15167185? ago

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15099780? ago

Drug dealers should be executed.

70,000 opioid-related deaths a year and no murder charges? How is that?

Drug dealers are crucial links in long chains of terrorism and murder, yet we constantly hear about drug dealers somehow being "non-violent" criminals?

No, they are just the final steps in chains of organized murder.

Mandatory death sentences for all drug dealers: fentanyl, carfentanyl, meth, heroin, cocaine, crack, lsd, and anything else you want to add to the list.

It is well past time to put these rabid, selfish, sociopathic, child-exploiting family- and society-destroying animals six feet under.

15095260? ago

yea sure, anything to get marijuana legalized. I dont smoke, but if you do, thats cool..

15095172? ago

Canadian Anon here, I don’t honestly know what is better, black market or government selling of marijuana. I’m a firm believer that Turdeau was voted in solely because his platform was to legalize mj but now he needs to go. Things haven’t changed in Canada, except for the fact that our government is now our drug dealer and can charge whatever the hell they want for it. It’s up to $16 CAD a gram in some provinces.

15167690? ago

In the US, it has clearly been beneficial to legalize cannabis. 1) Cartels have been put out of business for the cannabis market (billions not going to Mexico) 2) Legalization means that hundreds of thousands of young black men won't be put in jail for the non-violent offense of selling cannabis 3) Government growing is probably safer in terms of product safety than something grown by a drug lord 4) Money spent stays in the local economy and taxes fund education and other infrastructure (many many millions if not billions in the long run) 5) Dispensaries hire locally and create new business opportunities for entrepreneurs 6) Doughnut and Chick-Fil-a sales skyrocket

Anyway, cannabis prices are a function of how the legalization is executed, it's cheap and competitive here in California and has taken something that was dark and dangerous, and made it into a healthy part of society with nice stores and nice people working in them.

15099881? ago

Learn to grow your own

15092809? ago

Thankyou God for this miraculous plant that soothes the soul, relieves the body, expands the mind and connects the spirit. My life has been greatly enriched by it and and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for it's presence. May it be available to all who can benefit from it.

15096921? ago

yes!! you are so correct. Marijuana is truly a gift from God and that is exactly the reason it is illegal. They don't want us connecting with God/Source and realizing that we are divine children of the Creator and that we have eternal life and unlimited potential😇

15091879? ago

Hooked on cannabis worked for me! Stopped all VA treatments for depression /insomnia in about 2 months. Never been happier.

15091647? ago

Ironically, the one thing that could help them (MDMA) is illegal and banned in most states.

15091608? ago

I believe this and they are also probably programmed for future actions.

15090786? ago

Great victory for medicine and attracting new voters.

15096987? ago

exactly! There would be NO way they could use this to make Trump look bad😆

15090463? ago

The boomers I know smoke weed, tons of weed/pot or whatever you want to call it! Do the boomer bashers think the potheads and stoners of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s grow out of it??? The boomers are the largest donors to cannabis lobbies! Most of the licensed independent grow houses in Colorado are owned by boomers. There is a tremendous amount of negative propaganda against boomers that millennials are fed and falling for!

15090833? ago

I think many millenials speak on this from personal experience. Their parents, grandparents, etc. I didn't see many boomers speaking out on all those people being put in jail over pot in the 90s at the time. Sometimes generations have problems. Millenials are flaky, and for a long time boomers didn't give a shit about the justice system.

15091275? ago

Each younger generation blames the older generation as they age. When the millennial are older they will be blamed by the following generation.

15090060? ago

Oy vey! That would severly cut into the profits of the jewish pharmaceutical industry.

15089757? ago

It's got to be dealt with on the federal level to avoid conflicts with gun ownership. The ATF has already been fucking with medical mj patients in Colorado and California.: http://www.marijuanalawscolorado.com/medical-marijuana-colorado/medical-marijuana-the-atf-and-firearms/

Additionally, all the talk about mental health and guns...and they want to give the vets (most of us are prob armed) weed for their PTSD? When a "former marine" shot up a bunch of people in Thousand Oaks recently, there was a lot of chatter about PTSD and should he have had a gun. Just sayin'.... Personally, I try my hardest to stay off of as many lists as I can ~ I'll stick to the black market for my weed.

15092777? ago

You've brought up a good point about privacy. Black market, etc. If only we could have such privacies.

15091326? ago

This is why I refuse to register for medical. I'm afraid they'll refuse to sell me firearms. I'm a disabled veteran, so is my husband, and we smoke every day to help with anxiety and lack of appetite, but we pay recreational prices plus WA state tax (it's high). Like everyone else, we'd appreciate not having to pay taxes on our medicine, and we don't want our use of marijuana to affect our ability to purchase firearms.

15099854? ago

They wouldd mess with your gun rights. Yes. Consider getting just one of you signed up and growing your own medical limit of plants.

15101925? ago

Aaaaaaand its not the growing season here in Washington ;) lol too much rain right now.

15114329? ago

Yes, that’s why “indoor grows” are a thing. :)

15101918? ago

We've discussed that strategy. I appreciate your feed back. Gives me a bit of confidence it would work just fine.

15114354? ago

Yes, One of you has nothing to do with the other. You should be fine.

15091506? ago

Thank you for your service. Sorry big pharma and our politicians are so stupid about this. Have a friend in the same situation, suffering with a bone disease but he's afraid of medicinal mj for the same reasons.

15089549? ago

A new clinical study with PTSD and Cannabis is just getting going https://maps.org/research/mmj/marijuana-us There's also studies planned with MDMA assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. https://maps.org/research/mdma Very encouraging that finally these substances can be scientifically studied for PTSD, it's long overdue.

15091536? ago

Kind of silly though when plenty self-medicate with alcohol. And we all know how effective prohibition was.

15089455? ago

When enough stupid old baby boomer assholes who got brainwashed by Reefer Madness finally die off, you'll be able to buy weed at the convenience store.

15095466? ago

I'm 62 and still amazed how many 'stupid old baby boomer assholes' there are who have a problem with mj. They act like it's a form of heroin or something. I dealt with that attitude when I was a younger smoking weed. I was stupid to think peoples' attitudes changed over 50 years. Well, not so much when PA wanted to legislate medical mj. Damn!! Recently, the local (small) city tried to de-criminalize mj and was met with a lot of push back. Damn! It's the same as fifty years ago...nothing's changed, at least around here.

15104447? ago

You can buy beer now in a grocery store in the state of PA. So that means enough of them have died off to start making progress. If cancer would hurry up and do it's job it won't be long before weed is legal.

15089877? ago

Boomer here! In the 70s nobody had a problem with cannabis. Then (((they))) began the war on drugs. It was pushed by R AND Ds! Big moneymaker as it created an international black market and prison industrial complex. Boomers don’t care if someone smokes jane. Opioids are a different matter - very destructive.

15090797? ago

I think there's plenty of evidence it was very unpopular at the time, even if the polls were faked. I did not meet anybody 50 or older who thought it was a crime for marijuana to be illegal until just a few years ago.

15089103? ago

Is there a non opioid non cannabis teatment for severe chronic pain? Is there any cannabis that doesn’t have mind altering effects. Some people get paranoid or depressed from cannabis and cant use cannabis.

15098678? ago

every cannabis plant is different there is one that works for most people better than any pill.

decarboxylate THC beforehand if being used internally. Very different effects of eating decarboxylated cannabis as a medicine and smoking cannabis for fun

15091364? ago

CBD! I prefer CBD over marijuana any day.

15091433? ago

I will have to find out if I need an rx in FL

15099876? ago

You need a medical mj card.

15103969? ago

Before this post I didn’t know that any form, or extract of cannabis was free of psychoactive effects. I’ve suffered debilitating chronic spinal pain for years and I refuse to be a slave to opiates. I can’t tolerate mind altering or sedating drugs.I also have alot of drug allergies. I need to find out if there is a medical mj option that would suit my needs. Thanks

15112369? ago

Bless your journey. My friend medicated successfully for his chronic pain. The best strains for him have had thc in them, as in, straight cbd didn’t work for him. But each person is different. Try em out. Go to any state that has recreational: Oregon, Cali, Washington and Nevada, Colorado and try a bunch. The prices are high in dispensaries but it's organic stuff and most good dispensaries are staffed with people who know how the different types affect you. Go explore!

15112772? ago

Thank you

15089240? ago

CBD is non psychoactive, just medicine.
THC causes the mind altering effect.
See Charlotte's Web.

15098695? ago

THC doesn't alter your mind at all and it works in concert with CBD, both working better together and even moreso with flavinoids and terpines which all effect the outcome

I guess whiskey has mind altering effects too then

15089399? ago

I didn’t know that. I will have to research this, thanks!

15090852? ago

Just wait until you find out there are villages with certain diets who almost never get cancer. They lied to us all.

15088677? ago

Didn't know Gaetz was a nigger. That's too bad.

15088431? ago

He's not wrong. Saved my life.

15088408? ago

https://archive.fo/lwYw7 :

Rep. Matt Gaetz on Twitter: "When our soldiers return home they get a combat cocktail of aggressive opioids that lead to depression, problems w/ family, & suicide. @sethmoulton & I are looking for more research & treatment options. None of us should be against unlocking cures #CannabisReform is the next step… /OFOCjUZqtD"

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15088348? ago

BOOTS ON THE GROUND BITCHES https://twitter.com/johncardillo/status/1063804646328799232 https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/193747436 SOMEBODY GET THIS ON THE BOARD, I DON'T HAVE THE CCP