15045939? ago

Bogus post.

15042764? ago

Go away

15041773? ago

Mods should add to the second sticky "Ignore posts calling for violence OR ANY OTHER CRIMINAL RHETORIC"

15041271? ago

When you know how, it is very easy and quick to change IP. And most people here seems to need anonymity. Instead of blocking IP I suggest this https://voat.co/v/QRV/2853109/15041028

15041028? ago

Report Content

How about simply clicking the “Report” link?

For newcomers or people not familiar with VOAT report link. Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Under the comment, click on the three dots link “...” to expand it.

  2. Click on “Report” link

  3. Under “Report Content”, select the appropriate option. If not sure, next to any option, click on the appropriate plus button “+” next to

  4. After you selected the appropriate option above, click on “Submit”

  5. Done. The appropriate people will be notify. Owners, or Moderators, or Janitors. They need time to review.

  6. Enjoy :)

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Illegal (Voat) Content contains or links to content that is illegal

15040930? ago

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15040767? ago

For those not familiar with "False Flag" it means "a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility."

Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag

15040434? ago

If Q requests CP then his loyal followers will find it, even if they have to make it themselves.

15039279? ago

If I had seen CP on voat I would have contacted the FBI. You are a liar sir.

15038572? ago

I haven't opened anything like that so far here on voat, but then I don't open everything here. I read the headline and if I'm curious, I'll open and read it. Not sure where the porn is posted...but not interested....LOL

15038418? ago

I haven’t seen any child porn. I also don’t click on random shit.

15038413? ago

They're all child molesters, From the very top down to their sleazy voters

15038318? ago

Report the posts and the mods will delete them.

Problem solved.

15038196? ago

Are you serious? That's not acceptable. Scream names at each other, fling verbal poop, but bring out kiddy porn and you need a ride in the Feeb van.

15037718? ago

Um, when did this even happen? I think you're full of shit and you're just wanting us to lose anonymity because it sucks for shills.

15037514? ago

Bring child porn and I will call the FBI immediately!

15037509? ago

is is worried that CP will be used to contaminate targeted block-chains

15037440? ago

Go to GreatAwakening if you don’t like it on QVR! There is no CP here. If I see it I will call the FBI!

15036843? ago

I get verbally abused and attacked on voat every day, but I have NEVER seen CP on here nor even calls to violence.

ANY form of censorship will be the thin edge of the wedge that takes away our platform. Jusr like Reddit did. Where do we go then. ... 8 chan has scum on it too.. Free speech involves the individual responsibility to regulate what you click on and to move away from what is offensive to you. You control the mouse you hold. ... Just like you control the TV remote if your wife lets you.

15036467? ago

Fuck off jew bitch

15036061? ago

I have been saying this since day one. They pass around these handful of pictures of some fucked up circumcision ritual and make it like that's what Jews sit around waiting for all day.

They gotta go.

15041980? ago

You're calling a circumcision ritual child porn? Isn't it more of a cultural practice? And right after that you say people posting the pictures have to go. Because they're posting pictures of a cultural practice?

15035677? ago

Ignore, or response with "God Bless You"

15035367? ago

This is why freedom of speech is absolute. Otherwise it's very simple to eliminate forums of discussion.

15035237? ago

I’ve never seen any CP on any Q subs here. I don’t think I’ve seen any nudity at all.

15035732? ago

I have and it's bad. Report and move on, patriots

15035114? ago

Of course they're sick. It's also obvious they're not part of the Q movement, since a lot of it is about eradicating the conditions that lead to CP.

15035776? ago

The fact that they're even here strengthens my resolve. I don't care enough to go over to liberal boards and waste my time shilling, because they are irrelevant to me. Why we are so relevant to them, is of course, because we are over the target.

Hold the fucking line. WWG1WGA

15036049? ago

^^ This. We don't go troll them because they spew nonsense. These NPC MFers are programmed to be threatened by the Truth.

15035066? ago

BO's need to find a way to step up.

15034789? ago

I haven't seen any CP post so far. But this may be because I chose to block adult content in my settings options.

15035131? ago

I haven't seen any porn at all, and I don't think I blocked anything.

15035123? ago

This is a NSFW sub, you can't block it and participate if I understand correctly.

15034687? ago

Thought you guy started this Qult so you could look at porn claiming it as "research". You are all a bunch of creeps. Having fun watching your "movement" disintegrate, dummies.

15036934? ago

Interesting that you would want that, traitor.

15035185? ago

For doing research into the sick pedovore shit — that your masters are having you work so hard to protect them from being prosecuted for by trying to put the blame on those working to stop it — ?

No matter how you spin, gas light and project the Truth will still be standing at the end of the day after it crushes you. In the meantime, who gives a fuck when all of this is easily tracked by white hats anyway?

15034536? ago

How about --- "NO!?!?!" Fuck off back to Reddit.

15034312? ago

Let's take a few minutes to think of a new system. If we do this were bound to find something plausible

15034294? ago

Ip bans would then be used against us too

15034270? ago

Hi, I'm a paid shill. Can somebody please reply to this so I can get lunch money? I'm starving. I get paid 5 bucks per reply, so yeah maybe just one or two replies should do it. Thanks!

15035366? ago

Hello, fellow paid shill.

15035552? ago

Ooh, this gives me an idea. We can just reply to each othe over and over and get rich!!!

15037746? ago

i like the part where anon got Colin Small arrested on 8 felonies


unfortunately the case delayed and then was dropped after they thought the public lost interest

Colin Small is small fish

Nathan Sproul is big fish , shares office space with GWB advisor Karl Rove

bigger than you can imagine.

fraud at EVERY local GOP HQ

fraud facilitated thru "Strategic Allied Consulting"

GOP "fired" one Nathan Sproul company after busted for FRAUD, only to hire another Nathan Sproul company the same pen stroke



15038077? ago

I liked that part too!

15037068? ago

Get back to work!

15037192? ago


15033623? ago



15037426? ago

@thisistotallynotme is a kike plant

15036964? ago

ALL CAPS attack, take cover!.

15035898? ago

Please sirs, I need those Soros bucks to feed my family

15041530? ago

Thats what im saying, pay off the national debt and give all americans gifts.

15033619? ago

I haven't seen any child porn anywhere on the Internet, including Voat. Where is it?

15033470? ago

Down vote and report.

15033464? ago

Take away anonymous it's causing divide can't verify past postings to see whose side they're on. Remove anonymity.

15034629? ago

Fuck off back to Reddit that is where you belong!

15034600? ago

Then you get name fagging and people like SB2.

15033429? ago

What I see going on here ...

Shills are creating a 'false drama' on here ... while I've seen no CP posted - the MSM will take the 'no smoke without fire' approach and report as such - cherry picking a few post titles such as this one.

Just another dirty and totally unfounded 'slur' to use against us.

This I believe is their intention.

Don't play with them.

15033763? ago

They don't seem to want anonmity removed even though it would help us decipher who we can trust, makes me think you are right that there is nothing in their claims. Just don't click image links in case there is something to it.

15034904? ago

You need to decipher the English language first, homie. These people are stupid.

15033556? ago

Are you serious? One just posted one saying not CP 100 legal of a little girl stripping. We can see through your ducking sick shill agenda.

15033596? ago

You cretins are SO transparent LMAO

15033635? ago

You sick sadistic pedophile pieces of shit trying to false flag our movement will get exactly what's coming to you.

15033742? ago

I see you

15033393? ago

When I click on the "New" section, there was a time that there were many, many. However, I haven't seen it lately. I normally try to just stay in the "Hot" section, because they bad stuff gets downvoted or reported in the "New" section and never makes it there.

15033168? ago

Shill there is no CP in this thread or anywhere else on the board and I've been here all day.

15042609? ago

Pretty sick to spend all day here looking at cp. This forum should be reported and shut down.

15034767? ago

Yeah I havent seen any either. Im on voat allt eht ime

15034286? ago

You are a shill denying what you are doing.

15034196? ago

I have not seen any, thankfully. Good idea to report if so though

15033611? ago


15033162? ago

Also, need to cut the crap with racial trash talk on here too. I noticed top blatant comments with racial bullshit which would be the characterization factor to label this platform.

15037453? ago

Found the oven-dodger.

15035434? ago

Fuck you pollack.

15034676? ago

Fuck you nigger. Jews are the problem. Maybe you should do some research. You're probably a beaner cunt or a chink.

15034538? ago

Fuck you, scum

15034175? ago

Funny how they try to normalize the racism by trying to make it seem everyone here is racist.

15034751? ago

You misunderstand. Not everyone is racist, but we support free speech. Freedom of speech goes both ways, you can't bitch about being censored (what the DS/MSM does to us) while at the same time censoring others yourself. That makes you a hypocrite.

Have you looked at the racism and porn on 8chan where Q posts? There's a reason Q posts there. There's also a reason Q sent us here. It's not because he's a racist, it's because censoring is wrong and a lot of us needed to learn that.

I'll admit I came here from reddit and needed to learn that myself.

15033633? ago

I am surprised you put down the baby dick long enough to type that, Rabbi

15033543? ago

So we should be all nice and polite when the cabal trying to enslave us? Really?

15034695? ago

Yes, and if they identify as a black man you should definitely not call them a nigger.

15033422? ago

Someone lynch this nigger.

15034616? ago


15033282? ago

Found the kike loving faggot nigger

15033127? ago

Nothing is truly anonymous. If anybody posts CP they will face the consequences. So it may be a good thing. Just don't click on image links.

15035357? ago

Fuck yes. Had to go back and watch them all.

15035528? ago


Did you know that guy died of a massive heart attack like a year after all that shit went down?

15033124? ago

They own this place. There’s really nothing we can do. Voat is not the right place for this group.

15034640? ago

We agree. GTFO! Go back to Reddit. We don't want you here. Nobody wants you here.

15033101? ago

Where is CP? I haven't witnessed any, but if there is, there's gotta be a way of blocking people/images like that. Anybody? Moderators?! This cant be allowed here.

15034292? ago

You are a shill denying what you and other shills are doing. We are unto your false flag.

15039854? ago

I know ur not talking to me. I'm a patriot and a mother. I know ur just being a dick bc u have nothing to say that matters. Go away, prick.

15033128? ago

All the image links in this thread and many of the past several threads are CP. They are spamming it everywhere.

15033479? ago

https://i.imgur.com/kYAwwyT.jpg NOT CP. 100% legal

15041098? ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment.

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15033381? ago

18-20 year olds dressed in a bikini is NOT CP

15033529? ago

Yeah? Go click the one that says Not CP 100% legal.

15033576? ago

She's clothed dude

15033453? ago

Yeah ignore the baby CP posts, the picture of the little girl in the boom thread a few posts ago, the picture of another naked little girl when someone made a meme that said no more pizza for you John Podesta, the image links to other CP users are reporting. They are putting it everywhere to frame us. Go through removed comments some were removed but much CP is going through.

15034611? ago

Those are really young looking 18 year old Russians. Sorry to burst your bubble. That shit is all over the Internet.

15033693? ago

It isn’t child porn. It’s been ruled on, faggot

15033149? ago

I've yet to see any and I've been on this board for hours today.

15033097? ago

Do not click on the image link in this post. Or elsewhere.

15033094? ago

Been all over this board and not seen a single CP image - so GTFO with your MSN ammo posts you cunt

15034303? ago

You are a shill denying what you and other shills are doing. We are unto you trying to plant a false flag.

15041901? ago

Since hardly anyone else has noticed it would seem you are trying to plant a false flag.

15034427? ago

oooh ... projection tactics eh lol

15034557? ago

Everybody and everything is a shill tactic. The only thing the deep state fears is QVR.

15033030? ago

Nobody is posting CP.

15033078? ago

Shill yes they are and It's noticeable. They have been doing it to every thread. They did it to mine and they just did it to OP's.

15034779? ago

That's not CP. Sorry to burst your bubble.

15033171? ago

The image in this thread isn't porn and is perfectly legal.

Don't be stupid.

15032972? ago

We must be close if they're FFing with CP. Unfortunately for them, they can't stop the GA, no matter how hard they try shill

15034654? ago

So, why hang out here? Go back to /v/GreatAwakening and you can all have names.

15033441? ago

Idk man that one looks at least 19 to 20

15041458? ago

Looked it up. 15.

15043149? ago

They keep denying it while posting it. Isn't it sick?

15037488? ago

  1. Emily Feld.

15033133? ago


15032912? ago

Havn't seen this here at all but if anyone does make ample effort to report to the appropriate authorities and make record of your report. Stay safe out there.

15032976? ago

They are doing it everywhere now. They just did it to this post. Do NOT click any image links.

15033701? ago

Did your parents have any children that rode the big bus to school?

15033071? ago

Not CP, moron.

15032879? ago

I fucking tried warning people and I got attacked as a shill. Let them fucking click on it. Already reported to VOAT and reporting to the FBI. Free speech is one thing, pics of naked little girls should bring death.

15042662? ago

99 times out of 100 the person who reports on something is also the originator.

15045777? ago

I reported myself? Are you fucking retarded? Q is so lucky to have you in this movement

15047040? ago

No, you report that you “found” it when in reality you put it there, too.

15041238? ago

Fuck you, shill!

15037732? ago

yeah when did this happen cuz i'm really fucking doubting it did

15037406? ago

Shill stating there is CP when there isn't. Trying to get anonymity removed for the forum.

15041116? ago

Um there is. Go to QRV - New. How do we report this?

15041758? ago

If this was high school I'd say to report it to the hall monitors like you always did.

15041225? ago

Yup. Nothing there. You lie.

15041326? ago

Dude... I’m not screen-shotting. It’s on the FIRST PAGE of ‘new’, about 7-8 posts down. Or are you just fucking with me?

15037744? ago

Exactly. Made a post to raise awareness of this -


15035963? ago

Death AFTER torture!!!

15038547? ago

you're the shill Q warned us about - https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951

15036996? ago

Then torture after death.

15036730? ago


15033349? ago

I did too. The very first day of the migration from Reddit. Not sure why we need the anonymity. It just encourages the shills, the immature millennials and CP and gore.

15037750? ago

we've had NO CP and gore so what the fuck are you even talking about?

15038320? ago

Ive not seen CP but I’ve not clicked on any images since my first day in here when someone posted a video of a guy having his head sawed off. Perhaps not gore to you.

15040167? ago

never seen shit on here worse than a fat black woman's ass. it did give me nightmares but i'm fine now.

15036003? ago

An OP yesterday said within 20 minutes of posting he/she was sent a picture of their car. Apparently it’s not as anonymous as one May think. That’s truly screwed AF...

15037766? ago


15036739? ago

Bull shit.

15034551? ago

It also allows honesty and prevents you assholes from enforcing "group think" on the people you don't like.

15036712? ago

Also prevents me from obtaining 10 fucking "credits" so I can make a post.

Oh, and also, I found out yesterday: I can't make more than 10 upvotes per day either. So here's one of my ten comments, which I've also decided to restrict. See how these nice rules contain us?

15037821? ago

Get out into non-Anon subs. Make comments and don't act like an asshat. It isn't hard to get to 10 CCP. Really, it's not. I will recommend not bringing up Q stuff, keep that in the Q subs. Comment about anything else. v/whatever is a good catch-all sub where you'll find all kinds of random topics. Hang out in v/All/new and you'll see all kinds of subs that often don't make the front page, but can have active threads.

We have those CCP rules for reasons, and they work for what they're supposed to do.

15037384? ago


15035175? ago

Because keeping everyone from coming together to stop the kiddie porn is what we need in this sub right now.

15035269? ago

It's not CP dumbass. They are legally-aged girls who look very young. It's a whole sub-genre of porn on the Internet. It's not my thing. But, if you took the time to learn more about the Internet and Internet culture, you'd realize you're wasting your time. Hentai does count as CP either. It's the weird shit weebos jerk off to.

15035976? ago

Exactly, this sub was engineered with the assistance of Q, if somebody posts real CP, they’re fucked.

15032821? ago

Don't click on image links.

The 321st Military Intelligence Unit is watching everything on the board.

15036541? ago

From Darkness To Light.


15034931? ago

JIDF if watching closely too because they love their child porn

15036033? ago

Only if they can harvest the organs after the kids are maimed to death

15034969? ago

True story

15034570? ago

Yawn. Ask them what ever happened to the Pentagon employees who were downloading child porn at work.


15035135? ago

jews are above your goyim laws.

15034740? ago

Why don't you?

15034831? ago

Because they won't do shit. Q won't do shit. Trump won't do shit. This is America. Corruption rules. The Pentagon can download and jerk off to all the child porn they want and nobody will do a thing. They'll drop the case. Then sweep it under the rug. The best part is that you and I (the American taxpayer) are the ones who paid for it all. The computers, the Internet connections, the salaries, the credit cards, we footed the bill for the entire thing. So, basically, we are all paying for child porn.

15034947? ago

Buy a shotgun and kill yourself if you're that fucking sad.

15035141? ago

Keep on shilling for pedophiles.

15035040? ago

I'm telling you the truth. We, the American taxpayer paid military contractors to download kiddie porn at the Pentagon using official Pentagon computers. They charged the porn to their credit cards. We paid for the credit card bills. We also paid their salaries. None of them got arrested. Nobody went to jail. They swept the whole investigation under the rug and forgot about it. I'm not making this shit up. RESEARCH IT YOURSELF, DUMBASS:


15035076? ago

I'm fully aware.

15035154? ago

So, WHY THE FUCK would some top Military Intelligence group arrest some random jackass in a forum for posting legal (yet young-looking) pics of teenagers? That shit isn't CP. You can find that stuff all over the Internet. Our military (the guys who you're appealing to) were the ones downloading ACTUAL kiddie porn and nothing was done. So, why would anything be done now? Answer: it won't be. You just wanted to sound tough and make an appeal to an authority figure. But, it won't make one bit of difference.

15036082? ago

Cuz laws apply to us poor workin slobs, not the government workers/elites. We can’t afford to buy our way outta trouble, they can...

15036123? ago

Sure. Because we pay for it all. We have 2 separate justice systems: one for them and one for us. Remember when Charlie Sheen got arrested with a briefcase of cocaine and got off? They'd send our ass to jail for 30 years for simply possessing a few grams of it.

15036337? ago

Or Snoop Doogie doin Dre??? 1 lbs of weed, got off...assault, got off...illegal concealed weapon, got off...murder, yep got off... He doesn’t have a criminal record at all, guess it’s not who you know, BUTT who you blow...

15035030? ago

Patriots don't tell others to kill themselves you shill

15039352? ago

Kill yourself.

15035159? ago

They also dont shill for pedophiles like he was.

15033665? ago


15033760? ago

Interesting unit motto.

15033193? ago

Im sure they can tell the difference between someone accidentally running across it and the actual pedophiles.

15036951? ago

They can. They just don't care. You're busted either way.

15033284? ago

Yes. Local LE is less picky.

15033082? ago

Boards are on 4chan. This is a subverse.

15034276? ago

Trying to start useless arguments is a shill tactic. Shill.

15033090? ago

Noted. Same same in this context.


15033554? ago

Not clicking on your gay pron. Why do you keep posting pictures of giant cocks and stuff?

15033672? ago

Shotacon is young boys with cute little weiners

15033769? ago

You shouldn't even know what that is.


15033616? ago


15033746? ago

Lol, it actually WAS gay porn? Bahahaha

I still ain't clicking on your shitty little links. Go back and cry to gabara, Zyclon, hangry, the other shortbus riders in the Soapbox.

Bahahaha faggots. You're fun!

15033077? ago
