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15268454? ago

RULE OF LAW. The pieces have been set.. House intelligence committee investigations. Justice Kavanaugh is in SC. Tipping the conservative scale. Dozens of Federal Judges appointed by Trump and confirmed. Mean while at the DOJ,FBI.. almost All bad actors removed or replaced.. Inspector General Horowitz has John Huber investigate EVERYTHING while MSM and libtards salivate over Muller probe. Trump threttens declas of FISA, no response.. Trump orders declass, Now UK and AU call and beg POTUS NOT to declas. So POTUS got what he was after. UK and AU had to eat crow and admit their crimes. Trump walks back declass to leave the DS squirming abd held on to ir for leverage...for now..Now Jeff Sessions stepped down and his chief of staff moves up to the acting AG spot. Witiker is in position to Prosecute any and all crimes committed. Comey and Lynch testify next week, Huber testify next week, Homeland Securry election fraud report due 12/22ish... It's All coming together...D5 NO ONE can stop what's coming. Wheels are in motion. Wheels of JUSTICE.....Get yer popcorn! Enjoy the show. But this shit is coming to a head and she's gonna BLOW WIDE OPEN!!!

15269008? ago

A Voat Member wrote this and read it once a day. This helps explain more too:


If the new Democrat controlled house has no Quorum they can't hold any votes. This means they cannot vote to investigate anything or anyone.

House members are replaced through Special Election. Elections take months. If arrests happen now we lose House while we have the majority (not good but is there any business going to be done now?) and give more time for elections to take place and the House is not nulllified as long. That is good if we regain control of House in those Special Elections (3 months after arrests).

I can't imagine that Democrats will do well after the DECLAS, Huber, Mueller, and Horowitz give their reports in those 3 months leading up to the Special Elections.

If Nancy gets Speaker next week, when the arrests happen the Democrat party will have no leadership. Is it better that happen while she is Minority Leader or Speaker? Does it matter either way? The House will have no Quorum, no Speaker, and the Democrats in the house will be in complete disarray with no heir apparent waiting to takeover. Is this why Trump is supporting her for Speaker?


Meanwhile the Senate gets back to work within days to weeks because Senators are appointed by state's Governor.

If arrests in Senate happens at the same time as the House then the Senate could take longer to reach Quorum as outgoing Governors could defer to wait for the new Governor to appoint. Does Q's post suggest they won't happen at the same time?

If you have a Republican Governor leaving and you want a Republican appointed in place of a Democrat who has been arrested and the incoming Governor is a Democrat, then you could arrest that Senator while the State out going Republican Governor is still in control.

Those arrests would have to happen soon enough for pressure to be put on that arrested Democratic or Republican Senator to resign, or for the Senator to be fired by the Senate so that the outgoing Republican Governor can appoint before the Democrat can take office and appoint a Democrat before investigations make Democrats out of favor.

Outgoing Governors would have less justification to appoint a Republican than s/he would if the Democrats are completely disgraced and voters are angry with Democrats.

Conversely, If their is a Democratic Governor and a Republican Senator is arrested we could loose control of the Senate. So there are Republican Senators who will have to stay in power until they can be arrested without the control of the Senate being lost.

Of course it should be noted that Governors do not always appoint Senators of their own political party. This will be more of an issue in purple and battleground states.

They will have to go state by state and determine the timing of arrests. And of course their will be accusations of politically motivated arrests but depending on the evidence against the arrested legislator this may be of minimal impact.

SAUCE: (I cleaned up the typos and grammar)

15269166? ago

I'm glad your finding encouragement in this post. thanks for cleaning it. my space bar on my keyboard isnt working well so typing is so difficult and takes forever.

When I wrote this I was hoping that Q was meaning that FISA brings down the House of Reps. But it could mean the Obama WH or the bad actor's in the current white house. So who knows when the arrests that are coming will affect the house, but when they do this is all possible.

15269447? ago

I did that--added your other thoughts...

15269632? ago

Yes, it's all good! Did you see the post about the call signs on planes today. Gitmo320 and SoonR. Apparently, crews pick the call signs. Very encouraging. Things are starting to happen. It may take months yet to see arrests of the top ppl but its starting.

15269676? ago

No, can you. Link me or. Tell me the title, please?