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15190964? ago

Interest is not an evil.

It is a reflection of values inherent in the universal truth about human action, which is positive time preference.

It is an economic law based on what we are.

All else equal, a good or service is worth more the closer in time it is to an individual's utility.

$10,000 received in the year 2068 is worth less than $10,000 received today.

In order to convince me to give up $10,000 for 50 years, which is value given by me voluntarily to a borrower, I am not a sheep, I expect value to be given by the borrower to me. If they're greedy to want the $10,000, I'll be greedy to want something in return.

If the borrower offers me a larger payback in 50 years, I just might agree to lend them the $10,000 today.


In every attempt throughout human history to stop "usury", including some of the backwards civilizations whose governments have laws against it, they don't actually stop it because the economic laws manifest in lenders and borrowers still paying and receiving interest, it just takes a different form, but the interest is there. Only a FOOL would lend and lend and lend and lend and agree to have one sided trade "deals" where the borrowers get value but the lenders don't. If its greedy to charge interest, SO IS ASKING FOR INTEREST FREE LOANS, WHICH IS EFFECTIVELY MONEY FOR NOTHING (and the chicks for free)

15191414? ago

The issue is that these Banks are creating money out of thin air and charging compounding interest for it. The majority of the capital being produced is going to the financial services sector rather than industry capital.

Hitler rode Germany from poverty by transforming the national Bank and the way it operates.

15191507? ago

"The issue is that these Banks are creating money out of thin air and charging compounding interest for it. The majority of the capital being produced is going to the financial services sector rather than industry capital."

Yes, that's exactly right.

"Hitler rode Germany from poverty by transforming the national Bank and the way it operates."

He also ordered the killing of innocent people.

15191677? ago

He ordered the incarceration of those destroying his country. You should read his predictions for America in Mein Kampf, and you would realize you are living them.

15193363? ago

Women and children were incarcerated not because they were "destroying the country".

Try again

15193577? ago

The very presence of the Jew in a country destroys the culture of that country. That is why throughout history they have been kicked out of country after country. All the leaders of all those countries were wrong though by your line of reason. They weren't wrong and neither was Hitler to defend his homeland against that half of the crazy ass semite brothers. It is politically correct to attack the Arab muslims, but the truth is both groups are very similar in many things including trying to destroy anyone that is not a member of their tribe. Fuck them both, and fuck anyone that wants to defend them too.

15193985? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted shill.

How to identify with 100% accuracy:

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q

These "guilty until proven innocent" degenerate pieces of shit posting this are only trying to turn away new eyes by lying and deceitfully insinuating that the Q movement is as collectivist as these leftist commie shillfucks.


15195166? ago

Go fuck yourself. I have been around this movement for longer than there was a movement. It is the muh-"chosen" johnny come lately mother fuckers like you that need to get lost.. Your fucking stupidity would lead the nation right back down the road to servitude under the Jew global control system they were trying to solidify before the awakening. Go suck some more muh-"chosen" dick, and don't forget to service their secret weapon the muh-nigger while you are at it.

15195219? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted shill.

How to identify these pathetic disgusting cretins:

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


15195280? ago

You are repeating yourself like a screaming chanting nigger. Don't they teach you anything else?

15195331? ago

^ ^ ^

This shill is repeating the only thing it knows, race baiting shilling, knows this, denies it in itself, attributes it to others.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

The shills are predominantly a bunch of uneducated failures who couldn't find real jobs.

15195464? ago

This poster is a lot more educated than you are in a lot more areas. You are a useful idiot or a fucking Jew. Jews advance on the back of the collective. Whites like me advance on our own hard work and merit. BTW: I don't need a fucking job. I am very comfortably retired. :-)

15195502? ago

^ ^ ^

This uneducated leftist commie shillfuck loser is PROJECTING ITS OWN DEVOTION TO COLLECTIVIST PROPAGANDA.

How to identify these anti-Q shills with 100% accuracy:

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

15195720? ago

Let me answer your questions for you little jew troll. Do I believe in Q? I'm torn, but I do want to believe that MI is behind Trump. I thought long before Q came along that the one shot we had was if some in the military still believed in this country and the principles it was founded on. So yes I do want to believe.

I want race wars? Hardly race wars or civil wars and we all lose.

I could give a fuck less what someone's religion is. I believe in God, but I do not believe in church.

Patriot's have no skin color? True, but the society right now is set against Whites by the Jew control of media, and I want it stopped. I am sick and tired of seeing whites be the idiots and niggers be brain surgeons on the jew tube. I am sick of every commercial pushing some blonde bimbo and some gaped tooth nigger together. I believe in my race and I don't want it's intelligence destroyed by mixing with a race that is 20 IQ points lower on average. I am sick of favored status for education, jobs, and even housing being given to everyone but White people. I want a fucking level playing field for all because I know when you level the field my people will be free to reach their true potential. Any White that does not see and does not want that is a fucking enemy to me. Blind faith in diversity is a death sentence. Failing to acknowledge the violence committed and condoned against Whites is a death sentence.

You keep on living in your fucking rainbow world, the real world with catch up to you one day. It won't be a gentle lesson in reality.

15195804? ago

^ ^ ^

This ignorant deluded shillfuck degenerate piece of shit is imagining anyone here cares enough to want to have it type "answers".

Sad sad piece of shit.

Hoe to identify these worthless cretins:



15195954? ago

I answered your questions. Now answer mine!

Are you a nigger, a Jew, or just a useful idiot?

You seem to think repeating your bullshit post will stop me. You don't have a clue. I have dealt with little turds like you for a lot of years now.

15195991? ago

^ ^ ^

Shill degenerate.

Let it vomit.

Projecting its own sickness.


15196155? ago

You didn't answer the question again. You need to time to think about it?

While you wait let me tell you some more true stories.

Once upon a time there was a great program on the TV. Mom, dad, and the children could all sit around on Sunday evening and watch the Wide World of Disney. Sadly, one day the old white man that ran it, Walt, passed away. His heirs sold the company off to Jews, and now you see subliminal messages of dick on the back of cave walls or you get to hear a small child referring to the fucking hipsters in videos for little children.

Here is another one. There once was a great medication invented for folks that suffer life threatening reactions to allergies like bee stings for instance. The epi-pen was available for around $40 to $50 bucks, but then a fucking Jew brought the rights to it, and started $600 per pen. No additional cost for making the pen, just a price gouge from a jew because he could.

I could keep the stories going all night, and I will if you've got the time.

The only people that define racial solidarity and unity a sickness are fucking jews and only then when they are talking about White people.
It is fine for them and every bio-weapon group they champion to have racial pride. So I guess you really did answer my

15196417? ago

^ ^ ^

Anti-Q shillfuck degenerate.

How to identify with 100% accuracy:

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want class wars" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

These shillfuck leftist commie pieces of shit only speak in terms of collectivist words, spewing guilty until proven innocent propaganda based not on individual values and goals, but on groups and classes.

Pure evil.

Projecting THEIR OWN EVIL.

15196956? ago

Same lame ass reply over and over like a BLM or antifa idiot. You bore me worm.

15199032? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a leftist commie NPC shillfuck "joofag" programmed with "No U".


Trump's family is Jewish, the shills don't like this uncomfortable truth because it makes it harder for the shills to joofag at POTUS.

Satanists are not Jews.

These stupid shillfucks are only trying to divide the Q movement. Why? They're scared shitless of Q.

This shill is PANICKING

15199298? ago

Trumps's family is Jewish because anytime a White man becomes extremely wealthy the Jew is taught to worm their way into the money to bring it back under the control of the collective. Trump failed his children in that regard, and he failed to see the mechanism by which Jews gain control of the wealth of others. Thanks for being so generous to point it our for my brothers.

The troll can't win because nothing is stronger than the truth, and the truth scorches the ass of the lying Jew so badly that he cannot stop trying to put out the fire.