15215894? ago

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

According to RonPaulLibertyReport, the Federal Reserve is NOT "federal" and it has NO "reserves." Is it a public institution? NO. Is it private? NO again. Is it Constitutional? Absolutely NOT. Who owns The Fed, and does it even matter? Watch RonPaulLibertyReport's video at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc

Still according to RonPaulLibertyReport, the Federal Reserve is own by ~3,000 members. Mostly banks, and establishment owns the Federal Reserve stock. But they do NOT control the Federal Reserve. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m20s

Why is the Federal Reserve BAD for working USA citizens?

• The Federal Reserve is rigged for the benefit of its members. For example, the member banks get paid 6% commission. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m54s

• The members of the Federal Reserve get pay dividend, they get special benefits, it is easier for them to get loans. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=6m20s

• The members can get stock in the Federal Reserve. But you can NOT. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=8m7s

• The Federal Reserve is a deceptive organization. They deceive you the working citizens. For example:

______• The Federal Reserve is NOT there to regulate the economy. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=8m46s What the Federal Reserve really do is making plan for themselves. Not for you. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m14s

______• The members of the Federal Reserve take advantage of you the working citizens. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m28s

______• Federal Reserve first priority is to protect and serve their members. NOT you the working citizens. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=9m37s

______• The Federal Reserve does trillion of dollars of bailout for their members. Which is related to privatizing the profit for their members, but the Federal Reserve socializing the bailout costs to you the working citizen. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=14m34s

How to resolve those challenges with the Federal Reserve? Here are the suggested steps:

  1. A total separation of between banking and state. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m15s

  2. A total separation of between corporations and state. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m15s

  3. New ideas. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=13m25s

  4. A new rule about NO fraud. NO lies about the currency value. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=16m04s

  5. Abolish the Federal Reserve. Get rid of it. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=16m52s

What would NOT resolve those challenges with the Federal Reserve and make the present challenges worst? Take over the Federal Reserve and run it with entrepreneurs. Source at https://youtu.be/dg0aysCJZyc?t=17m4s

In the case of the Federal Reserve, owning it and controlling it are two very different thing. The most important questions is who CONTROLS the Federal Reserve?

Archived 1 video at https://archive.fo/Xy3WZ

Archived 2 video at https://web.archive.org/web/20181124105148/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg0aysCJZyc

15211467? ago

"I'm not sure what form lending and money exchange should have". They crime of central banking is a very simple one: Bribe corrupt representatives of a government into establishing your monoploly to print the money and lend it at 'interest' to the government and the people.

The solution is as simple as the crime: abolish that criminal monopoly.

15203991? ago

How about a year of Jubilee and all debt forgiven, homes, cars business debt school debt... what would happen if a reset happened?

15198067? ago

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, to truly be free you have to survive what is coming first. Money system will be a thing of the past in the Lord's new kingdom.






15197985? ago

The Fed is owned by the British Crown as well as Social Security, the IRS, the CIA, and all of our media, ALL OF IT! Get all British crown groups and invaders out of our country!

15197690? ago

Man will not be be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

15197032? ago

Ending the Fed is definitely a must.
How do private people get that gig? 
The Constitution authorizes congress to print money for free, but they decided to hand over that franchise to private bankers, print the cash and then pay THEM interest for the money they just printed.
Another must for restoring liberty is ending "tacit procuration."
The State, which includes the corporation, United States, and its subsidiaries, State of ______,  City 0f ______, etc controls people based on the fraudulent presumption that we are all corporations known in court as "persons."
The 6th amendment guarantees the right to be informed of the Nature & CAUSE. Good luck getting that info before you plead.  How can you plead w/o knowing the CAUSE? You can't, but "tacit procuration." 
You are also guaranteed the right to "assistance of counsel." 
When you demand to be informed of the CAUSE (which give the court jurisdiction in the matter) 
the clerk (posing as a judge) will bend over backwards to get you representation.  
When you are represented by an attorney, his 1st duty is to the court, and he waives your being informed of the CAUSE, 
which allows the court to presume jurisdiction. 
So, when you walk into court, and THE NAME is called, if you identify as THE NAME, you basically do the work of your accuser and accuse yourself.
I would say, "I'm here on that matter."
Clerk: Are you JOHN DOE?

15197025? ago

I believe I am correct. The "powers" who rule the publishing industry have a way or redefining things and they control the publishing industry but the essence of usury is unearned profit. It's profit not from work but simply from owning money itself. However, I won't quibble with you over trifles.

15196693? ago

We also need to understand that most of this evil and darkness comes from the group who Jesus best described as being of their father, the devil. Follow the money trail, the blood trail and the suffering trail and they all lead to the same demons.

15196196? ago

Not on board with destruction of the Fed. It is a private company with share holders. Those share holders are secret, but if that list was revealed, I don't think it would shock anyone. I think ownership of the Fed should be 'wedged open'. Perhaps the American People can be shareholders in their own dollar.

15196039? ago

Usury - to solve it is to open the market and create competition. You can't regulate this with Government, because they are the problem.

Right now, there is NO competition. That's where your problem is.

Regarding mankind - people choose to be binded to money. Their unlimited wants. Their needs that they think are needs but are wants. List is endless. People just need to let it go and create their own life and not let money control them. Easiest way is to read books and educate yourself on money, self help etc.

15195827? ago

Usury means to profit from money investments without doing any labor or making a product, service, or improvement. Let's face it, if you buy land and it "appreciates" and you resell it later, technically that's usury because you did nothing. However, the "profit" might be an illusion because money is always deflating in it's purchasing power (normally called inflation but that's inflation of the money supply). This all began when goldsmiths started issuing receipts for the gold they were holding in their vaults for people and then people started exchanging the receipts. The goldsmiths would lend out the gold they were holding by issuing receipts and they soon learned they could lend out more declared assets than they actually had. That's inflating the money supply and is the cause of the decline in money's purchasing power. The goldsmiths and bankers started stealing money they didn't have. It's now called fractional reserve banking. The person who "profits" on the land purchase might actually have lost purchasing power, yet's it could be seen as a profit, even though in real terms he has less. The goldsmith or banker is the real person who should be seen as a criminal but banking back in the time of Jesus was very different and it might be totally meaningless to apply what he said to today's banking system. Inflating the money supply steals from everyone so if you ask me, that should be seen as a crime, a huge one.

15197063? ago

No, money is not always deflating. "FIAT" money is always deflating in it's purchasing power because dishonest who control fiat money inflate the money supply. It's simple. Money loses its purchasing power because increasing amount of dollars chase the same goods and services.

15196320? ago

Usury define: the action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.

Your definition of Usury is not correct. Has nothing to do with profit, labour, product/services/improvements.

If you buy land, and it appreciates and you resell it later, that's NOT usury. I understand you said technically, but it's not. That's called Land Banking. Has it's own terms.

The money you're referring to is called Fiat money: is a currency without intrinsic value that has been established as money, often by government regulation. So money made out of thin air, and is regulated by the government.

When money looses buying power, the correct term is loosing value. I wouldn't term it deflating.

Inflation define: a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

This is the hidden tax.

There's a lot more. But you're on the right track. Just understand the terms better, so you can understand how the system works. Then you can take advantage of it for your benefit.

15197173? ago

You seem to know the conventional mumbo jumbo used to obscure what's really going on with currency. When there's inflation, the purchasing power goes down. Deflation increases fiat money's purchasing power. I won't quibble with you over such terms and definitions that are clearly meant to obfuscate the real essence of what's going on. I used the terms I did to try to make currency and monetary policies understandable to ordinary people.

15198787? ago

I understand making it simple. I appreciate it. I'm just here to help.

To make it simple, usury is about interest rate, the hidden tax. It's a hidden tax because our money is created out of thin air, so has no value in the first place. That's why it's a hidden tax. Inflation is also a hidden tax.

Example: When price increase, it's NOT because it's more expensive. It's because your money's lost value. The current money is a system of hidden tax where you need more money to buy the same stuff. They call it inflation, but the real meaning is your money becoming useless over time.

15195733? ago

In the meantime, there are actions you can take: https://voat.co/v/news/2848609/15001002/10#15001002

15195501? ago

I'm hoping that this is part of the Plan, and that the Federal Reserve and the IRS will be restructured either past recognition or out of existence, and that that is why Trump is on an 8 year campaign to fix America.

15194872? ago

Sooo...suddenly the people with the MOST debt come out on TOP????

15194828? ago

I don't know, I've made myself quite comfortable borrowing their money to own cash flowing assets.

Without interest, how can money be loaned for large projects?

I don't understand people who complain about interest. How else would anything get done?

How will you convince someone to lend you money if they aren't getting any return on their investment?

You are looking at this like a simpleton. I love debt. I hope to have $100 million in debt eventually.

If you don't understand why I would say this, then you don't understand how finance works and will always be poor.

15196379? ago

They just complain because they don't understand.

Blame everything except themselves.

The problem is that government controls the fiat money system, so there's no competition. This is why OP is talking about Usury, but this is not the correct solution, because they'll just give you monthly fees to make up for the interest rate decrease.

Best solution would be to Create competition, and interest rates fixes itself.

15194723? ago

We're never going to be free again, unfortunately. The time of American freedom has come and gone, we are 100% under control, now get to work you have taxes to pay if you don't wish to die homeless.

15194568? ago

Sadly the human brain does not reliably estimate the details of exponential growth.

15194740? ago

Nobody here is going to understand what you mean by that. They are looking at this issue too simply.

15194844? ago

Yeah... I know. Its all so sad and retarded... I have been trying to redpill people on Mortgages for like 30 years. I show them Amortization tables. I show them how their very first payment is like 95% interest. So if they sell their home in 3-5 years they will have an interest rate that is more like 80% not 4%. I tell people to get 15 or even 10 year mortgages. I tell them to just buy land and squat on it illegally for like 10kusd plus land cost as opposed to buying a house and being a slave to it. I have never convinced even a single person to take even ONE of the above actions. Not one person. Not one time. Not ever.

Its crazy. I gave up long ago and just tell people instead to get as much debt as possible. I figure it will help the system to collapse faster. Its all so gay. I hate it.

15196425? ago

Don't bother helping people. I know it sounds gay, but most people don't want help.

I always dig deeper and find out if they just want to complain, or actually asking for help. IF they're asking for help, I just tell them the solution, and don't bother forcing them because it's their life. They do it or not, you can't control them.

Just focus on yourself, and if others come, help them but let them do what they want.

15194930? ago

Now you are looking at it too simply.

I own 7 rental homes and free cashflow about $5000 per month above the mortgages.

In addition, the homes are appreciating about $10,000 per month in total.

In addition, my tenants are paying down the loan at about $5000 per month.

My net worth goes up about $20,000 per month just from this. Plus I am self employed.

My life is wonderful because I have been using their loans. It all started with my first home 12 years ago.

I will be secure for life at this point. I'm pretty much retired at age 45.

Mortgages are not bad if you have a plan.

15196446? ago

Good work Patriot!!!

REMEMBER, never ever retire!!! It's dangerous. Always keep working, just do what you love. Point and tell people what to do even.

We all know the statistics when someone retires.

15195373? ago

Housing collapse in 3. 2. 1.

15195599? ago

Doesn't matter one bit. I have more than 30% equity in every property.

I also have almost 200k in liquid cash. Rents could drop and I would just break even on the mortgage payments.

If I am taking a small loss I can just cover the difference from the saved cash.

I have not bought cars and crap with the money. I am secure. Far more secure than 99% of people.

No housing collapse will harm me too much. People will still need a place to live.

15197037? ago

You sound like you got it made then... Hmmm... I wonder what the effect people like you have on the greater housing market? I wonder if rampant debt drives UP property prices so they are FAR beyond the means of any normal workers? I wonder if that same effect happens in Colleges? Driving up tuition prices to insane levels for useless degrees while employers ask for more and more and more college paper for a job. I wonder if on the back-end if most counties and cities are working as part of this system to drive prices UP really high so that young people ABSOLUTELY MUST have half a dozen degrees and piles of debt to get even a modest paycheck? I wonder if cities and counties use silly and damaging building codes to keep prices really high. I wonder if responsible young couples who don't come from wealthy families make the decision to NOT have children because they know they can't afford it? I wonder is this effect happens FAR AND AWAY more on a single race than with other races? I wonder if there is any chance that this is part of a plan to decimate the reproductively of white people? Certaily it is all a coincidence. Certainly what I wrote above is not real. Certainly the system is fair and YOU ARE JUST SO SMART. What do you think? Do you like your slave labor force? Slaving away trying to live while you live on their backs? Hrmmmm... What could POSSIBLY go wrong... They will never wake up. Don't worry.

15202401? ago

I was dead fucking poor before. Ive been fed from shelters and charities. I am mildly autistic. If I can do it, anyone can. The only reason I was able to buy anything is because of a mortgage.

15196464? ago

Keep it up Patriot. Ignore the naysayers. Make sure you have insurance, which I'm sure you have.

15195432? ago

Landlords do well during a housing collapse.

15194008? ago

China is well on the way to doing that. the people now have setup a system where they use OR codes to pay each other for goods and services cutting the bank out of the loop.


15193902? ago

History teaches us that the main problem is always corrupt politicians.

Whether a currency is covered by gold, for example, or not. Because then corrupt politicians simply reduce the gold share over time.

There are many examples of this in history. This was even 600 b.c. so, when Greek gold coins contained less and less gold until they almost completely lost value and the system collapsed (without ursury, without a FED).

And that's (the delution of the currency by corrupt politicians) why the dollar lost gold coverage in 1971 (Nixon, by the way, said "temporarily"), but this would always be repeated as long as politicians are corrupt.

So it's not really about usury and the FED, certainly not in the first instance, it's always about corrupt politicians.

15193687? ago

I'll leave this here:


One to Rule them All

15193595? ago

Agree. Once we have secured the safety of America, we can go after the FED.

15193211? ago

This is why the Deep State has set up the Muslims worldwide. Islam forbids usury and therefore the Muslims will not allow the (((banksters))) to set up camp in their countries.

15195476? ago

Muslims are parasites. They need nonMuslims to live off of. Islam forbids usury among Muslims only.

15196183? ago

Yeah, divide and conquer. How’s that working for you?

15197240? ago

Fortunately there are absolutely none around my area, so not affected by the divide and conquer strategy yet. However, am a firm believer if it effects one, it will effect all.

15192712? ago

1.Buy bitcoin 2.End fed

15192551? ago

This is really a good post! I wish I could upvoat you 100 times. This is a true reflection, in my opinion, of the current times.

15192126? ago

Proverbs 22:7 The wealthy rule over the poor, and anyone who borrows is a slave to the lender.

Exodus 22:24 (25)—If thou lend money to any of My people, even to the poor with thee, thou shalt not be to him as a creditor; neither shall ye lay upon him interest

15192039? ago

Interest (what you call "usury") is the monetary embodiment of a human being's time preference for goods. If you outlaw or punish the payment of interest you are attacking an institution of western civilization that promotes our economic division of labor and thus our standard of living. What you should be attacking is the ability of those with monopoly money printing power who seek to undermine our laws and institutions which underpin that standard of living.

The Fed didn't invent the payment of interest.

15195241? ago

Don't see an issue with Interest/Usury as it does provide a service. However, it should be capped at 5% for everyone. Period. Some Faiths have an obligation to forgive debt after 7 years for those who share the same Faith. Perhaps fulfill that obligation for all, regardless of Faith, extending it to 10 years. Other Faiths do not permit Interest/Usury, but there does seem to be an additional obligation from the debtor. Nothing is given for free.

15201529? ago

"The borrower is slave to the lender..."

Barter...or work or do without.

15196091? ago

You can't cap interest rate. You can't control it through government.

You have to open the market, create competition. If you cap interest, then you'll remove the ability to finance risky ventures that can be viable. At 5% interest, all you're doing is financing stuff that's stable, and predictable.

15197255? ago

Understand that's the current mindset; change the mindset.

15195532? ago

Don't see an issue with usury? That's how it all started, with a finite money supply the interest doesn't exist and has to be paid back via borrowing more money and that's a simple way of explaining the national debt. You can't pay back the principal and the interest BECAUSE THE INTEREST DOESN'T EXIST.

15192236? ago

Um, Numpty head, I think the big issue is 1: A very small group of creepy old men get to CREATE the money you use out of NOTHING, and 2: They want you to pay back extra for the NOTHING you borrowed in the first place....

15191899? ago

I think this is on DJT's agenda once they've drained the swamp. Think Tariff's, Duties, etc. ...

15191532? ago

Ok, so we get rid of the fed, go back to a gold standard. Who keeps our currency stable then?

The fed has kept the US currency stable for decades both on and off a gold standard. Everyone agrees to get rid of the fed, but who then becomes responsible for currency stability?

Bitcoin was $20k last year. As I write this bitcoin is under 5k. My nest egg cannot handle 75% decreases in currency.

I’m fuzzy on the plan to get rid of the fed. And I am very fond of my nest egg.

15191647? ago

The Fed has inflated our money for decades. They steal your life savings through inflation. Inflation brought on by printing money has though it is only paper, and creating debt out of thin air.

This is what the Fed is good for:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." – Thomas Jefferson

15192303? ago

This is something people need to get through their THICK SKULLS, especially Real Estate People. Everyone thinks it's great when the value of their property goes up by $100,000, but what people don't realise is your property hasn't gone up by $100,000, the value of your Original money has DECREASED in value be all of the new money that's been pumped into the economy has devalued the existing money that was already in the economy

15193507? ago

The only people that don't get hurt badly by inflation are the ones drawing more in dividends and interest than they can possibly ever spend. Their wealth continues to grow and when the economy tanks and everyone else has used up their last penny of saving to keep their head above water those super wealthy step in and buy up the rest of the resources at fire sale prices.

15191491? ago

What can be done about the Fed?

Lincoln tried to end our financial straits. He was killed.

JFK wanted to end the Fed. He was killed.

Trump want to end the Fed. ???

The Deep State would have no problem nuking a few cities and causing chaos if it would prevent that happening. Killing Trump would be like swatting a fly. [Nuke DC is in the realm of possibility.]

15192508? ago

Yes, it's a dangerous mission! The Fed alone would be, but Trump & the Q team are taking on an even larger entity, the Deep State . Let's pray for POTUSs continued protection.

15191371? ago

One must adress the Jewish Question if we wish to broach this subject. I doubt many are willing to do that

15191135? ago

So... get rid of the jews?

15191577? ago

No not at all, again we have to return to the spiritual battle within, the physical world means nothing with out the Holy Spirit within us.

We all have come up short, no one can pick up a stone a cast it against another.


Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

15193001? ago

Jews started the Fed. Jews control the banks.

15195332? ago

Not all. It is a sect. Some call them false Jews. By your line of reasoning, am I responsible for the deeds of HRC, Bushes, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al?

15195586? ago

No. And the line of reasoning is hardly the same. Disproportionate representation.

15201628? ago

No, the line of your (incorrect) reasoning is what is wrong. You want to blame a whole nation for what some bad people do. Therefore, you are as much to blame for what Obama and Hillary did.

15201654? ago

You want to blame a whole nation for what some bad people do

No, I want to blame a nation for what that nation does. Nice how you admit that they are all Israelis first.

15201802? ago


15201827? ago

You know I'm not wrong. Kike.

15191097? ago

You are describing every era since Eve went shopping for fruit. Nothing new under the sun.

15190964? ago

Interest is not an evil.

It is a reflection of values inherent in the universal truth about human action, which is positive time preference.

It is an economic law based on what we are.

All else equal, a good or service is worth more the closer in time it is to an individual's utility.

$10,000 received in the year 2068 is worth less than $10,000 received today.

In order to convince me to give up $10,000 for 50 years, which is value given by me voluntarily to a borrower, I am not a sheep, I expect value to be given by the borrower to me. If they're greedy to want the $10,000, I'll be greedy to want something in return.

If the borrower offers me a larger payback in 50 years, I just might agree to lend them the $10,000 today.


In every attempt throughout human history to stop "usury", including some of the backwards civilizations whose governments have laws against it, they don't actually stop it because the economic laws manifest in lenders and borrowers still paying and receiving interest, it just takes a different form, but the interest is there. Only a FOOL would lend and lend and lend and lend and agree to have one sided trade "deals" where the borrowers get value but the lenders don't. If its greedy to charge interest, SO IS ASKING FOR INTEREST FREE LOANS, WHICH IS EFFECTIVELY MONEY FOR NOTHING (and the chicks for free)

15196173? ago

Some people still won't get it. They believe all lending is bad no exceptions.

15192391? ago

It's good to see you don't have a clue how the monetary system works.

The basic premise is that I make you believe that I'm giving you something of Value when I'm actually giving you nothing, and then I tell you you have to pay me back the nothing I gave you as well a bit extra for the privilege of me lending you nothing.

15193329? ago

I have a PhD in economics, specializing in international foreign exchange and debt channels.

Your post contradicts itself by the way.

If the loan is worth nothing because it's toilet paper money, then the interest is also worth nothing because it's in the same denomination, numbnuts.

Or, NEWS FLASH, while said toilet paper money can be argued as not an ideal currency if the goal is to prevent a bunch of satanic bastards from taking control of the production and distribution of money to plunge the world into darkness, the law still requires us to pay taxes in that shit, so unfortunately the people are being effectively forced to act as if the toilet paper has value, and from a shaky perspective even fiat is valued in the market, such that people seek to borrow AND pay interest.

Interest and loans would still be around even with a pure 100% reserve gold standard.

15201677? ago

Interest and Loans may still be around...only for the stupid. But you've been indoctrinated by the cabal system.

15202684? ago

^ ^ ^

Communist projecting it's programmed by the communist cabal.


15197552? ago

Dude you have some serious Deprogramming to do. It's hard because we grow up and are taught that this shit is real. Did you want to know the REAL reasons you have to pay Taxes which I bet they never taught you. The first is to stop HyperInflation through all of the money that being created out of NOTHING which is continuously being added into the economy, and No 2(and this is hard one to get ones head around) The money we use is THEIR Creation and as such they can decide how THEIR Creation get used. Is super hard trying to work this shit out and see through the scam when we have been born into the scam and have been taught by everyone around us that have also been duped by the scam that this shit is real.

15199000? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting its own programming.

15201641? ago


15202687? ago

No, it's right

15191939? ago

I agree to an extent. If it were evil God wouldn't allow interest (in the Mosaic law) to foreigners. (But your point of how important it is is underscored that it was prohibited against a fellow jew).

What you are really highlighting with the FED perhaps is really inflation - more than interest. Even if you never borrow - your dollars are diluted in value since trillions are printed in the future making them of less value. Worse - you the American tax payer - are saddled with debt and obligation that you didn't have any say over - either through elected representatives or even transparency.

15193335? ago

God doesn't stop evil, people do.

15201692? ago

...uhm...not always...

15191414? ago

The issue is that these Banks are creating money out of thin air and charging compounding interest for it. The majority of the capital being produced is going to the financial services sector rather than industry capital.

Hitler rode Germany from poverty by transforming the national Bank and the way it operates.

15191507? ago

"The issue is that these Banks are creating money out of thin air and charging compounding interest for it. The majority of the capital being produced is going to the financial services sector rather than industry capital."

Yes, that's exactly right.

"Hitler rode Germany from poverty by transforming the national Bank and the way it operates."

He also ordered the killing of innocent people.

15191809? ago

Funny how these documents proposing the orders were "destroyed", and the only evidence of "extermination camps" is lovingly provided by the USSR

15193352? ago

Funnier how extermination camps are not the only means by which Hitler ordered the killings of innocent people.

15191677? ago

He ordered the incarceration of those destroying his country. You should read his predictions for America in Mein Kampf, and you would realize you are living them.

15193363? ago

Women and children were incarcerated not because they were "destroying the country".

Try again

15193577? ago

The very presence of the Jew in a country destroys the culture of that country. That is why throughout history they have been kicked out of country after country. All the leaders of all those countries were wrong though by your line of reason. They weren't wrong and neither was Hitler to defend his homeland against that half of the crazy ass semite brothers. It is politically correct to attack the Arab muslims, but the truth is both groups are very similar in many things including trying to destroy anyone that is not a member of their tribe. Fuck them both, and fuck anyone that wants to defend them too.

15193985? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted shill.

How to identify with 100% accuracy:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q

These "guilty until proven innocent" degenerate pieces of shit posting this are only trying to turn away new eyes by lying and deceitfully insinuating that the Q movement is as collectivist as these leftist commie shillfucks.


15195166? ago

Go fuck yourself. I have been around this movement for longer than there was a movement. It is the muh-"chosen" johnny come lately mother fuckers like you that need to get lost.. Your fucking stupidity would lead the nation right back down the road to servitude under the Jew global control system they were trying to solidify before the awakening. Go suck some more muh-"chosen" dick, and don't forget to service their secret weapon the muh-nigger while you are at it.

15195219? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted shill.

How to identify these pathetic disgusting cretins:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q


15195280? ago

You are repeating yourself like a screaming chanting nigger. Don't they teach you anything else?

15195331? ago

^ ^ ^

This shill is repeating the only thing it knows, race baiting shilling, knows this, denies it in itself, attributes it to others.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

The shills are predominantly a bunch of uneducated failures who couldn't find real jobs.

15195464? ago

This poster is a lot more educated than you are in a lot more areas. You are a useful idiot or a fucking Jew. Jews advance on the back of the collective. Whites like me advance on our own hard work and merit. BTW: I don't need a fucking job. I am very comfortably retired. :-)

15195502? ago

^ ^ ^

This uneducated leftist commie shillfuck loser is PROJECTING ITS OWN DEVOTION TO COLLECTIVIST PROPAGANDA.

How to identify these anti-Q shills with 100% accuracy:


"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

15195720? ago

Let me answer your questions for you little jew troll. Do I believe in Q? I'm torn, but I do want to believe that MI is behind Trump. I thought long before Q came along that the one shot we had was if some in the military still believed in this country and the principles it was founded on. So yes I do want to believe.

I want race wars? Hardly race wars or civil wars and we all lose.

I could give a fuck less what someone's religion is. I believe in God, but I do not believe in church.

Patriot's have no skin color? True, but the society right now is set against Whites by the Jew control of media, and I want it stopped. I am sick and tired of seeing whites be the idiots and niggers be brain surgeons on the jew tube. I am sick of every commercial pushing some blonde bimbo and some gaped tooth nigger together. I believe in my race and I don't want it's intelligence destroyed by mixing with a race that is 20 IQ points lower on average. I am sick of favored status for education, jobs, and even housing being given to everyone but White people. I want a fucking level playing field for all because I know when you level the field my people will be free to reach their true potential. Any White that does not see and does not want that is a fucking enemy to me. Blind faith in diversity is a death sentence. Failing to acknowledge the violence committed and condoned against Whites is a death sentence.

You keep on living in your fucking rainbow world, the real world with catch up to you one day. It won't be a gentle lesson in reality.

15195804? ago

^ ^ ^

This ignorant deluded shillfuck degenerate piece of shit is imagining anyone here cares enough to want to have it type "answers".

Sad sad piece of shit.

Hoe to identify these worthless cretins:




15195954? ago

I answered your questions. Now answer mine!

Are you a nigger, a Jew, or just a useful idiot?

You seem to think repeating your bullshit post will stop me. You don't have a clue. I have dealt with little turds like you for a lot of years now.

15195991? ago

^ ^ ^

Shill degenerate.

Let it vomit.

Projecting its own sickness.


15196155? ago

You didn't answer the question again. You need to time to think about it?

While you wait let me tell you some more true stories.

Once upon a time there was a great program on the TV. Mom, dad, and the children could all sit around on Sunday evening and watch the Wide World of Disney. Sadly, one day the old white man that ran it, Walt, passed away. His heirs sold the company off to Jews, and now you see subliminal messages of dick on the back of cave walls or you get to hear a small child referring to the fucking hipsters in videos for little children.

Here is another one. There once was a great medication invented for folks that suffer life threatening reactions to allergies like bee stings for instance. The epi-pen was available for around $40 to $50 bucks, but then a fucking Jew brought the rights to it, and started $600 per pen. No additional cost for making the pen, just a price gouge from a jew because he could.

I could keep the stories going all night, and I will if you've got the time.

The only people that define racial solidarity and unity a sickness are fucking jews and only then when they are talking about White people.
It is fine for them and every bio-weapon group they champion to have racial pride. So I guess you really did answer my

15196417? ago

^ ^ ^

Anti-Q shillfuck degenerate.

How to identify with 100% accuracy:


"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want class wars" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

These shillfuck leftist commie pieces of shit only speak in terms of collectivist words, spewing guilty until proven innocent propaganda based not on individual values and goals, but on groups and classes.

Pure evil.

Projecting THEIR OWN EVIL.

15196956? ago

Same lame ass reply over and over like a BLM or antifa idiot. You bore me worm.

15199032? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a leftist commie NPC shillfuck "joofag" programmed with "No U".


Trump's family is Jewish, the shills don't like this uncomfortable truth because it makes it harder for the shills to joofag at POTUS.

Satanists are not Jews.

These stupid shillfucks are only trying to divide the Q movement. Why? They're scared shitless of Q.

This shill is PANICKING

15199298? ago

Trumps's family is Jewish because anytime a White man becomes extremely wealthy the Jew is taught to worm their way into the money to bring it back under the control of the collective. Trump failed his children in that regard, and he failed to see the mechanism by which Jews gain control of the wealth of others. Thanks for being so generous to point it our for my brothers.

The troll can't win because nothing is stronger than the truth, and the truth scorches the ass of the lying Jew so badly that he cannot stop trying to put out the fire.

15191254? ago

This makes sense only if you think Human Action can have a value placed upon it. I don't think that. I think trading your energy, your very life-force which comes from god - is literally selling your soul. This idea about usury is irrelevant because the idea that we can put values on our priceless energy is the real problem.

FYI it only makes sense if you subscribe to keynesian economics

15191343? ago


Human action itself is not being claimed as having a pricetag.



The fact you chose to to tell me what you just wrote, is a result of the economic law of time preference whereby you chose to write that when you did instead of say a year from now. All else equal, that same exact action, that response, to the post I just wrote, should you ponder waiting for a year before you reply, you would have wanted something more in order to agree to doing that. The proof is that you didn't wait. The law of time preference is manifesting in you posting it now with whatever utility you got from it doing it now.

In other words, out of all of the possible actions you could have taken, the law of time preference also manifests in you acting in accordance with what your most highly valued goals are right here and now, and you put off to the future other possible actions.

Also, this is completely outside of even the understanding of Keynes. Keynes didn't understand the economic law of time preference either, which is precisely why Keynesians call for governments to interfere in the market to affect interest rates! They don't understand the damage they cause.

You don't understand very much economics, if I were you I'd lurk moar

15215881? ago

Time doesn't exist

15227901? ago

Define exist bitch

15385577? ago


Time doesn't exist, neither does money or space (not outer space the idea that you are different from me and i am different form you). These are all Babylonian Tricks.

Your defense of money while it makes sense in your circular bubble, is totally fraudulent once you realize the nature of reality. You cannot value someones life force.

15386186? ago

"Life force" and money are not incompatible, you stupid Marxist doorknob. Money arises NATURALLY when individuals are FREE TO TRADE AND PRODUCE FOR EACH OTHER.

All money is, before it was usurped by the Satanic Rothschilds, is just the MOST marketable, sought after commodity that allows individuals to temporarily STORE PURCHASING POWER FOR FUTURE TRANSACTIONS.

Historically when individuals are free, they tended to use precious metals as money, because precious metals are BEST, thus far discovered, to perform the function of what people naturally look for in a good money:

Durability, portability, divisibility, uniformity, limited supply, and acceptability.

Money is not fraudulent, YOU ARE YOU FUCKING FRAUD.

A person's "life force" is not being valued when they accept a payment of a commodity that is durable, portable, uniform, divisible, in limited supply and generally accepted in trade. They are ONLY providing their labor. The VALUE of a person's labor is what's being traded, not the person.

In YOUR "circular bubble", you fucking projecting Marxist psycho, you fallaciously conflate two consenting adults trading voluntarily, labor for a fixed income as an example, and because your permission was not acquired first, that insults your sensitive to the point of being psychotic EGO. So you blather on about determining what is good and right for others over and above their own judgments for themselves, as if your judgment of what they should do for themselves, is more important than their own judgments for themselves.

You made the critical error of believing that sounding like a space cadet new age koombaya motherfucker cannot cover up your inner sociopath that seeks to destroy innocent lives because you're fucked in the head.

GTFO this board you tin pot dictator wannabe, you're just a lost pathetic Marxoid dufus.

15392233? ago

wow this is just... art

15190877? ago


15190502? ago

Oiy vey you anti-semite!!!

15190697? ago

Hey let us reason together then.
I will begin with Isaiah my favorite Prophet was he an anti-semite?

1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.

3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

8 And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.

9 Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.

10 Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.

15201770? ago

Cherry picking the bible again...lol...

God: "I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you..."

15190852? ago

The Israelite's hated the synagogues of satan.

15191789? ago

Accept the 10 tribes that were destroyed because they fell into Baal worship.

15190339? ago

By the way, just talking about this can get you killed, just ask JFK and Lincoln.

15190327? ago

Fundamentally, money is nothing more than an IDEA.

The worst thing about the money we currently use is that the people who make the money use, don't just create it out of thin air, they CURSE it into existence so to fully comprehend exactly what we are dealing with, we all need to become much more aware of the Sorcery and Black Magic that these people use......

15190166? ago

that means destroying the Jews

15190032? ago

What is your opinion on those eager to see the "last days" come and their possible penchant for encouraging "perilous times"?

15190027? ago

It's becoming clearer how Q plans to deal with Israel.

One way or another, we'll be returning to a gold-backed currency and our allies will quickly follow because they'll noticed we weren't nuked by Mossad and they'll desperately want to be rid of their Jew blood-sucking parasites too.

But first, President Trump will need to finish exposing Mossad's child sex slave networks and the political bribery and corruption the Jews gain from pedophilia.

The Jews will be left with no political influence over other countries and NATO and the UN, they'll have no cash from trafficking children and they won't be supported by the (((Rothschilds))) as they lose central bank ownership one by one, starting with the world's most developed and powerful countries.

This ends with Israel becoming a third world nation, surrounded by enemies.

This ends with a cleansing of the temple.

15199552? ago

If there's a prayer to pray. This is it. So sick of these fucking parasites.

15197889? ago

any proof of this clean up

15198063? ago

Q named every country where (((Rothschild owns))) a central bank and named his family as one of three major targets.

POTUS has repeatedly spoken negatively about our central bank.

Israel and the New World Order are widely acknowledged as a child sex trading hub, which is no surprise given the Jewish Talmud is basically an instruction guide for setting up child human trafficking networks for shekels:

  • Christians are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel." - Baba Kamma 37b.

  • Jews may marry three year old girls. - Sanhedrin 55b.

  • Jews may have sex with a children / infants under the age of nine years. - Sanhedrin 111b.

  • "When adults have intercourse with a little girl / infant it is nothing." - Kethuboth 11b.

  • Jews may use lies to circumvent Christians. - Baba Kamma 113a.

  • If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should be sneaky about it. Go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. - Moed Kattan 17a.

Israel's economy would economically collapse without support if their bribery and child trafficking ended... and then the economic ruinous wars to keep the Muslims out would begin and end in the streets of Israel being flooded with blood-thirsty jihadists.

15195805? ago

Stop your anti Jewish rant. You should study the Bible a little. Not all jews are the bad guys. They have bad guys also. Dont blame a whole group of people for some bad apples. Jesus will redeem all jew and Gentiles that will come to him

15203978? ago

100% true - they are still Gods chosen people. The Old Testament is filled with stories of Jews who were tainted and bad people. No different than today.

15197879? ago

Not all jews are the bad guys.

And presumably not all Muslims are rapists, yet they turned Sweden into the rape capital.

Not all Jews are bad guys, yet history has shown them to be the most treacherous people in human history. They've been exiled 1,030 times over the past 3,200 years, always for strangling their host nation "friends" in a greedy attempt to steal wealth and power.

The problem is the "good Jews" and the "bad Jews" always come as a matching set and they are always a cancer on their host nations.

There's a metaphor that describes Muslim immigrants like a bowl full of candy - with 10% of those candies being poisonous.

This metaphor also applies to Jews, except every nation who's ever eaten even a single candy from the bowl has become permanently and seriously ill or died.

We have a duty to protect our children's birthright by naming the Jew enemy who are poisoning the minds of our children and corrupting our government and protecting the Deep State and sabotaging our legal system and entangle us in needless wars and plan to enslave us.

It's not my fault that the truth is antisemitic.

15204951? ago

Study your history. Learn about the difference btwn ethnic Jews and Khazarian Jews.

15213913? ago

I know the difference, but I don't care because the ethnic Jew and Khazarian Jew always come as a matching set and the net result is the host nation is paralyzed and destroyed by their greed and treachery.

I know the history of the Jew and it clearly shows over 3,200 years of treachery that stretches back well before the emergence of the Khazarians.

15201467? ago

It's not my fault that you're an idiot. You can't paint all a country's peoples by bad leaders or a bad group.

If so, then I guess you are evil on a stick because Obama was POTUS.

15201850? ago

You can't paint all a country's peoples by bad leaders or a bad group.

Sure I can, just like how President Trump banned people traveling from terrorist hot-spots. Not all of those Muslims are terrorists, but it's stupid to take the chance.

I presume Jew-unicorns exist, however there is no reason to trust the most treacherous people in human history because we know they will try to strangle us in a greedy and sneaky attempt to steal wealth and power because they are doing that to us now, just like they've done to every other country they infested before being told to fuck off and never return.

15200788? ago

SMH. Shill troll

15196283? ago

“Then ALL the people answered, ‘Let his blood be on us and on our children.’”

ALL, not some. They’re a cursed race.

15200746? ago

You have no idea what the truth is do you.

15197435? ago

First, study the history, then define the bad guys as it would appear that there are different flavors, and this one in particular: Ashkenazis or the Khazarians who are simply not Jews at all and whose bloodlines hail from Eastern Europe. Nor have they ever stepped foot in the Holy Land. Stereotypes just land us right back in the same dark place we're desperately trying to get out from under.

15201504? ago

Careful...logic and your reasoned response will trigger the joo haters...smh.

15194592? ago

Yup. sounds like it to me.

15194221? ago

I’m sure it was made clear to Israel/Jews that any nuke attacks on gentile nations would mean Israel ends up a glass parking lot.

15193178? ago

Where is the gold?

15192886? ago

Holocaust without even getting our hands dirty.

If that's the case, Trump, JFK, and Hitler need statues everywhere.

15195818? ago


15197722? ago

Why not speak the truth... have you ever read the Talmud - the foundational scripture that defines modern Jewish laws and theology?

It's a walking nightmare and it also explains why Jews have been exiled so much and why the child rape networks are so associated with the New World Order... because the Talmud is basically an instruction guide for setting up child human trafficking networks for shekels:

  • Christians are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel." - Baba Kamma 37b.

  • Jews may marry three year old girls. - Sanhedrin 55b.

  • Jews may have sex with a children / infants under the age of nine years. - Sanhedrin 111b.

  • "When adults have intercourse with a little girl / infant it is nothing." - Kethuboth 11b.

  • Jews may use lies to circumvent Christians. - Baba Kamma 113a.

  • If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should be sneaky about it. Go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. - Moed Kattan 17a.

15200773? ago

Where did you find that garbage? Think your talking about Islam not Jewish. You very miss informed.

But more likely your a shill troll

15200809? ago

Where did you find that garbage?

In the Talmud - the foundational scripture that defines modern Judaism's laws and theology.

15203970? ago

Wow and your taking Wikipedia's word for it lol. Try finding a real source. Like the a physical Jewish Bible

15204037? ago

Ha ha - I love the way Jews lie about Talmud scripture until you quote it directly and then they lie about now Jew believes in it.

Ironical they do the same with the Torah and all other Jew scripture.

I'd never be dishonest about my convictions or the New Testament or my relationship with Jesus, yet the first thing the Jews always do is lie... because they are proud of how disgusting they are and their religion promotes lying.

This is why Jews are the most exiled people in human history.

15211813? ago

Still you have it wrong. Your thinking about the muslims not the jews. Dont mix up the 2 please.

15213801? ago

I'm not confused.

Jews are the enemy of mankind whereas Muslims are their biological, economic and cultural weapon.

15217262? ago

Ok so if your not confused then you a Shill trolling on here.

Q says they want us divided by race, religion, political party United we are strong Divided we are weak

Go away shill


15217360? ago

Q says they want us divided by race, religion, political party United we are strong Divided we are weak

Q is correct.

(((They))) do want us divided.

15219882? ago

They as you put it are not the Jews

15219961? ago

Yes, (((they))) are the Jews and it's been the Jews for thousands of years before the Kazakhstan jews.

If you doubt it then simply turn on the television and see for yourself.

15220077? ago

🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 its not the Jews. Not the whole group of Jews. Do you not see? The Devil (satan, Lucifer) hates the Jews. He wants us to hate them. Why? Because they are the Apple of Gods eye. And they always will be. So you are either on the side of good with God. Or your on Satans side by Hating the Jews Period! Wake up.

15220220? ago

its not the Jews. Not the whole group of Jews. Do you not see?

Fuck off with your "not every Muslim" arguments.

Not every Muslim is a rapist but Muslims turned Sweden into the rape capital of Europe.

And not ever Jew is evil, yet Jews will ALWAYS strangle their host nations to death.

I present 3,200 years of Jew history as evidence.

Ya know that "bowl of candy" metaphor for Muslim immigrants... well the same applies to Jews? The only difference is EVERY nation who's ever eaten a candy from that Jew-bowl has either been permanently and irreversibly crippled or died.

15227613? ago

Didn't say a word about Muslims

My evidence i present to you. The Bible Old and New Testament. Read it. Then reread it then reread it. That is the whole truth about the Jews and their final redemption as well as ours when Jesus returns. Everythings else is just part of the middle of a movie.
Wake up yourself. Satan will continue to deceive if you dont

15233390? ago

It was a metaphor you retard.

15195475? ago

This is counter to the deepest programming used against us. Keep up the good work.

15191504? ago


15190972? ago

Chikd sex slave networks are worldwide, they are not exclusive to MOS

15191351? ago

No they are not, it is not an all or none situation.

But Israel only exists because of a larger world system.

No Nation on earth is innocent in any of this.

15191399? ago

Ah the retreat into "larger world system".

Vague and muddled

15195033? ago

Look at the forest, not the tree.

15190912? ago

Acts 7 is an example of how they treat truth tellers.

15190709? ago

This would be Glorious!!

15190356? ago

This is exactly it.

Regardless of what you think about them, Jews are very intelligent and notoriously devious, deceptive, and manipulative. Credit is to be given where due, otherwise you don't acknowledge how difficult and slippery it makes to catch them. They are not to be underestimated.

However their entire model of control relies on you simply not knowing about it. For the public to be unaware. Why do you think they went out of their way to buy up all of our media? So if we expose them for who they really are, there will be public outrage against them.

Society is better off if they are distrustful, or at least skeptical of Jews in positions of power. And this is coming from a Jew. I see it in the leaders of our communities. 90% of Jews are just as asleep as everyone else, but that 10% leads the rest along like Sheperds with lies and deceit. When I figured this out, I was furious.

This is why for Jews who are awake, this battle is personal. It's about a betrayal from within. Those who we were taught to trust the most are often just wolves in sheeps' clothing. They need to be stopped. Us Jews who have woken up, actively work to dismantle their network of lies from within. However the Jewish indoctrination is strong.Which is why we feel so betrayed waking up.

15203690? ago

I am sorry. We have ALL been duped by those we trusted most. Let the blaming end and the healing begin.

15210504? ago

You are right. We know why we were duped, too.

Now is the time for us to come together, heal, and take action against those who would pit us against one another and betray our trust for their own gains.

15191526? ago

Well, the best part of Judaism that I can find is Jesus Christ. No one can be made good through the Law, only by God's grace can anyone really live. Even Moses, could not enter the promised Land because he violated the Law.

You just cannot get around the Messiah.

Everything went wrong for the Jews after the death of the false Messiah Simon Bar Kokhba.

He was the last king of Israel, he killed the high priest that anointed him Messiah as the Romans closed in on him. He hated the Galilean Jews who had accepted Christ as the Messiah and refused to fight for him.
This was the final diaspora of the Jews. The Pharisees took over the role the Priesthood had had in the past and they started their arguments over the Oral Law, which they preferred to the written law of the old testament.

15191909? ago

The teaching were warped along the way as well. Which has brought us to where we are now.

15190694? ago

but that 10% leads the rest along like Sheperds with lies and deceit. When I figured this out, I was furious.

You can not be trusted.

You represent, literally, the most treacherous people in human history.

You have been exiled 1,030 times over the past 3,200 years, always for being sneaky, back-stabbing, dirty little fuckers who strangle their host nation friends to death in a greedy attempt to steal wealth and power.

Jews have earned a lower public approval rating than syphilis.

That's your problem, not mine.

You'll know your time is up when you see on the news that Tel Aviv-Ben Gurion and Eilat-Ramon airport control towers have been destroyed in a missile attack.

We won't miss you when you're gone and nobody is coming to save you.

15191124? ago

lol oh I agree. You're not going to get any complaints out of me there.

However I'm a "goodie-two shoes" and cannot in good consciousness, sit back and just watch what is happening now that I know the truth. I don't care if I am the same "people" as those responsible for this. That doesn't mean a whole lot to me. What does matter is what these sick fucks are doing. Shit, "White guilt?" White people have nothing to be guilty about. They have been the scapegoat of Jews forever. "Jew guilt" though? Yeah, that's a thing. We have a lot to feel guilty about.

However I'm not just going to sit around and feel guilty about shit. Action is needed. Frankly, I think some of the religious text of Judaism should be gathered and be burned off the face of the planet. (I'm looking at you, Talmud.)

When it all boils down to it, I don't blame people for hating Jews. If I was any other race, I'd hate us, too. lol I dunno. Maybe it's the autism, but I am self aware and see that my "people" need to be stopped and something done to stop this from happening again. I don't think a "final solution" is in order, (then again, I might be a little bias. lol) but some pruning most certainly is. I think the fault lies more in the teaching than in the race. Fix that, and the problems should go away.

If that doesn't? Well... shit. Looks like we'll just have to take one for team humanity, now won't we? lol

15191359? ago

As a Jew, your words are meaningless.

Sure there's a chance you're a Jew-unicorn, but I couldn't care less because there's no shortage of Jews who say exactly the same things that you say... and then they poison my children and rob my house while I'm attending the funerals.

FYI: I'm not wasting my time to read your comments.

15191409? ago

That's fine. I don't expect you to believe me. I'm not about to try to convinced you, because come on... I'm a Jew. Even I don't trust other Jews I don't know when they say, "trust me." So I'm not about to blow smoke up your ass. lol

Also, the fact you point out you aren't reading them, leads me to beleive you are, btw. :p

15192104? ago

You might be dealing with a shill or a extremely stupid person rightchea. Judging an entire race based on actions of some is not productive.

15192201? ago

Maybe. But then again, there are a lot of hateful racists here. However I cannot entirely blame them. I mean, it's not entirely unjustified.

However there are those of us who actively move against this ancient evil from within, because we are immune to it's tactics. There are a number of white hats with unusually large noses and love for money in Israel. You just don't ever hear about them because they lay low. It's easy to deceive people who are used to doing the deceiving.

I hope that makes our "Friends" here begin to question one another. The idea of that makes me grin.

15192628? ago

I suspect many of the racists in here are shills, that are just commenting obvious racist stuff to make us look bad. Probably some real racists here tho but i dont know. There are good and bad people of all races, period. I am also skeptical of some people of different races and i think that’s just human but i let people get a fair chance to show what they are about, neither do i post blatantly racist stuff on anonymous forums thinking that it will have any impact. I think this is probably true for most people except some few individuals.

15192917? ago

Can you fuck right off? We're racist because we see through the bullshit.

15193176? ago

And because of little brainpower

15190522? ago

Jews are very intelligent

Horseshit. Not as intelligent as whites. No great empires and no great inventions. Anything they claim was stolen from whites. Jews are born parasites. Nothing more. If they are so damn intelligent then why is their nation only kept afloat by billions in american taxpayer welfare yearly?? lol

15193800? ago

Arthur Murray, "The Bell Curve".

TLDR; Asheknazi Jews > Asians > Whites > Hispanics > Blacks. Muslims are probably last of the last.

15195762? ago

lol Jews are equal to blacks ubnless they were bred with Germans. You know, the MASTER RACE.

15190874? ago

Who is the more intelligent one? The one who builds something, or the one who manipulates and steals form it right from under their noses? Don't kid yourself. Your ignorance and arrogance is exactly why this is all happening. Don't work hard, work smart. This is the "Jew way:"

However globalists no longer need white people to piggyback off of, the world has reached a point where they would be much better off if white people didn't exist. Because they make horrible slaves. They are too smart and too rebellious. However they are also too compassionate. It's that compassion that Jews have targeted and are now using against white people.

Granted, I don't agree with this. Hell, I'm completely opposed to this. I'm just being brutally honest here. Jews are like black people, they liek to steal; only they are much, much better at getting away with it. lol However I know how they get away with it. I'm impervious to their "Antisemitism!!" cries whenever they are called out, because I, too, am a Jew. "Takes one to know one" comes to mind.

For the record, I don't see Jews as better or lessor than any other race. I lean more libertarian and would rather everyone just leave each otehr the fuck alone. However that is not possible atm. Which is exactly why I am here, I know how useful a Jew is at stopping another Jew. Because their shit that works on everyone else, doesn't work on us.

In fact, it's pretty fucking hilarious. They don't know what to do when their "get out of argument free" card doesn't work, and they have to actually confront the argument. lol

15190963? ago

A parasite isn't intelligent. A parasite IS what a parasite does. Jews are leeches. When a white human walks into a pond and gets leeches does that make the leech smarter? Whites all over the world know it all too well. Its why jews have been expulsed and hunted like animals more than any other group. Jews cheat in college. This is a known. Its called Nepotism.

Whites were given the highest IQ's and cursed with too much empathy. We must strive to change that because it has allowed too much cancer in.

Last thing I will say is jews are a danger to all cultures of the world.

15191356? ago

"Whites were given the highest IQ's" You know that isn't true, so stop being intellectually dishonest.

Though honestly, I don't care either way. I'm just pointing out that you are being emotional and arrogant; the two things Jews exploit the shit out of. Being blind to it only makes it easier. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can actually do something about it.

Honestly? I don't care what what you think about Jews, it certainly is justified. What I do care about is the sick shit that is going on that needs to be stopped.

And yes, I agree. Jews currently are the greatest threat to rest of humanity. I simply believe that a "final solution: isn't necessary. But some serious book burning is. Because Jews are taught to feel special. That they are better than the "goyim." That weed is what needs to be ripped out, for all of our sake.

15191480? ago

You sound like a jew speaking out of both sides of your mouth

15191867? ago

I would sure hope so. It would be uncomfortable to only speak with one side!

15191946? ago

You're out of your league here, shekelstein.

15192130? ago

That's fine. Because I don't play the game anyway. Too many rats and weasels on my team.

15192204? ago

There's too many (((rats))). That is fo sho

15192213? ago


15191221? ago

God, in his wisdom, set apart the Hebrews. The remnant of the Hebrews is the Tribe of Judah, the Jews. Jesus was a Jew. God knows what He is doing. We can only speculate (theologize).

15191268? ago

The blood of Cain. Jesus hated them. The only time Jesus cursed or became violent was when dealing with jews.

15190200? ago

Yea that is how I see it as well. We are in a massive spiritual battle at the same time. Most of Israel is made up of Ashkenazi. The region most modern Jews come from is the same area of the former Assyrian empire who worshiped Baal, who was Satan in the form of a bull. Orgies and burning male children on an alter were part of it. The ten tribes of Israel were destroyed by God because they fell into Baal worship. They were sent to the same region were the Ashkenazi were found.
Blood lines of evil.

Got to be careful here, not all of them are evil. But just like a pyramid it gets worse at the top.

15192894? ago

They're all evil.

Jews. Jews. Jews. No prefixes.

15190552? ago

Got to be careful here, not all of them are evil.

Jesus begs to differ. He called them Satans children--the synagogues of satan.

15201429? ago

BS...you don't know your bible. God said, "I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you..."

Yes, there are bad people in power who are joos...but to paint with such a broad brush is stupid. Using your analogy, then all Americans are bad because Hillary and Obama were in power.

Think logically - Q

15207687? ago

Your ignorance level is amazing. But is it willful or intentional?

15208582? ago

Your level of hatred clouds your thinking.

15208605? ago

You call truth "hatred". You have been brainwashed and fooled into worshipping evil. sad

15208726? ago


15190452? ago

Why don't the "good" Jews call out the "bad" Jews and warn everyone about their evil nature?

15195911? ago


15190934? ago

Same reason the "good" Moslems don't call out the "radical" Islam followers.

15190647? ago

I think it is because Jews love to use other Jews as well. Most of them just don't know. After all you can be a Jew and be totally aspritual. So the meaning of Faith and the true Nature of who they serve is always hidden. Kind of interesting to think, the same people who rejected the Messiah are now over seen by tribes of people that rejected God and worshiped Baal.


Again it is good to look into ones self and ask do I serve an everloving everforgiving Creator or do I too serve other gods?

15190731? ago

The point is -- "There ARE no 'good' Jews". If they were good Jews they would have converted to Christianity.

15190018? ago

15190181? ago

both = slavery

15189962? ago

The truth is here,

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

15189957? ago

I was thinking about capitalism and the way the world has turned out. Makes me think, with capitalism, no matter what, someone eventually wins and buys out everything, kind of like how it is now with the media. The more rich someone gets, the more powerful they get. Power corrupts and eventually these people have to own everything. They just can't stop themselves.

I wonder what the world would be like had everyone followed Jesus' teachings?

Edit: I'm not saying socialism is the way to do it, like the one moron commented below. Just thinking out loud FFS.

15196643? ago

We are NOT in capitalism. We are in socialism. Get that right. Tax the rich, give to the poor, that's socialism.

With capitalism, you don't get 1 winner on top. That's not how it works. It's always a cycle. 1 market has many niches, so you'll get many on the top.

What you're thinking of is the current CORRUPTED system, where government regulation creates the environment for one such example, the media. That's why it's always the government's fault. They don't use money properly, and creates more harm when they are big. The smaller government is, the better.

Power can corrupt. Power can always be good too. IF it's a real capitalistic society, there's going to be good and evil, and hopefully the market will be more good than evil.

The more rich someone gets, also the more help they can give. It's a double edged sword.

You need to remove the evilness that has been installed in your brain.

Remove the saying from your mind (the more rich someone gets, the more powerful they get). Rich people don't care about this. TO get rich, is to help people solve their problems. That's the real reason to make a profit.

Good luck to you Patriot.

15197236? ago

The weak link in any economic system is the human being. It will always end fucked up in time. Either collapsing of its own weight or collapsing because the other sane human beings have had enough. Either way there is always a cycle that runs its course. We are near the end of a cycle, IMHO.

15198725? ago

Human beings are the system. It's not a weak link.

You are right with the cycle. Everything is a cycle. Society, civilisation, anything and everything. There's no such thing as a straight line in nature.

We just need to adapt and keep improving. I too think we're at the end of the evil cycle. Time for Good to prevail!

15190315? ago

Well you are exactly right that is how it works.
The really wealthy really want to destroy mankind and create a new Man combined with a Computer machine.

We are two steps away from 10 million trucking jobs disappearing nearly over night. We are headed for a machine take over that will make the industrial revolution look like nothing.

15190652? ago

Which I'm somewhat OK with. Why do we want to waste our lives working constantly? What kind of life is that? There's got to be a better way to run the world than the way we are now.

15197427? ago

This is the same question a lot of people start asking after they have attended Burning Man for the first time

15198023? ago

Why is that?

15198377? ago

Because Burning Man runs on what they call a Gifting Economy. There is no money at burning man except to buy ice and coffee, everything else is gifted. For a week 70,000 people in the Middle of Desert get to live a completely foreign transformational existence that when they come back to this shitty existence, they go WTF am I/we doing in the consensus reality we are taught is "Real Life".

The same thing happens when people smoke DMT, drink Ayahuasca etc, ie the ultimate Red Pills you start asking some very serious questions about the reality construct we have been born/programmed into....

15200117? ago

Very interesting. My only experience with it is seeing a friend when he got back one year, he looked like death and had to hole up in his apartment for a good 5 days to recover. One big shit show of a party I guess.

15201386? ago

Check out this video, it's of the best that depicts the transformational side to Burning Man.....


15191820? ago

When they no longer need you for your labor to support their society, you won't have to worry about wasting your life working. You will no longer exist. They want an extreme population reduction, and they are willing to accept some pretty damned draconian measures to get there.

15190193? ago

newsflash: socialism doesn't work

15191824? ago

Not taking about Socialism, everyone has to work. But we all should own our own debts. If money is for the people the value of the debt should also be held by them.

There is no reason to have a middle man holding the debt.

15190629? ago

Newsflash: Where did I say socialism is the solution?

You're not very bright, are you?

Get fucked.

15189937? ago



15190371? ago

The debt the fed holds is all the future Labor of this Nation.

The Fed is not even a Government Agency. They are above it. Who owns it owns the country. We are being managed like sheep.

15194810? ago

Our tax dollars feed the fed.

15191304? ago

In order to be enforceable a contract must be lawful.

Any sane jury would certainly find selling a persons lifes' work, before they are born... That's pretty simple ain't it?

15191335? ago

Yes it is and it is horrible wake up call to everyone on how the world works.