Anti-semitism has no place here. Trump's entire family is jewish as are most of his closest advisors. (QRV)
submitted 6.1 years ago by 2864719?
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15143884? 6.1 years ago
You don't get to cherry pick what parts of the truth you don't like. Keep trusting the Jews and see what you get in the future.
15144423? 6.1 years ago
^ ^ ^
This is a shill.
How to identify the shills:
They always speak in terms of classes and groups, not individual action.
They spew guilty until proven innocent in the desperate hope that they will turn away new eyes from the anti-racist Q project.
15144929? 6.1 years ago
^ ^ ^ This is a faggot
How to identify the faggots:
They always speak in terms of classes and groups, not individual action and call everyone who calls out their stupid little fantasy a shill. They are also devoid of anything that resembles action
They also like members of the same sex
15145018? 6.1 years ago
This NPC is projecting its own frustration at being irrelevant, seeks to gain relevancy by mimicking other posts.
Sad, pathetic mockingbird shills.
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15143884? ago
You don't get to cherry pick what parts of the truth you don't like. Keep trusting the Jews and see what you get in the future.
15144423? ago
^ ^ ^
This is a shill.
How to identify the shills:
They always speak in terms of classes and groups, not individual action.
They spew guilty until proven innocent in the desperate hope that they will turn away new eyes from the anti-racist Q project.
15144929? ago
^ ^ ^ This is a faggot
How to identify the faggots:
They always speak in terms of classes and groups, not individual action and call everyone who calls out their stupid little fantasy a shill. They are also devoid of anything that resembles action
They also like members of the same sex
15145018? ago
^ ^ ^
This NPC is projecting its own frustration at being irrelevant, seeks to gain relevancy by mimicking other posts.
Sad, pathetic mockingbird shills.