15239812? ago

I’ll give you one thing, you fuckers are persistent. Gullible but persistent.

15219734? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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15172443? ago

Great summary thread. Copied much info to save. Amazing how everything is linked to everything in one way or another.
Here is a summary I copied from somewhere a couple of months ago and is not my dig to take credit for. Don't even remember where I got it from, but wanted to hold onto this info regarding all the different Clinton corps.

Maybe can help and will leave this info here:

Have you wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded so suddenly after Hillary was no longer in a position of influence? Perhaps this summary will provide some insight? This is real. You can check the return yourself (see below). The real heart of the Clintons can be seen here. Staggering but not surprising. The below figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation tax return for 2014, found on the National Center for Charitable Statistics web site. You can obtain the latest tax return on any charitable organization there.

The Clinton Foundation: Number of Employees (line 5) 486 Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612.00 Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (this is less than 3%) Total expenses: $91,281,145.00 Expenses include: Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00 Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00 Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00 Travel $8,000,000.00 Meetings $12,000,000.00 Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00 So it required 486 people, who were paid $34.8 million, plus $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION! And they called this a CHARITY?

This is one of the greatest white-collar crimes ever committed. And just think, one of the participants was a former president and one wanted to be elected President of the United States. If justice was truly served, they would both be in prison.

How many of YOU have ever done a DEEP DIVE into WHO/WHAT is The Clinton Foundation??? Let me help you out, for clarity. The Clinton Foundation goes WAY BEYOND the Foundation. They have multiple foundations and shell companies. This is the biggest charity fraud in the history of mankind.

Here is the list of all :

48 "Foundations/'shell Co's owned by Clintons: A) Clinton Bush Haiti Fund registered 1/28/10 and dissolved 12/27/12 B) Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) C) Clinton Development Initiative (CDI) D) Clinton Family Foundation: in NY registered in 2001 E) Clinton Foundation: in AR registered 1998 F) Clinton Foundation: in Hong Kong registered 2014 G) Clinton Foundation: in Haiti H) Clinton Foundation: registered to this address in Sweden: Birger Jarlsgatan 55, Stockholm, SW 11145 I) Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative (CFHAI): bogus co. run under CF J) Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP): in Canada (Frank Giustra) many connections here. K) Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI) L) Clinton Global Citizens Award (CGCA) M) Clinton Global Initiative (CGI): in AR registered 2005 N) Clinton Global Initiative Asia (CFIA) O) Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU) P) Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI): total fuckery on back-dating this one, but claim to be around since 2002. Registration in MA not until 2009 Q) Clinton Health Matter Initiative (CHMI) R) Clinton Hunter Development Initiative (CSBI) S) Clinton Institute (CI) T) Clinton Small Business Initiative (CSBI) U) Ciudad Verde Amarilo Triada Frailejon III: in Bogota S) Clinton Institute (CI) T) Clinton Small Business Initiative (CSBI) U) Ciudad Verde Amarilo Triada Frailejon III: in Bogota Y) The Clinton Initiatives (TCI) Z) The Clinton Museum Store (TCMS) AA) William J. Clinton Foundation (Kenya) Charity Trust: in Nairobi BB) William J. Clinton Foundation UK: in London – dissolved on 10/10/17 CC) William J. Clinton Foundation (WJCF) DD) William J. Clinton Presidential Center (CPC) EE) WJC Investments (William Jefferson Clinton, for profit) FF) WJC LLC (William Jefferson Clinton, for profit) GG) Too Small to Fail HH) Onward Together: Hillary’s most recent scandal II) Haiti Development Fund LLC: in NY (50% ownership) JJ) Acceso Fund LLC: in NY (50% ownership) KK) Acceso Ofertal Local: in Colombia (fruit/veg supply) LL) Acacia Development CO: in NY (investment) MM) Acceso Worldwide Fund Inc.: in NY (investment) NN) Fondo Acceso Sas: in Colombia – subsidiary of Acceso Fund LLC OO) Acceso Cashew Enterprise Ltd: in Maharashtra IN (cashew co) PP) Tukula Farmin Company Ltd: operates in in Kasungu Malawi and Mchinji QQ) Moyo Nuts and Seeds Ltd: in Limbe MI RR) Moyo Development Company: in Africa SS) Acceso Peanut Enterprise Corp: in Haiti (false address and doesn’t exist) TT) Acceso Boyaca SA: in Colombia (50% ownership) UU) Chakipi Acceso SA: in Lima PE (50% ownership) VV) Ruaha Development Co Ltd: in Upanga Tanzania Side Note: the Obamas just spent 8 days in Tanzania last week

There you have it. The DOJ has been investigating The Clinton Foundation, THE WHOLE THING. NOT just 1 part. THIS is what's 'taking forever'. Every receipt, note, line item in a ledger, bank transaction, 'contribution', 'Speaking Fee', ETC, ETC, ETC........FOR ALL 48 'COMPANIES'.....has to be gone through line item by line item.

The Clinton's have been on a damn near 30 year crime spree and people think 30 years worth of criminal activity can be gone through, in absolute completion, with a fine tooth comb in less than 2 years?? THAT is pure INSANITY.

But WAIT, there's MORE : Amazing how these folks just keep committing suicide. Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official, was found dead Tuesday in a Miami of apparent suicide. He was set to testify in the fraudulent use of funds during the Haiti earthquake disaster which included the Clinton Foundation. Of the $54 million the Clinton foundation raised, only 9% went to the Haitian government and 0.6% to local organizations. Also, Peter W. Smith, Republican donor and operative from Chicago’s North Shore who said he had tried to obtain Hillary Clinton’s missing emails from Russian hackers killed himself in a Minnesota hotel room days after talking to The Wall Street Journal about his efforts, public records show. In 2016, 88% of the Clinton Foundation's budget was spent last year on program expenses. These folks are dropping like flies!!

15167153? ago

Love the information and the summary - this is pure heroism, as it puts together all of the separate bits and pieces into one powerful message.

The one part that I disagree on is the legalization of drugs being a tool of the greater evil Cabal. In the US, the real threat is through the already legalized drugs of prescription pharmaceuticals - it is the Opium War all over again, except that they are doing it to enslave our own people. The prescription painkillers are clearing causing massive substance abuse, addiction, and destroying the heartland of America, all while making the pharma companies and the people them rich. In states that have legalized cannabis, they all saw an immediate drop in prescription painkiller deaths... it's no accident that the biggest financiers of anti-cannabis legalization are pharma companies.

Cannabis legalization will be a huge boost for the short and long-term health of America. First, from a health perspective, cannabis has been proven to be non-physically addictive, and even the US government admits that it has no records of anyone directly dying from a cannabis overdose. The harmful side effects of cannabis use are almost zero when compared to the highly harmful and addictive effects of alcohol and tobacco.

Besides not being harmful, cannabis has many therapeutic uses, especially with the non-high causing compound CBD. The cannabis plant (hemp) is basically a cheap almost wonder material that has a huge variety of industrial and consumer uses that was basically banned due to the efforts of William Randolph Hearst (as hemp proved to be an effective competitor to his paper mills).

Hundreds of thousands of Americans (mostly young black men) are in jail for selling weed, thereby costing society both to keep them incarcerated and in the lost productivity and social morals that they could have provided to their families. For what? Because of weed? No matter how you scrutinize the evidence, cannabis is the least harmful, least addictive vice when compared to all of the other substances that are legal like alcohol, tobacco, and prescription painkillers.

Even if Sessions has vocally been an opponent of cannabis legalization, check the actual DEA website and look for yourself how many cannabis prosecutions his administration executed... basically none. Compare this to Obama's administration which executed frequent, draconian raids on cannabis operations that were LEGALLY permitted by their state governments.

Most of all, legalizing cannabis means that the money stays in the local economy, which has provided tens of millions for Colorado and California to fund schools and local services and infrastructure, and has deprived drug lords in Mexico (and their CIA overlords) from billions in profits... cannabis is no longer a viable product for Mexican cartels and that is a great thing.

Please take a closer look at the science behind cannabis and I think that you will be pleased to see that our society is moving in the right direction with a net effect that could result in many billions of dollars in gained productivity for America.

15159484? ago

OP, some anon posted a link to this post on qresearch last night (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3979573.html):

"▶Anonymous 11/20/18 (Tue) 23:26:17 5bd9a9 (1) No.3980055>>3980074>>3979646 seen this? An anon on Voat (not me) wrote it. truth?

15158282? ago

"All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's." Good report, OP, but putting an apostrophe in "Clintons" reduces credibility and gives the enemy ammunition. So please watch your punctuation.

15155718? ago

Get this stickied, or repost it every other day.

Normies need to see this.

Good job.

15155188? ago

The only pattern I see is that y'all are legit brain damaged.

15155145? ago

excellent synopsis thanks

15155052? ago

And yet as of 2 days ago, the FBI informant/whistle blower, who is represented by Victoria Toensing, still hasn’t even been interviewed by Huber (or anyone). Why?

15154880? ago

Great thread!

15154853? ago

Nice and thanks!! Shared it to FB

15154672? ago

Thank you anon. May I distribute this, verbatim, ninja-style, at night, onto kiosks (and the bronze of Ken Kesey reading to his grandkids) around my Town of All Blues?

15154648? ago

Bravo for your efforts sir. Its like trying to decapitate a Hydra with a spoon whilst coming up on LSD..That's how hard it is to follow all these threads of criminality and back stabbing.. but you've done an excellent succinct summary. Its when you see it laid out like this.. that you just have to say.. America.. What the fuck?

15153710? ago

Something is probably afoot. Not too long ago, two DOJ 757 planes landed in Little Rock, AK and was seen loading boxes on them. The Boeing 757 is a very big wide body plane and it takes two of them to haul off a bunch of boxes?

What could Little Rock have that would require two 757's worth of boxes? The only thing I can think of is the Clinton Foundation.

BTW many believe that the statute of limitations has run out on any CF crimes since the DOJ forced the shut down. Not necessarily the case. Once an investigation is opened, the statue of limitations is suspended.

There are two things to consider: First, was the FBI investigation in the early 2000's "closed" or just stopped the formal investigation without closing it? If it wasn't formally closed, then the investigation is still technically "open." Second, there have been rumors that Military Intelligence had also an open investigation into the CF foundation because of the pay to play scheme with foreign entities. I doubt that investigation ever closed and the FBI may not have even known about it. Military Intelligence does not come under Congressional or DOJ oversight.

In any event any new crimes by the CF after 2005 that caused an investigation / grand jury are all fair game.

Time will tell.

15153398? ago

Al Capone was taken down through TAX FRAUD, lol :)

15153209? ago

You have made “the map” that connects all the dots along the way. My eyes have never been so open, and I thank you for helping me see. God bless you, Patriot. #MAGA

15152759? ago

Excellent write up except for a few points.

In my view, it is more effective when avoiding pejoratives or biased words. I reposted this in a few places, after editing a few things. Some punctuation, a few slurs (like Hildabeast). Such slurs and slings instantly make this content off limits for certain people, who may be inclined to neither support Clinton or Trump, but who are just making up their minds.

Some people look at the WAY you express the information, and assess readability based on that.

But thanks for a really good write up. Great job.

From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

A Grand Jury had been empaneled.

Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.

Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

Hmm, now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.

Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?

None other than James Comey.

Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS? Lois Lerner...

Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?

None other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.

Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this timeframe??? Robert Mueller.

What do all four casting characters have in common?

They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.

Let’s fast forward to 2009, shall we?

James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and work at Lockheed Martin.

Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, using her own personal email server by the way.

The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of HIllary Clinton.

Like all good public servants do, you know looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium.

However, prior to the sales approval, Arkansas Bill just happens to go to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.

(And they try to say that Trump colluded with Russia???!!)

Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the Uranium scheme activities.

Guess who was the FBI Director during this timeframe?

Yep, Robert Mueller.

He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009.

Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland?

No other than Rod Rosenstein.

So, guess what happened to the informant, the mole investigating from the inside?

The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.

How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?

~145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.

Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division, which oversees organizations like the CF?

No other than Lois Lerner.

Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences, right? Nothing to see here, right?

Let’s fast forward to 2015.

Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” the House, Senate and at State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers that HIllary ran the State Department on a unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server.

He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as the Secretary of State as is required by law.

He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.

I will spare you the State Departments cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that forthcoming from the Kerry State Department. Let's leave it with this…… they did everything humanly possible to cover for HIllary Clinton.

Now this is amazing. Guess who became FBI Director in 2013?

Guess who secured 17 (Seventeen) No-bid Contracts with the State Department for his employer and was rewarded with a six million dollar ($6,000,000) thank you present when he departed his employer?

That's right. James Comey.

So in 2013, he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation”. And, Comey's FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerates her.

Can you guess what happened next?

In April 2016, James Comey drafts an letter exonerating Hillary Rodham Clinton (before even interviewing her), and the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy.

They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury.

Like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Homey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 8th of 2016, and exonerates HRC from any wrongdoing.

Can you see the pattern?

I could go on. Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues.

FISA Abuse, political espionage..... pick a crime, any crime, chances are...... this group and a few others did it.

All the same players.

All compromised and conflicted.

All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves.

All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's.

How many lives have these two destroyed?

It cannot be numbered.

As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being one of the largest International Charity with numerous accusations of fraud, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

15151891? ago

incredible work

15150312? ago

This does not explain which fly reel I should buy next.

15150183? ago

The way I look at it is: NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming. NOTHING can stop what is coming.

15150147? ago

And nothing of any substance has been done about any of this. "Trust the plan."

15149526? ago

Excellent work, I knew she was/is a witch, but never knew this. Solid information, needs to be heard. But I'm betting that all of these surprise betrayals and testimonies against Clinton will be nothing compared to another surprise that is coming. Well, maybe I should say "surprises." Word of advice for the Hildabeast, don't trust anybody. You are a snake and so are your associates. They'll do anything like you would to slither away. But none of you will, almost time for Gitmo!

15149522? ago

They hqve destroed a lot of lives. Their turn, come get sum.

15149578? ago

Related archived article at http://archive.fo/nhyKv

15148943? ago

Awesome write up.

15148809? ago

This submission was linked from this v/MeanwhileOnReddit comment by @Der_Untergang.

Posted automatically (#10744) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15148660? ago

Sadly this will never get touched by the MSM. Even sadder, if you pointed a gun at many radical lefty head and present this rational logic series of arguments to them they'll never even consider one ounce of the corruption.

Nice work anon, this one is a keeper.

15148615? ago

This is fantastic info OP!

15148487? ago

THANK YOU! Nice layout of info. VERY HELPFUL

15148410? ago

Excellent post.

15148269? ago

Excellent work. This is why Q says "fewer than you think".

15147872? ago

Oh ya sure this is a great OP to enlighten any dumb fucking ass idiot who after 3 and half years of non stop media coverage still has no fucking clue as to what is really going on. Welcome to dumbass USA.

15147771? ago

Nice work. Thank you.

15147758? ago

Let us not forget that Comey’s brother works for DLA Piper, the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.

15151490? ago

Yes. Thanks for that important reminder. Also Peter Strzoks wife- head of SEC. And Rosensteins wife is connected in some way to this whole nepotistic swamp too.

15147678? ago

Republicans lost the house but did they really win the senate? Deep state RINO swamp rat traitor Mitt Romney isn't even in the senate yet and is already attacking Trump who endorsed him again. Is there any wonder why some are questioning Trump when he embraced rat Romney after the election had dinners with this asshole and even considered him for SOS. Romney is McStain 2.0 Trump is in big trouble unless the FISA plan miraculously flips the house back to the GOP but even then there are still RINO's in the senate.

15147363? ago

I remember when Mueller delivered it but it’s hardly ever mentioned, if at all. Thanks for putting this together.

15147271? ago

I wish i could put this in a tweet

15147069? ago

Hannity? Are you a goat?!

15146229? ago

This is why I love this place. This place is a red horse pill! You want to turn people on to truth just copy and paste this to anywhere. And let the jaws hit the floor. Also it's obvious that with their little cabal and players in every branch of government, they got arrogant and complacent. Now it's all coming out. They won't be safe in public.

15145865? ago

ty i believe you've saved me some q reading and head scratcfhing

15145843? ago

Nice work! Greets from the Netherlands!

15145710? ago

Thanks it’s all sickening.

15145672? ago

Very telling, thank you patriot!

15145459? ago

Brett Kavaugh was on the Ken Starr investigation interrorgating witness like potential criminals. I'm wondering if Trump is scum like the rest of these people.

15144977? ago

Part of the Bush/Clinton destruction of the US.

15144786? ago

When we think of the Clintons, Comey, and the others, we can remember these words: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." -Galatians 6:7 In other words, "what goes around comes around."

15144663? ago

It's too bad this rundown can't be front page on every newspaper, newscast, and blog all on the same day. It truly has been a witch hunt to cover up for their crimes and they may with a perjury rap bring down an innocent man (POTUS).

POTUS doesn't have an election for 2 years he needs to RELEASE the full unredacted FISA NOW!!

15144616? ago

Thank you! This was a great summary in short sentences!
Good for copy & paste & redpill!

15144254? ago

Nicely done.

15144203? ago

Great comments friend.

15143841? ago

Saved. Great job.

15143341? ago

So I have to ask. What is the plan in 2020 when we are all sitting around wondering why none of the "cabal" have been arrested and Hillary Clinton has stolen the election now that they had 4 years to fix the broken rigged system that allowed Trump's votes to count?

Do we just sit around on these stupid faggot message boards waiting for a letter of the alphabet to come along and save us?

15144122? ago

if the answer is "no, we don't sit around waiting for a letter to save us" . . .. what do u suggest we do? please share

15143665? ago

Do we just sit around on these stupid faggot message boards

sounds like you may.

15143317? ago

It is my belief that the corruption will never end, they all have stuff on each other and make millions off the secret, maybe Trump has the goods on them, maybe not. If they don't open the gates of hell on these traitors, we will all have to declare war on DC

15154909? ago

I recall a Q flurry (late 2017?) talking about the buried bodies, and who knows about 'em. Erik Prince was one, Adm Rogers, another, but not sure on that, and my eyes hurt too much to search at the moment.

The amount of witnesses to all the POTUS-EO-21Dec2017 Crimes against Humanity, basically, must be immense! There's no way 'they' could have Arkancided all of them. 'They' are not that good, which is revealed once the rock has been lifted and the MO is illuminated.

Many people around the globe have been 'on the scene, but not seen,' so not Arkancided.

Consider also, there's also Bloodline people that want a way of opting out, willing to go deep to sew some self-destruct seeds.

It certainly is a hydra's head, but then, wonderfully, mythic stuff is afoot lately, so take heart! Blessings.

15143874? ago


15143301? ago

More proof that Q is nothing but a crock of bullshit.

15143896? ago

Give Matt Whittaker a chance guys. He's got 200 days and no strings attached. He is the Executioner.

15145122? ago

I'll come back after 201 days after nothing has happened and find out what your next lame ass prediction is.

15150211? ago

I have read so many of these threads, full of factual information, and added so much, for them to only seem to fade away into oblivion. Today, the MSM doubled down on Trump and OUR AMERICA! I am SO PISSED! NO MORE MSM NEWS FOR ME! I watched because...know thine enemy. I know them as well as I wznt to now. I'm sick. I want to puke them out of our existence. They are not about anything but serving their benefsctors, who are the annihilators of all that is just and fair. Today's "News Propaganda Machine" is truly the largest danger to society on our Earth. "NPM" NEWS PROPAGANDA MACHINE is a tool of the Deep State to misinform the people of the true nature of political dealings going on behind the curtsins.

15143274? ago

1996: Comey "Investigated" Clintons in Whitewater Scandal, Hillary had "Pattern of Concealment", FOUND NO CRIMINAL WRONGDOING


15143063? ago

Well done. How did Hussein not make this list?

15142840? ago

The only thing better for the narrative here would be citations. Excellent work.

15142694? ago

It has been said by Q that 70% of elected people would go down.

Whole parts of government.

For those who want to wade in like John Wayne, guns ablazing... Think again.

They MUST let the players play out for evidence.

Then they have to have a cleaned out justice dept.

Trump has to distance himself from Any involvement with MIL officials and JD friendlies, as he is doing now.

All the while TRYING TO STAY ALIVE and manage insane hurricanes & fires oh and BTW? Run the government.

They are wanting him gone.

I pray for him & anyone connected to him ..everyday.

15156729? ago

Yes, my family prays everyday...sometimes all day, for our President ( and all of the Truth seekers ) God be with you all/ us All. ,

15153363? ago

We must do our part however small and at least pray for POTUS. The witches and satanists pray against us and the U.S. everyday.

15142555? ago

Well put together! Sharing on twitter!! Thanks!

15142535? ago

I thank you for that timeline of information all in one place.

15142078? ago

Nice post

15142058? ago

My liberal co-workers are experts at all of this, you can tell because when they are talking about it the volume of their voice goes up and the size of their eyeballs increase and their neck veins stick out. They tell me that she was investigated more than anyone in history, and all of these investigations found she did nothing wrong, and this proves Hillary is innocent, and she is just a victim of a vast right wing conspiracy, and we should just all get over this and move on to more important things. Nothing to see here folks, we should all just move on.

15142010? ago

He's a King. She's a Queen. Ken Starr already proved that in the 90s.

Nice reporting though. Any actions you'd suggest? With your insight in putting this together, you would have come across some burritos for the rare activists amongst us.

15141987? ago

OBL is hidden in Iran post 9/11/2001. Guess who’s FBI director at the time.

War in Afghanistan is started not long after sending American troops to war. Some returning disfigured and psychologically destroyed if they return at all. OBL was in Iran the whole time and front and back channel intel kept pointing there yet the FBI NEVER looked into it. Who was the FBI director. Robert Mueller.

War is started in Iraq and a false claim of WMD is the reason. Guess who, active FBI director, goes on record to congress presenting evidence of WMD to congress. ROBERT MUELLER. No WMD ever found.

15151371? ago

And Christopher Steel (of British intel/piss dossier fame) worked for the SAME Russians that helped British intel fabricate the whole WMD lie, that was the. Passed to- US intel, and Robert Muellers FBI. Notice, nobody was ever prosecuted over that little intelligence "failure." Yet...

15148944? ago

Wow I guess that dispels any thoughts of RM being a white hat! Just can't even fathom how many people have suffered because of these traitors!😡

15141964? ago

I agree with one of the other posters; if justice is served, there is no scenario where this doesn't end in physical violence. I understanding wanting to minimize violence, but trying to eliminate it is naive. When investigators suspects (but doesn't yet have hard evidence) that someone is a serial rapist, do they wait until the suspect rapes again before taking action? No, they run with what evidence they have, they go to a judge based on that legitimate probable cause and ask for an arrest warrant. This is done to prevent further crime while the investigators put the rest of the puzzle together. In no circumstances are they justified to wait until the entire puzzle is complete to make arrests. Apply the same criminal justice logic in this case, except in this case consider the irrefutable mountain of publicly available evidence of calculated treason against the Constitution of the United States to deliberately place every U.S. citizen in direct harm and anyone with two brain cells would conclude that delaying arrests for 1 nanosecond is equally treasonous as the crime cartel themselves. Trump obviously has the Constitutional authority to do much more than what he has up to this point. This raises many many questions. Why doesn't he ORDER troops to the border for permanent operations? GWB just up and created the DHS with not so much as a single opposition voice in congress. Trump could easily declare the border issue exactly what it is, a NATIONAL STATE OF EMERGENCY. Trump could easily create a federal department of election oversight with the mission to secure elections or even return to paper ballots. Trump could easily issue an EO allocating DOD funding for national voter ID. If he could shut down the government over a DACA deal, Trump could easily shut down the government for not bring a Constitutional Carry bill to his desk. Trump could easily appoint DOJ personnel who will arrest Judiciary activists. Trump could easily issue an EO classifying any gun control bill as an act of legislative terrorism or treason. The very least Trump could do is tell Acting AG Whitaker to give Tom Fitton the fkn documents Judicial Watch is requesting since nobody else is doing their fkn jobs.

15148308? ago

I love how everyone thinks they know what President Trump should be doing.

15152082? ago

Well yeah. We're not all informed with the same daily intelligence briefs as the President, but there are common sense things that ANY President at this point should be doing. It doesn't take a constitutional scholar to come to these conclusions.

15155113? ago

Coming to conclusions in a fluid situation is dangerous. Parks your mind in cement. We don't know shit, actually.

15143926? ago

Re. the national state of emergency - go look up his executive orders. It's in plain sight.

15142751? ago

I have only 1 upvoat for you unfortunately. Nicely said Fellow Patriot !!

15141948? ago

Clinton Foundation is a scandal for sure and the witch should go to jail.

But 9/11 is a scandal that dwarfs ALL other scandals and is the lynchpin to make all the other dominos fall.

Why Q followers are not pushing 9/11 disclosure harder is beyond me. And to make matters worse the current administration continues to promulgate the false 9/11 narrative.

While getting Clinton to Guantanamo would be amazing, it still amounts to partisan politics - bread and circuses for the right wing.

We need FULL 9/11 Truth disclosure and we need it 10 years ago already.

15149715? ago

Absolutely correct, 9-11 should not be forgotten. I hope and pray the truth comes out and all those involved pay.

15148395? ago

Yup. Lack of 9/11 speaks volumes

15141588? ago

Wow Great Job!! It is so frustrating when we all know and nothing has happened to any of them!! I know there day is coming. Hope Hillary, Comey and so many more in joy New Years Day, because that will be the last holiday she will be free!! Gitmo in January!!!

15141558? ago

Whats funny is you spent more time investigating than ANY agency ever will. Nothing will ever happen, great post anyhow.

15155148? ago

"Nothing will ever happen..." Can you hear yourself? Ditch the neg ball, your 'eyes' will open, and you'll feel better. jus sayn

15160889? ago

I am not negative, I think you are naive. Ivanka Jared kavanaugh are all part of the deep state. That is just 3 of so many I can name. Look into it. Ivanka and Chelsea best friends / Ivanka dating openly the Rothchilds until she married one. Jared is a rothchild, Kavanaugh was appointed by bush. You need to wake up. President Trump and George Soros are close, look up anything I stated here. None of it is incorrect. https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-took-liberal-icon-george-soross-money or http://www.conspiracyschool.com/blog/trump-puppet-kissinger-cfr-and-rothschilds-the-true-architects-russian-collusion and look up ANY of these "ideas" and research them. I wish I was wrong.

15141487? ago

i suggest: Copy and Paste on all your social media participation.

15141278? ago

Nice post although i did read about this a few months ago on 8 chan or Reddit cant remember.........but useful to anyone else who is not aware of this

15141262? ago

With all of these criminal acts being public knowledge going back at least a decade (2001) and absolutely NOTHING being done to bring these criminals justice, no arrests, no prosecutions, no prison terms, no convictions ... just business as usual ... I hate to pee in your cheerios but the sooner that you face the fact that there will be no arrests, no prosecutions, no convictions, no jail time ... the sooner you will stop making yourselves crazy by wishing, and hoping, for something that will NEVER happen.

The mysterious Q+ Team isn't going to hold anyone accountable for their crimes. Donald Trump cannot even secure the borders, stop an abusive media whore like Acosta, keep the Trump administration from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the list goes on. The more common practice is for a judge to issue an order that gives only the people who sued what they want.

This country has soared beyond the point of no return, the constitution is no longer being followed, it may as well be used to line cat litter box.

15143859? ago

if there were only pessimists like you, there would never be any revolution and never be any change.

the swamp goes deep and is thousands of years old, not only a few decades as it shows in the US now. it takes time to drain it, and needs to be well orchestrated and everything happening in perfect timeing.

first clean out the justice apparatus. arrests make no sense when there are only corrupt judges that never convict the dark hats. thats happening now. senate majority is needed to drain DOJ and FBI.

just wait and see.

15144010? ago

yeah, you keep telling yourself, and in a thousand more years there will still be people like you waiting for the corrupt judges to be removed. WAKE UP, the left won!

15141746? ago

If you arrest Hilary today, she gets the same judge that gave Abilio Acosta his White House credentials back. She get's off, and guess what? NO DOUBLE JEOPARDY! She is free forever. I can see why they are waiting to arrest - takes time to get rid of these corrupt judges. Oh yeah, she has SS, right? Perhaps SS is keeping them on a leash so they do not get away - just a thought. WWG1WGA

15141780? ago

dream on. If, as Q has stated, "we have everything" THEN WHY WAIT? The only reason to wait is because this entire Q story is total FUCKING bullshit.

15141096? ago

I wish to apologize in advance for stealing these words of wisdom.

15141049? ago

This post adds value to the community. Respectful hat tip.

15141012? ago

Thanks, Copied, Pasted and filed. Too many good researchers have been thrown of social media before I started doing this...I'm not losing any more info.

15141556? ago

It's like the bot hive mentality to attack a source of information. This is worth verifying if it is the original. Purely for historical accuracy. Wink, wink.

15140897? ago

Great post even though older. Just say “None other” in place of “no other.” I know, I hate grammar trolls too I just couldn’t resist.

15140845? ago

This is why I hate the Mueller is a white hat theory, it’s ludacris if you know his last involvement with these people. Watch he will indict JA roger stone and Don jr next while we’re stikk waiting for declass

15140826? ago

Beautiful work OP. Hats off to you fellow Patriot.

Thank you.


15140807? ago

I really hope that Trump flipped Mueller. Perhaps gave him a deal to keep this Russia Witch Hunt in the spot light so everyone's eyes are on him, while the true work is going on with the true bad guys. All the sheep, media, and crooks are protecting and cheering Mueller, it just would be so gratifying for him to turn around and burn them all.

15140684? ago

I have read this before, but I appreciate the re-post so that I can recall the facts and new people can also benefit from knowing something that was posted earlier. Thank You!

15140662? ago

Phenomenal write up.

15140596? ago

Thank you for this excellent synopsis. One thing I was curious about: were Comey, Rosenstein, Lerner and Mueller appointed by George W. Bush, or were they holdovers from the Bill Clinton era? These “bad pennies” seem to have a lot of staying power, spanning across both Democrat and Republican administrations.

15141768? ago

Trump appointed Rosenstein remember.

15143734? ago

Trump appointed Rosenstein remember.

Sessions appointed him, but I'm sure Trump was involved. Trump met privately with him and Mueller the day before RR appointed Mueller to the SC. The msm thought Trump was just dumb and was interviewing Mueller to head the FBI. But the truth is Trump knew damn well Mueller was ineligible for that position. He had already served over 10 years. 10 years is the limit but Obama gave him a waiver to serve longer.

This very fact is why I've been back and forth on Mueller since Q appeared. Black hat, white hat or slave due to his past sins. Mueller and RR or the two actors in this mission that Q has played close to the vest. One day he'll say stuff like, "If RR is bad Mueller is Bad." But I keep hearkening back to the very first drop where Q mentioned Mueller.

[Q Drop # 14](https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub//#14}

What is Mueller's background? Military?


15143872? ago

If you observe Trump's past behaviour, the only way he'd have someone around who he knows is bad news, is because he has a hell of a lot of leverage over them.

15144560? ago

Either that or he's there for another purpose. I made a post about my thoughts on it... HERE

15142395? ago

True, but the white hats know exactly what they are doing... most likely put him there for a reason...

15141222? ago

Bush and Clinton are the fathers of the Crack epidemic.

They are an incestuous family. Shall we call them one of many heads of Deep State?

15149652? ago

Wait, wait, you mean Bush and Clinton are actually related by like blood? That's nasty, what kind of sick creatures we talking about?

15140413? ago

the big question is were they willing accomplices? If not, did Trump turn them and reinsert them as Alliance moles?

15142972? ago

Wasn't Trump really close friends with John John. If so, then you would think he would do anything to get back at the person who could have potentially done John John harm. Is it a coincidence that within weeks announcing his Senate run that he would die in a plane crash. Who was his opponent, none other than HC. She would definitley have lost against him as she had no ties/roots to NY. All too fishy if you ask me.

15141283? ago

I believe Pence is the root of all evil. What the fuck do I know?

15140359? ago

This probably a good time to recycle this info even though it's depressing that the corruption continues.

15140339? ago

Great fucking work, patriot. Thanks for sharing.

15140308? ago

Excellent, thank you!

15140258? ago


15140206? ago

Charles Ortel painstaking research on the CF fraud.

15140114? ago

can't find any crimes to jail anyone

15140060? ago

Doesn't include anything about the jews. Does NOT have it all.

15140009? ago

Good job assimilating facts into a quick read!

15139847? ago

Old news, but still relevant today.

15139820? ago

Another clickbait title. This is an old piece. Some info in the title would be great such as 'From 8ch a while back, this is a great timeline of the players if the Clinton foundation from 2001-Present, including JC, JM, RR, LL. ' Always a good read, or redpill doc. Great info for the newbies, too.

15140695? ago

Yo, speaking of Redpill documents/texts! Has anyone made one? That'd be awesome. A PDF with 50 Redpill texts

15139795? ago


15139774? ago

27 upvoats? Come on.

Nice work OP.

15139737? ago

Not a single link included to help us verify. Thanks a fuckin lot.

15146155? ago

You're right. it's from a blog earlier this year and has been shared already on voat.

15139443? ago

FBI Interviewed Uranium One Informant in Clinton Foundation Investigation. https://saraacarter.com/fbi-interviewed-uranium-one-informant-in-clinton-foundation-investigation/

15149442? ago

Timeline of events about Uranium One compromised USA national-security interests and racketeering at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium_One_controversy

Archived at https://archive.fo/Xcgkv

For those not familiar with the alleged Uranium One scam. The Uranium One controversy is about alleged compromised national-security interests and racketeering. It allegedly involved Bill Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, high level officials in Russia, the State Department, and Uranium One a Russian state-owned uranium mining company. All the parties denied those allegations.

15151230? ago

Don't forget that John Podesta had lots of stock in a Russian Uranium company also. If I recall correctly he had it in Rosatom, which is affiliated with (or merged) with Uranium One in some way. Sorry I don't have links handy to detail his Russian uranium involvement. I recall that his ties with Russian uranium companies were made public from the wikileaks emails.

15141129? ago

Uranium One approval was a treasonous act. CFIUS Case No. 10-40 - Completed approval on or before October 22, 2010 The Players

  • Timothy Geithner - Treasury Dept.
  • Marisa Lago - Assist. Treasury Dept flunky
  • Gary Locke - Commerce Dept.
  • Killary Clinton - State Dept. (she made 145 million off her employees vote)
  • Jose W. Fernandez - State Dept.
  • Eric Holder - Justice Dept.
  • Janet Napolitano - DHS
  • Robert Gates - Defense Dept.
  • Steven Chu - Energy Dept.
  • Ron Kirk - US Trade Dept.
  • John Holdern - Science & Tech Rep.
  • Keith B. Alexander - NSA

Extra bonus Player who lied to CFIUS and hide Bribery investigation as an acting Director of the Federal Blackmail Instigators. - Robert Mueller - State Department Delivery boy and a corrupted FBI agent. On December 27, 2010, Ul Inc. [Uranium One] and ARMZ announced completion of the 2010 Transaction http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/04/clinton-cash-uranium-deal-approved-by-foreign-investment-committee-52-days-after-shareholders-finalized-takeover/

15139430? ago

Lock her up!!!

15139072? ago

Trump and Q could fix this shit RIGHT FUCKING NOW! Today! By going and arresting Hillary.

15144922? ago

Hillary is a fucking nobody. Only retards and shills parrot this garbage. She's as useful as her access, which is precisely zero.

15146198? ago

She committed treason. I'm not forgetting about that. If you're willing to forget her crimes it proves that you're Un-American.

15149456? ago

Not forgetting it either. She needs to hang. But you don't blow your load for a small fry. Make sure you get the whole batch. She's small potatoes. Roll them all up at once RICO style.

15154221? ago

Lynn Rothschild and company. That is where this all starts. She has more control than even soros. Research that evil witch.

15165597? ago

That's just one of the families.

15167550? ago

True, but she is much bigger fish than the clintons. They are all going down.

15170228? ago

Sure do hope so!

15144079? ago

You mean because the longer they wait the more risk they take she cries Hatch Act?

I get rounding up the co-conspirators first, getting guilty pleads, and making it hard for her to cry afoul when you've got a bunch of wealthy people admittedly guilty pointing at her.


But all you really need to do is get her arrested, and have her rat out all those under her for a deal, then when it's all done you remind her we don't make deals with traitors or terrorists and execute her.

15151344? ago

Great job on the money laundering!

15140670? ago

How high do you guys think this goes? There might be some crazy blockades in the way before you can arrest Hillary. Does it go higher than them? How much so?

15140496? ago

If he doesn't Dig Out The Whole Plant, The Roots Will Grow The Plant Again! Do we want just the Worst Players? Or do we want ALL OF THEM SO THAT THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN?! Having Patience Sucks, but its better than the alternative!

15154187? ago

Exactly! And don't forget hillary's BFF...LYNN ROTHSCHILD!!!! Seems like people on here are aiming for the low hanging branches....go to the friggin top of the tree. She needs to be stopped or nothing will be solved.

15149584? ago

Exactly, I want this finished for good. Don't want that witch getting out on a technicality, do it right, be smart and make sure it sticks like glue.

15144695? ago

At this point I'd like to get anyone.

15146532? ago

Funny, thanks!

15141891? ago

It will happen again. Those who think that people are inherently good are as dangerously wrong as those who think that people are inherently bad. You will never, ever "get them all". All you need to do is look at your local shady used car dealer and you can confirm that you can't get them all. Like every other endeavor, you have to go with the best you can do. I agree. There is a plan. Trust the plan. Even with faith, it is very demoralizing to see this go on endlessly while the criminals keep up their games. We point excitedly at the next mile marker, and then feel a bit crushed as that marker goes by in the rear view mirror. We look for the next one, to have our hopes dashed again. I would rather light the candle and put a bounty on 500 or 750 heads. Put all the info and evidence out there so that the people understand the depth of the evil involved. If I must, I will be patient. Don't brand me as a "concern fag" because concern and exhaustion are two different things. If we must wait for the January EO marker, so be it. If we must wait for 1 December, so be it. I merely want to communicate to Q and Q+ that the people that make the nation's wheels turn yearn for justice as the deer pants for the water. That we all are anxious for the ball to drop on those who have gotten away with so much for so long. With every new crime, we say in our minds "when will it be enough evidence?", and "When will THIS mile marker be the one." While I do not necessarily think that we have "Hit the wall" as runners often say, but there will come a point where the patriots will run out of glycogen, and have only the force of will pushing our faith.

I'm hoping that there are some in both high and low places who can really grok what I am trying to communicate.

15148354? ago

Amen and amen. I know Q just came along, but most followers have known the truth for many, many years and many gave up a long time ago. But I dont know what happened in 2016. I didnt vote and hadn't voted in years. I refused to watch election coverage. My curiosity got the best of me and I turned the news on sometime late at night. POTUS was somehow winning. I spent the rest of the night and early morning nearly crying. Not because I knew much about DJT, but because i knew enough about HRC. I dont know what happened. I'm convinced they had rigged the election, evidence says as much. Two days before the election she cancelled the fireworks show. I got a bit of excitement, but still was convinced what the outcome would be. Now looking back I believe she was shown the door at that time and refused to accept it. Whatever it was, and whatever happened on election night gave me some hope back. Waiting for justice has been excruciating, but I still can wake up everyday and know that HRC is not POTUS and I know everyday that she wakes up knowing the same thing is something that drives her absolutely mad. Most days if I remember that, it is good enough for me.

I have election night on my DVR. I started recording when I turned it on and I refuse to delete it.

15147647? ago

Be encouraged God has a way of always bringing Justice

15143610? ago

I hear u, I'm exhausted too. I don't believe everyone is inherently good - I was born to one and gave birth to another that are genetically/soulfully wicked (not to Hilary's level, but visibly so). I follow my God-given, natural animalistc nature - I've always been able to see wickness in people and to see goodness (even when others believe the opposite - 12 yrs of marriage, I still shock my hubby by how accurate I am on this). I believe we're going to have justice... I don't believe we'll "see" all of it, but I truly believe Q will succeed and We Will All Win A Beautiful Future!

Q and POTUS: If you're listening... We don't want to seem ungrateful, WE TRULY ARE! Just know that your troops/anons/patriots are praying for a Huge, Public, Undeniable WIN as soon as possible. We know that there are so very many WINS going on, and we are so very proud of all of you and incredibly grateful...we could deeply benefit/be revitalize by witnessing a strong assurance that the Evil Ones will/are facing Holy Justice, For All To See! I accept if it cannot be now, for the greater good...just know It Will Mean EVERYTHING TO US! GOD BLESS AND PROTECT YOU ALL, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

15142530? ago

Exhaustion Fag, lol. I can relate.

15141751? ago

Hillary won't be locked up.

Trump has admitted as much. It was just a campaign tactic.

15148383? ago

No he hasnt. And yes she will.

15163507? ago

When? What are we waiting for?

15201200? ago

I don't know, but I do know POTUS wont be the one doing it. Whatever is going on is not in his hands. He will be the messenger, that's it.

15146452? ago

She needs to hang, but she'll probably go the same way no name did.

15144087? ago

While she may "pass away of natural causes" before seeing trial or the inside of a cell, her crimes will be acknowledged and exposed to the public in an official capacity at some point.

15145518? ago

She'll die of whatever before she ever gets the perp walk, and her name will not be shamed, just like noname. But at least she'll be gone, or, at least they'll tell us she's gone...

15143034? ago

Yes, she really will. It's just starting now w/@JudicialWatch bringing her back to court to force her to answer questions under oath, they won. This is just the beginning, my friend. Some people are just too evil to live - forfeited that right... But its gotta be done Legally!

15139068? ago

Well done

15139063? ago

This is from an Anon on 8chan, not from you. You shouldn't do if it is yours, not nice.

15139962? ago

It's important to post these masterpieces from 8chan here. The information has to go out to the people!

15140124? ago

why not giving the link to the original?

15140418? ago

Then give the link, please!

15140556? ago

Ask the writer of this post. He must have it.

15141297? ago

I don't. Yet I have this link. Hint. Hint.

15139637? ago

Yes, I've read it several times, and have it saved somewhere.

15141341? ago

I only have this as my dated original. Boo who me.

15139519? ago

How do you know its not the same person?

15139570? ago

First: it is rewritten. Second: why does the person not mention, that Q himself posted it later? I would do so, you not?

15141417? ago

You have Q's original post? Yet to imply that this is not worthy of my copy and pasting skills because I am ignorant?

This superiority complex complements your agenda.

15139985? ago

Good point. No, I wouldn't have re-written or even copied. I would have provided the link. That is why I asked. Thanks.

15140102? ago

Exactly what I would have done.

There's nothing wrong with posting something good again to remember. But to impersonate it as something new and personal is unfair.

15141502? ago

Waxing poetic of an anon post about "linking" credit.

I recommend noticing the anonymous posting simplicity of common fucking sense.

15139495? ago

anonymous subverse

15141321? ago

I will steal from only the best anonymous post, so please rest easy.

15138924? ago

We already know all of this. We have known for a long time. What we need, is action to remove these people. Doubt we will get it though, can't possibly bring justice if there is an off hand chance of any violence at all, right?

15139101? ago

Then it wasn't for you then. Are you telling people to use violence? Or just dancing around it?

15139176? ago

No, I am bashing Q for his excuse that they want to avoid violence. There will be violence no matter what IF the hammer ever drops. Thats a certainty at this point. No political revolution ever occurs absent of violence. I don't condone it, but I can at least recognize how the world actually works.

15140717? ago

There will be violence and the firearm trained and licensed police, Ice, the military, and NG with 100% legal, federally registered guns will be deployed to protect the peaceful citizens. The left gun grab narrative will be totally destroyed if the Dems use anything but their words as a weapon. Yet their words hold no truth so they will get angry and violent, and use weapons, rocks, fire bombs, riots, destruction of property, looting because their argument is void of logic. This is what they did in Ferguson against other Democrat businesses, and at Berkley to their own University because they want to stop free speech if it counters their vision of the world. They can not debate their ideology to a winning conclusion so they pitch a temper tantrum. They will prove the point that GOOD, peace loving, trained, law abiding, licensed, gun owning citizens, with legally registered firearms will serve and protect themselves, and others (even other peaceful Democrats) from harm.

15140926? ago

Im honestly impressed you still believe thos ends well with everything we have seen. Its amazing, honestly. Theres no version of this that doesnt end in violence. I am 100% against violence, so DO NOT COMMIT VIOLENCE ANONS. However, i am awake enough to see how this ends.

15139334? ago

I don't think there would be any violence if a video got leaked showing Hillary abusing children. After that you would have a pass to release anything and arrest anyone

15139363? ago

There will be paid rioters IF Q ever does what he claims to be doing. They already pay protesters for minuscule things, you don't think they will pay agitates to instigate violence if the writing is on the wall?

15138868? ago

10/10 on formatting and delivery.

15138649? ago

This is a good format to share with people who don't know the players or what the fuck is going on.

Nice work OP.

15155753? ago

Yes. Please put in a safe place for posterity.

15144187? ago

The OP shows a very good understanding of the lower level players in this situation. But we need to start moving up the line and see how this connects to major players, particularly the British Empire and the City of London through MI6 agent Christopher Steele:

If Steele became an FBI asset without the knowledge of his former colleagues and chain of command, he faces legal risk. But two development in the last two days suggest that British intelligence officials, at least some key officials, were witting of Steele's activities in gathering information for the FBI.

First, Steele is resisting efforts to face a deposition in a lawsuit over his infamous dossier. Steele’s lawyers argued in a court in London this week that a deposition would endanger the former spy’s dossier sources as well as harm U.K. national security interests. If the Judge buys this claim then we will not have to speculate anymore about whether or not Steele was acting on his own or had a "wink-and-a-nod" from his MI-6 bosses.

Second, in my mind more telling, were the comments made this week by former MI-6 Chief, Richard Dearlove, on behalf of his former protege:

Among those who have continued to seek his expertise is Steele’s former boss Richard Dearlove, who headed MI6 from 1999 to 2004. In an interview, Dearlove said Steele became the “go-to person on Russia in the commercial sector” following his retirement from the Secret Intelligence Service. He described the reputations of Steele and his business partner, fellow intelligence veteran Christopher Burrows, as “superb.”

?But we do not have to rely solely on Dearlove's glowing remarks about Steele. There is other information indicating that the Brits played a substantial, if not leading, role in spying on Trump and building the Russian meddling meme. The Guardian reported in April 2017 that:

Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives, the Guardian has been told.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

Translating this, GCHQ and other British intelligence outfits were coordinating with the CIA and corrupt leaders at the FBI to spy on and frame Donald Trump because he is an economic nationalism that threatens the globalist looting being perpetrated by the Wall Street and City of London bankers. This is why the British hate Donald Trump:

Trump wants to break the imperial divide between East and West, which is at the core of the Empire's divide and conquer method to assert the power of the Empire. His establishment of legitimate friendships with Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin is casus belli to the Empire;

Trump rejects "free trade," the core concept of the City of London's historic control over the world economy, and its campaign to destroy the Hamiltonian "American System" of government-directed credit for productive investment. Trump's rejection of the TPP, TTIP, NAFTA, KORUS, and especially his successful negotiation of a fair trade deal with Mexico last month, is an equally serious casus belli for the Empire;

Trump rejects the "Global Warming" hoax, a primary tool of the Empire going back most recently to the racist eugenics movement (run by the British and the Nazis) before the Nazi holocaust, then transformed into "environmentalist" lies, to convince the world that there are "Limits to Growth," especially for what the Empire considers the "lesser races," that population must be reduced by any means necessary, and industrial progress reversed to stop "spoiling the Earth." Trump's rejection of the "Paris Accord" and appointment of pro-growth cabinet ministers, while demanding re-industrialization of the nation and expansion of energy production, including nuclear power, cannot be tolerated by the Empire;

Trump opposes "Dope, Inc.," the biggest business in the world, run out of the City of London, which has taken over the major banks in the U.S., launching the criminal "legalization of drugs" movement through George Soros and Barack Obama. Whatever else is wrong with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, he strongly backs Trump's anti-drug campaign;

Trump rejects "regime change," launched through the British creation of the "Responsibility to Protect," a euphemism for the destruction of the UN Charter guarantee of sovereignty, and for neo-colonial wars in the developing sector. Trump's collaboration with Russia to crush the terrorist movement in Syria (funded and armed by the British and the Bush and Obama Administrations), and his intention to get U.S. military forces out of Syria and Afghanistan, is yet another casus belli for the British Empire.

Once you understand the motivations of the banker cabal that is pulling the strings, the actions of the lower level minions like Comey make a lot more sense.

15149260? ago

Leaked Top Secret GCHQ Memo. FISA Abuse?

Speaking of The British Intelligence (GCHQ)

Former FBI agent Hal Turner, leaked top secret GCHQ document related to the FISA Abuse Memo. It is titled "TOP SECRET STRAP3 SIGINT UK EYES ONLY". Alleged top secret GCHQ document at https://i.postimg.cc/HL92w6fM/GCHQ-Top-Secret-Memo-Susan-Rice-Requested-Spying-On-Trump.png

The British Intelligence (GCHQ) document shows that on August 28, 2016 the former President Obama, requested that GCHQ do surveillance of American citizens and American business on American soil. Called “Operation FULSOME”. Without a U.S. Search Warrant or Court Order. Invading your personal privacy is a federal crime punishable with prison, violated wiretap laws and your Constitutional protections. All of the above was before Trump was elected. A presidential candidate.

Source and details at https://www.minds.com/blog/view/801991857799499776

Archived 1 source, photos, details, read more at http://archive.fo/8HIv2

Archived 2 source, photos, details, read more at https://web.archive.org/web/20180122102230/https://www.minds.com/blog/view/801991857799499776

The archived 2 above seems to be censored by archive.org?

15153745? ago

Interesting that Robert Hannigan suddenly stepped down as the head of GCHQ in January 2017 before Trump took office. He had only been in the position for two years. Coincidence?

15147820? ago

Uruguay and a couple other places have seen crime and drug use lower dramatically once they legalized drugs. they added treatment centers and clean needles. more availability, less use.

15154527? ago

Wrong thread

15163364? ago

right thread. referencing next to last paragraph.

15150376? ago

And in San Francisco it’s increased drug use, crime, poverty, used needles in the street, human shit everywhere in the streets, homelessness increased dramatically and it still cost over $200 million a year just to try to clean up the human shit. FACTS THAT ARE CURRENT IN THE USA MOTHERFUCKIng shill piece of shit!

15151921? ago

Drugs aren't legal in San Francisco so you're entire point is nonsense.

15157164? ago

They aren’t illegal either dipshit, fucking Uruguay, get fucking real. You’re a gay is NOT the USA, their shit doesn’t work here. Again, faggot, look at SF.

15161012? ago

I'm thinking more of Portugal where they have halved the number of hard drug users.

Study Portugal's approach. Or don't. It's not like I give a fuck about dead drug addicted yanks

15151613? ago

what exactly am I shilling dipshit. is america not able to adapt and overcome. are you that fragile. how about you try it cause the current system is obviously not working. what do you propose.

15146433? ago

"Limits to Growth," especially for what the Empire considers the "lesser races," that population must be reduced by any means necessary, and industrial progress reversed to stop "spoiling the Earth."

That line doesn't align with the forced march into Europe. Whose population has been purposely reduced by two WWs and now threatened by invaders? Not the "lesser races."

15145055? ago

Beautifully done anon. Thx 4 sharing.

15142797? ago

And note that Q has nothing to do with any of this.

15142820? ago

Sure thing SBBH.

15142880? ago

I knew you couldn’t. Because, you see, you are filled with manure. And I just called you out on it.

15142906? ago

A manure loads worth... we are watching.

15142635? ago

This a great thing. Now we know Hillary, Comey, Mueller, Trump are all in but one side.

15147929? ago

Really? Good Lord.

15141860? ago

Exactly. Formatted in a way anyone can go find the open source material with a little elbow grease themselves. Hard to argue this without exposing oneself. Well played! Wwg1wga

15140576? ago

Agreed. Some of my favorite posts are the ones set out to explain events, summations of Q, and entire histories like this.

15139298? ago

Even for those of us who have been following the Tale of Two Sides, this is an excellent outline of events to help keep track of the story. Thanks, OP.

15139325? ago
