15183377? ago

Stay safe JA. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

15180647? ago

Don't know what credentials this Planefag guy has or the sources of his intel, but even if this flight actually happened, I see no evidence that Assange was IN Honduras, much less on this flight to Gitmo. I'll buy into this flight being legit for the time being, but everything else about this claim (Assange being in Honduras and Assange being on this flight to Gitmo) seems totally unsupported. Is there another thread or post with the info that supports those other 2 critical pieces of info?

15189484? ago

The same guy has intelligence source that says JA was in Honduras. Right after that flight we get a JA tweet from potus and then the Ecuador embassador note about dispersing ambassador and diplomats that ‘know’ Assange. All the day after the flight. Too much coincidences for me.

15192617? ago

Oh, I love THOSE kinds of coincidences! =-D Thanks for filling me in on the other little nuggets re: Assange's whereabouts and the hints floating around about "ambassadors." I wasn't aware of Planefag saying Assange was in Honduras previously.

15179952? ago

Deep State, C_A, and a dozen other agencies need JA super bad. Chess match, where's waldo, int'l hopscotch, secret allies necessary to get to "safe place".

15179432? ago

Wait, wait, wait.

Which JA?

James Alefantis? Julian Assange? Jessica Alba? Oh, I know, It's Jennifer Anniston, isn't it?

15178905? ago

I think it was GW on that plane! Here's why: Look at Trump's tweet from yesterday:

Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS - Whatever happened to Global Warming?

Capital GW = pointing to GW Bush? Whatever happened to GW?

1 capital C and 2 capital Bs = 322 = skull and bones?

capital E = 5 - as in D5 and 55 anniversary of Kennedy assassination

Shatter ALL RECORDS - means he is going to declassify Kennedy assassination?

What better way to avenge Kennedy's murder by GH Bush than to send GW to Gitmo for his crimes day before Thanksgiving.

Pain comes in many forms.

15178771? ago

This is Sparta!

15178513? ago

I've thought JA was in protection since December 2017. Of course I dont know for sure. It makes sense that he is though because the DS wants him dead so bad they can taste it.

15178059? ago

Q 874

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4776ee No.580331 📁

Mar 7 2018 15:56:26 (EST)

How did @Snowden clear customs/immigration in HK AFTER the public release?

Why wouldn’t he FIRST travel to final destination prior to public release?

If wanted by the US govt would he be cleared to travel?

Who provided support to escape?

Who was the US after during this time?

JA - have you learned & eliminated L-6?

Use logic.


15198807? ago

Is it this specifically: Universal Jurisdiction?

Universal Jurisdiction

15177595? ago

Can't spell PodEstAS without PEAS. Just an alternate idea.

15177560? ago

Q drop #1462

What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit? Back in the news. The 'server' brings down the house. Q

Could this be part of the Server bringing down the house???

15177249? ago

JA is going to testify in front of congress in return for a pardon. Huber already has a sealed indictment ready for him

15177216? ago

Idk about all this ... however, with Huber set to report his investigative findings on the Clinton foundation, who’s could be more perfect to testify against them? JA ?

15177060? ago

Lol at the mental illness and delusion on display in this thread.

JA is in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and has been for several years.

He has been indicted and the second he leaves the Embassy he will be arrested by British police and extradited to America to face charges and serious jail time in a max security prison.

This plane speculation is yet more conspiracy theory idiocy peddled by Q tards who can't accept their 4chan fantasy LARP isn't real.

15177615? ago

Meanwhile your still here 😂😂😂 sad shills

15176639? ago

OMG, the level of stupid in this thread is incredible..

15176608? ago

Well, if it is JA (no fucking clue here), GITMO would be a safe place to keep him and take his testimony. Even the DS would have trouble killing him there.

15176453? ago

Well, if they want us to know (like for his testimony) they will tell us. Otherwise, is it just all more Twitter Speculation.

15176105? ago

I don't know exactly where JA is at the moment but I don't believe he's in the embassy in London. I think he was extracted by Trump admin officials back when his internet was supposedly cut off. Nobody has had a glimpse of him since. I do believe he wiill provide evidence and testimony against the cabal....foreign and domestic. He will go free but have a massive target on his back and will be in some sort of witness protection program and it's unlikely we will see him again. I know this disappoints the fan girls but it makes sense, in my opinion.

15175891? ago

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15175795? ago

If Trump fucks over JA he’s gonna lose a SHITLOAD of support.

15183465? ago

Remember Trump will do ANYTHING to keep himself from looking bad, fucking over JA is definitely in the realm of possibility.

15175700? ago

Is this the fake cia nigger assange?

15175615? ago

If you care about JA and keeping him safe don’t aid and abet his enemies by broadcasting his whereabouts! Sure hope to God, JA is not at Gitmo where his location has now been broadcast to the world. There is no place safe when your hunted by the cabal!

15175362? ago

This is actually a good thing.

He's really fucking safe there until he can come to testify.

15175109? ago

They have 'friends'? -GrammAA

15175047? ago

What the hell? That is not True, if anything he is here in DC

15175026? ago

Jullian Assange is in London

15174865? ago

Q implied JA was freed in 2017. Q is mostly disinfo. This is no better.

15177858? ago

That's why this plane is coming from Honduras instead of England

15177295? ago

D5 bitch.

15177794? ago

D5 is meaningless.

15178786? ago

As is your shilling.

15179273? ago

We will see, won't we?

15176692? ago

Q is mostly ALL disinformation. Fixed that for you.

15174841? ago

Nothing gets in and out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London without the media and JA groupies posted outside knowing. So enough of the fairy tales.

15175548? ago

They had moving vans outside the embassy earlier this year. Could have been moved out then.

15174835? ago

When was the last time Julian Assange was sighted at the Ecuadorian embassy in London? I therein lies the answer as to when he was evacuated.

15175558? ago

Then again, it could have been a body double, so we don’t know if even that was really him.

15174693? ago

I also heard that Elvis is there.

15180275? ago

15174632? ago

it would be really awesome if JA suddenly appears in the hearing to talk about the clinton foundation.

15174511? ago

How the hell would this guy know? Oh, that's right, he doesn't.

15174294? ago

Uh GITMO is a military prison

15174669? ago

If he’s going to testify in tribunals, then that is where they need him.

15174808? ago

yeah if he will be a witness to the chain of title of the evidence absolutely i agree with that

i imagine that is where the tribunals will be held and the executions take place

absolutely great point patriot

15174530? ago

The prison is compound is home to many buildings. I think there is a small city there to avoid too much coming and going.

15174551? ago

Yeah but its a prison, everyone there is a prisoner or a prison guard.

15177113? ago

Trump doesn't give a shit about JA. He was useful when he was leaking Democrat emails as it helped Trump get elected. But now the government wantd to make an example of him to deter other whistleblowers and leakers.

15175813? ago

everyone there is NOT a prisoner or prison guard.

15180578? ago

Totally agree - there are military judges, JAG folks, as well as cooks, medical personnel, interrogators, administrative folks, operations, builders/engineers, facilities management, etc. - on top of just guards and prisoners at Gitmo.

15174902? ago

In many ways a prison is a secure facility. Gitmo has security from inside out and outside in. Its an armed military base.

15174222? ago

I read something about:

[D]ec 5


Nothing can stop what is coming.


15174192? ago

How would this guy know who's actually on the plane?

15176674? ago

He doesn't. Just informed speculation I'm guessing. I have no problem with people like this guy speculating on things based on their observation. What I don't like is when people in this movement start screaming "Boom" "It's Happening" and other nonesense based on nothing more than speculation and poorly sourced prediction. When it really is truly "happening" we won't need an over-surgared man-boy screaming about it here to let us know....it will be readily apparent and big enough to catch the attention of the sleeping normies.

15189459? ago

it will be readily apparent and big enough to catch the attention of the sleeping normies.

Amen to that.

15176056? ago

He wouldn't...educated guess. Someone else on his Twitter feed thinks it is Snowden...and that he was handed off to POTUS from Putin (soccer ball handoff). Now GITMO for Snowden would make sense.

15176521? ago

I think it's Trigglypuff.

15175939? ago

I just want to say that this is a very good question and the sort of questions we should be asking in this sub.

15177728? ago

Exactly. This is obvious attention seeking BS.

15179810? ago

Find out who you are talking about BEFORE you flap your jaw.

15209910? ago

Ask me if I give a rat's ass. Bullshit is Bullshit, I don't care who's spewing it. You sound like a MSM fan.

15174571? ago

He tracks a lot of planes flying in and out of Gitmo. Seems to know when it’s 9/11 war Court versus JAGS versus general contractor run. This one maybe caught his attention as not one of the normal routes. Take it with caution of course. It’s not gospel.

15179858? ago

Doesn't he say lower down in the comments that it wasn't Julian, but a diplomat of some sort? He should have waited to find out who it was before posting. This is how disinfo flies across the web at lightning speed. A little restraint goes a long way in research.

15174591? ago

He's a high speed expert on this shit... he knows his craft.

15177758? ago

I don't think anyone is questioning his knowledge about aircraft, it's the JA is onboard assertion that's BS.

15177985? ago

You think so?

His reasoning seemed logical. It's plausible... you can entertain an idea without having to accept it as fact until more information arrives.

15174402? ago

If you decode every 11th Q post using every 17th Q-post as a "one time pad" and adjust each letter by the value in the pad plus 11, then run each pair of numbers through the Q clock, then convert the entire message to a hexidecimal encoding, then jerk off for 17 minutes, ejaculate on the printed out hexidecimal encoding, and say a prayer about Jesus while licking semen off your own fingers, Q will reveal to you the following message:

Plane landing today?


Where is JA?

Think Huber.



15176496? ago

Well played. This is hilarious, people take themselves way too seriously.

15175402? ago

You can take the kike dick out of your mouth now, your shekels are waiting for you to go collect them.

15175148? ago

Deepstate BTFO

PAIN is coming

Any second now

Any second

BIG week ahead (again)

15175102? ago

This is excellent, could you start a Twitter about this? It would be a good place for shells and non-believers to congregate.

15174796? ago

That's actually really funny! Why can't the shills on Reddit be funny like you?

15174544? ago

^ ^ ^

Projecting its own embarrassment

15174614? ago

I kinda hope people realize how shitty they have been once the truth is revealed... I don't want an apology, I want them to wake up.

15177905? ago

Comments like this reveal how conspiracy theories like Q take hold because they pander to the believers ego and make they feel important and special. Arrogantly talking about the "truth" and calling for others to "wake up". When in reality they are just paranoid gullible losers, uncritically consuming conspiracy theories spread by 8chan and completely detaching from reality. You're not special or enlightened, you're just another paranoid faggot.

15178001? ago

Think so?

I don't.

15174911? ago

What are we waking up to?

15175506? ago

The reality of your ignorance.

15175682? ago

Oh. For example, I’m ignorant of what?

15175791? ago

For example... you think that SA journalist is dead.

He's not. He's in custody.

15176011? ago

I don’t think anything about the Saudi journalist. Regardless, I don’t see having any obscure knowledge on the subject as a qualifier for “wokeness.”

15176296? ago

If you follow the crumbs and solve the puzzle, you are far ahead of 99% of people...

15175753? ago


15174889? ago

are you talking about Q people being shitty, or all the deep state people being shitty? or people in general being shitty?

15175517? ago

I'm talking about the retards in here who think we're the retards.

15174150? ago

Probably the safest place for him. They can't nuke it cuz some of their own creepy friends are there.

15176325? ago

Deep State has no allegience or honor among each other.

15174384? ago

Exactly, this is pure speculation.

15175343? ago

I imagine it's just like Hogan's heroes over there for JA.

15174003? ago

I sure hope so, DS will freak

15173901? ago

Whew! Have been worried about this one for years!

Being Aussie, I wonder what his real name is!

I’m thinking ... ? ... ? ... Grub Wilson!

Happy landing, Special Agent Wilson!

15173859? ago

https://archive.fo/GUk8r :

🐾 MilSpec Ops Monkey 🐾 on Twitter: "🚨🚨🚨🚨ALERT!!!🚨🚨🚨🚨I think this is Julian Assange coming out of Honduras! Headed to a safe location, maybe for testifying in the near future>? @LizCrokin @findtruthQ @prayingmedic @CrossfitBirch… /M81ztxyzwl"

This has been an automated message.

15173800? ago

Related, we had this tweet yesterday from 72seconds: If you were going to Pardon someone, where would you put them...out of the reach of the Deep State?...Wait for it...Gitmo...


15180187? ago

Yeah Gitmo may be out of the reach of the deep state, but -- didn't the deep state cause the Paradise fires with a DEW weapon?

Why can't/don't they fire that weapon at the White House? Or at Gitmo? Or etc?

They seem "Keystone Cops" except, they're the robbers...

15183437? ago

Because it doesn't exist.

15176052? ago

If you wanted to protect someone and went through the trouble of secretly bringing him through other countries to a heavily fortified military detention compound in order to keep him safe, would you let that information leak to the internet and would you want people broadcasting he was there?

If this is real, this thread should be deleted to not notify our enemies.

15183408? ago

It wasn't leaked. We have observant patriots.

15176292? ago

Too late.

15175674? ago

Why do you think the CIA (who is now in control of wikileaks twitter etc) posted videos of people planning to extract him? They wanted to know who they were and how they got him out after the fact

15174459? ago

I think I remember people waving at him and his cat in the window?

15175241? ago

Could have been a body double in Ecuador embassy?

15175743? ago

Imo he was extracted in October 2016. His dead man's switch triggered, there were photos of armed agents at the embassy, there were widespread internet outages and fake wikileaks insurance files were spread. Afterwards the faked RT interview happened and he never went to the window again. He also refused to use certain electronic proof of life techniques.