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14957129? ago

This shenanigans we are currently watching is a "movie." This is a comment I posted on another thread that breaks it down:

Yes. We are currently watching a movie with actors to expose the hell out of dems voter fraud. I mean, stop and really think about it for a moment. Just how absurdly over the top is this all this Broward county shenanigans?

Clinton was there just days before the election... Clinton's known "fixer" was just there... They are clearly caught red handed and "nothing" is being done about it, despite a judges court order... They had that "Shredding" thing that is happening today...

This is all very pronounced and exaggerated. it's unrealistic and suspiciously has so much press coverage. This is not how these sorts of things work. Laughably so lol

Plus look at what someone just pointed out here earlier today:

Now. Remember what Q keeps telling us? "Patriots are in control." "Enjoy the show" And what did Q just drop the other day, just before the midterm elections? Q is telegraphing that we are "In the theaters and about to see a movie" We are currently in movie 2 "Fisagate."

The next movie is "panic in DC" which will start after the Fisa is dropped. So going by the Movie board, Fisa Gate is theater 6, Panic in DC is movie 5, Guardians of the Pedophile is after that (hollywood maybe?) We are counting backwards. Which begs some important questions:

What are movies 3-2-1 and just how any people are playing "roles" in these movies? How many people have already been indicted in this "grand scheme" to wake the population up? To take part in these "movies" to reduce their sentences? To avoid being publicly hanged at the end?

Not this Autist. I think I'm on to you, Q.

...just a theory in progress I'm piecing together.

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14957420? ago

It IS over the top, what is pissing me off is the lack of an ABSOLUTE smackdown.

14957545? ago

The thing is, with this - and all the other crimes to expose - it is not enough to have all the evidence and dump it in one go.

The public opinion has to follow. It takes some time to digest. And this needs attention over time to make that happen.

Also, the media still has a LOT of power over the sheep. So if going too fast without public opinion following, it is easy for them to counter that Trump is doing a "hostile takeover" or that the whole thing is politicized.

Also, it should be shown to be a wider problem than "only" in these 3 states where big elections are at stake.

14960489? ago

^ This.

All the shit these people are guilty of is a lot to take in. People need a bit of time to adsorb it, step by step. I mean think about it.

What do you think the average person is going to think when they learn the real truth about Hollywood? About 9/11? Alll the wars and deaths of family, friends and loved ones that were completely unessairy? How our very own presidents betrayed us and sold the American people out?

We are so far head that sometimes, we forget to stop and take a moment to look back and see just how far behind the rest of the sheep are.

14957454? ago

I imagine that is coming soon. Fixing the rigged voting system was a campaign promise of Trump's. So far he's been pretty good at delivering. Well, on the ones that aren't heavily obstructed.

Though on this matter, this is kind of indefensible. Trying to stand against voter ID laws after this outrage is political suicide. Their careers would be over. Everyone right of center, even some moderate center lefties and lefties are pissed right now.

14958594? ago

We are in an era now with no voter id laws, all kinds of fraud and it just seems "normal". I was sitting in my workplace break room the other day discussing with my workmates how once, not too long ago it would have been "normal" to see others all around us in the room smoking cigarettes on break. Now that scene is unimaginable!

14959110? ago

That is kind of the point of all this Shenanigans. To get people to stop and think, "Wait a second. Why are we putting up with this crap?" and get to talking about it.

Judging by the sheer degree of outrage flooding social media right now? I think it's working. lol

14959557? ago

It is! Our POTUS has exquisite timing in high-stakes games of chicken. Leads 'em to toes-clinging-to-the-cliff. Knocks 'em over with a feather (most of the time). He SO offends them because he mirrors their own offensiveness right back at 'em.

Truly, they all must be irrevocably crazed by now. They can't escape the Trap. Watch for odd, "Men in Black"-type evidence that they might not even be human! ;-)

14959664? ago

One of the best things about going up against the left is that they are extremely predictable. A little cage ratting and all rational thinking goes out the window, and is replaced by emotional responses. lol