15148819? ago

Voice of reason: What is the end game with the American jews? Whay are the options. Likely we won't be gassing 6 gorrilion of them in the USA. We can't physically 'beat sence' into them and join our side. We can't ridicule it alienate them and expect them to change to out side. What other options are there. We could through them out but that's very unlikely also. Seriously though I'm going for thier power through boycott of jewish companies and merchants.

15147532? ago

It is the jewish tradition that is the source of male genital mutilation in the USA and it happens to most men whether they are religious or not. And the sheeple parents condone it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCuy163srRc&t=2108s&has_verified=1

15147499? ago

Rabbi Sued for Severing Baby's Penis (Tree of Life Synagogue) https://files.catbox.moe/mdudsg.jpg

15147308? ago

I'm on Q train, but disagree with this kike assessment.

15146388? ago

Somehow, criticizing organized Jewish behavior, which is verifiable by simply following the money and noticing who is the controlling interest in many of the institutions that are currently conspiring to destroy our society, is wrong. It's not wrong. Naming the problem is THE ONLY WAY things are going to change.

15146376? ago

The shills wont have it. This site needs to be prepped for MSM to use as ammo against Q Movement.

Expect consistent posts about woman in power having dicks, white supremacy, and anti-semitism.

15145723? ago

Any group of people that think mutilating the genitals of their newborn children is a good idea ARE NOT worshipping anything close to God.

They are as much satanists as the people who call themselves Satanists along with any other group that performs blood sacrifices. There are certain groups of spirits that are placated by blood sacrifices which is why indigenous tribes do exactly the same thing. There is more to this world that just the very thin wavelength of light that we can see.

15145530? ago

Shut the fuck up you kike peace of shit. (((YOU))) have no place here.

15145128? ago

OP is either an Deep Mind controlled AI bot or is a kike shill either way he's a faggot that need more vespene gas.

We don't hate the jew because he is a jew but because of their promotion of absolutely degenerate behavior.

15145154? ago


15145311? ago

██▄░▄██░░▄███▄░░████▄░████░░░░▄███▄░░▄███▄░░▄███▄ ██▀█▀██░██▀░▀██░██░██░██▄░░░░██▀░▀▀░██▀░▀██░▀█▄▀▀ ██░░░██░██▄░▄██░████▀░██▀░░░░██▄▀██░███████░▄▄▀█▄ ██░░░██░░▀███▀░░██░██░████░░░░▀███▀░██░░░██░▀███▀

15145324? ago

trufe 1990

15145125? ago

SBBH, known nazi shills, like to do this. It's been quite common for years now.

What they'll do is they'll post a submission like this and up vote the comment that refutes some bullshit about Jews all the way to the top.

Conensus cracking

15145069? ago

Fuck jews. Their religion teaches them that non-jews are inferior and only good for usury.

15145075? ago

kill some if you upset

15151581? ago

I'm not a muslim, that's their fatwa.

15147049? ago

OP calling for violence? shillin' like bob dylan/zimmerman

15147080? ago

No I am encouraging the violence

15145056? ago

Antisemites are turds in the punch bowl. They are here to taint everyone here and make the community look toxic. Ironically many of them work for Israel and help them maintain their victim identity and act as a foil.

15145073? ago

not here

15145117? ago

Especially here. Haven't you ever heard of controlled opposition? Hal Turner worked for the FBI. Most of the trolls in here hating on Jews are probably Mossad agents or Mossad bots.

15144884? ago

Fuck off Rabbi. Don't you have a little boy to violate?

15144794? ago

There is a difference from jews and fake jews. It's the fake jews that use antisemitism to protect their evil ways. Fake jews do not even have the 12 tribes bloodline and they follow the Talmud not the Torah. Nothing pisses me off more than someone using someone else's heritage or identity for their own gain. Like Pocahontas Warren who is a fake Indian but uses the identity to get what she wants.

So if there is any hatred on this board it should be fake media, fake jews, fake pastors, fake legislators, and fake judges. No one likes a liar and we definitely will not bow down to them. Call out the fakes to their faces.

15144804? ago


15144652? ago

Good Vs evil

Simple really.

15144673? ago

Nazi = good \

jews = evil

15144822? ago

Nazis were socialist fags! Lol. We are American. We will do it better than them. Why strive to be something that failed? Nice try nazifag

15144605? ago

Per the Bible, we are discerning between those who claim to be Jews but are rather of the synagogue of satan, and the true Jews.

15144531? ago

If you are still thinking ng about race and color at this point then you're an buffoon. Focus please.

15144541? ago

I kill niggers

15144499? ago

Fuck off Jew.

15144533? ago

I kill you 1990 times

15144372? ago

Q is a Boomer!

15144340? ago

The submitter is trolling.

All user numbers with an [s] beside it are the same person (the submitter).

15144274? ago

(((subtle redpill))). I like it, gj op.

15144301? ago

thank you 1990

15144244? ago

Trump is known to love many Jews. Some Jews may in fact deserve praise (Israel Shahak, Seth Rich, Norman Finkelstein).

However, many Jews are anti-Christian, and some Jews are Mossad.

If criticism of Mossad makes the critic anti-Semitic, there's no point in worrying about anti-Semitism. The Mossad will destroy your country while you're dithering about what forms of criticism are polite.

15144437? ago

Thank you for making your point without coming off as extremely racist.

I think the shills are trying their best to make us seem hateful so clearly explaining your stance helps everyone understand where Q supporters stand.

Anyone who threatens our nation with destruction, through open or covert means, will be [targeted] regardless of religious or political affiliation.

15147727? ago

Not all Jews are bad. Some have broken away from the flock and seen how many wolves in sheeps clothing hide among the rest.

being a Jew that is "awake" to the cabal and globalism, I see just how other Jews are indoctrinated. Just like those on the political left; but with fear of everyone being out to get them because they are Jews. In a way, it's like a grand betrayal. Those of your people who you were taught to trust the most were actually manipulating you the most with lies and fear-mongering.

Taking part in the great awakening as a Jew makes this conflict very personal. Because the biggest threat to the Jewish people, is the Jewish people. It angers me knowing that there are those who seek to enslave the rest of us from within. Even more so knowing that they try to play god and see the rest of the world as pawns to be sacrificed to their dark god.

As a christian Jew, these people stand against everything I believe in. Which is exactly why I am a part of this.

15143959? ago

Also, Many of Us are Christians For Israel! The trolls love to disrespect us this way bc they are trying to make us a group of racists and they love to piss us off. I've gone round and round battling a few of them but ultimately, it just best to ignore them. Frustrating, but I doubt they even mean it - they just want us hostile.

15144459? ago

Zionism is not Judaism. Jared and Ivanka are non-Zionist Lubavitch Chassidic Jews. The Lubavitchers have a huge presence in Israel. Before the civil war, they had a big presence in Katmandhu, Nepal, holding the world's biggest Passover Seder there. They go wherever Jews are, hence their presence in the Holy Land.

Atheistic Zionism does not respect the rights of the Christian inhabitants of the Holy Land anymore than it respects the rights of the Muslim inhabitants of the Holy Land. I really question the logic of Christians who believe that the early Christians abandoned their inheritance in the Holy Land by professing their faith in Him. Supporting an ethno-nationalist claim to complete dominance over a place of pilgrimage to 5 major religions seems to go against the WWG1WGA slogan as well.

15144331? ago

I think they are not trolls or shills but truly believe that Israel has done great evil

15144623? ago

I think it's more than that, but to reply properly - There Isn't 1 Race, Religion, Nationality Nor Country That Is Free Of The Same Guilt. We All Need To REPENT.

15143902? ago

Someone just threatened to murder me here after I said I’m not a racist and was then told that I ALLOWED THE JEWS TO DESTROY Our country cuz I’m not racist. All I can say is WOW... some people (or bots)

15143929? ago

Don't believe you. Link or bullshit

15143995? ago

Tell me how to link a comment and I’ll be glad too. IPhone only

15144045? ago

Go into your inbox, find the comment, click context. Then go copy the url and past it here.

15144153? ago

Thank you for letting me know how to do that, pretty new here, no other social media sites.

15144038? ago

It says link right under the comment.

Is it in this thread? This thread is all bs. Op is a troll

15144021? ago

[–] 15143627? 0 points (+0|-0) 16 minutes ago

i let my whole country get FUCKED, and i destroyed the future for all generations to come by blindly handing over everything to the fucking jews.


i genuinely wish i could murder you in real life.

15144490? ago

do it 1990

15143923? ago

You got killed?

15143884? ago

You don't get to cherry pick what parts of the truth you don't like. Keep trusting the Jews and see what you get in the future.

15145457? ago

Being opposed to a systemically installed program of Semitic Supremacy (which includes explicit White-European Genocide) does not make one an Anti-Semite.

Besides, these (((GlobalZionist Cunts))) masquerading as spiritual Jews aren't even carrying the true "seed" of YHWH anyway—and the nation of "Israel" is an imposition of material idolatry created in the name of some Demiurge or another (perhaps Baal).

In truth, the Kingdom, the Nation, and the Tribes of Israel will only be fully restored once everyone awakens spiritually to recognize and understand that Israel is the very same Kingdom that Jesus Christ claims exists within each of us—in that we each possess the potential to conceive of and contribute to the continuity of creation by embracing the synergy afforded in utilizing living-consciousness alongside living-fecundity (i.e. YHWH) in accordance with and not in opposition to Natural Law & Order.

15144915? ago

Fake jews you mean. Real jews follow God's laws and do not steal, kill, or bear false witness.

15146743? ago

Any Jew who doesn't steal, kill or bear false witness (or intentionally harm one party by manipulating information held by a third party) is fine by me.

But when some Jews work as a group to get away with these things, that's a paddlin'.

15145999? ago

Fake jews you mean. Real jews follow God's laws and do not steal, kill, or bear false witness.

Good luck rationalizing this to "goats". I had a post about this. I had a post about how it's Canaanites and they worship Moloch but hide under the blanket of "Jews". They're semites also and protected from anti-semitism laws but since they're essentially bloodlines no one believes they exist. They were the pharaohs that enslaved the jews. Except they're allowed to essentially lie and do anything, including calling themselves Jews to get you to hate them.

Frankly you'll never "know" who's a true jew, or any faith. But if you're a liar, you're not a true jew. It just takes a disciplined mind to not generalize people and realize you've gotta take them one by one.

15145890? ago

How many are left?

15144423? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a shill.

How to identify the shills:


They always speak in terms of classes and groups, not individual action.

They spew guilty until proven innocent in the desperate hope that they will turn away new eyes from the anti-racist Q project.

15144929? ago

^ ^ ^ This is a faggot

How to identify the faggots:


They always speak in terms of classes and groups, not individual action and call everyone who calls out their stupid little fantasy a shill. They are also devoid of anything that resembles action

They also like members of the same sex

15145018? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting its own frustration at being irrelevant, seeks to gain relevancy by mimicking other posts.

Sad, pathetic mockingbird shills.

15143903? ago

How about I beat your ass 1990 times

15144940? ago

Oy Vey! You probably would like that! Imagine his as a little shiska

15144954? ago

yeah I fuck u up ese

15143951? ago

Love that unity.

Seriously, anti-Semitism is biblical. Learn something

15144504? ago

how aboiut I rape you

15144729? ago

It's not rape if I want it, sugar

15144751? ago

I like you love of anal

15143837? ago

who knows if Q is not Jewish? Or that the Israel government is not supporting, or providing information to Trumps team to get rid of the deep state? Antisemitism has no place in this great movement.

15143862? ago



15144371? ago


15145407? ago

“Patriots have no skin color!” Fucking false bullshit Q, the skin color of the American revolution was AS WHITE AS SNOW!!

15146623? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC shillfuck degenerate piece of leftist commie trash is projecting a massive anxiety at the fact that Patriots of all colors, religions, sexes, and every other "class" are alive today.



15147225? ago

Lol, no, USA cities were 99.9 percent white when we revolted from the British, aka the original patriots, I’m glad that some browns and blacks are happy to support the nation that took them in, but we need to stop promoting things that aren’t true just because they might help persuade.

15147396? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted shill.

How to identify them with 100% accuracy:


15147493? ago

Lol ffs I never said q was racist! I said the original patriots were 99.9 percent white....

15147564? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is an arrogant leftist shillfuck isn't it?

It writes "we" and pretends it hasn't given itself to project.

Q is right. You people really are stupid.


This is precisely the evil Q is taking down from a worldwide cult suffering from the same sickness.

15147838? ago


15145105? ago

(((they))) want you divided by race, (((they))) want you divided by religion.

Who controls the media?

15145139? ago




15145177? ago

The flag of Israel is literally a satanic demon summoning sigil my dude

15145215? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is coded to project fake news about the star of david, WHICH WAS CO-OPTED by Satanists

15145619? ago

No, the star of David is actually just a demon summoning symbol. The menorah is the actual symbol of Judaism.

15146574? ago

No, it's from judeo-christian religion.

15150169? ago

Are you talking about the menorah or the seal of Solomon? If you aren't being specific nobody will know which you are talking about

15150521? ago

The non-Satanic, original version ya fucking imbecile

15153459? ago

Hate to break it to you but the "original version" of the Babylonian demon summoning hexagram is still a demon summoning hexagram.

15155494? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is programmed to type that medieval Islamic stories really happened.

15165606? ago

It actually predates Islam by a few thousand years. However, the same Babylonian cult did invent Islam. It's more than 1000 bc.

15144383? ago

failed have you seen the article about Q falling apart?

15144396? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is coded with pre-Nov 2016 "fake news is where to get truth".


15143809? ago

Posted to dumb shit Qtards say in 3,2,1,

15143817? ago

I kill you.

15144303? ago

  • trust the Jews

hmm. maybe I don't think so

  • I kill you

Well shalom Moshe

15143844? ago

Oh right, I forgot you patriots are dangerous

15143868? ago

yea nigger

15143906? ago

That’s niggerfaggot to you patriot

15143930? ago

thanks 1990

15147391? ago

Nineteen ninety komrade

15147811? ago

1990 komrade

15144063? ago

Ha! Scrolled down and saw this. I knew it was you!

Err... I'm the guy in Maine.

15146217? ago

Do you want to suck his dick now, TheBuddha? You must really want help with your sub.

15146805? ago

You herped when you should have derped.

15147151? ago

You did derp, old man. See you after the holiday! Happy Thanksgiving, socialist pos!

15155171? ago

Enjoy your turkey!

15156841? ago

You too. As much as I dislike what you're doing here, everyone deserves a second chance. Plus, I have a feeling you're just an old follower wanting to hang with the "cool kids". You probably don't even recognize you're being manipulated by paid agitators.

15157224? ago

Actually, it's your lack of understanding of the terms that causes the confusion. It's also your bizarre assumptions about my political philosophy that causes you to react without thinking.

Trust me, I reasoned my way to this philosophy and it's your lack of understanding that causes your response. Do you like fire departments? Do you like public roads? Those are socialist things. Do you like freedom? Do you like the idea of only as much government as we need? Those are libertarian things.

You just don't actually have any understanding of political science. The words confuse you and you have strange notions of what they really mean. I've no time to teach you, but I'd suggest you start with the "political compass." On said compass, I'm about 1.4 to the left and about 2.6 to the libertarian side. I'm the opposite of the extremists. I'm more like the founders of the country than I am like today's political left.

But, I really don't much give a shit about your ignorance. 'Snot like you have any measurable effect on governance. (Neither do I.)

15157502? ago

I understand more than you're giving me credit for.. Socialism breeds corruption. Why is it that none of our infrastructure is being taken care of, even though we pay property taxes, sales taxes and income taxes? There's plenty of money to take care of this stuff, BUT corruption.

Anyways, have a happy Thanksgiving and let's hope we get out of this without blood in the streets. That's all that Q followers want, we all recognize what's next if this doesn't pan out and it's not going to be pretty.

15157625? ago

Socialism doesn't breed corruption. Humans breed corruption. There's no such thing as a perfect system.

No, we don't have a civil war coming. Not even close. This is one of the tamest times in our entire country's history. We are healthier, wealthier, more productive, more educated, and better entertained than we've ever been - throughout our entire history. Even crime is trending downwards. Don't be silly and fear mongering doesn't suit you. You're fine. The sky is not falling. The country is doing just fine, comparatively speaking.

No, Trump ins't all that bad as president. No, he's not all that good. You extremists are weird and the sky isn't falling. Y'all are gullible people who are easily misled. Fortunately, you're few in number.

So, when you need something to be thankful for tomorrow, you can be thankful that the sky isn't actually falling and your country is doing just fine.

Are there problems? Fuck yeah. As you noted, our tax money is being spent really poorly. We should fix that. It doesn't need, and will not result in, a civil war. I'm pretty much always right and I'm really, really confident about this.

15144349? ago

haha was great

15143789? ago

You would be incorrect in that not all of his family are Jewish.

There is likely Q and Patriot opposition here with the name calling. Comes with an anonymous board. Most will take the trade off for now.

There is however legitimate concern of Fake Jews(Khazarian Mafia) that the bible specifically details. These people are not of the Jewish faith and worship Satan.

15143807? ago


15144446? ago



15144467? ago

seems yall are the ones panicking to keep Q alive

15144545? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is panicking at the Q movement accelerating worldwide.

Panic panic panic.

The world now knows the D's are anti-democracy election thieves.

Thank Q.

The world no longer has NK as a nuclear threat. Thank Q.

Panic is all these fucking loser shills know what to do anymore.

15144647? ago

^ ^ ^

This older model NPC is panicking, and afraid of Q.

Posting fake news on QRV.


The fake news is panicking just like the shills on QRV!

15144714? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is panicking at the Q proofs.


Fake news attacks Q because fake news is scared and panicking.

If larp, fake news would ignore.

Fake news not ignore = Q is real.

These shills are so fucking stupid. They can't see that the more they attack, the more Q wins.

Military planning at its finest.

How to spot these shillfucks with 100% accuracy:


15144731? ago

ok how are they panicking

15144780? ago

Shillposts are a projection of panic.

How? It's the posts themselves that are the evidence of the panic.

All for a larp?



They don't spend their time with other larps. Only Q. Why? FEAR.

15144798? ago

I am not shilling though?

15144816? ago

At this point, attacks on Q = shill

15144841? ago

oh so is just an npc term I see

15144859? ago

NPC = shill with specific, easily identifiable coding

15143671? ago

His entire family isn't, but that's beside the point. It has no place here.

15143772? ago

I suspect POTUS is a closet Jew too.

15144406? ago

That's the best you got? Boring shillie shiller.

15143653? ago

That's how I know that every single anti-jew post is shill. As a matter of fact, everyone referring to blacks as n's, and all other hate speech is all coming from shills. True Patriots don't think or speak that way. My best advice is to stop replying to them. Ignore and let them play with each other. They're basement kids anyhow.

15143795? ago

I do not like the niggers as an Israeli we do not condone nigger lovers as they say is USA.

15144047? ago

I'm calling it.

This is a 1990 post.

15144364? ago

1990 ?

15144390? ago


15144525? ago


15143623? ago

It's the shills pushing it.

We aren't stupid.

15143983? ago


15143998? ago

Nice work Einstein. You really sunk our battleship there.

15144050? ago

Stick around grasshopper

15144089? ago

I'm always here.

15144105? ago

Cool me too

15144113? ago

I know.

15144286? ago


15143609? ago

I agree. I strongly agree although his entire family is not Jewish. That is very inaccurate.