14960779? ago

I totally agree! Rage just brews inside of me with every new stunt they pull. Then I go re-read my Bible and Q posts and find my sanity again. Remember war between good and evil has been going on since the world began. It all started with the deception in the garden of Eden. How can we expect to turn it all around in 2 yrs? And quite frankly we don't win until the LORD returns. BUT we can restrain it until the rapture removes the believers. God grant us all the strength to restrain and the patience to wait for your return!

14966440? ago

AND They all said--AMEN ----THANK YOU

14960221? ago

Its because no one ever does anything about the corruption it continues and only gets more blatant.

14960366? ago

Rgr that

14959888? ago

welcome to the war...

14960002? ago

been here for 50 years or so--I just get frustrated every other year

14959737? ago

People don’t even follow traffic signs, or speed limits. If you can’t follow the basics you are too retarded to follow anything else.

14959845? ago

UNLESS there is PAIN involved--The intent is to set examples---as in-- NOPE, I'm not doing that or getting involved.--The Pain is too great if caught.

14959643? ago

I was thinking the same thing. I'm tired of all the bullshit and all the "trust the plan" then the "fight, fight, fight." If we are sitting here in this forum, passively trusting the plan how the hell are we supposed to fight, fight, fight? I love POTUS and I believe he is doing an amazing job, but if all we can do is vote and our votes are stollen, then we, the people literally do not exist.

IMO, election fraud is TREASON! Treason is an overt act to overthrow the government. Our entire country is based upon a government, of the people, by the people and for the people. Silencing the people through election fraud is an overt act of overthrowing our government...it is TREASON!

How much longer will law abiding citizens stand idly by hoping for justice, before they take to the streets and demand it?

14960800? ago

Anyone else noticing Walmart is hiding the .223 ammo? For several months now the shelves always empty and have to complain to management (not the cashier), then they 'find' it stored in the back room. Long drive for me (by design) to get ammo elsewhere. Wonder if this is nation wide (probably). Sigh. God Bless Our Veterans! Thank You!

14959801? ago

Nail --meet--hammer. Key phrase 'LAW ABIDING CITIZENS'.


Not those who FLAUNT the LAW


14959485? ago

Hi, I'm from the burning state of CA. I agree with you!! I have spent years being brainwashed by the divisions. I also want to get to the bottom of what is going on and want to see the indictments roll, perp walks, and above all I want the LIST OF THE CRIMES written out for all to see and understand. Thanks for speaking up. I am tired of what you have mentioned and would like to add some more items.

Mr. President,

I have been supporting you from the beginning even though I have been a Dem most of my life. Yes, we know you are taking care of business and cannot telegraph all that you are doing. I understand things are unfolding and the EO for Jan. 1st is around the corner. You have dropped hints at the lack of FOREST MANAGEMENT and water in N. CA being DIVERTED to the ocean. Others have talked about the False Flags going on. These are serious crimes that I want to see brought justice with clarity of crimes listed and criminals ID'd. The McCain style of quiet elimination cannot be the method with nothing said. As you can see the media and many 'normies' who believe them still do not get it. CA will continue to burn in the future, kids will be trafficked, regular Calif will still be in the dark if you and your MI intel do not bring the facts out and prosecute the criminals showing us the LIST of CRIMES, so that we understand fully.

Please do not use the LECTURING voice about FOREST Management perhaps meant for the state leadership, when MOST of US DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. I expect the same heartfelt compassion that you give to the people of the floods and hurricanes in the other states. Your tone effects the regular Calif and we are victims too. WE do know what it means to have smoke filled skies, people being burned alive trying to evacuate and countless animals, structures, homes, and vegetation destroyed. I hear on the news that every member of the Paradise Football team lost their homes. They had to forfeit more than their game this weekend. If the cabal has caused this to happen, then I want to see them not only brought to justice, but clearly how the crimes were committed to that ALL of us understand. No more silent McCains outs. Even if there are too many 'roaches' out there to bring to justice, I want to see the LIST of CRIMES before your terms are over so we can plan going forward.

Sincerely, A citizen of the United States

14959627? ago

Hang tough--We'll get there--WWG1WGA

14974792? ago

Thanks, I needed that!

14959435? ago

I thought today 11/11/2018 was to have been the big beautiful parade. I realize it was canceled but it seemed like this date has been kept in forefront. For what? Always goes up for declass but nothing. Voter fraud, but the lady is still sitting behind her desk! We would be rounded up if caught! I think too that Q is almost like supposed to be a distraction for us. I feel like it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions.

14959599? ago

Look-- I wrote it because I was frustrated, and I NEEDED to vent a little. For me to be TOO emotional and un-focused right now is NOT productive. SO, I ranted a little, calmed down, listened to a few, told a few others to get bent, --and---now I'm back on balance. ALL of us who truly care get this way now and then. This ain't no one or two round knock out. This is a no shit 15 rounder with extra rounds as needed cause no DRAW will be allowed.-- GAME ON

14959327? ago

So go enforce the laws then. You expect people to obey arbitrary limits written by someone else simply out of good nature?

14959484? ago

nope, that is why I get pissed off. People say Hillary did NOT break the law---THAT IS BULLSHIT--the bitch should be in prison or hung. I had the joy of handling some unintended compromises at embassies. Not fun, deadly serious, accounts frozen --equipment seized, people interrogated--NO FUN And what happens to her?? nada--zippo--NOW that is just ONE example --when our DoJ, FBI, IRS, C_A , and everything else is full of DS jerks---

I get frustrated--but I'll be ok- no chocolate chip cookies--but I do have banana bread.

14958279? ago

Re: Chocolate chip cookies. I'm a purist- just chocolate chips, no nuts please.

14958113? ago

Next life, do the right thing, then we don't get here. But i know you've been awake for 50 years. I know, you've been working hard to over thrown them, i know.

Sit back, armchair fool. If you had actually done anything, you won't right a post, like an 8 year old pissed because you didn't get more icecream.

If you were a professional you wouldn't be here. If you had supported America, we wouldnt' have been here. Everyone is guilty, but when it's us vs kid fuckers, we need you to.

Personally I don't think so, but i'm not a general. and you are no foot soldier...enjoy your coffee.

14958063? ago

So ask yourself -- after all the offending, apprehending, jailing, and deporting is over what is left? A destroyed democratic party, a weakend republican party, a government that still does not work right? I don't think that the plan is to further destroy the government to "get back" at the people that have been abusing power but to put in place a structure that will make it impossible for this mess to ever happen again. I agree that we cannot be tolerant of the abuse any longer, but I also think we still need to be patient until all the pieces are in place.

14958720? ago

I think you hit the nail on the head, but you don't fully comprehend what it is that you have seen- "put in place a structure..."

14959037? ago

True, but I'm not gonna hit every street that I'm targeting with just one round. PLUS, when I get pissed off, I understand I need to vent just a little so I can actually re-gain the focus that I need.

14958024? ago

Ask Tucker Carlson how he feels about the plan Antifa mob was allowed to stand outside his home and harass intimidate and threaten he and his family and there was not 1 arrest. This is bullshit alright George Soros and his thugs Antifa and moveon.org have not been shut down and people are pissed. Obama & Clinton's still free and out campaigning for votes House falls to Dems this is total bullshit the plan fucking sucks.

14958810? ago

The Carlson home mob attack was reported and is now fermenting in the national consciousness. Eyes are slowly opening. Same with the Fla, NV voter fraud.

14958002? ago

I have wondered just recently, how easy is it to MKultra the masses via MSM?.

After I watched them hypnotize people to kill, with very little effort, it seems the insanity on the left when "Trump" is mentioned, ....could easily be the trigger word.

14957881? ago

Heads Up! Those Poor Souls! This Is Horrible! People Burning To Death In Their Cars!

Look what has happened during the fires in CA:


(I would have posted my own 'post', but I'm still 'limited' in doing so)

14957846? ago

Don't get angry.

Enjoy the show. But trust me, nothing will happen anyways :)

14957822? ago

So what was Red October? I must have missed it. (Roll Eyes)

14957774? ago

While Q and his minions of nutswingers bark trust the plan while nothing gets done Trump is losing his base. Great plan.

QAnon is a deep state LARP.

14957965? ago

No ---He's not, and the fact that you say it simply means YOU don't know shit.

14958355? ago

The boards are over flowing with the enemy today. That tells me we are closer and closer to our goal. I understand the frustration, but this is a long fought battle. We can not give up our country or our freedom - it is too valuable!

14959674? ago

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." I'm voting that the great majority of the blood comes from the tyrants.

14957549? ago

Trust the (((VOTER FRAUD))) newfag. Trust the (((inaction))). Q is really going to post some new next week promises this week.

14957489? ago

Steady mate...steady....I share your sentiment of frustration and would love to see these people face justice. BUT one thing to understand is perspective here. This is the dismantling of a system that has survived generations upon generations. So to bring it all down, we have the best of the best in the military and the best president, but also their best plan to do this without much bloodshed. So let’s do what we need to inform others and ride the wave until the hammer comes down. Believe me, it will come down sooner than you think. Why? Because 2020 will be dedicated to the second term of Donald Trump and NOT controversy of indictements and arrests.

14957580? ago

11 Nov is always tough for me. Lost too many brothers and saw too many others have their bodies and lives wrecked. A little ranting is always better than acting things out. Raise a glass with me today.---cheers

14962807? ago

God Bless and comfort you this Veterans Day. Heroes all. Thank You and know we stand with you.

14966488? ago

Thank You. Just finished toasting ALL my brothers in this life and the next.

14957645? ago

Completely agreee friend!! WWG1WGA

14957458? ago

its happening today or I quit

14958843? ago

Better use up your vacation days first.

14957437? ago

Tolerance is allowing for mistakes not for allowing for blatant disregard.

14957422? ago

Yes, I agree with you. Laws are for everyone to follow and ALL law enforcement, prosecutors, courts, etc. to uphold. With or without Q, something needs to change.

14957368? ago

Sessions set the stage for Matt Whitaker. Do you want to know why the Democrats are going crazy trying to stop Whitaker? Watch what he does this week...

Merry Christmas... WWG1...

14957357? ago

This board is infiltrated with concern fags. Shift in tactics from the shills. Ignore this bullshit

14961138? ago

This comment, and the thousands like it, are coming from people who do not interact with people. The cell phone zombies. These are not the folks who will be there when you need them. They will be yelling into their dead phones incapable of dealing with real life. All the while, convinced they are patriots. Now they will shout me down. Like clockwork. Hurt their feelz I suspect.

14957406? ago

  1. I am not a shill you asshole.

  2. Ignore your OWN bullshit.

  3. EVERY fag is concerned when a 1911 is pointed at their head.

14957440? ago

Nice try, kike. Run and get your shekels now.

14957473? ago

American Indians never used shekels

AND, we're not interested in the beads up your ass either.

14957271? ago

It's not asking for anything that isn't supposed to be done already

14957269? ago

Why did the WH tweet this?

D-DAY #Armistice At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ended. In the streets, thousands of ANONYMOUS gathered to celebrate the announcement of the Armistice. #Armistice100

14958326? ago

Maybe if something is going to happen today it will be at the 11th hour?

14959569? ago

If it is the 11th hour eastern time we have 7 minutes to go. I won't hold my breath but it would be fantastic.

14958124? ago

I’d love to think it was a nod to us, but believe little anymore. At this point, even the Deep State isn’t faked out by this nonsense.

14957226? ago

Aren’t we all? It won’t be long now. The enemy you see now, you will not see anymore forever Exodus 13:14. Declas, Unseal!

14957129? ago

This shenanigans we are currently watching is a "movie." This is a comment I posted on another thread that breaks it down:

Yes. We are currently watching a movie with actors to expose the hell out of dems voter fraud. I mean, stop and really think about it for a moment. Just how absurdly over the top is this all this Broward county shenanigans?

Clinton was there just days before the election... Clinton's known "fixer" was just there... They are clearly caught red handed and "nothing" is being done about it, despite a judges court order... They had that "Shredding" thing that is happening today...

This is all very pronounced and exaggerated. it's unrealistic and suspiciously has so much press coverage. This is not how these sorts of things work. Laughably so lol

Plus look at what someone just pointed out here earlier today: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2843998

Now. Remember what Q keeps telling us? "Patriots are in control." "Enjoy the show" And what did Q just drop the other day, just before the midterm elections? https://qmap.pub/read/2417 Q is telegraphing that we are "In the theaters and about to see a movie" We are currently in movie 2 "Fisagate." https://qmap.pub/read/1929

The next movie is "panic in DC" which will start after the Fisa is dropped. So going by the Movie board, Fisa Gate is theater 6, Panic in DC is movie 5, Guardians of the Pedophile is after that (hollywood maybe?) We are counting backwards. Which begs some important questions:

What are movies 3-2-1 and just how any people are playing "roles" in these movies? How many people have already been indicted in this "grand scheme" to wake the population up? To take part in these "movies" to reduce their sentences? To avoid being publicly hanged at the end?

Not this Autist. I think I'm on to you, Q.

...just a theory in progress I'm piecing together.

14960428? ago

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14957420? ago

It IS over the top, what is pissing me off is the lack of an ABSOLUTE smackdown.

14957545? ago

The thing is, with this - and all the other crimes to expose - it is not enough to have all the evidence and dump it in one go.

The public opinion has to follow. It takes some time to digest. And this needs attention over time to make that happen.

Also, the media still has a LOT of power over the sheep. So if going too fast without public opinion following, it is easy for them to counter that Trump is doing a "hostile takeover" or that the whole thing is politicized.

Also, it should be shown to be a wider problem than "only" in these 3 states where big elections are at stake.

14960489? ago

^ This.

All the shit these people are guilty of is a lot to take in. People need a bit of time to adsorb it, step by step. I mean think about it.

What do you think the average person is going to think when they learn the real truth about Hollywood? About 9/11? Alll the wars and deaths of family, friends and loved ones that were completely unessairy? How our very own presidents betrayed us and sold the American people out?

We are so far head that sometimes, we forget to stop and take a moment to look back and see just how far behind the rest of the sheep are.

14957454? ago

I imagine that is coming soon. Fixing the rigged voting system was a campaign promise of Trump's. So far he's been pretty good at delivering. Well, on the ones that aren't heavily obstructed.

Though on this matter, this is kind of indefensible. Trying to stand against voter ID laws after this outrage is political suicide. Their careers would be over. Everyone right of center, even some moderate center lefties and lefties are pissed right now.

14958594? ago

We are in an era now with no voter id laws, all kinds of fraud and it just seems "normal". I was sitting in my workplace break room the other day discussing with my workmates how once, not too long ago it would have been "normal" to see others all around us in the room smoking cigarettes on break. Now that scene is unimaginable!

14959110? ago

That is kind of the point of all this Shenanigans. To get people to stop and think, "Wait a second. Why are we putting up with this crap?" and get to talking about it.

Judging by the sheer degree of outrage flooding social media right now? I think it's working. lol

14959557? ago

It is! Our POTUS has exquisite timing in high-stakes games of chicken. Leads 'em to toes-clinging-to-the-cliff. Knocks 'em over with a feather (most of the time). He SO offends them because he mirrors their own offensiveness right back at 'em.

Truly, they all must be irrevocably crazed by now. They can't escape the Trap. Watch for odd, "Men in Black"-type evidence that they might not even be human! ;-)

14959664? ago

One of the best things about going up against the left is that they are extremely predictable. A little cage ratting and all rational thinking goes out the window, and is replaced by emotional responses. lol

14957092? ago

This seems to have very little to do with these midterm election results other than to spotlight the fraud/meddling to ultimately protect the 2020 race. The administration knew that the D's would cheat, yet -- as far as I can tell -- did nothing to stop them.

We are instructed to wait it out and combat pure evil with silly art projects. Hmmm. Memes are fun and there are some really creative ones out there, but they are not going to magically heal the D's, who are suffering from mental illness. It is downright cruel to mock those afflicted with insanity.

I like a shot of coffee with my whiskey in the morning.

14957573? ago

The fight is about the narrative in the media. Before political change can happen. (And to pre-empt political counter-attacks).

Remember what Q said that - in the bigger scheme about all the crimes - they have ALL the information and evidence. The fight is around public opinion and therefore the corrupt media is the biggest enemy still standing.

(Hence - the memes and other participation is valuable).

14957729? ago

Thank you. I am just beyond tired of every single major institution here being corrupt to the core with narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths.

I have heard that the Iron Curtain was brought down because the folks living behind it watched and loved the tv show Dallas. That resulted in the commies losing their grip over the narrative and people rose up. I get it.

However, if you want to try and convince people who are living in denial that they are damaged individuals who are living in denial, well...best of luck with that.

14957314? ago

Irish it up buddy

14957476? ago

I never could hide my Irish side.

"Many a time a man's mouth broke his nose."

Happy Veterans Day, patriot!

14957116? ago

Rgr the whiskey--I'll be doing that later today. My 11Nov ritual is a small fire for lunch---alone---two glasses of whiskey with multiple toasts to all my brothers here and beyond.

14957173? ago

Enjoy, patriot! God bless.

14957027? ago

Ok, we all want to see these fucking scum cabal/pedo freaks brought to justice, but getting pissed off and talking violence.retribution and/or demanding action from Q is NOT THE ANSWER.

Lots of things are happening in the background, just appreciate that the Q drops are about information for patriots as much as disinfo for the cabal, and we can only see the very tip of the iceberg, which is why Q keeps saying Trust the Plan.

Someone else listed this link but its a great read and analysis of what actually went down over the past couple months/elections. https://www.reddit.com/user/SerialBrain2/comments/9vkkbh/trump_and_the_2018_midterms_the_most_impressive/

I must admit I felt much calmer and satisfied that everything is going to the plan, after reading their analysis.

Give it a read and see what u think.

14957017? ago

Want to know what spins me up? I live in Flori-duh and the Broward county syndicate IS STEALING MY VOTE!

14957920? ago

I see it as a just as much a Civil Rights Violation as it would be if they blocked me from voting.

14962404? ago


14958234? ago

It's worse, bc if they just blocked you from voting.....at least you'd know about it. They way they are going about this is even more disgusting. Democrats in Broward County aren't interested in "listening" to the voices of American people, they are only interested in staying in power so their crime syndicate can continue. Broward County syndicate=THUGS ALL imo.

14957015? ago

I agree with everything except the chocolate chip cookies with coffee. I prefer cinnamon rolls.

14956983? ago


14956981? ago

We knew then.

We know now.

This time, we have government control.

Boomerang suicide.


14956948? ago

God Emperor is pissed too

14956887? ago

Use your energy and read The Art of War - and you will understand that wars are not won by giving in to frustrations and emotional rants. (That doesn't mean that I don't understand your impatience).

Also remember that some things have to be "allowed" before we can handle them for good. The election fraud discussions we see at the moment pisses me off to no end. But I also know that they HAD to allow some things to unfold, so that it can now be a subject of public outrage and get attention in the media.

And so that people (other than anons) start to dig in it.

Otherwise it will never be truly changed in the system - ie. if the process needs to be federalized. The Dems will fight it to their last breath. Because they KNOW that without fraud, their existence is over.

14958948? ago

The "Art of War" as well as The "Art of the Deal" are excellent reading to understand POTUS. It will give you a helpful understanding what POTUS is doing...Sure, I am getting pissed off too... Q SAID "2018 will be great" Well..He also said a Parade today.. I am still on board but Is pissing me off a bit too Will raise a glass to my fellow Veterans and Military serving all over the world!!

14961140? ago

This is where I found reading SerialBrain2 on how Chess works, helpful.

"....adjusted with sub-strategies triggered by the opponent’s responses."

I keep that in mind before scrambling my brains over who's doing what.

14957498? ago

also read this Jfk,jr interview general Giap. this guy lead his people through war for 60 years. he fought French,Jpnese,French again and finally America and won independence for vietnam. talk about fortitude, planning and patience. some very Q esq points in the interview,imo https://sangam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Giap-Interview-by-John-Kennedy-George-magazine-Nov-1998.pdf

14959703? ago

Thanks for sharing that. It was facinating.

14959980? ago

you are very welcome from Malaysia

14957267? ago

Damn, these "I'm pissed off" rants are becoming boilerplate at this point. Start by complaining about some recent DS event, ask when arrests are supposed to happen, and reiterate how mad you are.

14960612? ago

Its part of the wake up process... First: "Ohhh Wow!!! this bad shit is REAL!... Second: Ohhhh Yay! Q and Trump are actually fighting it! How can I help?! Third: WTF Trump/Q alluded to the fact that they were going to do (thing) and it didn't happen the way I THOUGHT it would happen... I'm so mad! Do it! (Anon is at this point). Fourth: Ok, I was wrong about that last one but this next one will DEFINITELY be a thing. (Go to step 3)

14957444? ago

go boil your own plate pissant

15659682? ago

butthurt much?

14956873? ago

Rule of law takes care of criminals, we shouldn't have to

14957137? ago


14959337? ago

Which will not happen in a corrupt court system so it's very important to clean out the courts and law enforcement agencies at the beginning. It seems long to us now, but if you realize that POTUS has only been in office less than 2 years, and during that time he has faced tremendous resistance not only from the Dims but even more from his own party, then you realize that the progress has been impressive. MAGA!

14959635? ago


14956867? ago

We need to be more vocal and visible in public. As the Patriot on United flight 93 said on 9/11, “Let’s Roll!”

14957793? ago

You mean the patriot who vanished into a hole in the ground with an entire plane?

14956735? ago

You are watching the SYSTEMATICdestruction of the old fucking cheating lying guard. It is playing out right before your eyes. Think DMV.

14956759? ago

Detonation Moment Visible ?? One could hope.

14956724? ago

Is this a real post or one o' them shitposts?

14956751? ago

nah it's real-- reading about Snipes and the Abrams bitch made my blood boil. Then they rubbed salt in the wound saying liberal layer dumbasses were arguing to include 'non-citizen' votes. some days I want to line them up and find out how many of them a 50 cal goes through before it stops.

14956704? ago

It pisses us off because we have been able to see all the bullshit for some time now, but spare a thought for those who have known about it for most of their lifes and didn't even have Qanon to give them hope, at least we know about the plan! (Which was set in motion a loooong time ago so stop bitchfagging and get the coffee on).......

I'll take caramel in my latte.

14961195? ago

Personally, I've known a lot of this and been waiting 55 years to see something happen.

14961997? ago

I worked out something was seriously wrong during the 90s. 9/11 just confirmed it all for me, couldn't believe the blatant fuckery that the msm just totaly ignored at the time.

14960207? ago

Been at it for reals since 2007 here when The Fed woke me up.

14957321? ago

No, we are pissed because we follow the law and they dont and without consequences. This shit goes much further nobody will feel a need to follow the law. That's a huge problem.

14961277? ago

I don't now, if stopped by police I just tell them I'm a democrat!

14956722? ago

trade you the carmel for your cookies

14957283? ago


14956695? ago

Q you better come up with some strong moves because people have enough of this shit

14957307? ago

Just a little something, arrest Loretta Lynch publicly. That will hold me over.

14959245? ago

Be careful what you wish for. An avalanche may start with "just a little," but once started, you really have no way to "turn it off." I suspect that once the ball (or snowball) starts rolling, many people who are now demanding that Q and POTUS do something are going to be a lot more disturbed and unhappy than they can imagine at this point in time. Once arrests start, there's no going back, and there may be some very disturbing consequences. They're not going quietly.

14956626? ago

S like this actually makes me ponder that I don't live forever - and that's a good thing. I am really sick of this government.

14956583? ago

let q and potus handle it in their own time. theres no rush. none whatsoever. put down your guns and dont do a single thing yourself to change anything, the government is already in control. they have everything dont you know which is why you should sit back and watch the movie play out and not lift a finger. the hundreds of thousands of people trying to destroy your country will surely stop any day now... any day

14956638? ago

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. "Q" is a PSYOP by either American or Russian military intelligence, you are being duped kids...

14956679? ago

oh give it up. I knew more about psyops 15 years ago than you will ever know. been there done that. dumbasses like you spewing shit is another thing that pisses me off. psyops is ONLY on piece, on part, of the conflict--now--shut up.

14956732? ago

A PSYOP to get us to do our own thinking, do our own research? You're right. That dude is a dumbass.

14957389? ago

A PSYOP to get you to do your own thinking, do your own research, then you will get mad because absolutely NOTHING will be happening to stop the shit AND THEN revolt and ignite civil war. Yeah, it's probably a psyop or just some retarded chanfags that think they are doing good.

And BTW, Q always implies what he wants you to think. And you always obey.

14957781? ago

You're FOS. There's no cohersion here. There's no pay-for-play here. Q may point to shit we wouldn't have known, cause we've been products of a very elaborate/baroque 'mushroom' farm;' it's quite Socratic in overall MO.

You got nothin,' so you pull stuff outta your ass that you've been told are good 'trigger' words and phrases. Pathetically stale now, dude.

How 'bout, you seek out other pay-for-punkout shills, and sniff each others' butts, get to know each other...like feral dog packs, ya know.

14956611? ago

Yes let's not lower ourselves to the standards of these scum. We're better than that.

14957862? ago

I try not to, but sometimes the urge to shit-talk these *%)(&& is too overwhelming. Plus, I have no one to talk with about any of this. Everyone around me seems to be stubbornly 'in the Dark.' I wonder if the Light scares them.

14959343? ago

change scars them. they want steady state---the known is better than the unknown -- AKA ---sheeple

14956558? ago

Wait, you thought that these fuckers would lie down and patiently be taken out the back and shot?

Why else do you think they are pulling the current shit that they are doing? It's because people are beginning to hold them accountable, and they are responding with "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!!!!" like the Cluster B trash they are.

14956577? ago

Noooo--That's NOT what I thought. If it was up to me they would all be 'meek and mild' now and be in line for placards for handicapped parking spaces.

14961223? ago

I can see the left using articles like this against Trump.

14967243? ago

They would use anything against him though - it's what they do. Why self-censor yourself?

14956686? ago

the cookies part does work that way.

14956526? ago

Fight, Fight, Fight. DEMAND public disclosure. BE LOUD. BE HEARD. This is just the beginning. 2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q

14958149? ago

This is a genius and appropriate response. I was going to say “it’s normal to be mad - I’m mad too.” But that is exactly NOT what Q is telling us to do.

14957490? ago

There is like 7 weeks left in 2018 so when will the glorious part kick in? Black Friday?

14957536? ago

When there dead.

14956733? ago

Orange man good.

Trust Q.

Stick to the plan.

Democrats evil.

Republicans good.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel.

Be a good goy.

Not like those NPC democraps lolz.

14957304? ago

What's up @food_stamp? Fuckin looser.

14957083? ago

Shouldn't you be off collecting your shekels?

14957246? ago

Allow the BLIND to keep 'leading' the BLIND.

Those who SEE will NEVER be BLIND again.


The BLIND can willingly 'open their eyes' and SEE, or not; the FREE WILL CHOICE is theirs.

Those who SEE refuse to be HELD BACK any longer BY THE BLIND; We have been 'silent' LONG ENOUGH.



Do NOT Engage/Waste your energy on the 'trolls'.

Without Attention, 'trolls' wither/dry-up as a plant without water.

14957264? ago

Eh. I completely ignore threads by them, but will take shots at the random comment from time to time.

14957381? ago

Good to Hear! ;)

Rather than 'trolling' you'd think these people would be 'looking into things'. I guess the 'pay' is too Good to use this 'time' wisely

14957417? ago

If the opportunity is too good/open not to hit with some snark, it's hard to resist. But interacting with their threads only encourages them. Those are a simple downvote and move on.

I mean, we know there are organizations out there where their entire purpose is to shill and troll threats. So in some cases, yes the 'pay' is too good to do something more productive with their lives. That or they are too lazy/radically indoctrinated.

14956869? ago

wow CIA amping it up in here. the whole blame israel and not delving deeper into which specific factions are to blame feels like a lame CIA ploy. A last ditch attempt. The Rothschilds family has done this for many years. All in all the Khazar/Zionist faction can fk off and die like the rest of them. but this website VOAT seems like its purpose is for the CIA to muddy the details so ppl just go muh jews. so in the future cabal assets in the media can point to it and go see antisemitism.

Like blatantly this is your purpose right?

Nothing will stop the cabal from being exterminated. your tactics are weak. Rothschild will burn. False Jews