14987562? ago

Interesting that when I found this, it was through a link from another thread. I looked at the voat status and it was -5. Peckerhead shills. C'mon guys, let's get this one upvoated a bit and give it some traction. It's better content than most of the trash I've seen on the first page of QRV lately.

14979573? ago

Just because it happened doesn't mean it will get publicized. Q said "future proves past" several times. I think this means that these things that happened will not be revealed publicly until a future time.

This helped me understand things a bit better. It's a theory, but a pretty good one. This theory says that the bad people were captured/pressured and forced to act crazy thereby helping Trump and The Plan. Special ops require secrecy for quite a while and they can take years.

Unclench and be patient. :D

14979012? ago

So your problem is lack of understanding and inability to read comms?

Look at the October BOOMS ... what do you see and what do you understand? Do you see four BOOMS, do you expect 4 arrests? Do you expect to see end-game even though it was still only movie 1 of 3 movies?

I look at the October BOOMS and I see a series of steps. I see steps. I look at earlier Q drops, I see BOOM steps, except where carpet bombs are being dropped. I see Kavanaugh's SC appointment as a BOOM. A BOOM in a series of steps.

When you see nothing major yesterday, 11/11. What were you expecting? Patriotsfight was completely changed to show us the next phase. What's going to be happening. Step by Step. Is this not significant enough? Do you not see the huge amount of voter fraud being uncovered? Do you not see that the MSM is barely covering it, and when they do, are attempting to cover up for it. Do you believe the MSM or alternative media? Do you not believe that the DHS is now in charge of overseeing elections and election fraud? Do you not believe the DHS have the resources to deal with election fraud? Do you believe POTUS will allow the Dems to steal the election? POTUS and MI (Q) didn't allow them to steal it in 2016, why would they do so in 2018? How do you catch FISH?

Did POTUS fail to visit the war-graves because of rain? How likely do you think a President with 100% support and respect for and from the military would fail to honor their sacrifice due to rain? Could it have been an assassination attempt? Could there have been a threat? Did secret service insist that the visit be postponed and POTUS return home as Q says? Which of these scenarios is more likely? Are you relying on the MSM narrative again?

Stand firm in the face of shills and doubt. It's a complicated movie with dozens of plots and sub-plots. We already suspect or know the end results. How we are getting there is the ride. Bring popcorn.

14981083? ago

I get what you are saying but please try to understand me. Q said something big was coming yesterday, it didn’t. I don’t doubt that there was a security threat that stopped POTUS going to the War Graves but what idiot thought it would be a good excuse to blame the weather? Had something happened from our side it would have made sense as in weather and storm, but as it is it only succeeded in making POTUS look like a baby having a hissy fit. This wasn’t helped by POTUS then going off to play golf.

October did see Kavanaugh made SCJ which is great especially after the attempts to cast doubt over him with false claims. However since then there has been no FISA Declass or opening of sealed indictments.

‘Future proves past’ used to be something I really got but the more I look at it the more I feel we need ‘Past proves future’, Q has not provided any proofs, the Anons have thrown things together which may or may not be right, Q has not even verified these!

I do not believe the MSM, being in the UK we get propaganda broadcast at us constantly from both the UK and the US, however what it does show is that the Republicans have lost the house and I don’t think anyone will argue that things would be a lot easier if POTUS had the house.

If your theory is correct and HRC and friends are being controlled they are not making POTUS look good, they are just doing what they do, travelling around the country, collecting appearance fees.

And whilst this is all going on children are still going missing (not sure about 200000 a day as that would be the entire population of the US in under 5 years). Whether these children are being trafficked or something much more sinister, it should not be allowed to continue. Q said they had all the info they needed, if that is the case then the blood of every child that has gone missing since then is on Q and POTUS hands. There is no excuse for not protecting children ever.

I’m not sure what state of action you are at but some people are ready to risk their families, livelihood and even their life for Q, don’t you think they deserve some hard evidence of Q or The Plan before they do something they regret or hurt the ones they love?

This is not a game, it is people’s lives. It’s so easy for something good to turn bad.

I didn’t want to use this analogy but I feel I have to. Basically we are a group of people with one way cryptic text exchanges from Q, which wise men translate for us and encourage us to act for the promise of a better world. Sound familiar? Sounds really similar to the idiots who have their holy text corrupted and become extremists, like the Taliban! I’m not saying that Q followers are terrorists, just that when you break it down into what is involved in following Q you see the same pattern we ridicule others for.

14981958? ago

If the Reps won the House, how would FISA bring down the house? Why would POTUS want to destroy something he was in control over? I know it's frustrating, but all the evidence collected was collected illegally. They have everything, but the problem is introducing the evidence legally so the satanists don't walk. The problem is trying the satanists in a court system that they built and control. Here's a bright spark. Why was control over the SC so important? In military tribunals, the only way to appeal is to the Supreme Court. Now you see how important it was for the Cabal to prevent the nomination of Kavanaugh. POTUS now owns the Senate (can't be impeached), now owns the SC, and RBG is likely to step down in the near future to give even more control, and POTUS owns the military and the military judicial system. There's nowhere to hide any more, there's no way to escape, now it's a matter of introducing the evidence legally, and convincing the public that it's legal and not a coup. POTUS has had no fear since the mid-terms. He's not afraid to attack the press, or attack Obama. He's comfortable. Election fraud is just the Dems digging their own graves.

14978257? ago

This is a long show. If you cannot endure it, stop watching. Simple? Now stop shilling and head to /v/qbashers

14978236? ago

/v/qbashers this way, shillfag.

14978207? ago

You have to rely on yourself. Q is for fun. Nothing to see here. Its like an online game of clues. No one has time for that.

14978583? ago

So why bother coming here at all. Please buzz of

14979701? ago

You seem upset about the fact that you've wasted a year being a crazy person.

14978094? ago

The road to victory is a long, treacherous one but hang in there. As a few have mentioned anything Q posts becomes public knowledge and you better believe the Deep State have their noses pressed against the screen, sweating every time Q drops another hint as to what is to come. One thing is for sure, when the BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM moment comes, it'll come when we all least expect it. Catch the enemy off guard and don't give them a means to prepare and defend themselves.

14978091? ago

Okay... Take a step back. Look at the big picture. How many times has Q said, "Expand your thinking" now? Not only that, you have to pay attention VERY close attention. Otherwise you miss stuff like this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2843998

Now stop think about what is going on in Florida. I mean really think about it. Just how absurdly over the top is this all this Broward county shenanigans? It's all very pronounced and exaggerated, isn't it? it's unrealistic and suspiciously has so much press coverage. This is not how these sorts of things work. Laughably so lol

Now. going by what is buried in post 1286:

  • DNC rigging super delegates / funding/ voter rolls /
  • agreement BS
  • Election/voter fraud

Future Proves Past: "We have an agreement with Brenda Snipes to expose Democrat's voter fruad, etc. this coming midterm elections." An agreement to "play a role" to expose the Dems to reduce her sentencing from the indictment she got from the investigation into the 2016 election.

With that said, remember what Q keeps telling us? "Patriots are in control." "Enjoy the show." What did Q just drop the other day, just before the midterm elections? https://qmap.pub/read/2417 Q is telegraphing at the time of that drop that we are "In the theaters and about to see a movie" We are currently in movie 2 "Fisagate." https://qmap.pub/read/1929

Obviously Q couldn't say that at the time. They don't want people to be complacent, Q wanted us to go out and VOTE. To form a red wave. Why? Because that would mean the Democrats would have to cheat even harder to win. Making it more obvious they cheated. Therefore making it easier to expose them.

Now we go to Q's post yesterday: https://qmap.pub/read/2479

...the entire midterm elections was one big sting operation. The dems are fucked and they know it. (Notice how bad they are panicking?) However, this corruption and cheating needs to be pointed out to wake the population up to "hey, the dems cheated!" Enter Brenda Snipes.

The scope of "The Plan" is huge. Absurdly big. Give this a watch if you haven't seen it, if you have, rewatch from 8:06 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU

https://qmap.pub/read/773: "Be the autists we know you are. You were chosen for a specific reason." Q

". . .Those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of the coming events."

Lastly, give this a watch, it's a good breakdown into wtf is going on atm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMgxeMj3pdQ

Autists are working around the clock behind the scenes to continue figuring out wtf is going on. Some of us just don't stray too far from the 8chan board too often. lol

14992511? ago

Thank you for calming this Florida deplorable.

14987610? ago

first class.

14987396? ago

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14986476? ago

Outstanding reply.

This deserves it's own post.

14986568? ago

I've been thinking about it. Been linking it a lot the past few hours. lol

I probably should.

14986328? ago

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14985412? ago

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14985149? ago

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14979662? ago

All you've done is demonstrate your own delusion. You've proven nothing.

14987391? ago

What a world class retort. Did you take the rest of the day off after that beauty?

15003835? ago

I did! What about you? Did you let another dozen hours of your life slide by while you typed convoluted bullshit for the benefit of other delusional internet strangers?

14981085? ago

You're being intellectually dishonest.

14978211? ago

rinse and repeat. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

14978252? ago

You are either a shill, lost, or seriously in over you intellectual pay grade.

I'll let you decide which for me.

14977917? ago

Sometimes Q needs to use misinformation. The enemy reads Q also.

14977830? ago

Yea nothing is happening! Nothing at all! Nadda! Reconcile what?

14977813? ago

They could at least finally declassify something. So much talk and nothing happens. The President can declassify anything he wants. Just finally declassify even one little thing. We can't wait forever.

14978599? ago

Forever is a long time.

14977678? ago

Sounds like the issue is a superficial understanding of current events with a dash of MSM propaganda thrown in.

14977618? ago

This is the type of logic/reasoning that this movement is supposed to be promoting, yet it gets ridiculed. If a liberal 'S' existed, and had a track record like this, the people here would be ridiculing those that believed in it.

Midterms came and went. R's lost control of house, no FISA declas, no mass arrests, MSM rocking and rolling, HRC/BO touring the country and making money, Sessions gone. 11/11 came and went.

You are red-pilling yourself by using facts/logic/reason... cut ties with this movement, it is clearly a larp.

In be4: "You're a shill! Trust the plan. Keep the faith. Big things are about to happen." <-- all things said by every victim of every cult scam, ever.

14978097? ago

See my reply to OP.

You can't miss it.

14978398? ago

"Big things are about to happen."

14978486? ago

You are pretty narrow minded and aren't very good at looking at the big picture of things, are you?

This is what leads me to believe a lot of people like you are shills. Because you think so small, so narrow. You focus on small details or a handful of things and are blind to just how BIG the scope of this all is.

I'd like to think you are a shill and not just some one with low I.Q.

14978549? ago

"You're a shill!"

14979721? ago

So just someone with low I.Q. then.

Well, that's unfortunate. At least you're not a shill, I suppose.

14979753? ago

A year from now, when BO and HRC are traveling around freely, and no mass arrests have taken place, I will remember this conversation.

14981042? ago

A year from now, when shit has hit the fan for these people, I'll be sitting with a shit-eating grin thinking, "I wonder what all those people who laughed before are thinking now?"

...and if I'm wrong? I'm wrong! Nothing has changed! Life will simply continue to go on in our shitty existence, no sense crying over spilt milk as they say.

The difference between you and me? I don't care if I am right or wrong. I'll laugh if I'm right, and eat the crow if I'm wrong. And that's that.

14999833? ago

You're sort of proving my point... you made that huge post talking definitively about what the 'plan' was, and trying to convince others not to waver... yet here you are admitting you might be wrong. If after all this time, and all this input, you still dont know for sure whether Q is legit or not, maybe pump the brakes a little.

In 6 months lets meet back and see if any mass arrests took place.

15000702? ago

Oh, I don't question Q's legitimacy anymore really. One look at the math alone and it's laughable to doubt that if something is there. Then there are a whole bunch of other reasons. I could do a post like this one but even bigger explaining why Q is legit and consolidate a ton of evidence. However I feel that is pretty unnecessary at this point. Because it is pretty obvious to those paying attention and actively following Q that they are who they say they are. They'd already be dead if they were not.

And what I said in my post? I'm rather confident that is what is currently going on. Could I be wrong? Of course. I'd be a fool not to consider that possibility. If I am wrong about something, it's back to more theory crafting. Which part was I wrong about, and what is still correct? Construct a new theory, based off of that and new data/evidence, then rinse repeat.

I have a few theories about Q, however this one is currently the one I am most confident in, looking at the data and the patterns we have seen so far. Either way, I'm personally not going to be concerned about the speed of things happening until about March. Because I'm looking at this realistically and and logically, have checked my emotions at the door. Though at that point, I'm not going to just be doubting Q, I'm going to begin to be a little concerned about Trump as well, because he is clearly involved in this Q business.

This is because Q isn't here to predict things or anything like that. It's here to give us insight into what is currently going on behind the scenes and to act as a back channel to go around the media. Which is exactly what it has done time and time again.

"Future proves past" isn't so much, "Hey look I told you this would happen!" as it's "This is what is currently going on." it's suspected there are sections of drops that will never be used because things changed along the way. The drops are very meticulously constructed, absurdly so. Q has pointed out that "Nothing is random, everything has meaning" in them. As far as us figuring them out, or if they are even for us to figure out, who knows.

When it all boils down to it, I am a very patient person and have been following this very closely for several hundreds of hours now, because autism. I'm also a very analytical person. I size up and try to "figure out" everything. If I had significant doubts, I'd have left months ago.

Things are going on in the Trump Admin, with or without Q. This, too is pretty obvious, as I follow a lot of other news sources all over the place. I don't just follow Q, I research everything.

The long and short of it all: I am an autist that is addicted to information and knowledge, and from what I have seen so far, a lot of things are about to start happening over the next few weeks; months for the bigger fish. (post new year)

15021372? ago

You put some time into that reply, and I respect your effort. I understand why your position is what it is.

Whether or not this is a LARP, you have to admit that at this point it has all the hallmarks of a cult scam: thousands of posts made up of cryptic, vague predictions, big promises, little results, the promise of big things right around the corner, and a ton of cash flowing towards the leaders of the movement.

So while all of that technically does not rule out a LARP, my point is that right now, everything points that direction. Unlike many cult scams, this one has a bit of an expiration date... in 6-12 months we should know one way or the other if it is legit.

14977427? ago

I have yet to see Q predict anything.

There, one of the Qtards admitting that Qlarp is just a larp.

14977407? ago

S H I L L H A R D E R ! ! !

14977452? ago

Not a shill, just very disheartened and disappointed. This could be so much to so many!

14978914? ago

If you were a little smarter you'd probably get it. Try harder?

14978118? ago

See my reply, if you haven't seen it yet.

You can't miss it. :p

14978061? ago

This response convinced me you're a concern troll here to demotivate. Downvoating thread.

14977466? ago

Dismantling corruption that's existed for thousands of years takes time. DECLAS will start it all. The dominoes will start falling.

14978038? ago

That's right, patience. Don't fall for the naysayers rhetoric. Stand firm & trust POTUS, Q & MI.

14977430? ago

Yes, anyone questioning glodly Q revelations is a shill!

14977794? ago

The issue is your superficial understanding of "Q". It is not a god, an oracle, or a revelation. "Q" does not decide when to take an action, nor what action to take. Do not look to "Q" for answers and time frames; that is not the purpose of "Q". You created your own expectations and your own time frames, and now you are disheartened and disappointed your expectations were not met. You want to build a house; Trump is building a country.

14979296? ago

Okie dokie. I'm totally converted now. I will wait 50 years until anything happens and in the meantime will just parrot Judas Heil Qlarpitus!

14978320? ago

Sorry but I have to disagree. These are all timescales that Q has set out, presumably in his plan, the plan that we are supposed to trust but time and again it proves itself wrong.

Can anybody give me an example of where Q has predicted something before the event? Every so called Q Proof I can find is like a gypsy telling the future, vague and could be applied to anyone. For example predicting who would win the lottery. I see a person with a strong female influence in their life. (Winner could be male or female with a Mother, Aunt, Female Friend, Female Partner influencing them). The numbers 0 through 9 are important (all lottery numbers are a combination of the numbers 0 to 9) The resin is buying a new car (Most lottery winners buy a car).

You see, before the event could mean anything, after the facts can be fitted in making the prediction appear true.

I want Q to be real but we are not getting stronger, we are loosing numbers, political power and most of all faith.

There are really only 2 people who can solve this, Q or POTUS, and they need to do it soon.

14984239? ago

The conflation between "Q's" drops and analysis of "Q's" drops can lead to confusion, expectations, and frustration.

14978046? ago
