15051344? ago

Old goats from voat are a bunch of douche bags.

15049771? ago

@freshmeat here and I am a pedophile

15050445? ago




15050112? ago


15049505? ago

OP is a Jew

15049480? ago

Shills gonna shill. DV and move on. What they want is for us to argue about who is a shill and who isn't. Let's just ignore them.

15049366? ago

Everything you need to know about OP: https://voat.co/v/TheSRSList/2345472

15050487? ago

@crensch has the best info

15049006? ago

@PuttItOut is @The_Buddha and @Gabara is Atko

Beatle is the real owner of VoAt for reals and stuff

15048986? ago

@PuttItOut brother, I know you got bigger things going on but I think you underestimate the amount of shilling SBBH is doing on your site. All day long they slander and just shit in every thread that has discussion.


15050438? ago

SBBH should be removed from the site, but that didn’t really work very well last time.

15050033? ago

Especially when they are shilling like this, and potentially putting a giant bullseye on Voat.

This was a SBBH shitpost. https://imgoat.com/v/163725/3BsYOOd

Putt... you need to address this before Voat gets attacked.

15048927? ago

Gee, That sounds exactly what the idiots screaming about Boomers are doing. Dividing the group.

Those children are being used like Tools, screaming names at the people with the most experience and resources...

Who would want you to do that?

15048991? ago

The people they follow who have been doing this on Voat since the beginning. They think they are friends with them.

15049515? ago

what's it like having no friends on voat?

15049698? ago

Everyone in Soapboxbanhammer likes me. They don't really know me, but they're plenty friendly.

15050392? ago

We are a friendly bunch!

15050427? ago

I know! Soon everyone will. https://voat.co/v/voatdev/comments/2854926

15050585? ago

I like you from fakevout. I think everyone else is also friendly.

15048714? ago

Dfens censoring: https://archive.fo/vfmQH https://archive.fo/M1LG0

Freshmeat AKA SaneGoatiSwear: https://archive.fo/kYcJc

PuttItOut calling out freshmeat: https://archive.fo/SnCPm

You are welcome!

15048518? ago

I think its safe to say that this place is monitored and certainly fucked with. Where its coming from exactly, I don't know as I haven't deeply examined it, but we need to all just filter out the bullshit. Ignore shills/bots/JIDF/etc and move on. And be aware that you are never anonymous.

15048980? ago

Indeed, neither are they. Good comment friend.

15049768? ago

I wasn't agreeing with you.

15049803? ago

I'm not the original commenter. My statement stands in agreement with you.

15049846? ago

Wait, you're OP? Fuck OP you are a faggot. Wow, lame as fuck. I hope Tel Aviv gets nuked with you in it.

15049990? ago

I'm not the OP, or my tag would be blue. Are you high, or retarded?

I agreed with you. Are you ok?

15050273? ago

The fact that this got 10 upvotes when other post before and after it only got a couple shows you are logging in and out with different accounts. Sad.

15050316? ago

Nope. One account, the entire time I've been on Voat. Try again.

15050335? ago

This is the very first comment I've ever made to Voat.

15050366? ago

Good for you.

15050391? ago

i'm @freshmeat and I'm a pedophile

15050408? ago

You are 50% accurate. F

15050457? ago

I love that you can't stop coming to Voat for your abuse from me.

15050534? ago

I love that you think that.

15048486? ago

Good post.

15049443? ago

lame fake reply

15048468? ago

@TheAmerican will take care of them for you.

15048454? ago

The Soapbox crew are here daily. There's no denying it. @freshmeat

Can you offer clarity?

15048930? ago

it seems hard to tell but its just people who are obviously trying to destract or offer blackpills with no real argument, ive also seen them start using the current reddit ingo here too (yeah i look at reddit but dont participate, research purposes)

I mean I've seen the shill handbook posted here many times before, they knock off tons of the list, sometimes in a single comment. They dont care about Trump except that his supporters get divided by imitating them and making us look stupid. I can find more examples here in a few when im home.

15048960? ago

Appreciate your sharing of experience.

15050473? ago

It is very educational.

15048830? ago

v/SoapboxBanhammer is spamming your sub with disinfo. Maybe @kevdude and v/protectvoat will save us? Oh wait, kevdude's account (and thus PV) is sbbh owned...


15050193? ago

Perhaps they should be exposed.


15049502? ago

Go back to playing with your My Little Ponies already.

15048424? ago

Or the Qcumbers just irritate the old goats.

15048447? ago

Boomers are cunts, so yeah