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15167153? ago

Love the information and the summary - this is pure heroism, as it puts together all of the separate bits and pieces into one powerful message.

The one part that I disagree on is the legalization of drugs being a tool of the greater evil Cabal. In the US, the real threat is through the already legalized drugs of prescription pharmaceuticals - it is the Opium War all over again, except that they are doing it to enslave our own people. The prescription painkillers are clearing causing massive substance abuse, addiction, and destroying the heartland of America, all while making the pharma companies and the people them rich. In states that have legalized cannabis, they all saw an immediate drop in prescription painkiller deaths... it's no accident that the biggest financiers of anti-cannabis legalization are pharma companies.

Cannabis legalization will be a huge boost for the short and long-term health of America. First, from a health perspective, cannabis has been proven to be non-physically addictive, and even the US government admits that it has no records of anyone directly dying from a cannabis overdose. The harmful side effects of cannabis use are almost zero when compared to the highly harmful and addictive effects of alcohol and tobacco.

Besides not being harmful, cannabis has many therapeutic uses, especially with the non-high causing compound CBD. The cannabis plant (hemp) is basically a cheap almost wonder material that has a huge variety of industrial and consumer uses that was basically banned due to the efforts of William Randolph Hearst (as hemp proved to be an effective competitor to his paper mills).

Hundreds of thousands of Americans (mostly young black men) are in jail for selling weed, thereby costing society both to keep them incarcerated and in the lost productivity and social morals that they could have provided to their families. For what? Because of weed? No matter how you scrutinize the evidence, cannabis is the least harmful, least addictive vice when compared to all of the other substances that are legal like alcohol, tobacco, and prescription painkillers.

Even if Sessions has vocally been an opponent of cannabis legalization, check the actual DEA website and look for yourself how many cannabis prosecutions his administration executed... basically none. Compare this to Obama's administration which executed frequent, draconian raids on cannabis operations that were LEGALLY permitted by their state governments.

Most of all, legalizing cannabis means that the money stays in the local economy, which has provided tens of millions for Colorado and California to fund schools and local services and infrastructure, and has deprived drug lords in Mexico (and their CIA overlords) from billions in profits... cannabis is no longer a viable product for Mexican cartels and that is a great thing.

Please take a closer look at the science behind cannabis and I think that you will be pleased to see that our society is moving in the right direction with a net effect that could result in many billions of dollars in gained productivity for America.