15182895? ago

I stay awake thinking about what the truth might actually be. History, science, ff's, religion..... Everything absolutely everything we have been taught is suspect. Health and medicine, God!, everything! If you start thinking instead of just taking (their) indoctrinations as truths the possibilities are enormous! Good night. Hahaha.

15182377? ago

Love it!!! What a hoot! #WWG1WGA #MAGA

15181774? ago

Haha yeah, wives don't get it we want to bring the pain!

15181108? ago

Never, hasn't happened yet, so it won't ever.

15180808? ago

Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund filed a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs precisely on the Pi Target Wednesday (Nov 21) for allegedly conspiring against the Middle Eastern fund to further a criminal scheme by Malaysia’s scandal-plagued SELL.SELL.SELL

this is a quarter....now go buy a clue

15180513? ago

Rent free

15179634? ago

He is and never

15179080? ago

showed this to my wife.. best laugh we've had in a year.

15179058? ago

My wife is still a sleep. I have been working to get her to see her but is so put off by politics that she doesn't want to discuss. She's conservative so she won't be too surprised when it all goes down. So many have turned off anything dealing with politics, just as (((they))) want it. When no one is watching they can do whatever they want with impunity. Not for much longer.

15179034? ago

lol. thats some real shit

15178383? ago

In my household, we're both thinking what the man in this meme is thinking. It's also what we talk about 85% of the time. Happy Thanksgiving Patriots, may the things that keep us up at night be resolved soon!

15180370? ago

Yup, its the same thing here! They say that the 4 minefields of conversation in a relationship or marriage are politics, religion, money and sex - those are the best conversations to have!

15177882? ago

What she's thinking...does not really concern me unless critical shit.

What I'm thinking...I should add two degrees of timing and go up one jet size. I might have to get that bigger camshaft. I'd better check valve lash tomorrow. I wonder if it's going to be warm enough to ride the bike. I'll get with my friends and we'll go out hooning around...

15176184? ago

He doesn’t trust the plan. He’s a shill.

15185042? ago

Why do none of you know the meaning of the word 'shill'?

15186492? ago

It was sarcasm fucktard

15186526? ago

A search isn't producing any results for "sarcasm fucktard", so I searched for "punctuation" instead...

the marks, such as period, comma, and parentheses, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.

15186565? ago

Nice edit btw. Too drunk to get it right the first time? Shill.

15186628? ago

Looked redundant, after examining it a bit. Also, I'll donate the proceeds of a previous search, as you may find this handy:

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.

15186676? ago

Yep, sounds like you drunkard.

15186837? ago

Far from it, but I have just opened a Hop Stoopid. Either way, I refuse to accept that I'm the most literate demographic, as there are many fine points which are simply beyond my skill level. My point here is this: There is no excuse for not knowing how to punctuate a simple sentence.

15186894? ago

You go now you fucking guy

15186557? ago

Good for you fucktard

15186607? ago

How is life in the lower 10%?

15186614? ago

Go to bed faggot.

15179663? ago

The plan. I won't hold my breath

15177547? ago

"He's trying to divide us by saying god isn't real!"

15175695? ago

I'd fuck her brains out.

15175714? ago

She has kind of a bitchy looking face. I doubt she'd give you any. She probably has a headache.

15175619? ago

My wife is going to love this one

15175614? ago

That is what I was thinking. The fuckers are still at large. Do you see any handcuffs on LL or Obumer or HRC? [ answer for "its" crimes ]

15175623? ago

Nope. Until there are arrests NONE of this other shit matters. NONE.

15175560? ago

Me. Just opposite.

15175285? ago

She's not even this self aware. What she's really thinking is "I should bang that tall dark African at the gym" "My husband isn't giving me enough attention, I wonder why?" "Oh well if he catches me, I'll get half or more of everything in the divorce"

15177198? ago

You married the wrong woman

15184826? ago

You find out too late.

15177282? ago

"You married a woman."

Fixed that for you.

15178300? ago

What , you married a faggot ?

15177121? ago

I found the beta!

15177158? ago

You looked in the mirror? Good job, you get a participation sticker.

15175688? ago


15175236? ago

Very funny.

15175141? ago

That is way too much light for proper sleeping.

15177645? ago

That's what would be keeping me up too

15175139? ago

Reverse the roles and you've got my home! Good one!

15175533? ago

Same here! Husband wasn’t interested in politics or fighting the liberal system until he learned from me.

15180543? ago

Teach him about Kushner's connections with the Saudis - poor guy will never sleep.

15176567? ago

You should make a reverse meme of this.

Something like: "He thinks Israel is our ally but I know they are foreign enemies in control of our gov."

15178860? ago

The best one yet!

15175552? ago

Good job anon.

15175636? ago

Now that hubs is woke I don’t have to put up with his commie sisters! Hubs was always conservative,now is is actively helping our cause.

15175082? ago

Yep. Unfortunately the wheels of justice move slowly. However with Trump just activating the Intelligence Advisory Board, the clowns must be crapping their pants.

Big brother now has someone looking over his shoulder.

15175224? ago

Until the Intelligence Advisory Board does something and people start going to jail, I'm not interested.

15175284? ago

I'm going to assume you have no idea what this board does, or what it means?

Also: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2864950

You are either a shill, or not very good at looking at the big picture.

15184878? ago

You are either a shill,

If you refer to someone as a shill, you mean that they are paid to sell something or to participate in an activity in order to persuade others to buy or participate.

So many of you are self-discrediting. Even if there wasn't all that evidence that Trump and "Q" are jewish fronts, your wild illogical claims would cast doubt on their operation.

15177048? ago

It’s almost like a soldier fighting against an enemy who says, “the heck with all of this preliminary stuff, until I see the enemy fleeing in full defeat I just don’t care.” Such a soldier is worthless to said army and is a hindrance. Warfare is long, hard and complex. And this particular one that we are fighting for is the war of all wars. Shills and Quislings need not apply.

15177092? ago

Preciously. And we are hoping to god it doesn't explode out onto the surface, because nobody wants open warfare in this day and age.

Things will get very, very ugly if that happens.

15175385? ago

The "big picture" = the New World Order is being implemented. This is all part of it. We're still on the path towards the NWO. Nothing has changed. Soon, we'll all be enslaved and disarmed and it will be much too late to fight back. We are screwed.

15175524? ago

Yeah. You're not very good at this "big picture" thing.

Stop the concern trolling while you are at it.

15175543? ago

Maybe you SHOULD be a bit more concerned? Someday soon you're going to realize that you were lied to.

15175877? ago

I'm not concerned because it appears I know more about the situation going on atm than you do. I don't mean for that to sound condescending, btw.

I'll entertain the fact that you might not just be a shill:

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0gZgntrwBk

and then this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEL8tEcyo5w

Pretty good breakdown of what is going on with midterms atm.

Also this just happened the other day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBR0r4XDuXE

And creditable planefag believes Assange could potentially be on his way to be safely housed in Gitmo atm: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2867804

A lot of stuff is going on.

15175949? ago

But, all the "stuff going on" is always behind the scenes, in secret, and never available to the public. The general public believes the false reality that is show to them by the MSM. Until something happens in public, none of it really matters. They aren't suddenly going to go: 'OH! you've got facts and logic? Well let me listen to that first...." They are going to be just as brainwashed on that day as they are today. So, why wait? Why not just spring the trap NOW and arrest them all? By January, it will be too late. Dems are going to fight and subvert us for the next two years. We have 1 month before then. We HAVE to take action before the Dems take control.

15176258? ago

To be honest, I don't blame you for being upset. However consider just how brainwashed they are.

They need to be eased into this stuff. This is unrealistic to a lot of people. Hell the shock of Trump winning 2016 literally gave people PTSD. What do real big issues are going to do to people if they are suddenly dropped on them?

We are talking Psychology here. Trauma is not to be underestimated or taken lightly. It's easy for us to dismiss things because we are so awake. However sometimes we forget to look back over our shoulders to see just how far behind everyone else is.

That is not including what bad actors in other countries and the cabal outside of the USA would do in the midst of the panic. Again. Big picture stuff here. POTUS and the gang's first and foremost job is the safety and well being of the American people. Both physical and psychological.

In other words, we have become such pussies that we need to toughen up our skin before we can take some of the more bitter pills.

Also. Did you watch those videos I linked? They are pretty insightful.

15176338? ago


Rip the bandaid off!!! Don't pull it off slowly.

The longer we wait, the worse it will get.

15176394? ago

Honest question:

Are you a shill, a troll, or stupid? It's one of the three, I'm just not sure which.

15185001? ago

He's possibly seeing more of the picture than you are.

15185028? ago

What makes you believe that?

15185305? ago

Mainly, because he's OP and you can see which comments on this post are his. They make an interesting and recommended read, although there is a bit of variation in consistency. On the other hand, you may or may not be the same person in this thread, but assuming you are...

You used the word "shill", which is a credibility killer in this context. (check the definition - If you refer to someone as a shill, you mean that they are paid to sell something or to participate in an activity in order to persuade others to buy or participate.)

You appear to "believe in" Q and Trump, and are either unaware of, or ignoring the fact that they're almost certainly some level of controlled jewish op. Q says 'dig', right? Dig into Trumps level of association with jews. What are the likely conclusions?

Dunno if you're one of the "jews deserve to control us" people, but an objective look at the situation doesn't leave one feeling like blind trust is the way to go with Trump and Q. Trump does have tremendous rhetoric though. You have to give him that.

Anyway, time will tell either way.

15187058? ago

Yes. It was me from the start of it, and thank you for the thought out post.

And you have a good point on "shill," I'll keep that in mind.(I thought it also included persuade others 'not' to do/buy something. So my mistake there, yes.)

Also, this is going to sound funny, maybe a bit ironic, But I'm actually a Jew myself. However, I am intimately aware of both Globalist and Zionist Jews. I am definitely not these, hell, my family moved away from them. I'm a 2nd generation American immigrant who left the land of shekels. Besides, I lean more libertarian.

I guess you could say my "faith" or "lack of concern" comes more from being able to tell Jews apart from one another to some degree. Sure, we are all shekel loving kikes who tend to be very tribal, but we aren't a hive mind. lol

Not all of us have a nefarious itch for global domination or shackling others in servitude to Israel. But I'd be lying if I said we didn't love money.

With that said, a lot of the successful Jews surrounding Trump are mostly self-interest opportunists. They are taking a gamble to some degree. However I still don't entirely trust them either, so I understand the concern. (Hell, I don't even trust myself with money.)

Ultimately what it boils down to is: if I believed that Trump and Q may be in bed with the Globalists or the Z's, I wouldn't be here. However I find that quite unlikely when you consider Israel had a hand in the Assassination of JFK, the father of his good friend JFK jr. (who was also snuffed out, or faked their death.) Because while Trump's morals might be a little questionable at times, he does have a very strong sense of duty.

And if I am Wrong about Q and Trump? Well... shit. Aren't we all just fucked then? lol But points taken, none the less.

15175482? ago

They’re not disarming me. To do that I’d have to be dead.

15175508? ago

They are fine with that. Look at California. They just keep making it harder and hard to buy guns and ammo. We're all being led into the NWO. Unless we start fighting back, we're SCREWED! We should have started fighting back 20 years ago.... 50 years ago.... but, we're all idiots. All of the stuff you are seeing in the world is just theater to keep you distracted. The NWO is being implemented right now.

15175523? ago


15175564? ago

So, it's time to PULL BACK THE VEIL and expose this plot to the world! No more secrets. No more riddles. No more cryptic clues. No more spy games. Just the cold hard truth from our leaders and people in power.

15184953? ago

Meh, maybe, but you're right. The vast, vast majority of humans are essentially livestock on a farm. The gate gets opened in the morning and they all troop out to the freedom of the pasture and munch grass to their hearts content. Why do you hate this delicious grass?

15175062? ago

That was me when i first learned of pizzagate. I couldn't sleep for about 10 days, it was awful.

Remember when mossad agent Alex Jones broke down and cried when he first reported on pizzagate? That was me but times 10...

15185296? ago

What a time that was - it fucked a lot of us up. Couldn't sleep in part waiting for the next drop. Every fucking morning.

15181806? ago

I hear you on that, I already disliked those people, but when I saw that... I'll never forget how much I hoped it was fake news, but how much my heart was telling me it was real.

15178225? ago

Yep. And not a goddamn thing happened. I don't stay up late reading anything on the internet anymore.

15178548? ago

Ohh really? Nothing? Nothing at all?

You mean that executive order Trump wrote is make believe? All the pedo and human trafficking arrest increases are make believe too?

GTFO troll.

15178748? ago

Skippy is still a free man, dickbreathe.

15177531? ago

That just makes you a pathetic, gullible, paranoid retard believing bullshit conspiracy theories on the internet. There was never any proof for Pizzagate, and if you think Alex Jones's tears are real then you're a moron. He is just a crazy making millions by selling fear to idiots. Q has taken the Pizzagate delusions even further.

15177572? ago

Are you fucking retarded, moron? Did you not read where i said Jones is a Mossad agent? That right there would imply his tears are fake, however, you're far too dumb to pick up on that.

Also, if you don't believe that pizzagate is real, you're probably the dumbest motherfucker i've ever encountered online, and you can suck a bag of fucing dicks, which i'm sure you'd enjoy.

In closing, fuck you and your skanky mother.

15177836? ago

Pizzagate began with a post by a white supremacist Twitter account, claiming NYPD had evidence from Anthony Weiners laptop of a child enslavement ring which Hilary was involved in. This was false and without evidence, but it spread quickly through alt-right and pro-Trump social media.

Other right-wing accounts and blogs helped popularize, sensationalize, and spread the claims further, many of which were based in Eastern Europe. 4chan anons and pro-Trump trolls then began pushing the idea that leaked emails from Podesta contained code for paedophilia. Again, this was all concocted without evidence and made very little sense, but the right wing nut jobs ran with it.

Because this conspiracy argued that references to cheese pizza was code for child porn, idiots eventually concluded Comet Ping Pong was a hub for this activity. Delusions and paranoia got out of control as morons convinced themselves the CPP menu had secret references to paedophilia. Eventually a gullible paranoid even went to try and shoot up the place.

From the outset Pizzagate had no evidence or proof and was propagated by alt-right commenters, blogs and accounts desperate for attention and hits and ad revenue. Gullible paranoid morons like you believed it because it pandered to your delusional worldview, prejudices and confirmation biases. It was never real and neither is Q, which deliberately combined elements of previous right-wing conspiracy theories into an incoherent whole.

15178528? ago

Blah blah blah, did not read. It's always the same muhhh pizza restaurant rhetoric.

GTFO. I don't understand why you Q denying assholes stick around here so much.

15178406? ago

No you are wrong, it's begun from molesta brothers emails released by wikileak, and also Alefantis creepy Instagram pictures.

15175394? ago

Forgot about that! Thanks for reminding us! Alex Jones has been out there trying to wake folks up, forever! Is he bugshit nuts? You betcha! Comes with the territory of enlightenment. In the Cthulhu Mythos, it is established that an individual’s sanity is exponentially inversely proportional to their awareness of the nefarious machinations of those who serve the Old Gods. Begins, I ‘spose, like bebbies, in the bedroom!

15179800? ago

What's really sad about Jones is that he plays both sides. We truthers were fighting with him over the 9/11 tragic events. He gets something out of every morsel of truth he tells, and every lie that rides on the side. He's good at what he does.

15180357? ago

Suppose he pretty much had to play both sides, for a while there. Then, when I think about it, he got banned from social media rather strategically for our side. If my theory is correct (maybe proven by Macron) that China is on our side, that would explain why all the social media moved their headquarters to China, why Israel gave control of the Port of Haifa to the Chinese, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Not a game! A trap! Have been hard on Mossad mostly for effect. Came down the other day to burning the flammable stuff up. Wasn’t playing or using anybody! Was just tired of the prevarication. Also had to inform the Illuminati that I’m firmly with Q, now and forevermore!

15180698? ago

He's a player. If we got too close to a solid fact in our research, he seemed to show up, and conveniently get in our way. When he'd caused enough trouble, he'd back off again. Jones is really out for himself. Wherever there's a profit to be made, Alex is magically on the scene with his case of snake oils. I think China is going to be on our side, until their economy is such that they are empowered enough to show their true colors. They have plans for a global takeover coming up in the next 15 years, or so; give or take 10 years. This stuff doesn't keep me up at night. I sleep to avoid it hahaha! America's leaders, and their arrogance is why we're in this mess. Our DS is just a symptom of the power hungry leaders that have sat in the oval office.

15175093? ago

I wonder when Q is going to actually arrest someone. Anyone! Sometimes it feels like this whole thing is made up and that there is no justice in the real world. It pisses me off to see Obama and Hillary walking around free and thumbing their noses at us.

15184593? ago

Sometimes it feels like this whole thing is made up

Can't imagine why...

15176273? ago

Never forget that nearly 3000 New Yorkers (fortunately no Israelis) who were murdered in broad daylight by the JWO 17 years ago. Never forget Rudy Giuliani, Mueller, and Bolton were all part of it. Never forget the millions killed and tens of millions displaced in the post 2001 wars, all based on lies. Never forget the $5.9 trillion wasted on those wars. Never forget that Brent Kavanaugh wrote much of the Patriot Act. Never forget that Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Ann Coulter pushed the nine eleven lie and the neocon wars. Never forget that Lauren Southern, Tommy Robinson, Alex Jones, Ivanka Trump, and Stephan Molyneaux are NOT Christians. Never forget that Donald Trump called the Clintons ""good people" AFTER the Weiner laptop and Podesta tapes. Never forget that Q says "think mirror" and advises us to fear the ones we trust the most. Who do we trust the most??? Never forget that DJT has been a liberal democrat all of his life until recently. Never forget that the FOX News presenter now chasing DJT Jr, Kimberly Guifoyle, was married to Jesuit communist and California Governor elect Gavin Newsom for 5 years. Never forget that Netanyahu would sleep in Kushner's bed when staying in NY (young Kushner slept on the couch). Never forget that Satan is the father of lies and that his followers need to obtain our (passive) consent for their evil acts against us by cryptically warning us in advance... I could go on forever, but I have to go to work in the shithole country I now live in. Why do I live in a shithole country? I lost everything in the post 2001 Truth movement. It was expatriate from the USSA or suffer Arkancide. Do not be deceived. The only truth or justice we will ever see will come in the kingdom of heaven. Pray for deliverance. Engage in spiritual warfare every day. Speak truth to power, including the power at 1600 Pennsylvania and his alter ego false prophet.

Matthew 6:19-21 (KJV) Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

15184692? ago

It's all in front of their faces. We're coming to the steepest part of the slope.

15177067? ago

Fuck outta here Christ cuck.

15177234? ago

Enjoy your afterlife Schlomo

15178327? ago

Grown men should not have imaginary friends.

15177245? ago

Is that you reading the Talmud?

15178318? ago

C'mon kid, get some new material. The obsession with Jews is getting played out.

15175595? ago

People are being arrested every day. These arrests are preparing the sheep for the big ones. It's happening. Open your eyes.

15175638? ago

Blah blah blah blah words words words words. Until we see some HIGH LEVEL arrests, all of this is meaningless. HIGH LEVEL arrests are all that matters. NOTHING else matters. NOTHING. The longer we wait, the more time they have to spin lies and distort the truth.

15179761? ago

How does a high level arrest take place without witnesses, and evidence? If you don't get those low level arrests, statements on record, and witness protection for those with the most to die for, how do you make the charges stick when it's time to make a high level arrest? We know that those unprotected low level criminals will be taken out before an officer gets to the second knock on the door. Look to the mob for examples of arrests without strategy. Mob bosses stayed in power much longer than they would have if there'd been some thought behind the takedowns.

15183383? ago

Think along your lines and reconcile with “arkancided”...

15176520? ago

You see, you guys almostbhsd me with the JWO post above and your nonsense. I may be a 27 year old who doesn’t understand a lot, but this helps me because I can easily resort to common sense scenarios that I do understand.

Anyone who has watched the news, locally people are murdered, raped, they sell drugs, etc. Do the wheels of justice happen with the snap of a finger? No, often times there can be years long investigations into said crimes, intel, then they’re held without being charged for long periods of time before even seeing a judge? Obviously I missed a lot here but that just adds more and more to this already long difficult process.

Amplify this globally, world wide, embedded within said system of justice, hundreds of years in the making, spirtuality, the Cold War being fought we are blessed to have even a glimpse at. I’m inclined to believe, DJT is just an old man who says “fuck it, before I leave this god forsaken rock I’m going to take down all the sick fucks that tried to control me and run this country to shit” along w a long term plan by mil intel choosing him at the right time.

15184724? ago

Much of his family married jews. He was financed by them, surrounded by them, and supports them at every turn. What does common sense tell you.

15175348? ago

https://qmap.pub/read/726 "Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions." Q

15180483? ago

this times a billion!

15175631? ago

Well burning up California with DEW lasers is pretty fucked up. Q and friends going to take that on after Jan 20, 2019?

15177694? ago

Has it occurred to you that they may not have expected that DEW wildcard and that's why things are moving more slowly than we expected based on the Q drops and what looked like dates, etc.?

15178601? ago

Yes, actually I have thought about that. However, trying to make sense of this stuff or predict it is like trying to predict what is coming out in Star Wars squeal No, 5 or 6, or 7 or 8, etc. Assuming all of the Q premise to be true, this would mean that the DS still has laser cannons to start this fire (assuming that our MAIN gov is not fucking us). But, yes, the fires may be something that caught the Q team offguard. My own study of the Recent Panhandle Hurricane (if you compare it to the closest model Camille of '69) convinces me that this S is manipulated. Not sure what to do - other than pray for Qs success and redpill those who are asleep.

15187511? ago

As far as I can tell from research, we may need the space force to take out solar arrays in space. Might also be perpetrated by another country on the other side of the world under the control of the Cabal, esp. considering how much DiFi stands to gain with the high speed rail that just happens to cover very similar, if not the exact same, route as the fires saving tons of money on eminent domain issues.

15175824? ago

Some suspect this may have been China and it's being kept underwraps to prevent open war.

If not that, usual Cabal fuckery in space. The "lazer planes" people keep suggesting is not what did this. Oh no. This was something much bigger.

Q was silent for several days. When that happens, it generally means they are actively engaged in important military ops. This shadow war is behing fought behind the scenes, out of the eyes of the public. However if you pay attention and look close, you see signs of it.

Like the "unusual amount of space debris" that has been falling down and burning up in our atmosphere lately, for example.

15182106? ago

Q was silent for several days, that means he was busy fighting crime like fucking superman



cmon man, "think logically". Q is a mouthpiece utlised by military intelligence. Do you think the team running Q is not seperate somewhat to the team running ground operations? Do you think they're somehow all so busy they couldn't maintain such a basic fucking line of coms?

This is such a shitty excuse.

15175292? ago

They'll get it yet, don't you worry. It sucks waiting, but in the new year, shit's going down. Once the executive orders start taking effect, it's on like donkey kong.

15175333? ago

Not likely. By then it will be too late. We're already fucked. This whole country.... this whole planet .... is fucked. We're doomed. Most people just don't realize it yet.

15184812? ago

This whole country.... this whole planet .... is fucked. We're doomed.

It's certainly not like there's a lack of overwhelming evidence for that. Just this past week I discovered that technique from 2005! where they attach a vaccine to the flu virus to literally change specifically targeted brain functions in any human who catches that flu. Just one tiny thing in one field.

15175549? ago

I would die fighting before I became a NWO slave. I mean technically we already all are slaves. Before we become FEMA camp slaves we'll die fighting.

15175589? ago

Like you said "we already all are slaves". Why? Because we continue to perpetuate the system. We wake up and go to work. We pay our taxes. We follow the law. We don't rock the boat. We accept that what the "authority figures" are telling us is true.... and we listen to them. We need to STOP! Get off the merry-go-round and start doing something else.

15180362? ago

I'm right there with you bud. However, even if we were to organize and try to do shit ourselves, the FBI would take us out with drones. Any attempt by patriots to organize will be squashed by the FBI, CIA, State or local police. Yet "patriots are in control". That's why the Proud Boys are labeled an "extremest group by the FBI right? Because Patriots are in control? We're told by Q: "PATRIOTS FIGHT", I just don't know what that means. I would love to do something else with my fellow patriots here if I new it wouldn't be Monday morning quarterbacked by POTUS or Q.

15174982? ago

Promise you a married man memed this. Good one.