14928843? ago

When will POTUS take our Social Security system away from the British Crown, who uses it as their own piggy? We pay into a British Crown OWNED fund. They steal it all, and force us to live in poverty.

14923094? ago

How about a cure for legit autism (no social skills, hand flapping, random verbal outbursts, obsession with things that spin)? I mean no disrespect to you if you literally have Autism, my son does and he has begun hitting himself. Nothing is working for him, and it breaks my heart to see him hurt himself for no apparent reason. Thanks for any insight that you can provide.

14924776? ago

Have him checked out by doctor.. Maybe his head hurts. or whatever part of the body he is hitting.. That would be my first move.

14925652? ago

It seems to be frustration...I have him read aloud each day, if he doesn't know a word, hits himself. Makes a small mistake, hits himself. Something doesn't go his way, hits himself.

14929196? ago

It is heavy metals, especially aluminium in the brain, combined with flouride. There are things that you can do. Check out this SGT Report it sounds o like may be relevant your son: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGJwOBD1kB8 and look into Dr Carley.

14934052? ago

Thank you for showing me a path to follow.

14923505? ago

Heavy Metal Toxicity seems to be the cause of the more severe elements of Autism. I'm afraid I don't know enough to truly offer you a full cure, but knowing the problem may offer you enough insight.

14923535? ago

Thank you.

14923751? ago

It is my genuine pleasure. You are eternally welcome.

14922553? ago

What's going on with these Red flag laws? Should we be worried?

14922717? ago

Any nation that has accepted Gun Control has Perfected Slavery.

Mark Passio

14922499? ago

Can Russia be brought around to firmly wear a white hat? Which 3 so called “foreign allies” where’s the whitest hat in your view?

14922545? ago

I don't trust any secret societies, so in my estimation, all hats right now are decidedly grey. I retain final judgement until the bell rings and the Sun has it's say.

All the participants have their part to play. To say White, Black or anything short of Grey is to assume you have Heaven's eyes. I'm afraid none of us do.

14922573? ago

Is trump a white hat?

14922751? ago

In my heart of hearts, I genuinely believe he is. I believe Donald J Trump loves to Win. But he doesn't like losers. He really doesn't like losers. In fact he doesn't like them so much that if you're a good person, someone who he can get along with, then he wants you to win too. He wants Win-Win dealings. That's the kind of man you can grow with, because he wants you to grow. He wants you to be as big, strong and confident as he is. It's no fun beating up 3rd graders when you could go into a ring with MMA fighters, you understand?

14922222? ago

Have you or any other autist studied the relationship between Q predictions that purport to have some accuracy regarding later events (proofs), against Q predictions that have been contradicted by later events.

The vague nature of Q posts has similarity to mentalism techniques. He "shotguns" morsel after morsel of information, relies on the "Forer effect"

14922370? ago

I've never cared much for prophecy, so frankly, I'm not the one to inquire.

The brunt seems to be, more or less, why do you listen to Q? I don't, I trust what they have to offer and verify the information for myself. If that is not the brunt of your question, I am sorry, would you kindly reword it in a way I may be of assistance?

14922649? ago

Thank you for the reply.

I'm curious about how we might determine the validity of Q. Some of what he offers might prove true, but other things don't. We are left to cherry-pick the gems to remain faithful.

His posts are vague and filled with disparate unrelated bits. This manner of writing resembles the techniques used in astrological readings in a newspaper, for example.

My question was has anyone counted the "hits" as well as the "misses", in order to offer some mathematical proof of the "better than chance" odds that his predictions would require in order to be something more than a simple "cold reading" technique.

Failing this, how would one (you, for instance) determine validity as it relates to Q, when he shotguns so many tidbits a week, and only a few ever seem relevant?


14923759? ago

It seems voat ate my response to this.

Damn. I'm sorry, it will be a bit before I can respond again.

14922182? ago

What are all the things we should know that would be most helpful to bring about an enlightened civilization, that people have not asked you about?

14922431? ago

All you have to know is, We Are All One. You are an individuated point of consciousness, that is a reflection of the One, Infinite Creator. You are a sub logos of a sub logos of a sub logos of a sub logos. That does not invalidate your worth, as we are all equally worthy of the Love of the One Infinite creator, it does however mean that you must individuate yourself so that you may come to love and know yourself, as that is the ultimate will of the Creator, to love and know all that He is, Was and Ever Could be.

If you can truly understand that, then you are ready to join the rest of the Civilizations across the Cosmos. If you can understand what it means, to be both One point of Infinite while also being part of that Infinite, then you are spiritually ready to polarize yourself into either a force for All, or a force for Yourself.

14922715? ago

I was hoping you would have something for me that I didn't already know :) I do appreciate what you are doing, thank you for that. I'll just keep doing what I am doing.

14926044? ago

Unfortunately, many will find they already know what I have to teach them, they just needed a reminder, or a gentle prod. Often times it's the universes way of planting seeds or tending to previous gardens, y'know?

14927647? ago

I know :) Keep doing what I'm doing :) Hold steady.

14922011? ago

Outside the Law of One books, what additional reading/research would you recommend? Specifically looking for guidance for crystalizing intent when meditating to raise vibration, utilizing Law of attraction to manifest "Best Possible Outcome for All."

14922146? ago

You're overthinking it.

The best way to visualize is to expand your field of consciousness, to envision yourself as the "other", to "feel" what it feels like to be others.

To crystalize the most good, just live it. Live your highest good. Be good to others, as you would yourself. Share that love, take action in times where you see the opportunity to improve something. Those will raise the vibrations more than hard core meditative practices ever could at this point. This is the time of Harvest, friend, not of preparation. We are in the final days of Harvest, the Festival will soon be upon us. You are better served by helping your brothers and sisters in whatever ways you can.

Raising the vibration through meditation, if that is your highest good you can envision, will require a different mentor. As that is not my area of expertise I'm afraid.

14921427? ago

Who is the whit rabbit? Why do the pedos use the white rabbit theme in their art?

14921884? ago

Think "bait". How did Alice go into Wonderland?

14945498? ago

She followed the white rabbit and fell in the hole. Bait.. money? Children? She was set up by Q?! Q baited her and now we have it all!! Omg am I right??

14921339? ago

If DECLAS would have swung the vote to RED, why was it held back?

14921471? ago

Voting is irrelevant. The entire premise of politics is flawed. Namely; "We need to have a central power, otherwise what will we do" the answer is, not act like morons and take fucking responsibility for ourselves and not pretend we're a bunch of children who need Mommy and Daddy to watch over us forever.

Declas brings down the [House] Meaning the entire government will be removed. If you understood the fiction we've been living under you'd understand why you're watching a Movie. Much like a movie though, you're really into it. So into it, you forget you're watching a show.

Yes, the situation sucks right now. But what you can do to improve it is to simply share some light, some love with others. To take the time to get to know each other and to make loving, impactfull bonds. You are truly watching a show and at the end of the day, if we don't like how the show ends. We still have the 2nd A to enforce Our Free Will with.

14922338? ago

I’m all in on the movie, I just liked the plot better where we controlled the house. The “4d” game is cool to consider but if the next two years is about lettIng the Ds destroy themselves that’s a long ass film.

I get it - I think. I’ve been preaching patience since I got red pilled. I still believe that to disentangle all of the corruption probably the longer it takes the better. I’m still all in. But it’s like following a good team, sometimes losses help in the long run, but they still hurt. BUT, it is all about how one deals with the loss. Hopefully the bulk of the Q family are not fair weather fans. Sure helps when you win the next game. Eg Whitaker!

14922477? ago

This won't last two years. I'd frankly be amazed if this wasn't wrapped up by February. But again, I'm not a prophet, I don't dabble in dates. All time is Now, you just aren't aware of now until it comes.

Do you think we are losing, or do you think the House did its job and so was a fine sacrifice to give them? If the House Intelligence comittees did their jobs, then it would be up to the Senate to act upon them, would it not?

14922679? ago

I think we are winning. But that only affects me. Of course after all the hype I was disappointed in the election results. Seems fair. A real red wave would have opened a lot of eyes.

Managing expectations is a worthy goal. Of course Q is talking to a widely diverse audience with polar expectations. I’ve adjusted my expectations and I look forward to see how the script is written and the improvisation plays out.

14921015? ago

Is Trump a satanist? There's a satanist church with 6 ranks and the second to the top rank is MAGA.

14921095? ago

Since Satan stems from the Sumerian Word "Shatam", which is "Administrator." I can concisely say, no. Trump is more certainly not a Satanist. He does not worship hierarchy, he does not worship personal power. He seems entirely genuine in his love for You, The American people. All of them, across the globe. All who value freedom, liberty, love and life. He is a man who I believe is like me. He doesn't like the first law of Thermodynamics. "I can only get as good as I get" Fuck that, he's a winner and he likes winning. He wants everyone to win. He likes making Win-Win situations.

That kind of behavior would invalidate any Satanic practices, he would be a walking contradiction if he was a Satanist.

14921006? ago

Have you studied material other than the Law of One, Hidden Hand, Spirit Science, Rofschild AMA, FBI Anon, and Q? Most of what you say is just a paraphrasing of those resources. Be careful in assumimg you've become a prophet... the ego is a tricky little fucker.

14921119? ago

I never claimed to be a prophet. I claimed to offer you knowledge, if you think you've come across all that I know, by all means, test my knowledge.

If I were a prophet, wouldn't I be espousing a great deal of things for you all to swallow and telling you of the greatness I can weave?

As always, use your own discernment and decide for yourself what you believe, but don't dare to tell me what I am. I know what I am that I am.

14921404? ago

I am you and you are me and we are All One.

. . . .

don't dare to tell me what I am.

Please reconcile these two statements.

14921909? ago

How am I meant to reconcile telling you we're All One and telling you not to tell me who or what "I" am? Are you incapable of telling those two perspectives apart?

14922253? ago

Are you capable of coherently articulating your contradictions?

Declas is also inevitable.



Even if they do not declas...

14922516? ago

Are you purposely being obtuse? It's not a contradiction to say It's inevitable and "Even if they choose not to use it". Use your head. Fucks sake.

14920951? ago

Salutations. Q sometimes issues target dates or timelines where events are supposed to habben. Usually those are intentional FF ops to keep the Enemy guessing and wasting efforts. We all know the Senate is important going forward, but massive frauds are unfolding...and POTUS' trip abroad this weekend was allegedly a time marker.

Ok, now the questions...are events going to accelerate some, arrests or Declas which is what we all think we want? Did Q and Team let frauds habben in the election so as to collect hard data for (hopefully immediate) prosecutions? Do you expect we will see any relief from the fake news soon or do we carry on like this for another year or more? Are there markers you would consider more important than others that maybe many of us missed and should review? Gracias mi amigo.

14921235? ago

Events have been accelerating since 2016. Surely you've felt the chaotic energies? The crazies are getting crazier, the happy people are getting happier, emotions are running high everywhere.

Arrests are inevitable. These people have done truly heinous acts and it has come to light. If Q/Trump do not bring them to "justice" then We, The People, will. Q and Trump know this. That is plan C. Plan B is a military coup. Plan A is plan Q. Declas is also inevitable. Even if they do not declass, there is more than enough evidence out there to prove through tangential links to open up a citizens investigation. Again, we are plan C.

I believe the voter fraud was by design. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. The Fake News Media have been used as a weapon to push that fraud forward. If we can demonstrate(And we will) that the MSM was used as a weapon against the people, soon enough, the optics of it will be self evident. No one will be able to, with a straight face, take them seriously.

Markers I would consider more important? That's a good question. I'm afraid I can't directly point to any of them. I can say however, that Anons really, really, really should re-read old drops. Especially the ones pre-1000. They were more cryptic because Q and Team didn't have full control, but they revealed some serious bombshells as well. I really liked studying [U1] especially. With all the big reveals re:FISAgate it's easy to forget that [U1] is also demonstrable treason.

14921879? ago

Well yeah, events have been moving on a slow curve, I'm wanting a more inverse curve, been waiting a very long time for a timeline like this one.

Any thoughts on if the California shoot and fires are C_A?

14922275? ago

They are DEW based attacks. See: "Where Did the Towers Go, Dr Judy Woods" for more information about the power of DEWs.

They are almost guranteed FF's, whether C_A or another sub agency(remember, there are over 1,000 intelligence agencies in the US alone) I can't say, but it doesn't matter, it all links back to the Family.

14922533? ago

Ah, DEW, did not think of that, too much Spy vs. Spy when I was a kid maybe. Who fired the missile out of the Seattle area and what was it?

Did hillary transfer battlefield nukes to islamics during Benghazi?

14922991? ago

I'm afraid I know nothing of Seattle.

Hillary and her ilk have been moving nuclear grade material across the globe. The objective is to be as negative polarity as possible. How they get there, they literally don't care, they are driven by personal lust and greed. So nothing is beyond what they are willing to do. They view it as a game. You are a pawn to them. A piece of the chess board. And in their estimation, if you allow them to do it to you, then you deserve what you get.

Had she won in 2016, a military coup would have occured to, Dethrone her. Luckily, you're seeing plan A instead of Plan B and C(Military Coup/Civil Revolution) we're thankfully on a much better timeline thanks for the massive turnout for Trump.

14923614? ago

We may have to see that coup or revolution yet, I pray for Humanity and America daily, for without America Humanity loses.

Did DS build orphanages in Yugoslavia and make war specifically to gain kids for their uses?

14920886? ago

Are we about to "see" New Earth? Is Q's cosmic name really "ORITQ?" Will there be a rainbow wave soon? Will there be a new measurement system unrolling around Nov. 16 based on universal law?

Asking for a friend. :D

14921046? ago

To "See" it? Depends on you. It depends on if you've done the inner work. It depends on if you have prepared yourself for the coming harvest. If you have, yes, "soon" you will see it.

I don't know Q's cosmic identity, but it has been my supposition that Q is some form of Quantum computing. An AI of sorts. Or, a higher minded being from a higher density of existence. Not that there is much of a difference from our third density perspective between the two.

I don't know about the measurement system and I do not dabble in dates. Q demonstrated why numerous times, it sets you up for a fall.

"Soon" is up to us to create collectively. The last harvest was very slim, this harvest looked to be even worse. We are being given a chance to prepare so as to not waste this once in a 25,000 year chance. I suggest each of us take the time to study up on "Harvest". Decide, through your thoughts, feelings and actions, if you wish to be of Service to Self or Service to All.

Though, it should be noted. Harvest is not bad, it is not lethal, fatal, etc. During Harvest, you will experience a Zero Time, an eternal loving extasy, a reminder of what it means to be One with The All, to rekindle your soul and give it a reason to aim for higher. Those who are ready and polarized will be "harvested" and begin a new life on either Mother Gaia, or a far off planet(those who are Negative Polarized will join them there. Think Hillary and her ilk.)

14921747? ago

Thank you so much for the reply. I've been immersing myself in study of the all these things since March (it started with researching "what happened 25,000 years ago" and the galactic center explosion cycle info, then moved on to incarnation info, high frequency/density, dimensions, Gaia, meditation, etc, etc, - all things that were not in my life before. It's been quite an eye-opening year. Numeric synchronicities have been mind boggling since I started this journey. I hope that means I'm on the right path. I'm working on service to others, but I'm sort of a recluse and having a hard time with that one. I serve my children and my husband for now, and friends in need. But I know I need to be out there making a difference for others in need as well.

14922326? ago

No. You're incorrect on that last part.

It is essential to recognize, service to others does not mean service to all indiscriminately. It means you must choose your relationships and bonds. Not allow yourself to be haphazzardly bouncing around, but making conscious choices to love your loved ones, to give them what they need, not merely what they want. Do not allow yourself to fall into the same trap as YAHWEH did. He was a benign dictator. We did not suffer, because we did not know OF suffering, there was no strength because there was not the possibility of weakness. We were deaf, blind, mute, just mindlessly slaving for his benefit, feeding his ego.

Choice is the reason you are here. You must choose those who you wish to serve, as that is the point of Wisdom, to take action after careful consideration. It is not the quantity of service, but the quality of it, that matters. :)

14923372? ago

Autist, I am a different person here, but this brings up an understanding I have about service to others. We are of service to others simply by being conscious, thus contributing our energies toward a higher overall consciousness in the universe. When the overall consciousness of earth beings is raised high enough then it will bring about a quicker path to the Harvest. Is that your understanding as well?

14920807? ago

Is it wise to beware of those who call themselves a Jew?

14920924? ago

Not expressly. Life is a game. You win the game by realizing it's a game and choosing, for yourself, what you believe, what you follow, how you act, how you treat your fellows. That is the point of our game here on Gaia at this time. To decide if you want to be part of Service to Self or Service to All.

The factions we've divided ourselves into are largely superficial. There are Zionists to pay attention too and a ton of other "Evil" groups out there, but the Jews as a whole are mostly scapegoats through the ages. They are not inherrently anything, they are Human, too.

14920799? ago

Thank you for the reminder.Just what I needed this morning whilst being wrapped in a very difficult situation. Need to get back into the Law of One. Been a little distracted with this Forum lately.

14920938? ago

You're very welcome. I'm glad this bit of synchronicity offered you a reminder. It is my hope that I sufficed as an alarm clock. :)

14920522? ago

your insight on Q mentioning "brave new world lies ahead" which could look creepy if we attach it to the story linked to the term "brave new world".

14920597? ago

It could go either way. It could be that Q is a massive con. It could be that he's given you all the tools you need to take them down should Q ever be comped, it could just be that Q is being 100% sincere. The truth is, there is the possibility of co-creating a world that is so wonderous, so united, so beautifully In Unity, that it staggers belief. But we have to choose to create it for ourselves.

14920464? ago

Thank you for the research. I used to do heavy research on this myself before starting a family.

14920616? ago

I do it for my family. I started with just trying to heal myself, now it's become just trying to help my fellow man wake up a little.

You and everyone else are eternally welcome.

14920330? ago

Why is no one listening for SkyKing transmissions today? Do we not remember last year??

14920311? ago

Why should I care what you think? Honest question

14920376? ago

Because I am you and you are me and we are All One. You should care to take care of my words, or you should take care to simply disregard me. The choice, is always yours. But, you are here, now. Why not inquire? Why not see for yourself if there is a reason to listen to what I have to say? It seems a waste to waste the opportunity you may or may not have by simply asking me "Why should I listen to you?" You shouldn't. Or maybe you should. You won't know until you ask something of substance. Then, you can determine for yourself if it had any worth to you or not.

14920506? ago

ok. Which great awakening is this? How many times have we done this before?

14920657? ago

This is the third cycle of Harvest. I do not know how many times Gaia has been harvested, but the last harvest was so poor, YAHWEH had to accept some outside help from the Lightbringers. See:Venus.

14920720? ago

Who's the one switching the timelines? The Cabal the Alliance or a 3rd party?

14920828? ago

We are, collectively. Between the Alliance forces and our collective human will, we have moved off the rails of apathy onto a better timeline. We all have created it together, we will all create what we wish, together.

It's important to remember, time travel creates waves in "Time" but you cannot really move an entire dimension through time, it invalidates their free will. However, if enough consciousness is directed towards the task of the greatest possible good they can envision, then it will simply change us onto that timeline. I'm afraid I don't have an explanation for the Mandella Effect and why it occurs so frequently beyond "people have been fucking with time a lot."

If you're particularly sensitive to energy, you may have noticed, time feels very "Stretchy" these last few weeks.

14922936? ago

I feel the Mandela Effect is part esoteric and part in game programing (reality) and that is why it has so many people confused. The internet changed a lot of things and helped connect a lot of different groups that were not connected before. We used to tell stories to communicate...now we rely on something else to dictate our stories to us. This has changed the focus for some people and the minor details slip away...for example Jif may have been Jif and just printed differently due to old regional preferences. However full parts of the bible being changed for the world to see? Something different indeed. What? I don't know.

14920970? ago

How many people were left in the old dimension?

14921283? ago

If you are a person, you are in third dimension. No one is "Left behind" everyone just graduates at their own pace. With a different memory complex sometimes. We are part of the YAHWEH memory complex currently, post harvest, some of us will join other complexes, some of us will go back "home", some of us will just continue on like nothing happened, we'll think this life was just a strange dream of sorts. But we'll remember what it felt like being "One" and that will inspire us to be better.

It's important to realize, you are an eternal soul having an experience in "incarnation" to "face consequence" and "define yourself". How can you know what you are, without knowing what you aren't, understand?

14921472? ago

I am partially here as an observer I am from a different complex. I am here to witness the pre-ascension from a different angle. I fought this battle back home already but it is indeed a fascinating perspective. It's different from being under the cloud to knowing it;'s a cloud..but almost more heartbreaking. No worries though it will all turn out it the end...the deception ends when we decide to stop being deceived...

14921558? ago

Yup. But that's the trick isn't it. We have to decide to stop allowing ourselves to be played. The deciding is the key.

It's cute how we're designed though, wouldn't you say friend? We think the key has to be big, grand, impactful, incredibly important, etc. But if we're told "The key is simply choice. Choice is literally the key.", it's like being told "Just meditate a bit." We're like "I dunno bro, not enough fireworks. Needs more pizzaz before I'll accept it. But if you tell me you're an interdimensional observer, that's just too far."

It's funny, being told I'm made in YAHWEH's image, boy that helps make so much more sense out of the Old Testament.

14921858? ago

We are programed to think beyond ourselves yet within as well...plus we have control over the outcome...and free will to choose our path. There will inevitably be crashes until all of that can be calibrated and a true purpose emerge.

14921338? ago

an elimination process...like shedding an old skin

14921578? ago

Basically. You have to peel back the false layers, the illusions you cling too, you have to recognize why you do what you do. Then you have to choose to do what you do. The why has to come before the choice, otherwise there's no wisdom in the choosing.

14920955? ago

It is very stretchy indeed. Seems to me there are different parts of our planet...or even just our country that are running on different timelines. You can cross them if you try. I've been playing with both the positive and negative of it all and it indeed seems malleable at the moment.

14921299? ago

It's definitely malleable. I've found time around me seems to change based on where I go as well. They also chem trail the fuck out of the skies around me. Literally around me, I can see gaps in the distance. Haven't seen a nice bright sunny day in weeks =/

14921497? ago

Tell them to go away.