15000466? ago

Time is relative.

That means "soon" to Q does not = "soon" to you.

14999360? ago

I dont know anyone who thinks the dems have committed voter fraud. Here in Canada they are saying the democrats have more wins then previously announced after a recount of votes. That is all they are saying. So you tell me who the hell besides us know there is voter fraud. No one.

14998681? ago

That’s what I was hoping for as McSally conceded today. That it is a setup for the Tutu wearing taliban sympathizer to give her victory speech before the perp walk. Hey, I’m allowed to dream.

14997564? ago

only if the DOJ/AG gets into it and brings summons/indictments with a FED GJ. which will take time and someone that is honest. Name a name who is honest and has power to do something about it ?

otherwise, State authority and they all SKATE. Hell an AZ rino just rolled over with 200,000 votes still out and has conceded, not even a whimper.

14997396? ago

We have to go to war using the memes non stop, 24/7, 365 against all human enemies of the people (The Deep State) which includes the Mainstream Media journalists and networks, politicians and celebrities involved. MAGA! WWG1WGA!

15001960? ago

No, we need to go to war with professional snipers. If we don't we're fucked. I can't be the only one that feels this way. Satan has won.

15012513? ago

We need to go to war with professional snipers or is it that YOU WANT to go to war with professional snipers. If the judgement for voter fraud is death then so be it. However, if the law says removal from office, imprisonment and/or fines, then we will follow the law and issue that due judgement. If the judgement for human trafficking is death then so be it. However, if the law says removal from office, imprisonment and/or fines, then we will follow the full extent of the law and issue that due judgement. In the United States of America, we are to follow the rule of Law for all crimes committed from Murder on down to the most pettiest of crimes. Other wise, the United States is not a fair and just Nation.

15023754? ago

Definitively a "we need". Like most I am very, very pissed and that's how I ventilate. Democrats don't have any desire to reason though.

15038322? ago

Right Anon! Stay Strong! WWG1WGA!

15002073? ago

Idiot - There is a limit to what you can learn from video games, TV, and Movies.

Start living in the real world and take up the struggle to build and repair the country. There is only a place for anyone willing to follow the rules and what you are suggesting does not fit with that.

14995036? ago

What good does it do to have all the proof you need against criminal Democrats if you don't ::clap:: do ::clap:: a fucking ::clap:: thing?

14994186? ago

I think they call this election fraud NOT voter fraud. This is a scam put into place months ago in order to fill out fake fraudulent ballots. No one person actually went to the polls and voted, instead lots of folks worked hard to fill out thousands of provisional ballots, which by the way are just that. Each is supposed to be checked to by election headquarters to make sure that the voter is legit. If not they get tossed. A provisional ballot for the most part is tossed because the voter cannot be verified of being a registered voter, citizen etc. Those who are legit casting a provisional ballot have no problem.

14994130? ago

Let them bury themselves for good. In grade school we studied the democrat corruption in the early 1900's that went on around voting, Tammany Hall. They have never stopped the have spread this cancer.Democrats have evolved and perfected their cheating over the past 100 years. Now they have become so bold and complacent about rigging the vote that they will be caught and publicly exposed and punished.

14993663? ago

Honestly...we aren't asking for a big fish. Give us something that will motivate us and keep us looking in the positive direction. If we have to wait on Clinton and Obama I think most can understand that. This election theft has us very nervous. We see it slowly being stolen in the most obvious and ridiculous manner. It's almost comical how obvious it is. We NEED a crumb...a bone...whatever you want to call it. Give us something to keep us positive.

14993417? ago

There's an episode of Cheers, "Pick A Con, Any Con", in which Harry the Hat (Harry Anderson) is trying to con another person out of.some money the bar lost, but hasn't managed to.win any of it back yet. There's 2 lines of dialog that.apply here:

Harry: "I'm toying with him...I'm giving him a false sense of security."

Sam: "I think you're giving him a GENUINE sense of security."

14993128? ago

I believe PAIN is the only way to happiness... we feel frustration now, I trust they will get the real PAIN, it's close. Remember Kavanaugh? I thought he was finished... and Dems were so sure they won... dirty tricks worked only for a moment. I believe we will see same story with the Midterms!

14991766? ago

War is typically started for two things, you have something I want and I am going to get it. Or the lack of accountability to ones actions builds up and civil unrest takes place to correct the wrong doing. The more I see this non-sense continue, the more I see us going down the road of war. The snowflakes don’t understand people like myself, reserved and composed will stand my ground. Not just for me and my family but for my friends and neighbors. They have been built up by people like hitlery to not think and only react to their brainwashed message. Only Gods grace can stop this in my opinion. I pray it is not so but feel like it is coming and people in power on the left are hoping it will start. They crave Chaos and destruction and get joy from other people’s pain.

14991545? ago

Conclusion: make your post good, the best defense to the comments.

If we can envision it, suspect I Q has 2.

14991278? ago

Don't worry folks. We're gonna take them down after the elections where we have a Red Tsunami! Then on 11/11 there's gonna be Declas and a bunch of arrests! Have faith, Patriots!

14991129? ago

We're not "sitting here doing nothing".

Oh, good. I was actually worried. Okay, what are you doing?

We're watching

Ah, ok. What's the next step in the plan then? What are you going to do after you're done watching?

We'll wait for 11/11... oh wait, I mean the next false date predicted, and then we'll have faith that someone else will do something.

You're doing God's work, patriots.

14991044? ago

I have watched good meaning people project what they want to happen as being real and happening for a year. You can project all kinds of arrests, stings and make shit up to make yourselves feel better. It is always next week or next year. Nothing will happen. Time is not on your side and before you know President Trump will be on a beach somewhere getting a tan (retired). Patience does not bring back people from a 6-foot hole in the ground or heal kids that have been abused.

Just because you want things to happen does not mean it will. Democrats have been stealing elections longer than you have been alive. They are good at it and no one goes to jail. I have seen all kinds of excuses for no one stopping what is going on in Florida.
Back in March Q posted a pic of a Homeland Security memo that was dealing with election fraud that was supposedly coming soon. We have had several special elections and now the midterms and nothing had been done. 9 months later and even the government is not that damn slow. NOTHING will be done and no one goes to jail. Stop dreaming! Demand action!

14991040? ago

Collecting evidence for 50 years. Well done. Justice delayed is justice denied.

14990630? ago

Enough patience and enough waiting, catch and arrest someone red handed or stfu.

14990580? ago

Okay, that fair. Ill FIFY:

"We're watching the Dims bury themselves with massice amounts of voter fraud that they're still commiting, while we do nothing".

14990393? ago

No dipshit. We are sitting here. Doing nothing.

14990362? ago

What does it matter if they still get the fucking seats???

The way it’s trending, we’re losing 2 seats on this and potential governorships. That’s without bringing up suspicious elections like MT, MI, etc.

They need to pull the parachute and arrest all these piece of fucking shit already

14990100? ago

The problem many of us have is that the EXACT same thing has happened in the past and they got away with it. Q inferred that Jones would not get away with stealing Alabama from Moore ... but Jones is still there ... isn't he?

Until heads roll it does not come across as a sting ... it comes across as business as usual! I'm BEYOND READY to see DEMS pay for their crimes! I know I'm not alone ....

14990038? ago

So what happens after they commit the voter fraud?

Nothing. Same as happened before. Same as it always will be. People want to believe Q/Trump are poised to interfere and prevent this tragedy. Everyone keeps pointing to some mystical future date that things are going to go into action. Q talks a good game and I wish it were true but democrats continue unchecked and unabated.

July 4th, before Midterms, after Midterms, Nov 11th, Jan 2019, .........

Nothing is going to happen until the 2020 elections and this time, the democrats will be prepared to steal the presidential election. They were surprised that people voted for Trump. Not this time, their fake ballots will be ready.

Democrats will continue voter fraud, dead voters, illegal immigrants voting, multiple votes, out of state votes. AS ALWAYS. What will Q/Trump/Republicans do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. AS ALWAYS.

As many "coincidences" prove that Q is real, there are twice as many that prove nothing is ever going to come of it.

Seriously, if Q is real the time to DO SOMETHING was preventing the democrats from stealing so many senate & house seats. Sure, Q says HAHA we caught them in corruption - in the meantime, they are reducing the senate lead and dominant in the house. Great fucking job Q. Why not just wait until Trump is voted out in 2020? Maybe then Q will spring into action. Do something Q or STFU.

14989784? ago

Wa wa wa. Stop crying and wait for the thing to take off. The fraud sting is just starting to roll.

14989497? ago

Round em up...move em out

14989252? ago

How about they are being so obvious that they are just reenacting their roles in the 2016 election so that the American public will come to see how bad it is? Rep Matt Gaetz just happened to be behind the building and was taping people removing more newly found ballots from trucks? And armed police told him to leave because it was unsafe for him to be there? BS just happens to let the 7pm court deadline pass by without a care or thought? More and more ballots are being found in unlikely places? The Dem lawyers say non-citizen ballots should count? BS does not let the public know every 45 minutes how many votes are counted and what is left to be counted? Come on. They might do all this without the light on them but the light is on them. It is too, too obvious.

14989208? ago

Meaning.... ya ain't doin' shit.

14989190? ago

I just couldn’t do it anymore. I have given regular donations to Trump and I just got another text from the RNC, supposedly on Trump’s behalf, asking for more money and support to fight in Florida. I can’t help but feel that, with how glaringly obvious the fraud going on is, nothing more visible is happening.

You can point to everything on Voat, but I feel helpless in the face of all of the abuse our liberties go through due to the puppet masters. I see some movement from the right through Trump’s presidency but, holy shite, this is ridiculous.

I am one man that has seen the corruption for a long time and hope that it has peaked or we really are just tools of the deep state, toys for them to play with. I feel like we are on the freaking island in “Lost,” but there is no good ending, just a bunch of manipulation and discord.

14989141? ago

Are they? I have yet to see 1 person hauled in jail and held accountable. Unless you are a conservative you are not thrown in the slammer.

14989070? ago

Not even gonna wait for the facts to come out or a court case, eh?

This is why you're simpleminded.

14989494? ago

No one has any faith in the kangaroo court system either.

14989033? ago

It's just like Loss Prevention at Walmart. Just because some big fat gorilla shoves a 42" flat screen TV down her pants doesn't mean you rush right up to her and arrest her. First of all, sometimes it may be difficult to confirm that the TV is really down her pants and she's not just some super fat ape. Second, she has to actually make a break for the front door and prove that she wasn't going to stop and pay for it.

14988820? ago

Best case scenario....we expose voter fraud in Broward county....Dems will mitigate damage...thats not exactly a boom. What is the "collecting evidence" end game that's worth all this?

14988741? ago

Senate can refuse to seat an 'elected' Senator if they believe fraud was involved in the election of that Senator, so while the Dems continue to provide evidence of ballot fraud and out their people, it will all be for naught if the Senate does not seat the individual, meanwhile potential arrests for ballot fraud are piling up.

14988802? ago

that won't happen because republican senators are spineless

14989031? ago

Or they are guilty too.

14988681? ago

Wake the hell up! Democrats can commit crimes and no one has the balls to pull the trigger on them. That statement is 100% factual unitl someone does. I have been waiting for 30 years. You think that is long enough to get some evidence?

14988645? ago

Wouldn't it be cool - Dems show up in the house and senate to find they are the only ones there. Then Chris Hansen comes out and announces they are live on "To Catch a Traitor"

Ah-well It won't be like that. I'm sure we will hear about it but it will need to be much more dignified. These Democrats are expert at playing the victim and using their willful ignorance to claim privilege. It's gotten so bad that it's getting hard to believe real victims and unfortunately that's probably what they want.

These people are evil.

14988634? ago

Nothing will be done about it and everyone that isn’t a cuck knows this

14988600? ago

As they steal Senate seats boldly right in front of us.

14988556? ago

Let me say I understand peoples frustrations, because believe me I had mine as well, and I know some that are commenting on this are not Shills, just mad as hell of what is going on right before our very eyes, but with that said think about this for a minute. We all know Trump is very smart, and we all know he knows they rig elections, that is all he talked about when he was running. If he knows they are rigging them, and he knows the states that rigged the 2016 elections, (which he does) then don't you think he would love to get them all and had a plan to do just that!! When Trump tweeted out right after the elections that we won the Senate and that was the most important one to win for justice and everything else he said in that tweet, I at first thought why is he saying all that right now, then right after he tweeted that all of a sudden we started seeing all these states saying they have more ballots to count. They fell for his TRAP and Q always says how do you catch a fish, so I think this was the plan, so lets give it a week or so and see what happens before we all go snapping at each other. JMO

14988988? ago

I also read that President Trump told FL Governor Rick Scott not to remove/arrest Brenda Snipes two years ago so that she could hang herself and her corrupt comrades this year. Well there is an overwhelming amount of evidence of her crimes this year, so here I am, waiting for the hammer to drop. And waiting...and waiting.... I do trust the plan. I just hope the plan works, and soon!

14989454? ago

I believe something is going on there too with her. Watched Gov. Scott on fox and friends this morning and wow when they asked him the questions of why she is still there or what is going on about this, don't remember the exact questions but he was evading answering them, which was frustrating to watch, I am wondering if he knows what Trump is doing and that is why he didn't answer them like you would think. I watched the video online at Fox, not very long. check it out and see if you don't think something is up!!

14992193? ago

Thank you. I will check out the video. WWG1WGA!

14993215? ago

You are welcome

14990573? ago

Every considered Scott was evading answering quiestions because he screwed up. Stop with what you want to happen as being what will happen.

14991523? ago

You can have your point of view but so can I!!

14988944? ago

Good point. He does bait them quite well... He claims a win , they become unglued trying to give him a defeat , and expose themselves in the process.

14989374? ago

Yes I think so too!

14988340? ago

Baloney. No one will get in trouble and the Dems will steal the election.

14988270? ago

These people are never going to stop breaking laws. Start locking them up and exposing the crimes.

14988815? ago

I agree. I heard that some yahoo in Congress is already bragging they have 85 subpoenas ready for Trump. 85 subpoenas versus 60K sealed indictments? Who's got the bigger hammer?

14988266? ago

Q said that POTUS would be safely aboard AF1 when the shit hit the fan. POTUS was aboard AF1 last weekend. Connection? Did POTUS need to be out of the country for some reason while these shenanigans were going on? Idk, just wondering.

14988232? ago

No, you're sitting here masturbating over "placeholders" while race after race is stolen away from you. You deserve exactly what's coming your way.

14988138? ago

They'll get away with it like they always do, and the Republicans will bank off of our outrage like they always do. And there's nothing us peasants can do about it. And if you say we can do something about it, then please lead by example and tell us what it is you did (past tense) to fight against them. Not what we should do. What YOU did yourself.

14988059? ago

Actually no one is doing anything. They are literally doing nothing.

14988011? ago

Can you true believers not understand how god damn demoralizing this is? I want to believe there are some decent human beings left in power. I want to believe that there is six million degree chess going on, but I feel like I'm getting ass-raped by jokers. If these people get away with stealing the elections, it's over. It's over. Our country is tits up.

14991819? ago

You're right and I truly understand your frustration. If finding ballots after the election were random events that just happen, it would benefit the Republican candidate about half the times it happens, and the Democratic candidate about half the times, but no, it ALWAYS benefits the Democrat. Every time. Common sense alone says it is not random, but they can't use that in court.

14988224? ago

Do you really think that our president, Donald J. Trump, who has publicly announced on multiple occasions and mere days ago that he is aware of the fraud going on, is going to sit back and allow the Senate, which he said is critical to his plan, governor elections and the House to be stolen by crooked Democrats? Keep tweeting, meming and raising hell. POTUS is biding his time. Remember, "Never interrupt an enemy when is in the middle of making a mistake -- Zen Tsu. The Dems are in the middle of making a colossal mistake.

14988724? ago


14995298? ago


14989012? ago

Who has the might of the presidency, the executive branch of the government, which includes the military and the intelligence agencies, along with millions of human resources at his disposal.

14989301? ago

Exactly. But he is still one man.

I feel like Q made our expectations too high.

14993715? ago

Nobody makes somebody else's expectations. I expect that we will win the battle between light and dark and that Q plays a vital role on our path to victory. I expect that he will continue to give us research leads while concurrently posting disinformation to confound our enemy.

I do not expect that everything will happen as he announces on the 8chan board that is being viewed by friends and foes. I believe that under those circumstances it would be foolish to expect every statement to be true and I'd be disappointed at such poor strategic planning if the plans were openly broadcasted on a public platform. We've read the same Q posts but we formed different expectations after doing so. I think my expectations are more realistic and less subject to unnecessary disappointments.

14988428? ago

Well, the critcal Senate we needed is going up in smoke ,before our very eyes...the majority is gone, thanks to voter theft...wait while they win strategy is getting nothing done, except empowering the criminals futher..do you really think , once they are sworn in, it will be simple to remove them? It's forth and long, and the game is on the LINE...IT'S TIME TO GO FOR IT OR GET OFF THE FIELD...

14988706? ago

Well, I'll continue to enjoy watching them hang themselves, you go get the militia. Make sure you join them though.

14988008? ago

At what point do the people say "ENOUGH?" At what point do people march down to Broward County and shut them down? What is the procedure when Police and justice systems abrogate their responsibilities? It is time to ask these questions.

14988135? ago

Then start a protest. Be the face of the movement. People will join.

14987904? ago

Get out and vote they said. It's your civic duty they said. Every one else in the world would love to have the opportunity to vote they said all the while knowing it's all fixed up and just a fucking joke.

14987841? ago

FL judge says no voter fraud.

AZ has no investigation

GA has no investigation

NV has no investigation

These states are all losing by 40-50k votes exactly

14987473? ago

My popcorn is getting stale. Time to move on and forget this larp.

14987539? ago

OK.. Happy travels. See you when you come back. :)

14987462? ago

These people our lying to us! Im tired of being lied to by people to say they want whats good for me.

14987577? ago

Be human first. What IS good for you? Tells us your truth. What is that? What is it that you want most? Highest priorities?

14989576? ago

There are different levels of human. What's good for one group isn't good for the other group. What do you suggest we do?

15010863? ago

Clean it up completely and absolutely such that it can never re-appear in our society again.... and take their money (power)!

14987368? ago

Well, a judge just ruled gainst Scott saying there is NO EVIDENCE of voter fraud....so there you go.

14994188? ago

*Broward County judge

14994718? ago

Another judge to replace.

14989562? ago


14995661? ago

The Judge isn't a YouTuber? Would be nice if we snared a couple of crooked judges along the way too.

14987330? ago

Pay no attention to them destroying the evidence of fraud while youre watching. We couldn't possibly need that evidence, ever. Nope, cant imagine why we ever would....


14987923? ago

Then the election result should be nullified.

14987325? ago

9:52 AM - 9 Nov 2018 @realdonaldtrump : As soon as Democrats sent their best Election stealing lawyer, Marc Elias, to Broward County they miraculously started finding Democrat votes. Don’t worry, Florida - I am sending much better lawyers to expose the FRAUD!

Notice how he capatilized FRAUD?

A trap?


also feels EERILY Quiet out there from the likes of Q and PDJT and Democrat talking heads... (JC, HRC, JB, BO...etc...)

considering** whats at stake!!**

14991750? ago

ONe of the major reasons I like Trump as president. He tells it like it is, using all the big politically incorrect words. Then he actually does something about it.

14987261? ago

You brought popcorn, right? Been waiting years for this movie, well over a decade actually. Trump is a great movie director

14987078? ago

We're not "sitting her doing nothing". We're watching child molesters bury themselves with massive amounts of child rape that they're STILL COMMITTING. We're not even finished gathering evidence yet! They're still trying to rape more kids!

Do you see how dumb that sounds?

14987258? ago

It is the perfect analogy for you guys saying be patient.

14986919? ago

They just claimed victory in AZ Senate race...so...about how much evidence do we need to fix these election thefts? We have enough on TWITTER to make the case. How much more do you think the surveillance agencies have?

14987729? ago

We've lost, half the country thinks it's ok to cheat to win, and a good portion of people actually paying attention have been contained in places like this to be convinced that a shadowy secret force within the government is going to save them from the government

14990718? ago

We're losing. Plan B has yet to be implemented.

We have not yet begun to FIGHT.

14987193? ago

The question is: WHEN is Trump going to actually do something about it? January 2019 is too late.

14990619? ago

Better wait until after 2020, because then there will be tons more evidence. Surely once the House, Senate, and Presidency belong to the dems, the evidence will be overwhelming! What could go wrong with this plan?

14990690? ago

I would wait until 2024. We have to make sure we get ALL of them. Even the low-level secretaries and IT interns. Anyone who was remotely connected in any way has to go down. So, we're gonna need about 6 more years of evidence gathering.

14991032? ago

I hate how well this Op is working.

14991211? ago

I posted something the other day about how it specifically targeted Evangelical Christians (particularly Baby Boomers). It was a psyop custom made for them. They intermix their faith in God with their faith in Q and they refuse to believe anyone who disagrees. Disagreeing with them only causes them to dig their heels in and fight you harder. They see it as a personal attack on them and their faith in God. Plus, they've been completely shut down as a group. Not one of them will act until Q says so. They parrot back stuff about thinking for yourself but, they operate like a hive mind. Whoever came up with this psyop was a fucking genius.

14996156? ago

Well described, it's exactly that. Send a link to @Hand_of_Node, as I'd like to read it.

14998841? ago

14987434? ago

That's why we "concern fags" are making noise. We're tired of the talk. I trusted Sessions. I was willing to wait for the elections--then they stole them.

And at this point, what Greg Hunter is saying, the CRIMES ARE THERE. Oh we have to wait? We have SCOTUS, we have the Senate (for 2 more months), Do you think the Dems are going to do the investigations?

STOP GIVING THESE....SCUM...TIME TO DO THEIR SHIT. You don't need to be Sun Tzu to know you don't let the other player make all the moves.

If Trump won't enforce the laws of this country, we have two choices. Let the Dems win or CIVIL WAR.

14988225? ago

If nothing has happened by January....then act like this. Until then, stop being a wet blanket concern troll...

14990666? ago

By January, there's no time to react. It's too late. ACT LIKE THIS NOW YOU REPEAT FAG IDIOT.

14986909? ago

these people are stupid

they think they are getting away with it because they've been getting away with it forever with msm on their side

14988881? ago

so far they were getting away perfectly

And this time will be the same

14989592? ago


14987207? ago

Until they get arrested, they ARE getting away with it. Nobody has been brought to justice yet.

14988875? ago

Along the same lines, there are LEO groups REFUSING to investigate. This is what makes no sense to me....

14988920? ago

They are in on the scam too. They work for the Deep State. The US Military needs to go down there and give Florida (and California) the biggest enema of their lives. Flush all the shit out of there. Lock them all up.

14986908? ago

When do we have enough?

14986832? ago

And still getting away with too!

14986812? ago

Is trump 50 steps ahead. Would make for a great movie if he sets a trap and the house and s Nate both go blue, then just as they are circling him to try impeach him, he springs the trap and escapes and I turn catches them.

14986783? ago

Popcorn is popping!

14986757? ago

2016 OIG report was heavily redacted. It's topic... the 2016 election.

Imagine a FISA issued that umbrella covered the entire National midterms because of the fraud found in 2016.

Now look at how many people work for Huber... enough to have someone responsible for every district in the country?


FISA brings down the house. Just not the FISA we were thinking.

15002044? ago

Declass=vaporware. Ain't gonna happen, any of this. Country's done. Hope I have the heart attack or whatever and check out, because I've had it.

14986705? ago

Are you fucking retarded? The Democrats have stolen the elections on national fucking television while you sit with your dick in your hand chanting "trust the plan"

15027826? ago

........do I disparage your hobbies?..........

14988394? ago

It's foul-mouthed MoronAnon again.

14988076? ago

Ok shill, you do something then. We're waiting!

14987670? ago

Says the person spending time trying to debunk a movement they don't believe in

14987698? ago

I dont need to debunk Q, he debunked himself

14991710? ago

Then don't worry about it if he is debunked.

14987454? ago

LOL. "the plan" puts them in prison for "what we are watching them do". Undeniable, Audit-able, evidence. A trap done en masse. Brilliant plan. Quick. Get some popcorn.

14999406? ago

Only if they are charged before January because after that its game over.

14988671? ago

They've already cheated 100x of times.

The JUDGE FUCKIN RULED to bring all the ballots and they just REFUSED TO COOPERATE.

At this point, America has laws of banana republic

14991698? ago

I think the problem may be that the media and other officials cover for them, so while we all know they cheat, they hadn't been able to get enough for a court case. Don't forget that Democrats also have the courts in many of these areas.

14991777? ago

Swamp is too deep to drain and mass arrests won't happen when the part of the country think you are literally Hitler lol

CNN and other outlet ratings need to go down to single digits. That might be the proof that people are "waking up"

Won't happen anytime soon

14989065? ago

The cops helped them cover it up!! We are truly fucked if they get away with this.

14986755? ago

Are you fucking retarded? The Republicans have recorded the Dems committing voter fraud on national television while I sit here and eat popcorn chanting "cry harder liberals"

14990345? ago

You're saying we've been "Q"ed so hard that the dems can now steal the election on national television. That's wonderful news.

14987470? ago

Why name call. We all have opinions.

14987436? ago

If they recorded it, show me your proof?

Dont worry, I will wait.

14987169? ago

Prove it.

14987163? ago

Are you fucking retarded? The American people have recorded the child molesters raping kids on national television while we sit here and eat popcorn chanting "fuck harder child molesters!"

14987390? ago

What would you do?

14987503? ago

  1. Declare the elections invalid
  2. Send the US Military and other Federal Agencies to round up all the people involved
  3. Take them to prison and accuse them of terrorism so they cannot get out using lawyers
  4. Give them all military tribunals and then hang them immediately
  5. Secure the polls, clean the voter registration databases, and require ID to vote
  6. Schedule new elections before January 1st

With determination, this could all be accomplished in 6 weeks (or less).

14992617? ago

Sounds like a great idea. Until the military policeman decides he wants to fuck your wife regardless of how the two of you feel about it. Then what? Who can you go to when all checks on power are dissolved? Good way to set up a system run by and for rapists and murderers. We don't have a perfect system, but the one you envision is a total nightmare for everyone except the few at the top. I take it you're not a big fan of legal remedies?

14988061? ago

If your plan is done now, Trump is declared a dictator. We are in the waking people up phase. Has voter fraud ever received this much public exposure? The answer is no, this is the most exposure it has ever gotten. The point of Q is to wake up a large percentage of people From there, it's waking up the masses. Optics.

If elections are declared invalid and military raids happen now, that gives the MSM sooooo much ammo to use against him. Optics. It's a slow process, but a necessary one.

14988221? ago

And your answer is EXACTLY why nothing will ever happen. The Dems will continue their crimes and we will go on like business-as-usual. Nothing will be done. At all. Period. Crime pays. Get used to it. This is America.

14988350? ago

Your response literally makes zero sense in the context of my post. Please try again.

14990514? ago

It makes complete sense, after reading down the thread. You've got some pretty picture in your head about how everything is not the way it looks, but the way it looks is exactly what's happening. There will be some excuse from "Q" about needing more evidence, or having to wait for 'reasons'. Meanwhile, the dems are openly stealing the election because they can.

14990793? ago

Then start your own movement to fight the corruption. You be the change if you think nothing is happening behind the scenes.

Whether Q is real or not shouldn't dictate what team we're on. We shouldn't let whether Q is real or not divide us. We all want the same things. If Q turns out to be a LARP, we all want the same things and need to stay together.

14991167? ago

The division comes from Q siphoning off some of our more involved and dedicated forces. Leading them astray, away from the fight. We're seeing no arrests. We're seeing no lynchings. "We need to wait until some later date." I don't have any insider knowledge of who's running the "Q" psyop, but the whole thing is hinky.

14986851? ago

The republicans do that every year though. And they never do shit about it.

14989553? ago

The difference is this year the Republicans can contest the results of an election.

They hadn't been able to do that for the past 35 years, waiting for some fucked-up legal agreement to expire.

14988757? ago

Maybe not. Trump has not had a good week - couldn't control the WH Press Corps, Macron disses him in a speech, the Dems say they're going to investigate his cash payments to bimbos he consensually had sex with, he loses the House, elections are being stolen -

I'm hoping he is mad as hell and that DECLAS and whatever else needs to happen happens NOW.

14986867? ago

Do you really think that this is the same political environment from 2014?


14987453? ago

Yup. A few unleashed senators doesnt change the status quo.

Until theres visible action by Q, this is all bullshit.

14987170? ago

Yep. Nothing changes in Washington DC.

14986691? ago

So while they commit the fraud, you sit there and watch? Because what? What are you going to do when they're finished committing it and you've watched it all happen? Whine? Laugh? Cry? Nobody will be arrested, the elections will be stolen and not one political fuck will do a fucking thing about it.

They steal the elections because they CAN - and they WILL get away with it.

15014279? ago

I bet his types did not volunteer to knock on doors, make phone calls, or carry signs for republican candidates either during the election. But hey, that they are watching, and bouncing around information on the keyboard battle field and the echo chamber do nothings is really comforting to know.

14995867? ago

I'm afraid you are right!

14989507? ago

What are you going to do when they're finished committing it and you've watched it all happen?

Then we'll know what President Trump has planned for them.

President Trump had two years to prepare for the midterms and he knew the Democrats would do ANYTHING to win.

President Trump knew the crime they would commit, who they are and where and when they'd do it.

The midterms may have been the biggest election fraud sting in human history and if it wasn't... then we the people will have some decisions to make because this injustice is more than enough to start a civil war against a corrupt congress.

They steal the elections because they CAN - and they WILL get away with it.

Oh dear - sooooo melodramatic.

I picture you wearing a tiara.

14989248? ago





14990284? ago


The arrests and dismantling of the democrat party make that obvious. How can people be so clueless? Ahhhh... [touches ear to indicate a tiny speaker] They're now telling me there haven't been any arrests, and that they'll be gathering additional evidence in 2020.

14988783? ago

...and they've been doing it forever. No one has ever stopped it throughout our history.

14988615? ago

I have to agree

14988088? ago

Obombya issued pardons to everyone involved in election fraud before he left office. They had to be allowed to do it again so they can be charged

15004567? ago

Presidential Pardons can't be used against a Military Tribunal convicted felon! Keep 1 Jan 2019 firmly fixed in your mind for a major movement of events!

14999130? ago

You need to educate yourself on what the presidential pardon can and cannot do because this is not how it works. Do you just believe what other people say on the internet without ever actually looking stuff up yourself?

14999390? ago

well I dont know but I do know Clinton pardoned 283 child rapists before he left and not one person said boo.

14988354? ago

You're a fucking retard.

14991631? ago

Honest question: How is the Anon a retard? Are you saying that Obama did not pardon everybody for crimes previously committed?

14991909? ago

Ding ding ding. You got it fuck face. If Obama issued the pardons in secret, no one would know. The asshats would be indicted and then forced to prove to the courts they had been pardoned. At which point it would become public record. But, if he did so, than no one but he and the person pardoned would know this and there would be no affect in the original indictments. There is no office of secret pardons. The burden would be on the defendant to prove such acts.

14992375? ago

So, fucked face, you are saying that they should already be able to throw them into Club Gitmo? They do not. There is a reason. I can't say what that is. The only thing I can figure is that most of what they know was gathered through electronic intelligence that is not admissible in court.

14992485? ago

Electronic intercepts are used in court all the time. Don't be a dumbass.

14997982? ago

Are they gathered with a FISA warrant? As I understand it, the NSA data is gathered as intelligence. IF they could use it, I'm sure these people would be in prison now. I'm with you. I hope they have digs on these guys so we can end this nonsense. The amount of obvious fraud going on this year cannot be a coincidence. Something is going on.

14987864? ago

They steal the elections because they CAN - and they WILL get away with it.

Yeah, dude... the DHS got involved in elections infrastructure for no reason.

14987385? ago

So obvious you are a MSM, Soros paid troll. Move on Commie.

14986774? ago

No... 2016 OIG report was heavily redacted. It's topic... the 2016 election.

Imagine a FISA issued that umbrella covered the entire National midterms because of the fraud found in 2016.

Now look at how many people work for Huber... enough to have someone responsible for every district in the country?


FISA brings down the house. Just not the FISA we were thinking.

14989521? ago

I hope you are right! Trying to keep the faith here.

14988996? ago

Yes. “FISA works both ways”

14988688? ago

Thing is FISA covers Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court - surveiling foreigners who may commit terrorist crimes against us. FISA has NOTHING to do with elections, period.

14988785? ago

Then an equally powerful measure was used. You are witnessing the worst of our Nation hang themselves.

14988048? ago

The FISA's on THEM.

14987951? ago

This is exactly what I've been thinking!!! We were all thinking DECLAS of the old FISAs. It's the new FISAs that will bring down the house. The ones that authorized surveillance of players in this election.

14988275? ago


14987106? ago

WHEN? When does it bring down the house? Any day now would be great.....

15004454? ago

Patience Grasshopper! Think of Q as a team of trained tactical military Chess Masters reporting to a genius and lead by GOD! The longer it takes, the greater the catch!

15004493? ago

I think of them as a crack team of BULLSHIT experts who's job it is to fool brain-dead, God-fearin' idiots, such as yourself.

"We better let the child molesters keep fucking the kids so we can built an airtight case against them! We need more evidence!"

Do you hear how dumb that sounds?

14988638? ago

fisa will bring it down when it's already too late LOL

14988895? ago

Exactly. By then, they'll have had a chance to do all kinds of additional damage. Time to arrest them all today!

14989025? ago

I am just getting angry at all this situation.

Maybe I will put my anger into something productive.

14989087? ago

Spend your time here helping to wake up new Q followers who just got here. They think this thing is real. Help them realize early on that Q isn't everything he says he is. Until the arrests start happening all of this is bullshit anyway.

14989353? ago

I followed Q since the #50 or #70 post approx.

I was also the first ones to sell Qanon tshirts on Amazon/etsy. I am invested in this movement, but at some point fuck this shit. Midterms was my breaking point.

14990644? ago

I have been with Q since almost the beginning too. Its hard to argue with your point. The midterms were pretty discouraging but we are beginning to understand why we lost the House. Massive fraud. The question is 'What are they going to do about it?" And how long will it take. If it takes another 4 or 5 months then I think my tenacity will run out. I am holding my breath that we will see something by the end of the year..Got's to happen or all Q followers will drop off. I hope Q reads this post.

14990811? ago

Well, I watch some youtubers who predicted the loss/retake of the House because the map favored dems, but if so many people love what Trump did for economy etc, there would've been bigger turnout just like in 2016.

Year might be too generous. Lets just see what they do about election fraud, that will say everything.

14987364? ago

Someday. Not now. Now is never the right time in the plan. But eventually, one day, possibly.

But it's coming!

Im convince Q is George RR Martin.

14987304? ago

If you want instant gratification perhaps you should just "beat it"

14988332? ago

13 months is instant????? These people have been committing crimes for decades.

14987398? ago

Over a year waiting while working daily to decode drops, abd wanting action is not demanding "instant gratification".

14987321? ago

Nope. I'm not going anywhere. I'm sticking around here to piss you off until arrests start happening.

14988910? ago

Me too!

14987138? ago

When is Christmas?

It happens when it is time to happen. Do you need me to explain the tooth fairy to you too little buddy?

14987421? ago

What you need to explain to me is why someone who claims to be in charge and who has "everything" is allowing these crimes to continue unchecked? Because if I had the power to stop it and had the evidence, I would put a stop to these criminals today. Seeing a crime, and being able to stop it, but doing nothing, makes you guilty too.

14987488? ago

It's a sting operation. The 2016 OIG investigations turned up a lot of fraud, thanks to Ezra's work with MIL intelligence and the DOJ.

They then issued a FISA Umbrella on the whole midterms... and run the sting.

Evidence is still being collected.

14987415? ago

Do you need me to explain the tooth fairy to you too little buddy?

Avid follower/observer of Q, just thought it was funny you mentioned this....

Why do we perpetuate the tooth fairy bullshit? I ask, because finding out the tooth fairy and santa weren't real had a pretty big impact on my childhood looking back. Being actively deceived by my own parents, even using stories and evidence they had told me to defend my belief in those characters, all to find out it was a sham?

Seems like a ridiculous "tradition" that undermines a child's trust in their own parents - making one more susceptible to trusting the media (or other outside influences) over their own family.

14987435? ago

Teaching us, to teach our kids, that we lie to them when we think it's ok.

14987570? ago

Are you suggesting that is a good lesson to perpetuate, or pointing out that is the child's subversive takeaway?

14988319? ago

I'm suggesting we stop lying to our kids.

14986878? ago

Right lol.

I honestly hope you're correct, but it's clear to me that nobody seems to give a fuck.

14987575? ago

We're only here because we do give a fuck. That's why a lot of us voted Trump after Flynn signaled us.

14988287? ago


14987112? ago

Everybody here gives a fuck. We can't go do anything about until we know nothing has been done.

We have to wait, I don't know when my line in the Sand will be drawn, but there is still a possibility this was all a big theatrical sting to protect against the world convinced sure against "orange Hitler" when/if arrests happen. I guess I'm waiting till next year some time.

But gitmo has been upgraded. There are signs of this quiet war, nothing truly juicy yet though, which sucks

14988305? ago

Stand ready friend. You are not alone. The evidence is circumstantial... but there's overwhelming circumstantial evidence.

14986766? ago

They need to commit the crime in order to do the time.

They're still in the process of committing it.

14990413? ago

Remember, if you keep your enemies from breaking the law. They win.

14989225? ago

Thank you for showing how dumb you are.

14988631? ago

Meanwhile fast forward 2 years hence with Sinema and Nelson serving as Senators while they're still "investigating" possible election irregularities in Nov 2018.

15004297? ago

My memory is vague on the number, but I recall a large number (400?) Federal Prosecutors being hired! Why is that important well duh, think multiple court cases across the country - to many for Dem coffers to support!

14995662? ago

God I hope this isn’t true. I for one am tired of the talk, talk, talk, it’s time to DO SOMETHING!

14987772? ago

No, they already did it. Now they're just doing more of it in more locations. We already watched them do it with Roy Moore and the special elections too. How many times do we let them commit the crime? Guarantee the new dem senators will take their seats in congress with absolutely ZERO consequences.

14990621? ago

If they busted them in AL then our cover is blown which would hurt the larger,more important,mid term sting. Why just help AL when u can help many states? I remember Trump saying he (Jones) won't be there long and I have never known him to lie so we shall see on that one. I enjoy foreplay only so long too but people just need to remember the commies have had many decades to strengthen and secure their position against any opposition (us). If Trump and Q can gitrdone in 4 to 8 years that still is an unprecedented and impressive achievement. I would much rather have it done once and right than quick with risk. Everyone lives depends on this.

15012311? ago

The burden of proof is not on us, it's on statements like MIDTERMS ARE SAFE.

Dems are about to be seated in congress for both stolen Arizona and New Mexico senate seats. How long after they've taken their place in Congress until they're removed? How many bills and appointments do they get to vote on while this sting goes on? As soon as they're in there you'll never get them out.

14988829? ago

The contract is broken.

14987763? ago

So who has done time? LOL

14987133? ago

We better let the child molesters keep raping kids because we're still gathering evidence! The more kids they fuck, the more evidence we have to really lock them away for life!

14992591? ago

Even child predators are caught via sting operations. You can't just arrest someone without convincing proof and be able to prosecute them.

Your analogy is not only inaccurate, it supports your opponent's argument.

14991498? ago

I understand your sentiment, but this has to be done right. You know how easy it is for the lawyers to get these guys off on technicalities. Then they will be back out on the streets raping kids. They have to make sure their case is air tight.

14991576? ago

We're not talking about a misdemeanor pot charge here. We're talking about FUCKING TREASON... at the highest level. We have more than enough evidence to convict them of Treason. You give them a swift military tribunal, put a rope around their neck, and hang them. It takes 15 minutes. No lawyers. No appeals. Just you, and an executioner. It's not difficult unless you try to make it that way. The US Military could round all these people up in less than a day. You guys are massively overthinking this. We just need some ACTION. No more talk.

14992500? ago

I understand completely. They probably should produce a body soon. If just a moral victory to tide the masses over until the real D-Day. I don't know why the delay, but as I understand it, this has been a years long operation. I wouldn't have the patience to pull it off myself. I would have blown the sting in my anger and frustration long ago.

14988703? ago

Yes exactly, I don't have a problem with that - more time to build an airtight case. Otherwise look what happened with Epstein ten years ago.

14988879? ago

You know how you solve that problem? Snipers. Professional snipers. BLAM! What problem?

15006289? ago

Qanon is a nonviolent movement. Quit provoking us to stoop to their level. If and when it comes down to anything physical all other hope will be lost. Stay united and trust the plan.

14987552? ago

Oh, the children!! What about the children!?! For gods sake, someone think of fucking the children!!!

Yeah, we get it. But, children shouldn't be able to vote. This is a thread about election fraud. Why the fuck are you going on about child rapists here? Got nothing else to do with your day? Did your girlfriend dump you last night or something? ELECTION FRAUD...try to stay on topic.

14987686? ago

The TOPIC is "election fraud".

OP said: 'let's not arrest the Dems, they are still committing crimes we can use as evidence'

I made an analogy. I compared 'Dems committing election fraud' to 'child molesters'. By giving the example of child molesters, I showed how STUPID it is to allow people to commit crimes that are harmful to others just so we can 'gather evidence'. Letting the Dems get away with election fraud is just like allowing child molesters to get away with raping children.

The reason they DON'T let child molesters continue raping kids is because it REALLY fucks up the kids. They are scarred for life. So, the police RUSH IN IMMEDIATELY before the kids are raped and prevent the child molesters from committing any more crimes. Trump and Q should do the same thing for the Dems committing election fraud. They should RUSH IN IMMEDIATELY and prevent them from doing more damage and screwing over the American public.

Try to keep up.

14988646? ago

Your analogy makes sense. Ignore the morons on here that want to continue to justify not doing shit to stop the deep state takeover of America.

14987782? ago

Further proving just how retarded you are.

14987807? ago

I'm sorry you don't understand analogies. Maybe next year they'll explain that to you in the 5th grade?

14988189? ago

Dude, that is a fucked up analogy you chose and it misses the mark COMPLETELY....

14988277? ago

Apparently not, because people are upvoting me. I guess others agree with me.

14988184? ago

What you don't seem to understand is that if this isn't handled by the book, the Dems are going to scream "due process" and further delay the inevitable. Fuck your retarded analogy because it doesn't apply to what is happening with voter fraud. With kid fucking, you are talking about a single crime that is very cut and dry in the legal books. With voting, you are talking about an institution that has been around over 150 years that is subject to state and federal laws from thick books that I am pretty confident in saying that you have never even read, much less be able to navigate all of the legal intricacies that are required to change, suspend, or void those laws once fraud is discovered and the process it takes to implement those changes. To say that we should just run in and start arresting people willy nilly 8s fucking irresponsible and can only serve the Dems in finding a loophole to escape through. You, sir, can suck my 5th grade dick with your gaslighting bullshit about what everyone else should do. You want to really do something? Vote Republican next time, commie, instead of trying to create conflict within this community because you aren't very good at it.

14987354? ago

Well the same logic and process but completely different impacts. I think all of us wonder why wait for the pedophile take down. If the elections were a honey trap (and I think it was)... then worth the wait. But the kids. It needs to stop. The only reason for delay that I could see is the EO on "human trafficking" kicks in Jan 1. Thus enabling all the assets of these sick people to be frozen (forfeited in some cases). That could be 10s of trillions (some say hundreds). That is enough to fund a paradigm shift. Transitioning worldviews is expensive (Great Awakening)

14990342? ago

They can keep the damn money. I'll pay higher taxes. Just take down the peds.

14987198? ago

EXACTLY! Same stupidity.

14987430? ago

No it isn't. Evidence has to be gathered legally. There are rules about what evidence can be used. Just because NSA has everything doesn't mean they can start arresting people. It isn't that simple.

I want arrests to happen too. I think criminals in our government will be arrested for reasons that aren't related to child trafficking. But those arrests will help stop the trafficking as a side effect. Never mind the plethora of stories over the past 18 months about child trafficking rings being broken up and 100's arrested. Things are happening and they have been, just not all at once. But I suppose some people are never happy.

14987791? ago

Rules that only apply to you and me. Not them. Lest we forget, there are still treasonous traitors that are still free and doing as they please.

14988873? ago

That's right. We've got every Dem and every MSM outlet spouting muh elections no proof of fraud. Orange man do fraud with Russia!

We need overwhelming evidence. However.......I'll bet the Vegas odds are in favor of shit-all happening, again.

14987695? ago

Are you seriously suggesting the right course of action is to let them rape more kids, because whilst the NSA has the evidence, they can't use it legally?

For one thing, since you're admitting the NSA is being a criminal organisation, how about you start angling for them to be shut down?

For a second point : that logic is DISGUSTING. If the evidence will not stand up in a court of law send agents to put a fucking bullet through the head of each and every one of these scumbags instead.

The idea that the "morally correct" course of action is to let them keep doing it so this time you can gather more evidence is beyond contemptible, you should fucking hang yourself if thats what you truly think.

14992276? ago

I think you missed the part of my post where I said I want the arrests to happen too. Nothing I said should mean that I agree with it or condone the behavior in any way.

"send agents to put a fucking bullet through the head of each and every one of these scumbags instead."

By that logic the left will start shooting us today because they think we are all Nazis. You see how that works? To them we are probably worse than child predators. Hell they abort children by the 1000's and never think twice about it.

After re-reading your post again, I almost am beginning to think you are a shill.

14992403? ago

By that logic the left will start shooting us today because they think we are all Nazis.

a.) they already are - have you not seen the whole "punch a nazi" bridage, or antifa?

b.) at this point a literal civil war would be a blessing, the traitors on the left deserve to actually see consequences for their actions. I literally don't care if it would somehow make things worse. Do you honestly believe the optics from the lefts point of view when (if) the hammer finally does come down and they arrest all their heroes will be anything short of disastrous anyway? It makes no difference from their point of view if their heroes are arrested or shot.

I almost am beginning to think you are a shill.

Remember children - the definition of a shill is someone who disagrees with you.

Pic related, its you and all the people who agree with that definition https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/411/679/928.png

14993699? ago

"at this point a literal civil war would be a blessing,"

I don't know about you, but I definitely don't want American cities on fire and possibly millions of citizens dead. I agree they deserve to see consequences but civil war is not the answer. The results of the last civil war left everyone in this country enslaved to the cabal. I can only imagine what would come of another.

14994041? ago

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety

I understand your fear, but it's honestly the only path left at this point. I'm sure the founding fathers also had some rather wise words about watering the tree of liberty as well. To paraphrase, it needs blood. Not words.

There is no resolution to the current ideological divide that does not look like civil war. Liberals want to destroy the country, the right wing cucks ever leftwards in an attempt to placate, whilst also disillusioning its own members, and the "progressives" would view any attempt to even halt their lunacy, let alone roll back the last 200 years of insanity they're been pushing as cause for a civil war, even if the right side didn't.

Civil war is coming. Better is comes while we have control over the government than them.

14994570? ago

I have always agreed with the quote "if there must be war, let it be during my time so that my children may know peace."

I also believe war is a last resort so I disagree that war is all that is left at this point. I might agree that we are short on time and we are running out of options but it is not all that is left.

Control of the government will have no bearing on the outcome of a civil war. The military are patriots (mostly) and if they were to take a side it would be with the constitutionalists. At least the parts that mattered. In fact, I would suspect if it came to that, the military would just take over and put down all violence until they could complete their plan (getting rid of the criminals) and re-institute constitutional government. The outcome would be the same.

14995327? ago

I pretty much agree with the first two paras. Somewhat disagree with the second, but as you imply, it's a question of timescales we're considering the question on, and the few possible chances that remain are rapidly diminishing as time goes on. I suspect there are longer term factors (racial tensions in particular) that make it more inevitable than it may currently seem, which is where I suspect our difference lies.

Your final point though, is simply incorrect. The final part r.e the militaries plan is actually good and valid - you're not wrong the current situation is somewhat different than it might otherwise be due to the plan for a coup already being in place, if Q is to be believed. You are also not wrong that a large portion of the military would side with constitutionalists (although framing the fight in those terms seems incorrect, it would be left vs right (broad terminology) and neither side is actually likely to be constitutionalist in terms you're thinking of.

However you're really, really, really wrong when it comes to "it doesn't matter who's in power". It absolutely does. With the right in power and actually willing to have some balls for once, given the military + leo officer bias towards right wing, if they stopped fighting and holding back their own and were willing to let rip the civil war would be over in a matter of days. It would be quite possibly very bloody (read as : upwards of 10,000,000 dead, and another 30,000,000+ expelled from the new country) if done properly, but it would be fast. If the left were in power? If they had the chance to prepare, to set up properly? (and bear in mind, they too know they don't have the miitary / leo, they'd plan for this shit), it would be truly fucking messy. Tens of millions would die, the country would utterly 100% balkanise (no more USA), and it would likely be invaded by "assisting" armies from all across the world. Leaving aside the militaries current plan for the moment (since that complicates prediction) even under a right wing government the military would have a hard time staying cohesive and preventing balkanisation / foreign interference. Under a left wing government? They wouldn't have a hope in hell, nor would they remain a cohesive unit - some would be typical retarded grunts and keep following orders, others would be traitors who would follow the leftist president anyway, and the patriots would have to rebel, collapsing the US military command and logistics structure.

Trust me, it really would play out a lot differently depending on who's in power, that's damn near certain. The current situation complicates predictions a lot, but I suspect that logic still holds true. Given I'm considering civil war a "2-20" year timescale event, their current plans seem unlikely to be highly relevant, and the bloodthirstiness of the next left-wing president after trump + the purge will need to be taken into account as well. You really really want the civil war to happen under a right wing government. It's the only way to avoid an unimaginable amount of suffering.

14995664? ago

I have 2 questions for you.

  1. Do you think the military has war gamed this? Civil war

  2. Which part of 10 to 30 million dead and no more America are you in favor of?

I am not going to reply anymore because at this point it bears no fruit. We can go back and forth til we are blue in the face war gaming it ourselves about what we think is gonna happen. I pray we never find out.

14996377? ago

No reply is fair enough.

With regards to your questions

  1. Obviously. It's somewhat a split responsibility though, they have their wargames, politicians and think tanks also do theirs

  2. The part that doesn't look like fucking everyone being dead, and the part that lets some aspect of America be retained without it succumbing to foreign outside influence. If civil war is inevitable, as i suspect it is, 10 mil dead is absolutely nothing compared to say 50 mil dead and widespread foreign incurion and the breakup of the US. Given those 10 mil would all be lefties of the most rabid breed, i'm honestly not sure I care much at all, to be quite honest. It's sad in the same way I dislike the idea of hurting mice when I put mousetraps out - regrettable, but needs must. They actively want me dead, this is a future they chose.

14996917? ago

I know I said I wouldn't reply but I am anyways because I want to hear your thoughts.

I have the position I do because I believe if we were to use force to put them down as an enemy it would make us no better than them. I do believe, as I think you do too, that if they thought even for a minute that if they could get away with it, they would line us up and dispose of every one of us.

It is for that reason that I believe we have to exhaust every other option because if we don't then we are no better than them. We would be just as bad as them. We can convince ourselves we are doing it for some greater good but if we don't act in line with the principals we preach then what are we? These are our countrymen, our fellow citizens we speak of. Our neighbors. I know they hate us but we have to be better. Because we, at the end of the day, are right. We cannot just resign ourselves to the evil they would incur on all of us. Freedom is not just some political talking point.

Do you get my point? Am I being clear enough? Sometimes I think I am not a very good communicator. That's all...

15015233? ago

I understand the logic of your point, but I think the "paradox of tolerance" applies here - to extend tolerance to those who are intolerant is slightly suicidal. I'm much more of a fan off Alinskys rule 4 - hold others to their own rules - under that logic, since they would never give me a second chance, I'll return the favour.

It's a good idea to exhaust a great many other options, but ultimately sooner or later actions do have to be taken, and past a certain point delaying an action more out of fear can cause more suffering. Think of it like a gangrenous wound - it might be preferable to see if there are non surgical options avaliable, but past a certain point it's clear nothing more can be done, and whilst you could wait, hold off, and delay a surgery, doing so merely causes more harm in the long run, since more must be removed.

I do definitely see your point, I just think that past a point action has to be taken lest more damage is done through inaction. The current political situation is an impassable deadlock - were we actually in a civil war it would very quickly become clear that old rivalries didn't mean quite so much as they once did, and I suspect moving towards a bipartisan solution might become somewhat workable again. Some people would have to die for that, whichever side won - that's just the nature of a compromise - some people won't stomach it. But until the shit really hits the fan I don't see people being forced to the table by the grim reality of war.

Ultimately, while shocking violence is actually pretty great, in small doses. It helps keep people anchored in reality. Removing it entirely from society creates an absolute mess which has more chance of escalating into shocking levels of violence, like a full blown multi side civil war ( in particular like the kind of ones the dems would start if they started one whilst they were in power).

14988268? ago

So you'd rather blow your load too early, not have enough and then they can get away with raping kids for the rest of time?

14989049? ago

I'd rather they stop it ONE incident at a time, not wait for this grand take down. I want it to begin TODAY, not 2020. The fraud is happening in front of our fucking eyes - these Dems are fearless of any prosecution because they know they won't be touched...I want them to start being arrested TODAY.

14992175? ago

One at a time like the hundreds already arrested? Your argument isn't making sense because you're a silly shill.

14989032? ago

"we have it all".

I'd rather ignore due process and go put a bullet through the head of each and every fucking one of these scumbags. Who cares about a court case when you can just kill them? A dead person is even less likely to rape more kids than a jailed one.

Literally just use fucking force already. It's not a complex issue. Does the US army not have enough fucking bullets or something?

14994746? ago

DHS has all the bullets.

14993485? ago

Who do you trust enough with that kind of power tho? For me it's nobody. Even if you gave Jesus himself that much power, someone comes after him.

Lenin was given incredible power because the people trusted him and seen him as a good man. Then came Stalin. He inherited power meant for a good man. What happens when a bad man gains power designed for a good man.

100 million exterminated.

That is communist Marxist Jewish techniques

14994469? ago

"I can't trust anyone with that kind of power so I'll just allow them to continue raping kids while we piss about with legal due process, and incidentally continue allowing a government we've already ceded the monopoly on violence to to retain it's monopoly".

I'm not sure I see the logic there?

You are right to suggest absolute power can be very, very risky if handed off to the wrong person. However, since as I noted we already have a state which has this monopoly on power (and has clearly been using it against the citzenry in the past, and arguably the present), and which changes leaders very reguarly, this basically seems like saying "well we have this gun we need to hold, but it would be dangerous if a psychopath held this gun and no-one else did - lets hand it round to people one after the other for 4 week periods of time". That surely speeds up the process of failure, no?

14989415? ago

Go do it then, fuckface.

14990018? ago

Aren't you cute?

It's almost like you're too young to understand the meaning and implications of the phrase "the government holds a monopoly on violence".

14986680? ago

They don't know when to quit. DOWNFALL

14990443? ago

They always FALL UP after a bust. How convenient.

14987322? ago

Once caught double down and hope you get away with it I guess

14987142? ago

The "DOWNFALL" part only comes after they get arrested. Until they, they're moving upwards.

14986658? ago

Unless you have a mouse in your pocket, there is no "we". No one is doing shit. STFU already. Q is a fucking LARP. He's just some douchebag who has websites hosted on cloudfare.

14987901? ago

He's a LARP which is why there's a zillion of you clowns hanging out and spending your time attacking this sub instead of attacking the multitude of actual commies out there.

14987929? ago

I like commies. It's the fucking globalist I can't fucking stand. There's not a zillion, now you are just being a drama queen.

14987954? ago

Yeah, old school commies are tolerable (at least they aren't corporate puppets), but universities of full of globalist commies.

14987038? ago

You should spit out that shill pill and take the red pill and chill out watch the movie!

14987287? ago

There is no movie. Do you not get it? There is no truth to anything said by the LARP. No need for popcorn. There is nothing to see here!

14987214? ago

the "movie". Here we go again. Dude, these are not shills. These are actual patriots who are pissed. I am one as well. We still believe but too much rhetoric of "trust the plan" and other nonsense needs to take a step back. This election fraud will prove if Q is real. This is it.

14988789? ago

"This election fraud will prove if Q is real. This is it."

If nothing is done about all this fiesta, fuck your plan in the ass

14987394? ago

14987202? ago

Yup, take your meds, dumb the fuck down and watch T.V. That is the plan. Oh, and don't be a shill.

14986780? ago

Shillfags out in full regalia today.

14987020? ago

I got your shillfag bitch. Keep spewing shit about all the arrests and the coming storm. You are a take ass. A punk. For over a year "Q" has been promising the storm that never comes. Keep dreaming the dream that never comes to fruition. While you are in your little fantasy land of right triumphing over wrong, the left continues unchecked. So nothing you say matters for fuck. Nothing is changing, no one is being held accountable, and there continues to be two classes. Those who the laws of this country apply to and those who they do not. So fuck off already. What is happening in this country is seriously wrong and can not be allowed to continue. True Patriots do not the help of pussies like you. We need people who will stand up, knowing the costs that will have to be paid for freedom. Because enough has become enough. Fuck U and Fuck Q!

14988617? ago

President Trump promised the storm before Q ever did.

14988732? ago

You are correct fuck face. But DJT also has not been talking out his ass about 60,000 + indictments, pedogate, martial law, or any of the other bullshit you fucks are talking about. So pull the dick out your ass.

14988469? ago


14988836? ago

Please don't show me your favorite anime. I know its all you can get off to, but other people mock you homo anime losers.

14988929? ago

Ahh...you want to see the one eyed meat monster. You silly fags, always the same. Well, you like what you like.

14989336? ago

You're projecting again, shill...

14988203? ago

Yup....shillfag confirmed.

14988409? ago

Yup, everyone who calls you out as a punk ass bitch must be a shillfag. Sitting over here like, wishing a pussy like you would.

14988153? ago

What do you suggest?