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14978091? ago

Okay... Take a step back. Look at the big picture. How many times has Q said, "Expand your thinking" now? Not only that, you have to pay attention VERY close attention. Otherwise you miss stuff like this:

Now stop think about what is going on in Florida. I mean really think about it. Just how absurdly over the top is this all this Broward county shenanigans? It's all very pronounced and exaggerated, isn't it? it's unrealistic and suspiciously has so much press coverage. This is not how these sorts of things work. Laughably so lol

Now. going by what is buried in post 1286:

  • DNC rigging super delegates / funding/ voter rolls /
  • agreement BS
  • Election/voter fraud

Future Proves Past: "We have an agreement with Brenda Snipes to expose Democrat's voter fruad, etc. this coming midterm elections." An agreement to "play a role" to expose the Dems to reduce her sentencing from the indictment she got from the investigation into the 2016 election.

With that said, remember what Q keeps telling us? "Patriots are in control." "Enjoy the show." What did Q just drop the other day, just before the midterm elections? Q is telegraphing at the time of that drop that we are "In the theaters and about to see a movie" We are currently in movie 2 "Fisagate."

Obviously Q couldn't say that at the time. They don't want people to be complacent, Q wanted us to go out and VOTE. To form a red wave. Why? Because that would mean the Democrats would have to cheat even harder to win. Making it more obvious they cheated. Therefore making it easier to expose them.

Now we go to Q's post yesterday:

...the entire midterm elections was one big sting operation. The dems are fucked and they know it. (Notice how bad they are panicking?) However, this corruption and cheating needs to be pointed out to wake the population up to "hey, the dems cheated!" Enter Brenda Snipes.

The scope of "The Plan" is huge. Absurdly big. Give this a watch if you haven't seen it, if you have, rewatch from 8:06 : "Be the autists we know you are. You were chosen for a specific reason." Q

". . .Those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of the coming events."

Lastly, give this a watch, it's a good breakdown into wtf is going on atm:

Autists are working around the clock behind the scenes to continue figuring out wtf is going on. Some of us just don't stray too far from the 8chan board too often. lol

14992511? ago

Thank you for calming this Florida deplorable.

14987610? ago

first class.

14987396? ago

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14986476? ago

Outstanding reply.

This deserves it's own post.

14986568? ago

I've been thinking about it. Been linking it a lot the past few hours. lol

I probably should.

14986328? ago

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14985412? ago

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14985149? ago

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14982483? ago

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14979662? ago

All you've done is demonstrate your own delusion. You've proven nothing.

14987391? ago

What a world class retort. Did you take the rest of the day off after that beauty?

15003835? ago

I did! What about you? Did you let another dozen hours of your life slide by while you typed convoluted bullshit for the benefit of other delusional internet strangers?

14981085? ago

You're being intellectually dishonest.

14978211? ago

rinse and repeat. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

14978252? ago

You are either a shill, lost, or seriously in over you intellectual pay grade.

I'll let you decide which for me.