate happens at the same time as the House then the Senate could take longer to reach Quorum as outgoing Governors could defer to wait for the new Governor to appoint. Does Q's post suggest they won't happen at the same time?

If you have a Republican Governor leaving and you want a Republican appointed in place of a Democrat who has been arrested and the incoming Governor is a Democrat, then you could arrest that Senator while the State out going Republican Governor is still in control.

Those arrests would have to happen soon enough for pressure to be put on that arrested Democratic or Republican Senator to resign, or for the Senator to be fired by the Senate so that the outgoing Republican Governor can appoint before the Democrat can take office and appoint a Democrat before investigations make Democrats out of favor.

Outgoing Governors would have less justification to appoint a Republican than s/he would if the Democrats are completely disgraced and voters are angry with Democrats.

Conversely, If their is a Democratic Governor and a Republican Senator is arrested we could loose control of the Senate. So there are Republican Senators who will have to stay in power until they can be arrested without the control of the Senate being lost.

Of course it should be noted that Governors do not always appoint Senators of their own political party. This will be more of an issue in purple and battleground states.

They will have to go state by state and determine the timing of arrests. And of course their will be accusations of politically motivated arrests but depending on the evidence against the arrested legislator this may be of minimal impact.

SAUCE: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2873890 (I cleaned up the typos and grammar)

15270666? ago

The majority Party can change the rules. Harry Reid eliminated the 60 vote rule for judges and cabinet members so Democrats could stack the courts and get Obama's nominees to work quickly.

It works both ways and I'm sure Schumer regrets Reid's decision (though he voted for it) now that Trump is getting conservative judges though in record numbers. Still the Democrats are masters at delays, blocking, and resisting, and so they've slowed the process down to a dribble. More than 400 nominees that only need 51 Republican votes are still pending as Democrats use the debate rules to clog up the process.

15269622? ago

many thanks to the original poster, and thanks to you for refreshing and reposting it here for us.

15269166? ago

I'm glad your finding encouragement in this post. thanks for cleaning it. my space bar on my keyboard isnt working well so typing is so difficult and takes forever.

When I wrote this I was hoping that Q was meaning that FISA brings down the House of Reps. But it could mean the Obama WH or the bad actor's in the current white house. So who knows when the arrests that are coming will affect the house, but when they do this is all possible.

15270264? ago

FISA brings down the House (of Cards).

15269447? ago

I did that--added your other thoughts...

15269806? ago

Q said the worst 3rd would be arrested. If only 1/3rd of senators and reps are rounded up at once they will still have quorums if everyone shows. 145 reps would be arrested and 33 senators. So If the remaining Republicans in house do not want something to pass their option will be to prevent a Quorum. 435 reps minus 145 equals 290. Quorum is 218. So 72 have to hide out to prevent the vote. That is a high number but could be done. If the worst 1/3rd are disproportionately senators or Reps then these numbers change. If the 145 reps arrested are largely, or even 2/3 rds Democrats, then the house has a quorum but the majority changes back to Republican. And just like that the Republicans run the government unopposed again.

15269632? ago

Yes, it's all good! Did you see the post about the call signs on planes today. Gitmo320 and SoonR. Apparently, crews pick the call signs. Very encouraging. Things are starting to happen. It may take months yet to see arrests of the top ppl but its starting.

15269676? ago

No, can you. Link me or. Tell me the title, please?

15269223? ago

Q always speaks in context. The nature of Q crumbs is one sentence leads to the next, Q tries to cause us to think a series of thoughts leading us to a conclusion. I;m sure, very sure after reading your post that "FISA brings down the House" means Congress. The current Congress. There is zero doubt that the Q Team has thought of everything you so eloquently detailed, and this has been the plan all along. They will have no Quorum. They will arrest state by state as you laid out. I'm thinking to go back and grab what you added later to another commenter--in your original post. It was about Quorums.

15269308? ago

In one of Q's post' s (2159 I think), he writes FISA brings down the House [WH]. Either way sooner or later the arrests come in the house and may shut down the chambers ability to hold votes.

I think the comment on Quorems I eventually cut and pasted into the OP.

15268102? ago

Yo, DIgital Army.. we need more Memes down here below deck. We've got 10 enemies off the Starboard .. Pew Pew Pew. 5 X 5 or 25 or like that song said 25 or 6 to 4 Pew MF'er Pew Pew

15268090? ago

They have closed off a lot of the trafficking webs. This cuts down the money flow. Squeezing..squeezing them off tighter and tighter. I imagine the indictments are already on the release schedule. Jan. 1st, 2019 tribunals can begin according to EO. Election fraud already known, so not sure how to orchestrate before Jan. 3rd oath taking. Maybe afterward. Gittmo already expanded. Dominos already setup. Event ping to set them off ? D5. Here we goooo......!

15268211? ago

Seven days to go patriot.

15296801? ago

Yep, Too bad T.V. is so fake. I'd like to see that continuous countdown on one of the stations.

15268394? ago

Wait..what did I miss? What happens in seven days?

15272650? ago

Nothing. Nothing ever happens here. Just a bunch of boomerfags jerking their own dicks to patriot porn.

15270512? ago

Nothing happens. Don't stick to dates or you will be disappointed. Q never mentioned a specific date.

15268459? ago

Q posted Dec 5th is huge day.

15270509? ago

No he did not. Stpp spreading BS. Dates are BS. Just let it go.

15274588? ago

Q post 2494 quote: '[D]ec 5. D5. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Q'

15268451? ago

Q post 2494 quote: '[D]ec 5. D5. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing. Q'

15268573? ago

Oh shit! What do you think it will be?

15269629? ago

Gen Flynn;s birthday

15268591? ago

"Only 'the Shadow' knows. "

15268046? ago

If nothing can stop it, why not just come out and tell us? Why continue playing mind games?

15269637? ago

Q is trolling the DS when he does that. You forget Q posts for multiple audiences.

15267978? ago

Digital Army? Come on man. I still think without saying it this movement is the beginning of a needed Nationwide Patriot Militia.

15272664? ago

An army that sits around and does nothing? What good is having an army if they're too afraid to take action?

15270296? ago

Since you brought that up, might I suggest that in order for a citizen militia to be "Well Regulated", then perhaps it is a responsibility of each state to ensure that it's citizens are familiarized with firearms and the basics of military discipline? Certainly, this aspect of the 2nd Amendment has been left wanting.

15268834? ago

This, I think, is a reference to something General Flynn said. If I remember correctly it was around the time Q started posting, something along the lines of “We have an army of digital soldiers...”

15268877? ago

Stupid question - has General Flynn been sentenced to prison yet? Coming up or happen already? Can't find.

15287854? ago

Not a stupid question. He is scheduled for sentencing on December 18th.

15269628? ago

Not sentenced. Keeps getting postponed.

15269184? ago

Dec 3 James Comey testimony Dec 4 Jeffrey Epstein trial Dec 4 Loretta Lynch testimony Dec 5 John Huber testimony Dec 18 Michael Flynn sentencing Dec 22 DHS report on voter fraud

15268121? ago

Fuck off guy. Our military will handle this shit. Civil war ain't coming.

15268189? ago

Who do you mean by 'our' military. Thirty to forty percent minority when I served. Now women too. You sure you got that all locked down?

15269526? ago

Patriots mostly. 92% voted for DJT.

15268151? ago

I'm not your guy friend..

15268045? ago

No movement ever went anywhere under the rallying cry of 'You are watching a movie'.

If you were trying to send someone to the fridge that would probably be a good one though.

15268139? ago

You have never seen a Pauly Shore movie patriot. Those movies send people to the exits.

15268170? ago

Is there any movie where the first half is Mel Gibson and in the second half he is replaced by Pauly Shore? Because that feels like the movie I'm watching right now.

15268298? ago

No but I am calling my friends in 'Hollywierd' right now. We gonna print money with this idea bro.

15268351? ago

You see? Even when you resist the cabal they find a way to make you reconsider your point of view.

15268418? ago

I for one welcome our Insectoid Cabal Overlords if they have Pauly Shore or Mel Gibson on payroll.

15268161? ago

Plus 1 for bringing Paulie Shore's name into the 2010's

15267954? ago

You mean like the Thot Patrol? Because they are the only ones that I see having any impact on anything in the real world.

15268345? ago

Yo, for real. Thot Patrol saved my life one night. This chick had an ass. They bust thru the wall and reversed the curse. We safely regrouped at the Arby's.

15268446? ago

That's how I know you are legit. Arby's don't give a fuck about no kosher or halal bullshit. They just want to sell you a tasty sandwich. Arby's is the alt-right restaurant of choice! Shit, even Carl's Jr. gave up on thots in their ads.

15267896? ago

It’s world wide