Evangelical Christians see persecution and disbelief as a sign that they are doing something meaningful. They have total 100% faith in an invisible God who they believe is 100% true and will gladly become a martyr to defend their faith. Asking questions about God or disbelieving their religion in any way, shape or form is a personal attack on them. They don't care if they can prove it or not. They just know that they believe it and that it's true. That is why the creators of the Q psyop targeted them specifically. It's the perfect meme (or mind virus) to hit Evangelical Christians with. They have latched on to Q as a God-like figure.
Q has many similarities to God in their mind: he's invisible, he's all-powerful, he's always right, and he is battling evil. Just like God, Q said a lot of things in writing. (Mostly vague, and mysterious things that can have multiple meanings.) So, the Evangelical Christians take the Word of Q like the Word of God. It is forbidden to question the word of God or Q in any way. When people tell them to think for themselves, they only see this as a personal attack and they dig their heels in and believe even harder. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. What matters is that they believe it's true. It's about having faith and believing. The other stuff (e.g. proving what you said is true, following through with promises, clarifying what you mean) is all just inconsequential window dressing. The real heart of the matter is FAITH. And the inventors of Q couldn't have picked a bigger, juicier target than Evangelicals.
Watch them defend Q and say that I'm a shill. Why? Because I take Q at his word and I haven't seen anything come true yet. I ask questions and state my disbelief. That makes me a heretic, a shill, or a NPC. Only true believers understand the plan. We just have to trust it. We don't have to understand it. Why would you want to understand it? That's only for God... er... um.... Q to know
15639341? ago
Spot on. They chose the dumbest and most gullible ones.
15638759? ago
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14998849? ago
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14890006? ago
Wow ... you really put effort into this. This is so much better than the usual low effort shilling. If you haven't seen anything come true yet ... then you are blind. Maybe you should accept God into your life?
14891789? ago
As soon as Jesus comes back, I'll believe in God. As soon as Hillary Clinton is in jail, I'll believe in Q.
14881966? ago
Agree, for me I will borrow from Ghandi: "I like your Q, I do not like your Qians. Your Qians are so unlike your Q"
If you do not 100% toe the line and question the "theories" and pretzel logic proffered by the Qians that suddenly for some reason become canon you are told usually in CAPS that you are a shill and to fuck off - no bother clarifying the theories or explaining that these are opinions and no one really knows the secret plan.
If you ask simple question or express any doubts or frustrations with Q cryptic drops and usually the interpretations of Q drops you are shouted down and told usually in CAPS that you are a concern TROLL and to fuck off - no bother addressing your question or doubt.
If you rightfully question a Q drop despite Q stating time and again that disinfo is necessary you are blasted usually in CAPS with names and ridicule without any answers.
If you vent your frustrations or bleed your honest heart that you are embarrassed or have been rejected after spending your social capital among friends, and your family ridicules you for being insane when after you share the Q drops strongly suggesting and implying arrests and action against the deep state was going to occur -all analyzed and given even more affirmation by many of you Qians --- and they do not happen, well most of you Qians reply with stop being a pussy, you are a baby, grow up and buck up, you are a soy boy or npc....
Yeah, in sum most of you Qians are like Pharisees in the Bible, your words and actions do more to close the minds for redpills than open minds for redpill and in IMO you are (or should be) the paid deep state shills effectively derailing the movement.
Think mirror.
14883807? ago
Try asking them questions about God sometime.
14883861? ago
:) mucho experienco, lost wife and eviction from a church for questioning doctrine and dogma. These Qians share exact same traits.
14881195? ago
V/biblicalq it is not just a Christian thing. It is a world thing.
14880356? ago
Stipid is, as stuoid does. No. You're no Christian Warrior.
14883828? ago
No, no I'm not. I'm actually a Daoist.
14880291? ago
Clearly you're not a Christian. Then again, neither are the vast majority of "Evangelicals."
14880702? ago
beng beng
14880279? ago
I don't take Q as 'God', but Q absolutely has the inside track. It just sucks trying to piece information together when we have lived a life of 100% lies and fake history. So I am glad that Q is pinpointing Government machinations to look at that sheds more light on what is going on. I was wholly expecting the [Declas [[RR]] FISA] to be what [Brings down the House], but now I understand it's the Voter Fraud FISA and Caravan FISA that will bring bad actors down. I'm doing my damndest to understand, but we are all holding different pieces to the elephant, I think I'm stuck right under the fucking tail and getting shit on, but hey, at least we are all trying.
14880103? ago
You make a good point. But it doesn't invalidate Q; rather, it highlights how vital it is to have the impetus for prosecution come from the people. If Trump's DOJ just started arresting people he would be characterized as Stalin. Its essential that there be a popular movement from the people. And yes, the Bible thumpers are a great place to generate that movement. Even if we have to endure the God stuff....
14880086? ago
Excellent critical analysis
14880078? ago
Q is a false idol and the most ardent followers here are political zealots so convinced this is all true they refuse to take an objective step back and question it all.
14880689? ago
What's the plan exactly? You sound like you don't understand the Q psyop at all. The drops have always been more about your reaction than ours
14882704? ago
That's the point, you're being misled into believing that there actually is a plan. It's phony.
14880074? ago
God, please help this persons soul.
14881826? ago
Why attack faith TODAY? You won, right? Satan thought he won at the cross until Christ rose and kicked his candy ass!
14882218? ago
I wasn't attacking faith, I was genuinely asking God to help this persons soul and then pointing out that they're using tactics from the shill handbook.
14883860? ago
And I'm pointing out that you people view Q as a religion more than a quest for truth and justice.
14887789? ago
Says you?