15158588? ago

LOL it's mostly voat trolls fucking with you all.

15155849? ago

No division here...Peas & Carrots!!

As for the clown shills... Screw 'em


15154951? ago

Good morning fellow patriots. The heading of this post caught my eye because I’ve posted similar comments on other threads.

When you see a shill post, ignore it, don’t engage with them. They do want to wreak havoc and divide with one sole purpose, to attempt to weaken the entire Qanon movement.

Remember why we are here! Simply stated, we want our country back, we want justice for all those that have sought to destroy our great Republic.

It has taken YEARS to bring us where we are today, do you honestly think all the damage done can be undone in a day?

Be patient, trust God, trust the plan and do all you can do to educate yourselves and pass what you’ve learned on to others.

Rome wasn’t built in a day!


15154142? ago

I agree with the poster, Booker Patriots you are loved! You have earned it as well as our respect. O You are valued on so many levels, nobody can change that.

15152474? ago

Having to clean up this MESS under my computer. Just got finished killing 4 shills. The bled out of the keyboard and all of the floor. God I hate them.

15148766? ago

As a Boomer, I never take the shill bait. Some of us old foxes can outfox the fox. So don't worry about us; we were not raised as snowflakes; but as fighters. We can handle ourselves nicely when needed.

15148115? ago

notice to 8:45, journalist ask the president, Will Julian Assange go free? See what he says https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS5wo30iazs, az

15147380? ago

Yeah so Boomers, it would be great if stopped being undercover liberals and started hatingbthe jews also. Thanks.

15146241? ago

Millennial here! I give everyone a chance!

15146087? ago

I had a friend give me this visual..

Someone approaches you with a box, and it's labeled "Offense". The person opens the box and it's filled with black scorpions, and they say 'Here, take one.'

Would you pick up an 'Offense' ? That's how I deal with shills and argumentative Patriots. No, I'm not going to choose an offense.

15145101? ago

Yes, for about a year now I've noticed the anti-boomer sentiment. What that tells me is none of their other divisive tactics are working, so let's bring back the Old White Male whipping boy, that we can all agree to hate.

15144374? ago

The problem is, they always want to bring "muh bible" their feelings into everything and ignore logic and facts

15151374? ago

Your funny. You would not know a fact if it slapped you upside the head.

15144144? ago

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15144125? ago

A patriot here sick of all the lies about people going to jail- why is it very little if the targets are not in full public court and arrested?

15151387? ago

Sure you are, uh huh, right.

15153420? ago

So you are saying arrests are happening and we should not be concerned? It seems many here are starting to question like me. Why is the fisa released unredacted? All of this talk from Q for months and nothing. This is not me Q said it would be put out... following the plan only works so long.

15143185? ago

Whether an actual boomer, or just a 40 year old boomer, you're a fucking problem.

15143139? ago

Shit load of Muslims, pretending to be concerned patriots, need to be watched out for. Muslims are well motivated, well funded scheming snakes (remember Trump snake story.) They are/have/will infiltrating all branches of US government, NGO's (1000 points of light), Academia etc. THINK MUSLIM WHEN YOU THINK SHILL!

15142890? ago

Did you know that the Marxist scum of the Frankfurt School were among the many subversive groups to actually create the concepts of "generational divides" and separate families into easily manipulated pawns so they wouldn't unite against the true enemy? For example, "teenagers" is a Twentieth Century concept, and the rest of the BS, boomers/GenX/GenY are also made up categories that keep us divided. If you don't see people as connected and as a continuum of ages, but rather focus on crap like trending music and fashion to keep people apart, then you are part of the problem. Don't fall for their divisive tactics.

15144312? ago

Its because snowflakes want to feel special just by virtue of existing, rather than actually putting in work.

15142726? ago

Age is just a number. WWG1WGA!

15142692? ago

You mean ignore the trolls. Who needs to shill qTards? You are all already fucked LOL. Fucked in the head, there's nothing a shill can really do for or against you.

15142672? ago

ignore shills??????????? wtf is this a shill Conservative 'Proud Boys' Labeled "Extremist Group" By FBI https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-20/proud-boys-labeled-extremist-group-fbi

15142543? ago

I pray more for the Millennialls and Gen X, I am a Boomer at 70 years old so we are pretty much more active politically. And for who are Normies, wake up.

15142506? ago

Donald Trump is a boomer (born in the years after WWII).

15142281? ago

11/22/2018–>added individually =17

15142171? ago

I can't stand the Boomer shills. I know some of our fellow Patriots rag on Boomers for "allowing this mess to happen".

I was born in 1968. The end of the Boomer Era was 1964 so I was not part of that group. I do however have MANY friends who are considered to be "Boomers". I know some of their history. So I'll try to put it in context so you can better understand where they were coming from.

Many of the Boomers I was friends with all mentioned they had to worry about being drafted and sent off to fight in Vietnam. You remember the conflict that Lyndon B Johnson (Democrat) got us involved in? The one we were told was about saving the South Vietnamese from the Communists? Yeah, they had to worry about being drafted and going off to fight an unnecessary war thanks to a war hawk Democrat. Several of my friends did deferments and did graduate school to avoid fighting. My own father was drafted and given a choice to push the rifle through the mud or be a desk jockey. He did logistics supporting the troops fighting. He ended up making the military his career (20 years Air Force).

Many people did oppose the war and some who initially supported the war later came to oppose. They fought back as they knew how and did what they could through peace rallies. You have to remember that technology was not prevalent then as it is now. Its easy to heap scorn on a past generation while using your own capabilities as your benchmarks. I'm sure if the Boomer generation had the tools you have at your disposal now, they could have effected stronger changes and mobilized in the way we are doing now.

Just remember that if not for Q and what he has brought to the movement, many of you would STILL be asleep to what Deep State has done to our society and world.

My own personal experience and red pilling.

I was red pilled in 1991 during the events of the Gulf War. I initially supported the embargo's designed to bring Saddam down by financial means. I wrote an article in the paper and didn't consider myself anything politically at that point except maybe undecided with Liberal leanings. I went to a Support the Troops rally to support the military who I had grown up around all my life. While I was there I photographed the event and tried to show images of the magnitude of support. I went home later that night to see what was reported and was surprised to see that they made the rally sound like 30 people max. My photos showed it was 1,000's who showed up. It was then I noticed the lies from the media. A year later, Bill Clinton became President. Anyone who lived through that Presidency knows the lies that were spewed by the complicit media and their constant fawning over the President. Heck they even featured him in several tv shows (West Wing, JAG, etc) to give him a positive image. This was magnified 100x's during the Obama admin. I've been wide awake to media "Fake News" for a LONG time. Even for all I knew, Q has taught me so much more.

Where We Go One, We Go ALL!

15142039? ago

We get it, thanks though. These problems have spanned for many generations. To blame one is ridiculous. WWG1WGA!!!!!

15141969? ago

I think I'm finding that we Patriots are so much smarter than the shills even realize. We all know why they are shilling like their lives depend on it... Because it does! Choose your sides wisely shills... The revolutionary war had it's turncoats (people who knew what was right and did it). Don't put yourselves on a losing side. Freedom cannot be suppressed because when one oppressed person dies... Another takes his place. True Patriots will always sacrifice life, liberty, and sacred honor to defeat tyranny. Take your Soros money and go and hope the day a patriot stomps a mud hole in you never happens! WWG1WGA

15141736? ago

So a shill who is apparently getting paid to shill will get bored and go away?

That's not how this works.

The alt right has put forth the notion that the boomers share some of the blame on this situation. And i think they are right. How can they not? This is the reason some people are lashing out.

Gen X is ok, we know and are grown up. But everyone younger needs their elders to step up, learn what the fuck is going on, take that info and apply it to real life. The kids know how screwed up the world is and are feeling isolated because their elders seem to not even give a shit.

The boomer hate is real, its not shills. Boomer need to do something very few of them have had to do. Self reflect on a societal scale.

I love you all.

15153535? ago

I'm not a boomer, but I can tell you the ones I know have done a lot more than many of you can even imagine or attempt to accomplish in your lifetime. Just because you think you're grown up, doesn't mean you are. The society of today is appearing to be that of victimhood and it's all their fault. You blame an entire generation for the mess of today, who do you think is trying to fix it? Where do you think all the information you're waking up to came from? oh, I forgot, you got it from the internet. It just magically appeared on your screen and now you know it all. Stop the blame and hate and maybe you'll learn something. I'm trying to help you out here. United we stand, divided we fall.

15162453? ago

The only thing that matters in the world ever is hard work.

This clearly is not the case, ive busted my ass, make good money, yet im still being surrounded by niggers, mexicans, and ugly arab women.

Move you say? I don't want to, faggot, this is my fucking home.

You fucking neo cons are still not getting this, are you?

15167480? ago

Glad you are hard worker. It will pay off. The playing field will be leveling out and those who are deserving will receive their just due. Sorry that you're not happy with your situation.

I'm not a neo con or a faggot. I'm more of mix of Independent, Constitutional, Capitalist, Conservative with a bit of Libertarian thrown in. I oppose Globalism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, Feminism, Racism, and most other -isms that don't adhere to individual responsibility and merit. I believe competition brings down the prices and elevates the quality. I do feel an obligation to take care of our elderly, children, and those who are physically or mentally not capable to care for themselves.

15169660? ago

Again with the personal responsibility gimmick. Yes, we get it. Anyone that is browsing this board gets it.

But what many of you are failing to understand is that we are currently importing the 3rd world. Whites are slated to be the minority any day now. This last generation of babies born? Majority non white.

Not a single one of these notions of white christian male patriarchy you are spouting here will make a lick of difference when non whites are the majority in America.

I know this

15141671? ago

Most of them aren't even boomers...

Its just SBBH shilling as per usual

15141314? ago

Q fails because it diverts us from the real enemies - feminists, faggots, niggers, and Jews. Especially the Jews, who do you think runs the cabal?

Why do you think Q sent you to Voat? It's so you could be exposed to the truth about the world. We will only take back our world and Make America Great Again when we eradicate our enemies, finishing what Hitler started and killing all dirty Jew cunts.

15141210? ago

Just one of the many division tactics used in society applied here by the shills.

Ageism. Just like racism, classism, gender warfare etc.

15141199? ago

Thank you. I'm not only a boomer, I'm an old x-hippie. I became aware of the truth when it became clear that "counter culture" was a cover for communist propaganda and the popularity of psychoactive drugs made it easier to indoctrinate the gulible young people. Marxism is the opiate of the " pseudo intellectual". Which includes most young college students. Fast forward to now and we see what these "students" did to our country. President Trump and the Q team is the light I was hoping for. MAGA and WWG1WGA. The shills are nothing to me. I have years of experience at ignoring idiots. Thanks again.

15141137? ago

No one person is above another.

Where we go one, we go all.

15142216? ago

Some are just more equal than others ;-)

15141101? ago

We can fast track all of this go door to door if you have to. The revolution will not be televised , the revolution will be live brother

15141081? ago

How can someone in high school aid these disclosure efforts? I know many of you have spent your lives as slaves which is bullshit. help me and my friends get a life the way it should be

15141318? ago

That's what all this is for, brother.

15140868? ago

Isn't Boomer the nigger pilot's dog's name in Independence Day? Close enough to nigger for me. I hate niggers AND their dogs. Michael Vick!

15141124? ago

^ that wasn't even a good attempt. Could you please do better next time?

If you're gonna shill, well that's a sad little job/lifestyle but you could at least excel at that this one pathetic thing.

15141240? ago

You are quite the nigger loving liberal parasitic fag aren't you? God, please punish this turd, show those around him that you exist and are angered by his treatment of good people like me. Amen.

15171776? ago

Meh, still below average. Have you been drinking?

15195182? ago

Yeah, I was at the time. I ALWAYS make an ASS out of myself when I'm drinking. I wish I could give it up all together. I can only get down to once every week or two. Once got to 4 weeks.

15242688? ago

There's hope! Everyone who stopped forever was exactly the same before they quit - EVERYONE ;)

15339346? ago

No shit?

15340196? ago

Zero shit :P

15340223? ago

It's difficult. But I guess it's a leap of faith. From the old to the new. Will I be accepted? What's to become of me? Does it matter?

15340249? ago

It matters. Life changes so much for the better that you will look back and wonder how you were even able to stand the past. But - the past is done and gone, so even that doesn't have any power or hold on you.

15340318? ago

I STILL wonder about how I withstood the past, though repentant. I HAVE repented, sincerely, it WAS life changing, but in between, sometimes, I get discouraged, every couple of weeks or so. I've PRAYED for help. It's probably just not my time, OR, I am one of those folks who are sent delusions (due to evilness), or slumber (millenia for my chance).

15354094? ago

I'll pray for you. Jesus paid for you. He won't let you go. Ever.

Praying Medic had something shown to him by the Lord. To unleash yourself from past mistakes, sins, harmful things done to you, (even things you caused!), etc.

  1. Think of an event or situation or whatever - any negative memory. From when you were a child all the way to yesterday. Time doesn't matter.

  2. Name the emotion that comes to mind when you remember it.

  3. Ask Jesus to remove that negative emotion.

  4. Ask Jesus to heal the wound in your soul left by (whatever event you described above).

  5. Tell Jesus you accept His healing. Thank Him for healing you.

Wait a minute and then recall the same event. There should now be no negative emotion, just the memory, but no more wound. No feeling, no burden. You are free.

This helps with guilt, and it helps with forgiveness too - hard to forgive at times when emotions get in the way. Do this first THEN forgive. I've seen this at work. It's miraculous. Literally ;)

15481929? ago

I have to work on being more GRATEFUL. Old habits die hard. Thanks for praying for me. I pray like Jesus commanded in Matthew. Starts with Our Lord who ART in heaven...(preamble). Then I go into my pleadings. My "negative" emotion STARTED when I started studying the Bible. The Bible is NOT about (I was initially told) EVERYONE UNITE and LOVE. It IS about GOOD and EVIL and YOU must choose. If you don't STUDY the Bible, Jesus is going to reject you (Get away from me, I never knew you).

After my repentance, I STILL (now remembering things I forgot previously) have pangs of regret and sorrow for my stupid choices (pop culture based) in my previous life.

Anyway, I try to (and should be) be grateful for my current situation (EARNED, not stolen), but I'm come to learn that that situation is like ashes in my mouth (Eclesiastes C1...Solomon...ALL is vanity).

If I'm to exist in eternity, I want goodness, NOT evil. Based on experience.

Frankly though... YOUR advice does ntohing for me. You're like the people who think forgiveness is like saying a secret password and not a SINCERE change of heart and soul.

Thanks though pal. I get what you're saying.

15497708? ago

The reason for taking the above steps IS so that your heart can change. Saying "I forgive" when there is still bitterness on the inside isn't of much use.

Forgiving AFTER the hold of emotions are removed at least has the potential to be real - as Jesus said, "forgive FROM THE HEART".

The bible says God is love, and that whoever doesn't love doesn't even KNOW God. It also says you won't be forgiven if you don't forgive. What you described there is a good way to white knuckle your way through life, always TRYING TRYING TRYING to be good. Recipe for failure, which leads to self-condemnation, which leads to falling away from the Lord in a state of perpetual discouragement. Pretty much everyone has been there/done that at some point. New way to live without "white knuckling righteousness"..best I've yet heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiuBTpXzIlA&list=PLjzDHOexKNHUdPWUhRXAu9OpTRPfMZz68

15592571? ago

I don't forgive unless there is REPENTANCE. I try to forget and avoid though.

That is OUT of context. God is love FOR ONLY people who live in his heart (love and follow him)..NOT everyone. God hated Esau IN THE WOMB.

The Bible says God is a CONSUMING FIRE.

I'm relatively new to Bible study (5.5 years) so I'm still in the stage of demon behind every bush, and realing from the people I USED to associate with who now consider me a wacko.

15140844? ago

Due to having dealt with shills for many years I have learned to mostly ignore them. Age does have it's advantages! And, thank you for the encouragement.

15142170? ago

Wise words. With age comes wisdom.

15151287? ago

And social security....I'm getting mine, thanks!

15142435? ago

and maybe diabetes

15140755? ago

Yes. Just a clue: when a poster here posts that they hate any specific group, which may or may not include a group YOU belong to, they're not really part of this movement. They're paid to post crap. Can you imagine what their failed lives are like? And people make fun of fast food workers? Paid Internet shills are several notches below fast food workers in terms of prestige.

They're not worth responding to so don't feel bound to say anything back.

15140727? ago

Vet Boomer here. I like to troll the shills. They don't divide me from anyone.

15140721? ago

We Love All Of U 2!! WWG1WGA!

15140486? ago

100% guaranteed way to spot any shill:


In every case, they speak of people only in terms of groups, classes of people, attacking and praising what are in fact individual human beings who are all innocent until proven guilty.

If you see any poster talking down on people not by virtue of individual action, values and goals, but according to group or class, including race, sex, and yes, even age, these are 100% guaranteed shills.

15144059? ago

Advertising your own post again?

I'll say what I did in that post, again.

Stereotypes are based on fact. If someone is from the third world, chances are, they will act like they're from the third world. It's not shill behaviour to be discerning. It is, however, the hallmark of a leftist to "tolerate everyone" no matter what.

15151025? ago

You are intolerable. That is a fact.

15151630? ago

Tell me when I should start caring?

15144152? ago

^ ^ ^

NPC projecting its own envy and resentment. \Sad.

15144444? ago

I'm not an NPC, nor am I envious or resentful. Read my post again.

15144458? ago

^ ^ ^

This unwitting NPC is frustrated and projecting its own envy and resentment

15143663? ago

gas yourself, 'only tak care of your self' / 'group identity is reprehensible' atomising kike shill motherfucker

15143312? ago

Oh snap, your caps lock isn't stuck anymore? Nice!

15143221? ago

Ummm, science/dissernment is classing things together in groups. Are you eukrinephobic? Shills are exposed by trying to sell you something, even an idea. Classing like things with like things is the first step in problem solving.

15143319? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC thinks one method in one field must work in every field.

Failed coding.

Humans are individual actors.

Class conflict is a Marxist myth.

These leftist commie shillfucks are not welcome here

15143401? ago

Oh, I think I dealt with you yesterday. Either that or there is a category of users that all use the same "This NPC is x" rhetoric.

15143444? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting its own frustration at having completely failed yesterday.


15142319? ago

Or people that just hate your kind. Not everyone is a paid shill like you retards think.

15143019? ago

^ ^ ^

This pathetic shill is scared.

15143108? ago

Terrified that there are so many retards living among us. Thanks for fucking it up for everyone else

15150981? ago


15143140? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is terrified that its coding is a failure.

Panic is good.

Panic is right.

These degenerate worthless pieces of trash are SCARED OF Q.

Panic panic panic

15143262? ago

How does one become afraid of a letter that's able to brainwash old people. Just curious

15143295? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is trying to figure out why it is so afraid.

Projects its own leftist commie shillfuck degeneracy and spews class conflict code.

It's all it can do. Divide people. By race, sex, even age.

Sad pathetic losers.

15143362? ago

Says the commie jew. How ironic.

15143428? ago

^ ^ ^

This leftist commie shillfuck is projecting its own leftist commie shillfuck degeneracy.

"They want class wars" - Q

"They want religious wars" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q


Shillfucks failing to shift the narrative.

Afraid and panicked over Q.




15143504? ago

God asked me to troll you. Don't reject divinity

15143588? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting narcissistic personality disorder and anger at being mortal, finite, and in its case, stupid.

15143810? ago

Lol bro sounds like a preacher. Amen, brother!!!!!!

15143197? ago

Beep boop. Panic.exe. Nonsense detection overload!!!! LOL this is fun. Love trolling u fags

15143324? ago

^ ^ ^


15143396? ago

Don't panic, everything will be okay. Q will save you :D

15143432? ago

^ ^ ^


15143909? ago

Don't panic. You are your own worst enemy

15143944? ago

^ ^ ^

Panicking, projecting its own panic in the hope of stopping it.



15144009? ago

^ ^ ^

No no no. I'm panicking at my own projection. Success! I have successfully projected my panicky ways. Please help me, Q

15144208? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is utterly terrified.

15145513? ago

^ ^ ^

Utterly projecting

15146583? ago

^ ^ ^


15158336? ago

^ ^ ^


15158364? ago

^ ^ ^

NPC projecting panic.

15158425? ago

^ ^ ^

NPC shill panicking projection

15158556? ago

^ ^ ^


15143495? ago

Stop panicking, It's bad for your heart.

15143592? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting a worry over its panicking

15143794? ago

Relax, there is still plenty of bullshit to come, no need to panic.

15143820? ago

^ ^ ^


15143965? ago

^ ^ ^

Panicking it's own projection!!! Panic at the picnic!!!

15144215? ago

^ ^ ^


15143168? ago

Thanks, jewboy

15143263? ago

^ ^ ^

This is a self-admitted shill.

How to spot a shill with 100% accuracy:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"This is not about religion, but good versus evil" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "joofags" are only posting here to make new eyes believe the Q project is anti-semitic.

Why? They are deathly afraid. Panicking. They fear Q, so they lie lie lie lie.



Individuals of all appearances who love America and love Americans are welcome.

Shills like this fucking loser are not welcome. They are infiltrators, frauds, sad pathetic worms.

15143354? ago


15143340? ago

Diversity is our strength, goy. You are doing very well to pass this message for us

15143380? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC shillfuck is projecting a frustration and panic that its coding is not shifting the narrative.

15143528? ago

Why so frustrated? Are your jewish bosses not happy with your work?

15143574? ago

^ ^ ^

Is this NPC becoming self-aware? Asking itself why it is frustrated?

Projecting the same failed coding of classes and groups instead of real life individuals.

Projecting a sadness at its choices on this subverse.


15143888? ago

^ ^ ^

My vocabulary consists of the following: panicking, projecting, npc, and projecting once more to be safe.

Did I miss anything? XD

15143924? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting its own frustration at being irrelevant.

15144076? ago

Panicking at the disco. Frustrated panicking projector. Lolol

15144022? ago


15144202? ago


15145520? ago


15146580? ago


15158343? ago

^ ^ ^

Panicking shill

15158360? ago

^ ^ ^

NPC projecting panic

15158430? ago

^ ^ ^

NPC panicking

15158554? ago

^ ^ ^


15158568? ago

^ ^ ^



15158590? ago

^ ^ ^



15158634? ago

^ ^ ^



15158656? ago

^ ^ ^



15140508? ago

^^^^^ THIS!!!

15140383? ago

Been wondering what the boomer shit is all about. Prepping a false flag on baby boomers somehow? Is it really just a division tactic?

15140982? ago

It's just shills. They get their talking points handed to them. After "Q is a larp" went nowhere they turned to attacking Jews, blacks, and now "boomers".

15139854? ago

Fewer shills than before... Good sign.

15146151? ago

They're bombarding 8 Chan today. The Anons must be over the target on something.

15139615? ago

They are hitting all over the media as well as here. Look at how the headlines are attacking various aspects of the economy in the last 3 weeks. This fake news creates narratives and leads us down paths that most Americans would not be happy with. They are so obsessed with "getting Trump" that they are willing to sabotage the economy and hurt many people (not themselves, they are wealthier than God). They don't want people to be prosperous. They are afraid they will lose their permenant servant/slave class if people figure out how to succeed on their own. So they drag down, including dragging down this movement.

15141031? ago

Know what I like? If they attack the economy too hard, attention falls on the Fed. People already see the Fed as causing a massive slowdown by randomly raising rates. Everyone knows the Fed is weaponized.

When it's time for the Fed to be taken over, what they're doing right now will have helped. They are digging their own graves. Very helpful of them!

15147134? ago

True. That is a silver lining in these clouds. I do hope it raises people's awareness of this so they will demand something be done. I hadn't in the past been a big "End the Fed" guy, although I never really disagreed with the notion either, but lately they seem to be getting obnoxious. They seem to be jumping on the "Get Trump no matter who else it hurts" train. I understand the theory behind raising rates, but this economy had been suppressed for so long that it is really just getting out of the car and stretching its legs. It has only begun to grow to its potential. It was way to soon to start raising rates.

15139592? ago

The Rupublicans need all the votes they can get before 2020. Division has consequences!

15139580? ago

final "so(u)lution" for "them" is DAYss ahead ! I know it ! see what habbenss..

Godspeed Patriots. edie

15140593? ago


15139389? ago

And it’s ALWAYS in the anon spheres. Have a sack and post it where we can see your post history and prove if you are or aren’t a patriot.

15142489? ago

You mean, post it elsewhere so 1000 of us qucumbers can brigade and down vote you all for not agreeing with "the plan"

15139218? ago

Maybe the boomers are just hated for acting like typical fucking boomers. Concernfag.

15139605? ago

Fuck you!

15139187? ago

Hey OP...apparently you hit a (shill) nerve...LOLOL...good job.

15142507? ago

Honestly, since shills are paid, i doubt you would hit their nerve. Some of the older goats that enjoy trolling might react.

15167082? ago

Did you read the comments? He hit a nerve because the vast majority of the comments were just name calling with no rebuttal or made any sense.

15139169? ago

Yeah no worries, just 2 years into the presidency and still no FISA drop or any real indication anything concrete is being done.

Meanwhile an investigation by house Dems into Ivanka’s non-confidential emails about luncheons has begun.

15139012? ago

I take the baits off of their hooks and put on logs for them to reel back in. They can't get to me, so I take them on so they are too busy to go after others.

15141065? ago

Me too. They are already compromised mentally/emotionally. Doesn't take much to goad them.

15138999? ago

How do you know it is the boomer generation that is responding to the shills? I agree with you, however. No point wasting time on the shills.

15140442? ago

Via what MK-Ultra triggers they are responding to.

Boomers grew up with Fundamentalist Christianity being Good and liberalism being anti-establishment Evil.

Millennials grew up with SJW Civil Rights BS being Good and White culture being toxic and Evil.

Gen X was immunized.

15143174? ago

Interesting. I am both a boomer and a Christian. However, I did not grow up in the church. I was raised an atheist and came to Christ when I was 32 through a messianic Russian Jew.

You make broad sweeping assumptions that have some truth, but does not apply to all believers. Just as there are racist statements that have some truth but does not apply to all in the race intended.

To say Gen X is immunized is also a broad sweeping statement. We are all victims of an undeclared war against us that tried to confuse the truth of willful assault upon us as a "culture war". The depth of the depravity of those assaulting us was unknown to us. The pure evil of these people has been incomprehensible to most, since most can't even imagine thinking the way they do.

By the way. Was it Gen X that first began the Internet? It was the boomers that brought the Internet to the world, not GX.

Even though I am boomer myself, I am not actually disagreeing with you. I understand you mean those who are unfamiliar with tactics of the shills and trolls, which does comprise of many boomers jumping in on the band wagon. I am just giving a broader perspective.

15143741? ago

The process of mass brainwashing involves influencing humans sociologically, relying upon controllable behavior of the majority, because people do not behave in groups as they do individually. Since this is currently my primary area of concern, I do indeed deal with cultural issues in broad strokes, appealing to those who can think freely to not expect me to mollycoddle the brainwashed. Contrary to SJW BS: We are not each responsible to curtail reality so as to not offend those who’s motto is: “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Destroy My Spirit!”

Schopenhauer stated that geniuses and madmen are useful in such matters because they see people as categories rather than as individuals. Being both, and having multiple personalities, my perception of humanity is an ever-changing and evolving series of Venn diagrams.

Sorry for you that you overcame your obstacles only to become brainwashed!

Also: Sorry if I hurt your feelings, Snowflake!

15144986? ago

First of all, my feelings were not hurt. Second, I have been undoing the brainwashing for 33 years. Third, I am not a snowflake, as I understand the term to usually refer to the broad category of college age people. Fourth, dialogue is diminished by insults. By using insults you are furthering the divide the shills want that you so passionately say in the title that you don't want.

Civil discourse is considerate of the wide variety of people that exists with the vast varieties of backgrounds and different walks in life.

15145403? ago

Lighten up, Buttercup!...!...!...!

It’s the end of the World as we know it!...!...!...!

This shithouse is going up in flames!...!...!...!

Extract head from ass, and enjoy this view!...!...!...!

Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!

Kamikaze attempt complete!

15146072? ago

You are trying to be funny, and for some I am sure you are, but not with me.

15146269? ago

So ... Let me see! ... ? ... ? ... ?

Oh! I get it!...!...!...! You are a tough guy!

You are too tough to mess with!...!...!...!

You are that standard NPC that respawns!

Ooh! You are one bad hombre!...!...!...!

Your feelings have been hurt by everything!

Yet nobody messes with you!...?...?

Comfy crib much?...?...?

You’re a fucking stump!...!...!...!

What’re you gonna do? Bleed on me?


15144277? ago

Why would you apologise for offending a snowflake? Fuck what they think.

15142704? ago

Too bad they can't stay employed lol.

15141609? ago

The boomers were the hippy generation you moron. Saying they’re all Christians is like saying old sag-fitted hippies don’t exist. Try again, niggerfaggot.

15151252? ago


15143017? ago

Obviously, you are either a Millennial or a moron!

The generation who were anti-establishment Flower Children spouted the Leary philosophy: “Tune in! Turn on! Drop out!” Concomitantly, they never (generally) achieved the capacity for individualist behavior, remaining sheep throughout the Reagan Revolution, wherein they adopted the philosophy: “Greed is Good!” These were the first generation of New World Order puppets, who firmly established White Conservative Christians as the fascist villains of America, to be hated at the leisure of the Millennialist Generation to come.

So, in short:


Ya pussy-ass beta-male Snowflake!

15151268? ago


15143149? ago

Awwww lol did you go to all that trouble make the text bold and then italicized just for me? That's pretty gay, grandpa.

By the way, I'd almost rather you had left us the mess of black slavery to figure out, rather than this shit show you've done in the name of "social justice." Tell me more about snowflakes when your generation invented the idea. You just keep fucking up and don't know how to stop.

15144055? ago

What’s that?

Hit your Battleship? Fuckin’ A !...!...!

What did you say? Standard answer G8?


Not even close!

Okay! Um! ... B7: (Black Slavery is SJW Bullshit!)

15144235? ago

Black slavery is SJW bullshit? Okay yeah you are definitely a baby boomer and have mush for brains. Nobody has played battleship in half a century you obese, diabetic fucking moron.

15145025? ago




Um ... B6: (Thomas Jefferson outlawed the importing of Africans in 1812. By 1850, 75% of slaves were incestuous, third generation offspring of their slaveowner masters, many passing for white. The utility of the cotton gin produced only a minor bump in the overall number of black slaves. The American Civil War was never an issue of slave rights, until that chronic opportunist, Lincoln, made it so for devious political leverage among abolitionists.)



That Battleship is burning!...!...!...!

You say you are too pussified to play?


B8: (The American Civil War was never seriously presented with the false intent to portray it as an issue of black rights, until the Dawn of the New World Order, when MK-Ultra shat out that steaming, stinking historical revisionist shitball that was Ken Burns’ Selective Polemic Manipulation of the Civil War.)


I Sunk Yer Mutherfuckin’ Battleship!...!...!...!

Womp! Womp!

15147268? ago

Jefferson outlawed the importation of slavery because he worried about the future of blacks and whites living together, and did not believe they were naturally compatible. He states as much in his own writings.

If you had spent as much time trying to understand the context of what you're talking about, as you have spacing out exclamation points between periods and typing "womp womp" like an overgrown child, you wouldn't have made such an ass of yourself.

15148542? ago

Make you feel better? Spent most of your time establishing the fact that folks with a clue are no fan of blacks, nor ever made any pro-black argument, Just whined and bitched and threw your shit! (((Did not even read what you wrote.)))

I Sunk Yer Muthafuckin’ Battleship!...!...!...!

Game Over!...!...!...!

Womp! Womp!

15149757? ago

So have you taken your insulin shot yet today, grandpa?

15150173? ago

Oops! I forgot! What would I do without you, Damien? Your papa was wrong in trying to stab you in that church! I don’t care that you’re the Antichrist! Your heart is kindly, despite your peeing the bed and starting fires! Remember when your nanny hanged herself? That was all for you Damien! Your very, very special! Grandpa’s pooped ‘em again! Get yer gloves!

15140885? ago

According to the MSM, fundamentalist Christianity was never good. At least not since the 70's or so when I was a kid.

15141634? ago

It’s amazing how quick you guys forgot about all those stinking hippies of your generation huh. No, just holy fundamentalist Christians now. This is why people make fun of you hopeless imbeciles, who got us into this mess in the first place.

15148226? ago

Obviously, you are ok with lumping everyone into the same barrel, so I guess I can do the same to describe the younger generation. This last generation of ungrateful brats think prior generations are responsible for their pathetic lives. They lack work ethic, can't even give correct change, or make it to lunch without checking social media every 10 minutes. They think pink hair, dirty stinking clothes, and multiple piercings is acceptable front desk work attire. The entire education system has been dumbed down to accommodate them so they don't go crying home to mommy because they failed Pottery101. They lack discipline, probably have never had, GOD forbid, a spanking for disrespecting their parents or some other bratty, can't have my way, reason. They think only of themselves and have no respect for what anyone else has risked and continues to risk, died for, worked for, or done before them. It's all me, me, me. Now, now, now. And blame, blame, blame. You are acting like a child by continuing to blame others for what has been going on for a millennium. You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution. Grow Up, stop acting like a child(sorry, if you are). Stop trying to divide. We are all in this together.

15151223? ago


15149795? ago

You boomer hippies pioneered pink hair, being filthy, "free love" and all the rest. The fact that you raised a generation doing the same shit should not surprise you in the least. You were expecting what? Your kids to turn out like Leave It to Beaver as if that's the default human setting?

Just imagine this. You fuck up what you were given majorly, you raise retarded kids, and you're working on raising even more retarded grandkids, and you still can't even handle criticism from what reasonable few are left, about how majorly you dumbasses fucked up with all you superficial bullshit.

15161453? ago

I'm not a boomer hippie. My kids turned out fine. Responsible, independent, hard-working, self reliant individuals. They aren't crying like babies who think they're the victims because they hold themselves responsible for their and their families future. They've had it a hell of a lot easier because of the modern conveniences, technology, and information so readily available to them that was given them by the generations that went before them. When older people talk about walking a mile, in the snow to school. They aren't lying, that was the truth. Not like the pathetic snowflakes of today who wouldn't think to walk a mile, let alone in the cold with just the forecast of snow. If you consider yourself one of the reasonable few left, then you would stop trying to blame others for the situation you face. Be a man, stop acting like an immature child. Sorry if you are actually a child, I don't mean to be so harsh; but your childish blaming boomer rants keep me thinking you are still a child.

15170630? ago

Then stop crying like a bitch, or why else are you on this thread? Some people can take and deserve criticism and if it doesn't apply to you then get out of the way.

15138940? ago

So coddled. Lol.

15138935? ago

I don't want you divided, I want you spread wide open for my shill lovin'!

15140007? ago

Ich liebe Dich!...!...!...!

Ich liebe Dich!...!...!...!

Ich bin Dein Burger Nigger!...!...!...!

15140510? ago

Yeah I don't speak German.

15139724? ago

Hey now, now now now now, now now now

15138667? ago

He will not divide us!

15140846? ago

Unite with the muslims, mexicans, and blacks!

15141649? ago

And most importantly, Israel and the Jews! Israel First! God’s Chosen People! Mohel, I need you!

15142458? ago

we are the chosen ones, goy! now remember to pray to jesus every night, and all your problems will go away /hand rubbing intensifies

15142538? ago

I always keep a Mohel on speed dial in case I see an uncircumsized baby.

15142591? ago


15138956? ago

You've already divided yourselves by joining a cult. Visions of grandeur.

15140943? ago

And yet here you are, talking to us poor deluded cult members? What's more stupid and pathetic? A supposed cult member or someone that randomly hangs out with said cult members all day long, having nothing better to do?

15142248? ago

Who said anything about poor. Believe me, I'm not here on voat to hang out with you idiots. Don't give yourself too much credit, you boomer fags just flooded us a couple months ago. like i said. Visions of Grandeur, you're all pretty delusional haha.

15171769? ago

You're here, dummy. If you don't like it, get out of QRV

15138631? ago

Bait........... I trust Q. Just chillin with popcorn and a coke, waiting for the intermission to get over, so's I can enjoy the main feature.

15138992? ago

Brainwashed by movies and television, you associate reality with propaganda.

15138619? ago

The attacks on boomers come from QAnon followers too. Many here are quick to blame boomers when they don’t like a comment. I know several boomers who left voat because of the constant shit from Q followers on voat!

15139020? ago

Thats great for voat. We don't need anymore mindless retards here. That's what reddit is for

15139508? ago

Only good for the democrats

15139226? ago

Here, here.

15138227? ago

I hate the boomers too! Great post!

15138220? ago

I've been down voted so much by shills that I can't even post new topics at all, only comments now. This platform seems to make it easy to silence those who might threaten the deep state.

15138577? ago

Everybody else send to be doing fine. This sight makes it easy to silence bad ideas and stupidity.

15138490? ago

Stop the victim complex and LEARN THE DAMN CULTURE HERE.

The problem is you, not everyone else

15138580? ago

Eh. Allow people to evolve. It's ok for people to be different. I think for whole culture argument is a shill success-- seed a culture that ostrocizes newcomers. Op goal is to stop growth and discourage access, great way to do that is to manipulate the most courageous thinkers to police themselves, and use language as markers for inclusion

15138197? ago

Do not worry, our beloved!

We are silent but we see them!

We learn their schemes and mark them!

For even as they mock, their mock shall burn them!

When they have taken their proper place in the Lake of Fire!

15139035? ago

Lol. Oooooh boy.

15140634? ago


They brainwashed a million babies to find one who is immune to brainwashing! I am a mental octopus!...!...!...!

15139267? ago

15140459? ago

Someone sounds just like beavis and butthead xD

15138608? ago

Calm down faggot. Some of us q followers just don't like the culture that boomers bring to these millennial free speech spaces.

We are fixing you all though

15153735? ago

You claim to be millennial free speech spaces, yet reject the free speech of boomers? Sounds kinda fascist to me. What if, Q is that boomer that you think you're trying to fix. Maybe Q's trying to fix you. Providing you insights, letting you be apart of history in the making, getting you out of mindless video games and into actually researching and helping fight an epic battle for our ultimate survival, not just as a country but all humanity.

15154076? ago

I don't reject or refuse anybody's speech. I don't have that power.

15139676? ago

Millennials have been taught that free speech is a bad thing because they might have to be exposed to ideas, imagery, and concepts that are offensive to them.

15139715? ago

As a whole, but the ones who didn't buy that load of bullshit created the free speech spaces Q chose multiple times.

Q wasn't hanging out on "the blaze"

15147324? ago

I hope a significant portion of the Millennial generation has escaped the public education and MSM brainwashing. I hear many conflicting good news/bad news accounts on this.

15147504? ago

We are growing. Many who voted for Trump were Bernie Bros initially. Cheers

15139305? ago

15139373? ago


15139000? ago

What happened to WWG1WGA? Q must shake his head at some of you.

15139124? ago

Doesn't mean I don't think some boomer culture needs to be corrected.

If you were fat, a slut, divorced, or a fag I would shame you because I think those are unhealthy behaviors.

Same as some of the boomer element injected into these places: got to nip it in the bud.

15139783? ago

Hail Lord Shamer! We imperfect ones bow down to you, oh holy critical perfect one. We shall put logs in our eyes so that you do not have to.

15139844? ago

Nice argument, boomer

15147118? ago

Thanks, but my parents aren't on this board.

15147540? ago

Ok. Got ya

15138749? ago

I know you are, but what am I? Infinity!...!...!...!

15138878? ago

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about

15139394? ago

Already called Infinity!...!...!..,!


15138103? ago

We can hold our own brother. We KNOW God is at work. Others just speculate. Knowing is the real power.

15139665? ago

Just like a boomer to trust someone else to fix all the problems.

15146881? ago

Every time someone refers to the older people on here as "boomers", I can't help but picture that kid, Winston, in the commercial phoning his grandma to bring him another soda.

15142495? ago

Your mom fixed all my problems.

15142349? ago

Trust Pelosi to send Fudge packing...

15140893? ago

^ see, there's one right there. Keep in mind, this is either a person with issues who likes insulting people (creepy), or this is a paid shill who can't hold down a real job. A net drain on society either way.

15143300? ago

Wait, which one is it? Paid shill? Or can't keep a job?

15171756? ago

Who would shill for a living if they had a decent career? And who shills for free except complete retards? Either way, unimpressive.

15172752? ago

Shill: an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

Nobody shills for free. Stop using the word incorrectly.

15242712? ago

Not all payments take the form of paper currency

15244225? ago

Some of us do it for the downvotes!

15142056? ago

This is some "know it all" kid who thinks they have to/can fix it ALL and plays victim by blaming others (Boomers) for "letting" things get to this point. He probably never takes responsibility for his own mistakes, and doesn't hesitant to put the blame on someone else. He has no respect and lacks the wisdom and patience to actually see a tough job through. He's just a cry baby and constantly needs to be told to stop whining.

15140965? ago

Shills are supposed to get PAID?! I've been missing out.

15141159? ago

They do - didn't you get your check?

Okay, now doing for free what other people get paid to do is not good business. It's sad either way, but seriously - at least get $.

15140581? ago

You and the other Commie's solution is moar government.

15140714? ago

Just like a boomer.

No, sir or ma'am, some of us believe the solution relies on far less government and more personal responsibility.

Which, sad to say, means you're not getting your SS check next month. Shoulda saved more in the fat years.

15142413? ago

try NO gov. only a slave needs a master, wake the fuck up

15140395? ago

Trusting in God really isn't that bad is it?

15142342? ago

Might as well trust in the tooth fairy.

15152284? ago

Hey, let me know how that works out for you.

15151174? ago

How would you know, are you omniscient?

15158325? ago


15142149? ago

Nothing wrong with trusting God. The problem is too many people think God is going to save us from this misery when we need to be our own saviors.

15152285? ago


15151160? ago

This life is but a vapor. Better think of the future. Do justly, live mercy, walk humbly with your God.

15142382? ago

Completely concur on the second half of your comment. The main reason jews inject religious beliefs into goyim is so they can always use a "higher authority" to command you. "it's not us telling you, goy, it is GOD himself, see, it's in this book that we ...ugh i mean HE wrote!"

15141577? ago

I mean i guess not, but it didnt help the 20 million Russians that died under communism did it?

15140491? ago

"God helps those who help themselves."


"God helps those who trust there plan and shit up message boards with 30 of the same post every time a q drop happens."

15144107? ago

"Help themselves" you say?

There is no god. Vile things happen to good people for no reason whatsoever - which is the complete opposite of a so-called 'loving god'.

15151097? ago

There are no good people, we are all desperately wicked and capable of unspeakable evil. That is the truth and you know it. Even though you lie to yourself.

15151636? ago

Keep telling yourself that.

15140988? ago

God also doesn't forget patriot. Keep that in mind. Are you sure you're on the right side of history?

15143765? ago


15152193? ago

You keep right on going. Impressive.

15142350? ago

haha take your church bullshit outta here. Only fucking retards fall for that religious conditioning.

15152281? ago

God is real, the Catholic Church isn't. Shove that in your pipe. If it hadn't been for God, you wouldn't exist. Your mother prayed to get laid and God delivered with a goat, you deserved that. Get your shit and get out. We've had enough of your kind fukcing up the world, with your lack of respect for anything not made of gold. God could care less about you. Soon he will do just that. good luck with hell.

15158315? ago

shove a dick in your pipe. My kind lol, what is my kind? christfag, go back to church. HAHA GOLD? fuck gold and fuck your god too. Fucking jew lovers, go suck some more kike dick

15158357? ago

Where's your mother? Because we all need a good lesson from your mother on sucking kike dick, how do you think your mother got lucky? I mean look at her. For the love of God I understand why she wears a burka, for the children's sake.

15158455? ago

lol burka. You just don't get it, fuck you and all your religious retardation. ISLAM JUDAISM CHRISTIANITY can all suck a dick. That's why all your preachers are pedos just like the IMAMs and rabbis. Keep lying to your pathetic selves, you all support pedophelia, you sick fucks.

15141582? ago

Preach him a sermon, you old faggot. If it weren’t for your generation of hippies we wouldn’t be in this mess. And Jesus didn’t fight in the American Revolution.

15151115? ago

We were not all hippies. But you are too dumb to understand that.

15142648? ago

Hippies rock, faggot.

15142674? ago

What part is your favorite? The Marxism, STDs, the race mixing, or the babies raised by single parents?

Oh I know, it was the feminism, wasn't it?

15142875? ago

The free love.

15143296? ago

So basically your favorite was all the easy sex that sucked you into all the rest of it. Great to know, thanks man.

15143463? ago

Messing with you, pay attention to the second part of my comment.

15143273? ago

Bystander here. In the long run, free love has created the phenomenon of "incels".

15143593? ago

I've only recently heard of the phenom 'incels.'

15143638? ago

the long run

15141045? ago

Right side of history. You sound like a liberal.

The side of history I'm on doesn't have any bearing on my political or religious views. Since history is written by the victors, and freedom is only a generation away from extinction, we all STILL might lose.

15139652? ago

He is risen.

15146367? ago

He is risen indeed.

15141461? ago

Like a young cock!

15140398? ago

In more ways than you can imagine.

15140609? ago

You say that with conviction. But do you KNOW? Have you seen? Or are you just being a smug ass?

15142330? ago

He's going to quote you something from the bible watch, and that will be all the proof he needs. LOL

15141480? ago

Mark 13:21-23  And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:  (22)  For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.  (23)  But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

15142052? ago

This passage is always in the back of my mind.

15140955? ago


15138097? ago

it's easy to get divided when nothing is happening

15139578? ago

Friendly Fire!...!...!...!


15138021? ago

Gen X here... I pretty much hate everybody... but I LOVE my fellow Patriots.

15142316? ago

I’m generation Old and I too hate pretty much everyone equally, I’m NOT racist at least. But my fellow veterans & patriots hold a special place in my heart.

15143627? ago

i let my whole country get FUCKED, and i destroyed the future for all generations to come by blindly handing over everything to the fucking jews.


i genuinely wish i could murder you in real life.

15157392? ago

Hey ragey millenial kid, just where would you have found your enlightenment ~25 years ago pre-internet?

15143641? ago

Can’t take a joke? Hating everyone equally?

15143982? ago

no not equally, i hate jews more.

15141756? ago

Nice nihilism faggot. Marxism has done its job.

How about you learn to love instead. Its not the goddam 90s anymore. Its time to start taking care of each other.

15146399? ago

lol... I rest my case.

15162473? ago

You are worthless.

A little bit of edge and you shut right down. Pussy.

15164921? ago

edge? You wouldn't know edge if it walked up and yanked your little stick arms off your body and beat you with them.

15169855? ago

Your assumptions didn't pay off this time.

Would you believe ive been a shit talker my entire life and i have yet to have someone pull my punk card? I must be imposing looking, lol.

15172704? ago

How are you still typing with your arms pulled off? hmm. Ok, A bit of respect for that.

lol... Happy Thanksgiving.

15142470? ago

Your mom learned to love.

15140799? ago

Is that just a Gen X thing? I pretty much hate all of humanity. also.

15141561? ago

No, I think Gen Z pretty much hates everyone else too, maybe even more passionately.

15146478? ago

We've had machines we like more than our neighbors since color TV was invented.

15146455? ago


15142371? ago

and here I thought it was just some fault in me lol.

15142287? ago

Can't blame either X or Z, what is there to love? just look at these baby boomers. Pretty mental, this lot.

15142386? ago

One of these fucking boomer morons just declared on this thread that they were a generation of Christians. Yeah, the hippy thing never happened. These fucking people, man. It is an endless curse.

15142625? ago

seriously, they are a lost cause. No wonder they are endlessly trolled, and they actually believe they are being attacked by shills lol. I highly doubt paid jewish shills would need to do much to make matters worse for these zombies.

15142610? ago

You are endlessly jealous of the great times we boomers had you faggot you.

We rocked the freakin world, deal with it.

15142637? ago

I partied when I was young too, you fucking geezer, probably a lot harder than your old ass did, but I didn't grow up to be a brain-dead faggot voting for war in the Middle East and cheering for Israel. If by rocking the world you mean fucking up our country, you're damned right. How else did we end up here? You fucked up before I was even born. Die already.

15143421? ago

Whatever way boomers screwed up, it would have been no different had it been you in their place, don't be self-righteous it looks naive.

15144023? ago

That may be fair to say, but then why wouldn't they also say the same things I'm saying to them now, if they were me? Reality is a mirror.

15144193? ago

Technology, internet, has had an effect that can't be measured, so it's an apples to oranges comparison, who knows. Just saying we are all of the same stock, of sinful and malleable and impressionable, in the worst sorts of ways, flesh / mankind.

15138001? ago

We dont give a shit. Relax

15137842? ago

Thank you dumb faggots for finally getting with the program.

15138123? ago

Dumb faggots. Making your mother proud with every sentence. Wwg1wga. Too bad you are with us all.

15138139? ago

This entire post doesn't even make sense. Typical Boomer gibberish.

15139105? ago

Yep. So is Jesus and the bible too. Man, we've all been dupped haven't we?

15138036? ago

Ayyy... this is the way. Downvoat... move on.

15138091? ago

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

Except don't bother up/down-voating on anon subs, it doesn't do anything at all.

15138137? ago

It's merely a visual indicator to show consensus. It's useful for that. Helps people determine which posts are cancerous before even reading them.

15138172? ago

We can agree to disagree, there. In my experience, posts with more downvoats than upvoats have a roughly 50% ratio of being downvoated by JIDF for naming the Jew.

If anything, I scrutinize the posts with what look like downvoat brigades far more than those with mostly upvoats, because the mostly upvoats are probably hive-mind circle jerk groupthink and contain less actual content, where the contended posts have a higher chance of legitimate discourse.

But that's just my opinion. Who knows.

15138232? ago

Everyone has their own path. No worries friend.