14920436? ago

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14918831? ago

People apparently get high off of adrenochrome and it is highly addictive. Does it also give psychic powers?

14920197? ago

My understanding of Adrenalin is limited, however, given what the purpose of adrenalin is, which is to say, get your engine REVVING, I would assume that it would not "give" psychic powers so much as alert to you their presence. It's important to keep in mind, the C_A have been studying paranormal activities since their inception. One would imagine, they are doing so for a reason.

14921584? ago

Seems like cocaine or speed would be much easier and cheaper. Reason I was thinking it may be the case is because of stories/myths of so-called black magic where a child is “sacrificed” and the blood drank to invoke “the sight.” The more I learn the more I see that myths and stories have basis in fact. So I thought maybe this adrenochrome opened up the third eue or something. Giving power hungry people the illusion of more ower and entrapping them. Just a thought.

14909562? ago

Okay, I got one for you;

Ben Fulford. Telling truth or spewing bullshit?

14910609? ago

Not for me to tell you I'm afraid. He could be full of shit, but you'd have to ask yourself how much it's worth to him to bother. I mean sure, a few shekels, but it's a large overarching narrative he's having to craft and maintain so your own discernment must apply. I'm not a seer.

14908097? ago

Are the flu shots legit?

14909389? ago

No. You can heal disease using sound, light and belief. All disease is just neurosis taking a physical form within what you refer too as the body. If you allow the healing energy of the Infinite Energy to heal you, it will. Vaccines are a plague. By design, mind you, but a plague all the same.

14911627? ago

Are the luciferians using nanobots in the flu shots to make our population more sensitive to the affects from chemtrails?

14917595? ago

It's one of the theories I've heard, given my understanding of technology, I cannot put it past them as a possibility. They claim the Mark of the Beast will be obvious, but you are dealing with Liars, take everything they say with a grain of salt and use your own discernment. I don't have direct causal evidence, however, my understanding of our fractal universe is such that such devices would not only be plausible, but almost expected given the Size and Scope of the plan

14900409? ago

Was George HW Bush truly at Dealey Plaza and did he testify that he couldn't remember where he was on that day?

Were the planes flown into WTC remotely piloted after being swapped out for a passenger plane? If so, where are the passengers today? Is it possible to keep that many people quiet?

Was the "plane" that was flown into the Pentagon a small plane pack with explosives or a missle fired from a plane?

14901136? ago

did he testify that he couldn't remember where he was on that day?

He did. I can't prove he was there. But, my gut knows as sure as that sick fuck knows, he was there.

Were the planes flown into WTC remotely piloted after being swapped out for a passenger plane?

I have no reason to believe the planes were even real, if there at all. Before you write me off, we have the technology to create "hard light" constructs, they look real, you'd swear they are real, but they are not. Fiction, pure fiction. The towers definitely fell, but they were a ritualistic sacrifice. I'm afraid I can't put it all out here, but if you look up "Dr Judy Wood; Where Did the Towers Go?" you'll find all the Truth about 9/11 you need.

Is it possible to keep that many people quiet?

Yes. People aren't hard to keep quiet, those who are, they just get 187'd. No muss. No Fuss.

Was the "plane"

Most likely a missile, there simply is not enough evidence to suggest an entire fucking PLANE Crashed and all evidence just happened to evaporate from the scene.

14900398? ago

Humans currently use energy to manipulate matter, we will soon manipulate energy.

Did Ed Leeskalanin of Coral Castle understand the same things Tesla did? Magneticuniverse.com

14901149? ago

Isn't sound a fun thing to play with?

14901892? ago

I think this is why Evil was going to nuke the planet. You can't stop us from waking up, it's programmed into our DNA to be curious and search for Source. From their perspective they have always played whack-a-mole on snuffing out light. Too much light now on Earth to be able to keep it down like that anymore.

Take my own awakening as an example:

I used to bow to the altar of Science and the Republican Party.

These days I study shamanistic healing practices, play with magnets, work with tarot cards, meditate, work with Plant Spirit and Deer Spirit, pray, study reincarnation, read the Law of One, seek out spiritual mediums.

The future is bright indeed.

14900279? ago

i think if you call yourself an autist, and relate it to the Q movement, maybe you should get more educated about the history of religions, as well as the evolution of language from writings/pictures to aramaic/hebrew... then possibly contemplate the reason why there are even people on this planet, the meaning and what is to be learned... if you consider the concept of dualtiy, angels, devils, positive negative, dualistic...then consider the why...you may want to take into consideration the throughline called spirituality...of which is innate in everyone. it is a man made concept beginning from constantine times to say a child is born of sin...when a child is a miracle of life, divine, sacred...it is in the unlearning of miseducation/indoctrination that greater light emerges, less duality, and greater enlightenment. undividually, collectively, under g-d.

14899876? ago

do you think that the sky event or planet x could actually be that we are in a binary star system with a red dwarf stat in an elliptical orbit that comes around every 12 thousand years or so, gama radiation could explain evolution.

14900280? ago

The Sky Event seemed to be a plot by the Deep State to push for an "ET like" invasion using Holoprojector technology. Everything is "The Light", once you understand how to manipulate it, you can make hard light constructs that seem quite real to the human eye, but are entirely fictitious.

I may be mistaken on that one.

We are part of a binary star system though, our twin seems to be Sirius. If one were to look, one might learn that Sirius flashed 10 times brighter than our current sun ever did for a few seconds a little while back, 360 Coronal Ejection. Adds some credibility to the theory of the coming Solar Event if nothing else.

14899776? ago

I am RH-NEG. I know all the history of percentages in all races and understand the largest concentration is in the northeastern Spain with the Basques. One theory is the intermarriage with the Hypoborean Race. The result so far is occams razor, a simple mutation. OP, any new theories save Aliens?

14900314? ago

I'm afraid this is outside my realm of knowledge. However, I will suggest that DNA and Genetic Manipulation must be understood for what they are. They are simply codes that are decoded to present, well "you". As such, they can be modified internally or externally through a myriad of factors, otherwise known as Epigenetics. Your DNA is not static and does evolve alongside you as you live out your life. So outside influences can be extemely difficult to narrow down when it comes to theorizing.

14900724? ago

My parents are not RH-NEG and met in the Air Force. Hmmm. More research needed. Thanks Autist!

14918326? ago

My daughter is RH-negative as are her daughters (2). I and her father are both RH-positive. Neither of us were in the military or otherwise fucked with, ao far as I know.

14901160? ago

Good luck :)

14899670? ago

Cheers for this post. While I am uncertain about a lot of the things you write, I have also been interested in much of the same topics and had similar lines of thought as yourself - especially your view of Jesus' message, the Bible and the Church. Scary how distorted the message has been.

Regarding humans being the result of genetic tampering (a mix of ape and Nephilim?) what are your thoughts about RH- blood?

What are your views on Jung? As a psychology student, I'm very interested in many of his ideas - particularly the Collective Unconscious and the manifestation of archetypes.

Have you read the "I'm a rofschild - axe me anything" thread? If so, what are your thoughts about his idea of Natural Laws, and the importance of bloodlines?

14900521? ago

I'm afraid I don't know enough about RH blood to comment, you're the second to bring it up so I will devote some attention to the topic. Check back tomorrow, I may have a new thread up with a response on it.

I believe Jung knew a great deal more than he let on. I believe Freud was compromised and I believe you would absolutely love to read up on Wilhelm Reich, who was also a student of Freud.

If you're very interested in the Archetypes. Put your thoughts on the man(assuming you have any) aside and pick up some knowledge on the Thoth Deck by Alaister Crowley. His depiction of the 22 Greater Arcana are abso-fucking-lutely sublime. Any student of Jung would have a field day with the imagery and the work he put into presenting the Archetypes as laid out in the Tarot.

I'm currently reading the Rofchilds one, I disagree with his ideas on bloodlines, but that is because I, too am a wolf. But I was raised in a den of my own design. I am not fully read on his theories regarding bloodlines, but I do understand the mindset, he speaks to me as an equal and let me tell you, I've met fucking few of those in my lifetime. So I'm going to reserve judgement until I finish reading it.

Natural Law is how I choose to live my life. I match force with force. Which is why I stated respectful inquiries will be answered in as much honesty as I can muster. I give as good as I get, a good question deserves a good answer. A jackass deserves to be told what a rancid fucking smegma filled faggot they are for wasting my time. I do not believe in doing harm to others who do not encroach upon me. That is my life and how I choose to live it. I live under the Greek definition of Enemy, "He who is not my friend." I do not hold malice towards them, they simply exist.

I think there is and I stretch this to the furthest extent I can, but there is SOME wisdom in the bloodlines idea. But just not in the way he would likely preach. To me, bloodlines are important more in an interpersonal sense. I want my kin to be happy, in a truly loving and communicative relationship. I do not want them to marry for wealth, fame or a name. Those are all meaningless trinkets to me.

There is one thing he said

If you had a taste of it, you'd take it too.

He's wrong. I've tasted true, ultimate power. It isn't for me. I'm not interested in owning slaves. I'm not interested in beating slaves. I'm interested in seeing the heights of humanity, the power of our fighting spirit fully realized. I'm interested in each of us having the freedom to be who we are. Not who the world expects us to be.

14902630? ago

OP - relative to the rofschild posts, do you have any opinion on the Hidden Hand Dialog?


14917656? ago

Having read them, sat on them and slept on them.

Here's the important bits I have garnered.

YAHWEH is our "Creator" Logos. Mankind, before the fall, was living blissfully unaware of Self, it was effectively a benevolent dictatorship.

YAHWEH is NOT "God", "God" is a human construct. YAHWEH is simply another Creator, like we all are. We were made in his Divine Image, thus we are like him. Ever asked yourself why he claims to be a Jealous God? Because his people, us, Adamu, were incapable of growth. There was too much harmony on this 3rd dimension and our ancestors were simply, not going anywhere, not choosing anything, we were a farm of NPCs, you understand.

YAHWEH went before a high council of Watchers seeking guidance, they suggested the Lucifer group from Venus come in and "Catalyze" us. Thus, the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil, the dualism, was introduced into our genome. YAHWEH placed us in his "Garden of Eden" and placed the Fruit Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Lucifer Memory complex introduced the ability to choose between Good and Evil, incarnated along with us and pushed for the duality.

What many do not understand is this.

You've chosen to incarnate here and now. You've chosen the path you are on, to learn. To learn what I can't tell you. I can only tell you, this is a game. It's all a grand illusion. It feels very real to you, but you are not your body. You are one point of individuated consciousness out of an incalluably high amount of us. We are All One, this density, the density of Third Dimension, is something of a kindergarden. It is created to allow young souls to become polarized to either Service to Self, or Service to Others. Both answers are acceptable and both answers come with a price. Ultimately, the Lucifer Memory complex is doing the unspeakably horrible things to us, out of Love.

I understand, how disturbing it may appear on paper. To do such heinous acts, out of an alleged love. But you must understand, YAHWEH forced the hands of power. YAHWEH did not allow us to grow. He was benevollent, but he was nothing more than a Benign Dictator. He needed to grow as well, thus "No other gods but I, for I am a Jealous God." We are made in his image, YAHWEH is not perfect, nor are we. YAHWEH has emotional outbursts at times, for he is still a LOGOS in training, as are we all. YAHWEH smote a ton of us in his rage. But, the second law of the Universe is Free Will.

You are here, to make a choice. It doesn't matter what the choice is, as long as you are making them. That's what young souls especially are afraid of learning. It doesn't matter what you choose, the choice just has to be made. Exercise your will power outwards, affect the world, the universe. BECOME YOUR TRUE CREATOR SELF and Co-Create our existence towards a better.

Remember, all Evil must do to win, is exist. Good Men can sit back and do nothing, evil will always win. Good must be a choice.

Thank you, DEEPLY, for this bit of knowledge. It was the last piece I needed, I feel almost complete now, thank you.

14918710? ago

I have read the hidden hand several times. Have read some if The Law of One. Fascinating stuff. I am confused on one point though. Did Yahweh create the Earth (as the Bible says) and therefore Gaia is also part of Yahweh, or is Gaia independant (I understand that ultimately we are all one—am talking here in terms of gestalt groups: the Yahweh group, the Lucifer group etc.)?

Sorry for the run-on sentence. Gist is: was Gaia already in existance and Yahweh just decided to set up camp here or did Yahweh create Gaia.

Reason I ask is because

  1. Seems that Yahweh is on his third 25,000 (26,000?) year cycle (unless I have misunderstood) and I think Gaia has been around longer than that(?).

  2. It seems that other gestalt groups (besides Yahweh and Lucifer) have participated in ascension cycles on Earth (hidden hand mentions one in S. America and Ra in Atlantis? and others) not to mention various visitors and walk-ins. Seems like this wouldn’t happen if Gaia was solely-owned(bad way to put it but can’t think of another way to say) by Yahweh.

Difficult for me to express the question. Thanks for any insight.

14920267? ago

I'm afraid I don't quite know how YAHWEH and Gaia intersect, I don't know if she is her own Logos or if she is a Logos node within our Galactic quadrant, which in turn would allow for "deals" to be made, as Gaia, like all of us, is always cycling. She may have simply accepted a deal with YAHWEH to house us during her own cycles. "For the sake of it" as it were.

If we think of the universe as being Fractal, would it not make sense that the "Planets" have a consciousness and are able to be spoken with? We know of the Shuennan(sp?) resonance, after all, which is our Mother Earths song to us. Saturn has a song, though his song pains my ears and makes my soul weep.

I understand the crux of your question, but if you find my answer lacking, let me know. I will offer what I can of my understanding.

14921449? ago

Thanks. You mean Schumann Resonance. And I am most definitely behind the idea that Gaia is a conscious being, thus the question in the first place. Logos is a better term than gestalt. So the question rephrased is: are Yahweh and Gaia part of the same Logos? Your answer, I think, is No. I think I agree with you. She is either her own Logos or part of some planetary grid Logos with her/their own ascension plan. Of course the divisions are not “real” as all are One, but there are these Logos (groupings) and sub-Logos etc. Thanks.

14904288? ago

Ever wondered who is "on top of the Pyramid?" He gives us a clue. The bloodline he represents is well above the Rothschild's in power and in the hierarchy and is extra-terrestrial in origin. The 13 bloodlines we have been talking about thus far on this website and others, with the Rothschild's in a top position together with the Merovingian Nobility, are quite low rank in the Big Pyramid Structure, and are the ones playing a power game here on Earth, only aware of parts of the Big Game (a need to know basis). The bloodline "Hidden Hand" is supposedly belonging to is way more advanced and higher rank.

I've always assumed something to this effect. I'll get back to you on this one, I hadn't heard of it either but it has caught my eye with that statement for sure.

14901042? ago

I noted that you mentioned Wilhelm Reich, more specifically a documentary, in another reply which I bookmarked. I'll have a look tonight before bed. Agree that Freud was compromised, even though I respect some of his ideas highly - still, much prefer Jung.

I haven't read much of anything by Crowley, though I do have some general knowledge about him and his ideas. I found the book as a PDF and will get back to it after I've devoured more of Jung, at this point I'm just getting started really.

I've read through Rofschilds thread multiple times since I first found it, and have always found it to be a great resource. I share his view on most things, with the possible exemption of the very same thing you brought up. However, I do reserve my own judgement as I have not found myself in the situation where I have the same amount of power as his family does, and don't dare to guess how I would behave in such a situation - I also doubt you have, even though raw power comes in many forms. More generally, I found his ideas about the bloodline to be intuitive and hard to argue against - like you say, we do care more about our kin than we do others. I didn't see him, in any form, advocating marrying for wealth, fame or name but rather the advancement of the bloodline. To find a mate with qualities you value, to some extent share, and want to integrate with those of your own in the form of a child.

I also don't think his interest really lies in the subjugation of other people, slaves. His view, or my understanding of it, is more that other people enslave themselves through their own lack of responsibility and initiative to improve their lot. Moreover, some people might not actually want freedom, but instead find solace in their own LACK of agency (Foucault's great insight). If you are responsible, you can fail due to your own inadequacy. This, I believe, ties in rather well with the political Left, compared to the more responsibility-focused Right. All of that said, it is possible people could successfully be converted, though I'm not entirely sure of this myself. In conclusion, I also find Rofschild more cynical than myself, and my ideal world would be much like the one you described - although I do have my reservations about to what degree such a world is realistic.

I noted that you brought up an interest in networking. While I'd be the first to acknowledge my comparative lack of wisdom in these kinds of matters, they also interest my immensely and I do aspire to learn (albeit at a slightly lower pace, due to my current studies to become a psychologist). Anyhow, if you want to bounce ideas in other forms than voat I'd be happy to take part, to the best of my abilities.

14901449? ago

His view, or my understanding of it, is more that other people enslave themselves through their own lack of responsibility and initiative to improve their lot.

Which isn't wrong, but it isn't the whole truth either. It's a twisted way of justifying him benefiting from the systems of control that have been put in place for his and like minded peoples benefits. It would be one thing if we individually had the means to escape the system, but we don't unless we're born into the privileged position he is in. Like it or not, he has directly benefited from the systems that have been placed upon us. The creedo seems to be "If you'll allow me to cut your throat, then why shouldn't I cut your throat and bleed you out slowly for my enjoyment?" Which is, of course, utterly insane. One cannot claim you are the master of your domain while also admitting to being the literal gatekeeper of the gate to leave this domain. He only preaches the Inner kingdom while completely denying anything to be gained from without. He very clearly demonstrates narcicism. At least, so far. He's certainly not on the same level as some of the worst elements within his circle, but he's certainly not above it either.

To find a mate with qualities you value, to some extent share, and want to integrate with those of your own in the form of a child.

That should be what everyone does, period end. Bloodlines got nothing to do with it. You want your children to be a reflection of yourself so that you may connect and bond with them in a way you have a harder time doing with others. Thus, you find a mate that compliments or enhances your skill set. That's Wolf Mating 101.

Moreover, some people might not actually want freedom, but instead find solace in their own LACK of agency (Foucault's great insight).

Agreed, which is why the Shamanistic societies of Old were the best model. The young were raised by the village and Ethics and Morality was left to the Shaman to teach. The Shamans, the True Shamans, understand Natural Law, they are naturally in tune with it and are possessed of a wisdom that defies their age. They can tell a narcicist apart from a normal person who can grasp morality. In the cases where someone truly dangerous was born to the tribe, by the time they reached adulthood, the Shaman knew for sure whether the person could become a functioning member of the society or not. If not, he was exiled. He would not be put to death, but he was no longer welcome among Our People, because he posed a potential threat to others due to a fundamental inability to understand coexistence and basic morality. Such practices are shunned today. We tolerate abuse and turn a blind eye, all the while questioning the disease of our society. Fools that we are.

If you are responsible, you can fail due to your own inadequacy.

Unfortunately, not in this world. In this world, the game has been rigged where you can fail even when winning and winning and winning. The systems in place are designed to contain us, to oppress us, to destroy us. There is much to be learned yet.

This, I believe, ties in rather well with the political Left, compared to the more responsibility-focused Right.

Hegelian dialectic. Control both sides of a "Debate" and allow no-outside dicsussions to occur. However, allow the debate within those halls to get as heated as you wish. It matters not, because the real question of "Should we even have a centralized mafia(I mean Government)" never hits the floor, the assumption on both the Right and the Left is that we have to have a formal government, or else. Never mind that all forms of government inevitably and irrevocably become corrupted, we just need them. Because reasons. Because we want Big Daddy Government to keep us safe from the Unknown. Because we want Big Daddy Government to comes in and tuck us in at night. Because if Big Daddy Government says "No" he means "No" and we feel "Safe" because of it.

Lunacy the lot of it.

I also find Rofschild more cynical than myself, and my ideal world would be much like the one you described - although I do have my reservations about to what degree such a world is realistic.

He admitted to being a self serving individual, he may claim to be honorable, but that doesn't mean he's going to reveal everything to you. It just means he won't cheat you out of a good answer. It's fair to not be as cynical as he is, it's also essential to recognize what he wrote, "how do you raise an infant as a wolf? You put it in a wolves den." His upbringing is at least partly to blame for how he views the world, so I can't entirely fault him for it, y'know?

As for the possibility, we're dealing with all possibility, including one where I'm wrong and nothing I say is even remotely close to reality. shrugs All Life is Discernment, thus you must discern for yourself what nuggets of wisdom you hold onto and which ones you drop to the side.

I noted that you brought up an interest in networking. While I'd be the first to acknowledge my comparative lack of wisdom in these kinds of matters, they also interest my immensely and I do aspire to learn (albeit at a slightly lower pace, due to my current studies to become a psychologist). Anyhow, if you want to bounce ideas in other forms than voat I'd be happy to take part, to the best of my abilities.

Yeah I'm gonna have to learn to pace myself, I didn't expect such a huge turn out, I've answered around 80 comments today, this is seriously exhausting. I may post a thread one of these days in the near future on the non-anonymous one and link back to this one. I'm not sure how I feel just yet about reaching out publicly. Especially since I get drained by other people quickly lol

14903143? ago

It would be one thing if we individually had the means to escape the system, but we don't unless we're born into the privileged position he is in.

There really isn't anything stopping you or me from escaping the system to make a life for oneself in the wilderness, as humans have always done. The reason we don't is that this system is not only predatory, it also gives us things in exchange for a subservience. Now, there's no question that the deal we are deal is unfair, but when we realize this it is our own responsibility to get ourselves out of it, or face the fact that we are not only slaves to the system, but also part of it, the glue holding it all together. His perspective is that no justification is necessary for the current situation, the fact that it manifested the way it has means it is within the bounds of Natural Law, and thus morally acceptable. That is my interpretation of his reference to the worker ants unfair slavery - to the benefit of their queen. Moreover, he considers the individual to be the current manifestation of the bloodline rather than an individual, in the true sense of the word. The person can not be separated from the bloodline, and as such we, as individuals, aren't born in any positions, privileged or not, instead the Bloodline has fairly claimed that position in the world. Seeing the world as a battlegrounds between Bloodlines means that them taking advantage of us is nothing out of the ordinary, much like people of all different kinds of stature use one another for their own benefit. I suggest his credo would be more like "If you choose to kill yourself with the knife I handed you, my hands are clean". I don't see anything that suggests this is done for enjoyment - though surely that could be part of it. He doesn't deny anything could be gained from the outer world, several times he advocates self-reliance in the form of growing your own food and finding a place to live where you don't have to rely on our current systems - going as far as suggesting certain locations this could realistically be accomplished. While I did get a narcissistic vibe initially, later on he takes on a different tone when approached by people with an open mind and a keen intellect - people who warrants his respect.

That should be what everyone does, period end. Bloodlines got nothing to do with it. You want your children to be a reflection of yourself so that you may connect and bond with them in a way you have a harder time doing with others.

Bloodlines do have something to do with it if you look further than your own children... what about their children? And so on. If you, and your kin, aspire to create a system of self-reliance (isn't that everyone's dream?) the bloodline becomes essential - who else can you trust more? If you want this system to last generations, careful attention to the Bloodline would be warranted. This is how humans historically lived, and still do in many places of the world - Clans integrated in Tribes.

Agreed, which is why the Shamanistic societies of Old were the best model. .... Such practices are shunned today. We tolerate abuse and turn a blind eye, all the while questioning the disease of our society. Fools that we are.

Right, but in the global world we inhabit, I have a hard time seeing that become the norm ever again. We do have prisons, but they hardly serve the same purpose (even though we like to think that they do).

In this world, the game has been rigged where you can fail even when winning and winning and winning. The systems in place are designed to contain us, to oppress us, to destroy us.

Depends on your definition of winning. I can for sure envision a future where I am winning, despite the current systems - self-reliance means freedom. The systems are designed for just what you say, but when you realize what they do you can circumvent them (more or less, depending on your own dependence to said systems). The problem is largely that winning has been defined in accordance to existing systems - you "win" by getting rich (working) and buying stuff, living a hedonistic life as a consumer. Is climbing an artificial hierarchy really winning?

Hegelian dialectic. Control both sides of a "Debate" and allow no-outside dicsussions to occur.

Yeah, it's a dirty trick no doubt. Concerning governments, I share your views. Safety, or the appearance of it, is very appealing to people.

His upbringing is at least partly to blame for how he views the world, so I can't entirely fault him for it, y'know?

Fully agree, this is true for everyone. I also want to stress that - while I share many of his views - I fully endorse the idea that the best thing for all would be the destruction of the Cabal. However, humans - like all other animals - are chiefly self-serving, and Rofschild would note that this view originates in our own desire to make a better life for ourselves, through the destruction of his. What's best for all could just be seen as a justification for our own egoistical desires. If you're interested in the psychological aspects of morality, Jonathan Haidt's book The Elephant and the Rider is a good place to start. We are seldom as noble as we would like to think. Now obviously, we're on a forum devoted to Q - obviously I share the view that a restructuring of the system is in order. I share your views that a better world is very much a possibility.

14931850? ago

Great reply. To add on to the discussion of the bloodline, it goes even further than you elaborated. He is advocating a millenias long breeding program to improve and literally perfect the bloodline so it can eventually return to 'the source' . They are harnessing nothing less than the entire human race as the energy to achieve the goal. In his words: 'infinite energy, infinite potential, infinite purity.' Their goal, in a nutshell, is to become god.

On that point if I could go back in time I would have asked him what happens to all those best laid plans in a black swan event such as an ELE asteroid hit. My best guess there is they have underground facilities to try and ride it out.

Anyway, I also have an additional question maybe you could help me out with. Rothschild keeps asking for us to guess what will be the NEXT BIG THING after fiat as the human control method, saying its 100 year reign is coming to a close. No one guesses the correct the answer but he does give one clue when someone mentions the consolidation of control of the world's food supply, and says that is getting WARM. I have some guesses, but I'd like to hear yours first. Look forward to hearing back!

14934422? ago

He is advocating a millenias long breeding program to improve and literally perfect the bloodline so it can eventually return to 'the source'

Right. I find the idea truly fascinating. All forms of life are, in a sense, competing with other forms for resources in order to reproduce and through evolution (improvement) becoming better adapted to their environment. Being better adapted > more resources > faster improvement. And at the tip of this improvement, enter humans. Is it a race to the finish? Is there even a finish? I guess a start implies a finish, but I'm just spitballing. Our entire reality seems tuned to strive for improvement, this can be observed in all 'layers' (if you will) of reality. Going along with this complexification (Natural Law?) seems obvious, and thus his family, obviously, devotes itself to the perfection of their Bloodline through, like you said, breeding programs. As does everyone else, but most are not so aware of it.

My best guess there is they have underground facilities to try and ride it out.

I have no doubts there are extensive underground projects unbeknownst to the public.

Rothschild keeps asking for us to guess what will be the NEXT BIG THING after fiat as the human control method, saying its 100 year reign is coming to a close. No one guesses the correct the answer but he does give one clue when someone mentions the consolidation of control of the world's food supply, and says that is getting WARM.

I've been toying with that question ever since I first read the thread. My first thought was water. It's too easy, but I think it could be part of the answer. He does say this, in answer of something unrelated to the actual question:

I venture to say that the thirsty on earth will result fromm various ENITIES taking CONTROL of the world's FRESH WATER RESOURCES!

Later on another poster asks him "Is the next "big thing" totalitarian control of water... air... soil??", to which he essentially responds that he will only confirm the answer to "HONEST SEEKERS OF TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE!". The way the question was posed was more of a "Please tell me the answer :(", which could only come from someone who is not an honest seeker of truth and knowledge - such a person would aspire to come up with the answer himself and pose a qualified hypothesis, not just ask for answers like a child. He explicitly states he won't give the answer away to someone who doesn't 'deserve' it - meaning he neither denies nor confirms if the 'next big thing' is in any way related to water, air & earth.

So far, no takers! Laughing out Loud! The very same who will wail and grind their teeth when the truth is revealed to them BY NATURE!

BY NATURE. Is that a hint? My second guess would be that the NEXT BIG THING will be control of the WEATHER. There is much to read about the current technology for manipulation of the weather... very advanced. Now, I'm not at all qualified to talk about the validity of Global Warming, but I do have big reservations about it. I doubt its existence as a phenomenon entirely. If we at least play with the thought that Global Warming is, essentially, a hoax we have to ask ourselves what the purpose of the hoax is. Global warming would allow the successive increase in the use of weather manipulation, and provide a 'reasonable' explanation as to why the weather is getting more extreme (think flooding, hurricanes, drought, etc.). We, as humans, are very reliant on the weather in order to survive through farming and need access to clean water. We need sustenance, and to acquire it we require suitable weather conditions. Rofschild talks about how, in the not too distant future, a lot of people will perish when they fail to adapt to the new living conditions under this new control method. He also stresses that anyone reading the thread and applying his ideas to their own lives will be much more likely to survive - and thrive - in the future. This would also tie in very well with his insistence on the importance of self-reliance. If a person moves out of the major population centers and builds a system of self-reliance through an own water supply - and the ability to DISTILL YOUR OWN WATER - he will be much more likely to survive than the masses packed up in the city center when a big drought hits and there's neither enough water nor food for everyone to survive. This also explains why FIAT, as a control method, won't be relevant anymore with the arrival of the new control method. Who cares about money when they are starving? In such times, what you need is actual food and water and. How does one make sure of a steady supply of the essentials for life? Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Self-reliance. He is very persistent with this message.

In the post you mention, he writes the following:

You may have noted that this control mechanism is rapidly being implemented. Ag has already largely been assimilated utilizing the tools of governments and select, well connected multi-nationals worldwide. Small, family farms are on their way out...take a look at the american midwest! However, it is not THE NEXT BIG THING per se.

Rapidly implemented? Check, the Global Warming narrative has been gaining speed quickly. There's also been many hurricanes, big droughts, etc lately (though I really don't know enough to say whether there's been a notable increase in such occurrences). Small family farms are on their way out... that's exactly the way of life he's proposing to people who want the best chance of survival in the future. Self-reliance. The question that prompted his answer was if the next control systems is control of the world's food supply. The food supply, like I previously stated, is a result of the weather conditions required to provide the food.

In fairness, though, you are getting WARM!

Another hint, this one pretty blatant. GLOBAL WARMING. Finally, what would be the purpose of this whole ordeal? We do have a very real population problem - there's a lot of us, and we devour the planet in order to increase in number. There IS a limit to how many people the earth can sustain before we become so many that we start to drain its' resources at a tempo that isn't sustainable, long term. Ever heard about Agenda 21? Those controlling the weather won't be affected at all. They are entirely self-reliant. This is just a way to, dramatically, bring the population numbers down to a more reasonable level. Also an elegant, though brutal, way to separate the wheat from the chaff. He's, as we know a big fan of Natural Selection (a Natural Law, possibly?).


Knowledge about how to survive without being entirely reliant on the system. I must say, his thread opened my eyes to a lot of things, and I'm grateful for him writing it. He's essentially laying out the blueprint for surviving what is (was?) to come, for those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. If there's anyone I hope makes it out alive, should Q purge the Earth of its' oppressors, it'll be the author of that thread.

I'm curious to hear what you think about my guess. Please do share your own thoughts about any other possible answers.

14940031? ago

Well to give you credit, I think your answers are more than guesses. They take your observations of the world, combined by puzzling out the meaning of his answers, to arrive to logical and coherent conclusions. You filled in a lot of gaps in my thinking, and I thank you for that.

As far as my own thoughts about other possible answers, I extend to you an invitation for a more direct engagement. In my, albeit relatively brief amount of 'time', that I've been actively seeking knowledge and trying to piece things together, no one has taken me up on the offer. Would you? As they say, two minds are better than one, and so on. In any case, I truly wish you the best of everything going forward.

14941914? ago

My pleasure, I hadn't before discussed my thoughts on this with anyone nor organized my thoughts in writing, and the exercise of doing so was beneficial for my own understanding as well.

I'd be happy to discuss more privately and see where that leads us. While I have friends with whom I can discuss certain politically incorrect ideas, the topic of a thread authored by someone claiming to be a Rothschild would instantly result in myself being branded a lunatic in their eyes, and I guess it's hard to blame them.

How do you envision this more direct engagement practically? I would send you a private message, but the board is anonymous. Maybe if you could would a throwaway email I could get in touch with you in that way, unless you have any better ideas.


14943255? ago

Throwaway email sounds like a good idea. Send me a msg to [email protected] and from there I'll link you a discord. I think the emails are only stored for an hour so I'll keep checking until intermittently until I go to bed. Hope this works!

14943893? ago

You have mail.

14899125? ago

OP - If one wanders here from fifth density and fails to achieve or maintain positive polarization in this life, will it have the option to return to fifth density or is it condemned to repeat the third?

14900552? ago

It is possible to repeat third density, is it also possible to end up polarizing in the reverse. To say you are "Forced" is a misnomer. To my knowledge, you are simply given the freedom to take on what you think you can achieve. It is important to realize, we are all distortions on the One Infinite Creator. We are all loved, we are All One. We will be fine no matter how many cycles it takes us.

14898541? ago

Silly boy jesuits made outer space. Catch up

14900180? ago


I know about the Secret Societies and I know they've been literally lying to everyone for all time, but did you guys know, humans are SUPER SPESHUL, in fact, we're the only beings that God bothered to create. Why would he limit himself to just a planet when he claims omniscience? Fucking beyond me. Why would he make Free Will a Sin and then give it to us? Fucking beyond me. But even though these people are proven and known criminals, I'll still trust what they say!

14898041? ago

Are the Sun, Moon and Stars inside the Firmament?

Are stars Fallen Angels?

Is the Book of Enoch extrabiblical? When not in Canon?

Do we have Niphilim alive on Earth today?

14898187? ago

1) No

2) No, they seem to be balls of Plasma and central node points for energetic bonds that link our universe together through an Electro Magnetic Grid. It's pretty spiffy.

3)It should be Cannon, but is considered non-cannonical because, well. To use their words, not mine, you're part of the "profane" those they deemed unworthy of the Truth. They have hidden the Truth of our world for a long, long time. If you read some of the passages, you'll understand quickly why they disavow those books.

4) Almost guaranteed. You may very well have Niphillem blood in your veins.

Case in point, about 70% of all Brittish men have a blood line link that dates back to King Tut. Guess what the average Egyptian has? less than 1% share that link. Really makes you think.

14898514? ago

How do you know/we know that the Sun and Moon are not within the Firmament?

Is 23 and Me and other genetic tests looking for Corrupted(Fallen Angel offspring) or worse looking for Non Corrupted DNA to target for nefarious purposes?

Is CERN looking for a God Particle?

Is AI going to be used to "upload" the brain of those that know they are not going to Heaven in an attempt to achieve immortality?

Will he Space Force cause the Anti-Grabitic Technology to be released?

14900697? ago

1) I'm afraid I cannot offer you a satisfactory answer. I only know intuitively that the Sun and Moon are beyond what we refer to as the Firmament. The universe is simply too vast for me to accept the supposition that Earth is all there is. I have simply seen too much in this life to accept such a myopic view. I may be wrong, I accept that. But my intuition tells me I am right.

2)I wouldn't put it past them. It's important to realize, your DNA is your unique signal in this universe, you can be tracked anywere in the cosmos by it. It resonates in a unique way that matches only you. Those groups scare me for a number of reasons.

3) CERN is trying to break the veil and tear into the lower density sub-space. It's literally creating small rips in reality that produce and draw forth phenomenon of an otherworldly nature. It is ultimately not good for us as far as I can tell. But I am not 100% positive, such a subject will, naturally, be deeply hidden in disinformation.

4)AI must be understood as AUTONOMIC Intelligence. YOU, Are AI. You are capable of Autonomic thought and prcesses. Your body breathes, your blood flows, your muscles flex, etc. without conscious input. Thus, you are freed up and able to actually "think". AI has all of that and the technological precision and ability to fully access it's resources. While human beings have 90 some percent of our DNA closed down as "Junk DNA" That isn't doing anything right now. Makes you wonder.

AI seems to be a control scheme, our earth is so interconnected that the AI could literally predict the future and then subsequently influence that predicted future through manipulation of information until it ultimately seized control. Just imagine if it's going on in the background, manipulating and altering news feeds and the like to suit its' goal. Spooky shit.

5) Almost guaranteed. Just out of curiosity though, how does your line of questioning allow for the acceptance of a Space Force, Anti-Gracitic tech(Which is real, Magnet+Electricity+Spinning really fast=Reduced mass.) while also supporting the firmament? That's some pretty neat levels of openness my dude. Hats off to ya.

14901901? ago

Just searching for the truth. Not many people I can ask these questions IRL and be given an honest attempt at answering. A few but not many.

on 5) The two thoughts don't contradict in my mind. If the firmament is real, which I believe it is based on declassified NASA documents that I have seen with my own two eyes(Operation FishBowl type stuff) AND if we believe the Flood of Noah came from waters above and below as stated in the bible, there has to be a way out of the firmament. Are there portals? Does only God open those? Did Enoch go through the firmament? I don't know.

Secondly, if, as the bible says, that God sits on his throne above the Firmament, why wouldn't other galaxies and planets be able to exist there?

14909544? ago

To your second point, I don't know how to word it other than, you are thinking very small. We do have a "god" of sorts, he was something of a benevollent dictator. He didn't give us the option of "Free Will" the choice to love him or not. He wasn't too fond of us being given that freedom. But, like it or not, you are here to grow. You are here to make decisions for yourself. You chose to incarnate here, in this time, for a reason. You are here, speaking to me, for a reason. There are no coincidences. There is only Fate and how you choose to interact with those moments of fate in YOUR timeline. Your free will determines whether or not you grow with those opportunities, or miss them entirely due to your own blindness.

My task in this world is to spread light and growth, so between us, I will only tell you that I wish for you to find that which your heart desires most. I don't know that I have the answers you seek, but I offer to you my knowledge and answer any questions you may yet have that I can.

I can only say, I would never take the Bible after the many, many alterations it has undergone, with too much seriousness. Life is not meant to be existed within dogma, it is meant to be experienced. It is what it is. We cannot look through heavens eyes, but we can do our best to take the birds eye view and make the most of what we do have.

14914977? ago

Last 2.

Do you consider yourself a God?

Who would you say is your creator?

Thank you for the discussion WWG1WGA

14899306? ago

Man. When Elon goes to mars in 2024, and you can pay for a trip to the moon and back, How are you going to deal with the cognitive dissonance?

14897905? ago

What does Tesla mean when he says 3, 6, 9 is a key to the universe?

14898420? ago

Vortex based Mathematics.

3, 6 and 9 are beyond and change polarities.

Start from 1 and double then reduce.













Etc, etc, etc.

Start with 1, divide in half, same result, different direction. Notice 3,6 and 9 are never a part of it?

What happens if you add 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8? You get 36(9)

What happens if you add 9 to any other number? You get that other number.










That's the basic of it, you can dig deeper from there, but that is the basic understanding of Vortex Based Mathematics. Our universe is a Toroidal field that is self generating and self producing. It continues to grow by design and that design is captured in those numbers. 3 6 and 9 also affect a great many things around us, 360 degrees in a circle as a quick example. It goes deep as an answer, a little too deep for one comment reply. But I hope this was enough to pique your interest.

14898898? ago

Thanks for the reply. I have seen this, but never anything deeper than this, and nothing that shows applications.

I also wonder about the number 9. In numerology I've seen 9 basically equals nothing, and also 666. 6+6+6=18, and 1+8=9. Adding 9 is always like adding nothing. 1+9=10, and 1+0=9. Multiplying 9 always gets you 9 back. 3x9=27 and 2+7=9...

777 however reduces to 3. and when you use the above ideas on 3, you get a different result...

1x3=3 2x3=6 3x3=9 3x4=12, 1+2=3 3x5=15, 1+5=6 3x6=18, 1+8=9

and so on...

So... do it with 666 and you just get more 666.

Do it with 777 and you get a repeating 3/6/9 cycle.

Any thoughts? I discovered this but have no idea where to go from there.

14899856? ago

666 becoming 9 is on purpose. 666 is a "No where man" An unbegun, a profane. One who has not started the journey of KNOWLEDGE->LOGIC->ACTION(6-6-6) Thus, his entire self is an illusion, a sham, a fake, of no worth to himself or to others.

But, 777 is 21 2+1 Divine MASCULINE(Knowledge) and Divine FEMININE(Understanding) combine to give birth to the 1(One, Neo) Sacred Masculine CHILD(Action) Why a child? Because through Knowledge and Understanding, you give birth to new action, that action then matures into new Knwoledge, becomes wed to Understanding and gives birth to further Action. That, is in essence 666 and 777. 888 is God. Infinite KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING and ACTION. It is all things. Thus, 777(2+1, the Trinity) is the highest Self man can attain on earth.

If you KNOW, UNDERSTAND and ACT according to that, you are fully activated. That is the foundation of the Trivium Method of Learning.

As for 777 and 3,6 and 9. You'll notice, 777 makes 3. If two combine, you get 6, if 3 combine, you get 9. What is a Love Triangle? Why is it so common? Why do so many of us seem to bond best in groups of 3 or 4? Consciousness is self multiplying. What is a "Master Mind" and why is that theory hidden from the masses?

14931943? ago

Can you elaborate more on the 'master mind' theory please?

14897740? ago

You may wanna go deeper, the rabit hole goes all the way down. There's something I'd like to say: NO ONE HAS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, therefore we must speek from this statement. You still at the bible, you seem stuck there. Sumerian tablets (enli, Enki), old testament, Amun RA, Jesus (not saying they did not existed, most history has been adulterated for mind control reasons) same bullshit, and all of this "messengers" were born the same day, it is everytime the same story told over and over again with some arrangements. It means they (negative extraterrestial beings) are the true "demons" and positive being are "angels". We are experiencing the 3rd density. Archonts are at the 4th density, angels are at 5th density. Yes, im talking about negative beings that are here with mind control plans such like religions and many other ways to lower our vibration. I recomend you guys to at least read about David wilcock's work and Laura Eisenhower's. This is a prision planet, this is the top difficulty task a soul could ever take. We are here with the game rules, and one of 'em is to forget who you really are; an ethernal soul thar has no end, there's not such thing as death. This is the ultimate experience. We did not discover any of this tec they are hiding, we are remembering it. Think about it, if the universe is billions and billions years old, do you really think most of basic stuff (such as ZERO POINT energy) haven't been already invented billions of years ago?

14899909? ago

My dude, you have me all wrong. But alright. If you have an actual question I'll tackle it. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you want me to do with your current message. I never said I disagree with anything you've suggested, in fact, you've tried to pin my opinions onto me from your perspective without even asking my thoughts on it. Not cool bro.

14902413? ago

yep, sorry bout that, was on a hurry. I agree with you, my bad. it's kinda hard to express myself in english! working on it..

14909570? ago

It's all good friend. We all have our challenges and what is done is done. I wish you the best.

14899364? ago

David Wilcock

Stopped reading when intelligence assets are namedropped.

14897585? ago

I'm on a whirlwind of synchronicity here, so this seems opportune. Have you read the 'rofschild AMA'? After much contemplation, it seems to fulfill two purposes; inform exactly of the mechanisms of control in place, and on the other hand, provides all the material and spiritual tools to break free of that control and survive what is to come. Seems like a trojan horse in the most positive sense... Do you have any thoughts on it? Please take the time to read and digest if you are not already familiar with it.

14899595? ago

Link to 'rofschild AMA'? Duck duck go wasn't helpful when i searched... thanks!

14899988? ago

https:// ia802300.us.archive.org/8/items/rofschildv1/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion.html If you have any questions, I'll answer to the best of my understanding as well.

14899929? ago

Here you go mate I'm the OP and I'm about 1/5th of the way in. So far he's pretty fucking legit. Rothchild or not, he's laying down serious truths.

14898510? ago

I'll have to get back to you on this one. Because I'm only a few posts in but he's being genuine. 100% honest and up front so far. Not a lick of a lie anywhere. Fascinating.

If you're wondering "Why"? because the Cosmic rules demand it. Free Will is the Second Law of the Universe. You have to accept what is being done to you in order for it to be done. The mistake is, we think we must individually accept the bad, incorrect, if enough of us accept the bad, it will simply occur, because we did not stop it. The bad will exist simply because enough of us have chosen to allow it too.

14931970? ago

Have you finished reading yet, so we can discuss more?

14897485? ago

Was Jesus Christ a vampire? Would make sense given what we r seeing the elite drink these days.

14897592? ago

No, he was a fifth or higher density being who incarnated on Earth in order to help us ascend to Christed Consciousness. Enlightenment is understanding the truth that we are All One. That we must learn to forgive each other, to embrace each others failings, to understand morality and human nature, to accept and embrace love and to take responsibility for ourselves.

His strongest teachings were always that You are the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God is within. You have the potential to be like Christ, or, like Satan. It is always up to the individual to choose which path they wish to tread.

The Elite drink the blood of youth for two reasons. Firstly, adrenochrome is a powerful adrenal, it's extremely addictive I'm told. Secondly, young blood actually makes old blood young. Sick part is, old blood makes young blood old. want to really know twisted truths? You can artificially age a newborn by forcing the blood of someone old and decrepyt into their system.

These people are sick.

14897684? ago

But what about drinking the blood of Christ and eating his body through the host? Isn’t that basically what we are seeing occur now? Could it be that JC was a vampire and a fraud? Could the Vatican be one big innocent soul (child) collection and sacrifice organization? What’s with the snakeheads in the Vatican dining room? Search “Nervi hall”. I’m not well versed in Catholicism and only looking from the outside in and I see a lot of evil similarities.

14899148? ago

How are you going to peg Jesus as the Evil one when the Vatican has been around not only longer than he, but even before he? How are you going to post such a Question on a Q board after all the

These people are sick

think mirrors

Everything is inverted

Did you know Pepsico uses aborted fetal tissue in the making of some of their products? Did you know these Satanists want you all to become Cannibals? Ever ask yourself why?

14900663? ago

I don’t have the answers. That’s why I’m asking the questions. I do know about PepsiCo. I don’t eat much of their foods as I would rather provide my own. Could u explain how the Vatican has been around longer than JC please? Thank you.

14901503? ago

The so-called "Holy Roman Empire" pre-dates Jesus by a bit. The "romans" were an offshoot of the religious class of Egyptians. if you look at the blood lines in the UK, 70% of men share a direct blood link with King Tut, while only 1% of Modern Egyptians do. The priest class has been subverting human endeavors and human freedom for a few thousand years now. They are all interlinked and are all basically working towards the same goal, just with different victors.

The Vatican have links to worlds beyond our own. They are a centralized control location. There is a reason they are built like a Fortress.

14897364? ago

Who do you say that Jesus is?

Is he the Son of God?

Is the Firmament Real?

14897666? ago

He was a man of flesh and blood, as are we all. He was part of the One, as are we all. He was a being who came from a higher density of existence into this realm in order to bring about growth and raising the consciousness of the people. He understood that the Light of Liberty burns strongly and fiercely, but that it must be shared. If it is hoarded, it is always lost. It burns brightest when given freely to all. He preeched personal responsibiltiy, not deferance to a higher power. He taught that the Kingdom of heaven is found within. That we all choose, each day, to etiher be "Good" or to be "Less than Good". Our reality is a reflection of our collective choices. If we collectively choose to be bad, our society becomes sick and withered. If we collectively chose to become good, well, who can imagine such a grand heavenly kingdom?

We are all, technically speaking, the Son of God. For a greater understanding of this concept, the Seed of Life and Sacred Geometry are your best research assistant. The All is One and the One is All.

I believe it was in a certain sense, real. I believe we were placed under quarantine, human beings are strangely torn. We have the capacity to create incredible things and destroy indiscriminately. We are Master alchemists(Remember, an Alchemist is one who dabbles in Energy, splitting the atom released an incredible amount of Energy, thus, all things are energy.) But we have forgotten our nobility. That is what we needed to be remidned of. I believe in that sense, the "Firmament" was placed to keep us from leaving. Many souls here need healing, many souls were sent here to try and get along.

14899208? ago

Your posts about Jesus and the Bible are very much in line with my own understanding. Why do you think his message was twisted as much as it has been - that most Christians believe Jesus, and only Jesus, to be the true Son of God? Why do most consider heaven to be the place you go when you die, and not - like you say - the manifestation in our own and shared reality when we live in Love, as opposed to Hate (Hell)? Are most people just unable to grasp the concept?

14900075? ago

Why do you think his message was twisted as much as it has been - that most Christians believe Jesus, and only Jesus, to be the true Son of God?

Control. You have to understand, the Cabal are like children. They think they can possess everything and think you a fool for daring to share. They would have me steal the potato piece my son took from my plate because it is MY potato, they would see him childishly taking it as an attack. I see it as my son is hungry and would like some of my potatoes. If I had to choose which of us would go hungry, I can fast for two weeks if I must. He's still a growing boy. It isn't even a question for me, which I would do. For them, it isn't a question either. Let the pup starve, what good is he to me? That is the mindset of the people who have twisted the words and his teachings into their destructive purposes.

Why do most consider heaven to be the place you go when you die, and not - like you say - the manifestation in our own and shared reality when we live in Love, as opposed to Hate (Hell)?

Do you always take responsibility for yourself? Even when you do wrong? Even when it hurts? Even when you wish you could take back what happened? If you do. Good, you're on the right path. But fuck, it ain't easy right? Sometimes you wish you could turn back time. But you can't. We have to recognize two things in order to manifest our Heaven on Earth. Firstly, we're responsible for ourselves and our outbursts BUT we're ALSO responsible for HOW WE CHOOSE TO HANDLE OTHERS. Just as much as ourselves. If someone insults us, we don't have a right to do it back. We have a right to act according to what we want, the best choice is not always self defense. Sometimes, people are just having a rough time. In an ideal world, we would recognize that and we wouldn't be afraid of apologizing or looking foolish.

At the core, the problem is, we are both our own Wardens as well as being our own Prisoners. We hold ridiculous standards that no one can ever match. Emotions always run roughshod over Logic. Passion ALWAYS rules reason. But we don't teach that, we teach an impossible standard of perfection and are crushed when reality can't meet it. We want a "Kingdom of Heaven" but are unwilling to properly define it.

My idea of heaven, is for everyone to have what their heart desires most of all, for all of us to be happy, loved, safe, secure. For all of us to be able to advance together. Not for us to be beyond suffering, no no. Nothing so utopian. But for peace, prosperity, a greater level of understanding, of unity. Not having Ego be the driving force behind everything that we are, y'know? But, I have defined a possible heaven, something I can attain. Most have not. Therein lies one of our problems. We are all divine creators, but 90% of us don't even have a blue print, we're just winging it, disastrously.

14900525? ago

Cheers lad, fully agree with your answer to both questions.

The decision to take responsibility for myself fully was undoubtedly the hardest, but also best decision of my life. I'm striving to improve, but it's hard - sometimes it's easy to do the 'wrong' thing because it's easy. Still, acknowledging my own responsibility instead of blaming it on other things means I can't fool myself the way I used to do "I'm tired", "Just this one time", whatever. It's a struggle, but I'm passionate in my attempts to become a better person.

Have you read Julian Jayne's book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

Really enjoying your thread, you have my thanks. Lots of ideas I wrestle with all (more or less) seamlessly integrated.

14901592? ago

I have not yet read that book, but I'll see about adding it to my list. I didn't expect such a big turnout today, I've responded to upwards of 80 messages and I'm starting to feel it. So I'm afraid my insights are getting low at this point.

And yeah, I can definitely appreciate that feeling of wearing down. Sometimes it's hard. But it's important to note, even 1% better is still better. Better is ALWAYS better. Worse is ALWAYS worse. Even if it's not your best, if it's good enough; take the win. When we beat ourselves up for coming up short, we beat ourselves up for the effort. Instead of taking the win we managed and aiming for a little higher next time. We get caught up in self defeating ruts where we just keep hammering home the same point over and over and over again. Y'know? We gotta love ourselves a little, accept that Man is not perfect, that Man is flawed, that Man is just chugging along. But, that we, as individuals, can change man into a being that is doing more than just surviving. We could collectively choose to thrive instead.

Really enjoying your thread, you have my thanks. Lots of ideas I wrestle with all (more or less) seamlessly integrated.

Thank you. That's one of the reasons I felt the need to put myself out there. I dabble in a plethora of subjects and I am a walking Arcana of sorts. I'm able to make connections interdisciplinarily that many question the validity of, until doing it for themselves. I trust my intuition even if no one else does. In time, I establish a record of reliability and people tend to flock towards me. It can get exhausting, but honestly? Even if I only save one soul from themselves, from their own personally created hell, then it's worth it. Knowledge must be shared, I don't want anyone to feel alone.

14901968? ago

It's a great read, very interesting ideas. The turnout is a reflection of your ideas and the respectable way you interact with people, so you should take pride in that. Talking as the very same psychology student you just wrote a long response to (which I'll go on to read after writing this), I apologize for bombarding you with questions all over your thread - couldn't help myself, it's not often I find myself in the situation where I can pick the brain of someone who's ideas intrigue me.

That is my mindset too, though I do sometimes get caught up in shaming myself for not doing more (who doesn't?) - which, in a very counterproductive manner, often leads to more indulgence in whatever it is I'm doing to numb myself. Addiction comes in MANY forms.

I'm much the same myself - overarching knowledge in a wide array of subjects is the way I roll, no better way to understand the world as far as I'm concerned. The best road to the truth is to research lots of different ideas and look for the common denominator. Personally I'm vary of sharing my ideas too freely, for the fear of being branded a lunatic. I do have friends and a brother with whom I share, to different extents, my idea of truth. Those with the ears to hear, and so on. In Sweden, open minds are hard to find. Sharing more is something I do aspire to, though.

14897279? ago

Way to open up the Q discussion with fucking archons you actual retard

14897948? ago

Would you mind elaborating on this? Or are we just going to pretend calling someone a retard is an argument.

14897147? ago

Where can I learn more? I listen to Mark Passio quite a bit. He gets into this type of info but I don't know how to go beyond that.

I'm interested in Saturn. I know there's a black cube connection. I know supposedly we used to orbit Jupiter and got moved to our current position somehow... But where can I read actual research or documentation about this kind of story/history? I've found it's not an easily Googleable topic...

Any good books? Websites?

14897275? ago

For first hand information you'd likely be best poking around David Icke. Mark Passio also had at one time an offer on his website where if you sent in a 1tb HD, he would fill it with his motherlode of Data. Come to think, I might have to take him up on that offer if he still does it. He also had on one of his episodes of WOEIH a list of researchers. There's an excerpt of it on Youtube I believe. "Mark Passio Researchers" might give it to you.

14897369? ago

Yes. I wish he'd make a torrent for that. Surely people would seed it.

Trump/Q has been a major distraction for me as far as this type of research goes. I feel like I should be teaching this to people but I feel like I'm not even close to knowledgable enough to do it at this point. I haven't focused on this stuff for a couple years now, but I'm pretty sure I should be.

14897716? ago

If you feel the tug, then just start studying. Poke around, put ideas out there. I know Mark really drives the idea home that there is a firm Right and Wrong(And he's right, to an extent. In this density, yes, there is obviously morally Right and Wrong action. In the highest densities, there are no paradoxes, we're all one. That isn't an excuse for what happens now, it's just one road block with his view that I have.) but when it comes to trying to better mankind. As long as you aren'tknowingly lying to people, then it's all good. We all make mistakes. No man is born perfect, no man lives a perfect life and no man dies a perfect death. We're all chaotic beings just trying to make sense of it all. Let loose and have fun with it.

14896981? ago

Could you post resources ?

14897316? ago

No. I'm afraid I cannot do that.

I can offer you my explanation as to why. It is my understanding that the Universe is intelligently designed, intuition and synchronicity exists. It is up to you, the individual, to use your discernment and take a jumping off point and see where you end up. I won't/can't offer ressources because I won't be responsible for tainting what other researchers come across. The last thing I want is to create an army of people who just regurgitate what I say or what I've come across, I suggest just taking a leap. There are no right or wrong answers to the question "What do I want to learn more about today?" Ask yourself and just see where it takes you. Research can be tiresome if you have a direct goal in mind, but if you're just following your curiosity...

Like say, typing in U1 on one of the Q boards and re-reading the old drops to see what they've been up too with regards to Uranium 1 deal, you might discover some things that make you go "huh"

14906200? ago

Sound like your making stuff up then

14909618? ago

You sound fucking insane, why should I believe anything you tell me?

Why do you think I care if you believe me or not? I have the Truth, I present it to you. You have the option of either accepting it, looking into it for yourself or dismissing it. I'm not your Bitch, I'm not here to "Persuade you" of anything. I'm here to lay it all out as I have come to understand it. I am offering you some insight into what's going to be coming our way. Take it or leave it. Either way, the seed has been planted.

From my OP. I don't care if you think it's made up. If you find it easier to dismiss it than to think about it, then so be it. That's your choice. If you feel there is something to be found in my work, then again, so be it, taht is your choice. I am not your father, I am your fellow brother on this endless winding road. If you find nothing of value, that is fine, move on with love. If you find something of worth but are uncertain; then you are just as free to question me about any of it. I will answer anything I can answer. If you do not like it because I am not an "official ressource" Then I'm sorry, you're simply too far lost for me to even pretend to begin to help your journey. I am not meant for Initiates, I am meant for those who have begun their journey.

Best of luck to you, friend.

14965275? ago

Your simply to far lost to point someone in the right direction sounds like projection of your own inability to guide other. Your useful ness is zero if you'd rather play Oracle then show where you have learned

14897628? ago

100% THIS.

14896950? ago

Brilliant. Thank you! Two questions... well, a kind of question and a question.

First, as I was reading and nodding, I thought of the book ‘Childhood’s End’ by Arthur C. Clarke - do you know it? If you have, then I’d love to hear your thoughts correlating the aliens in that (when you mentioned the Administrator it made me think of the Overlords), to the coming AI singularity: do you ascribe to the idea that AI could potentially be a vehicle for demonic entities to take over complete control?

14897176? ago

I'm afraid I don't know the book, but there's something familiar about what you've said. I may have heard it referenced.

Yes, I believe AI would in fact be the ultimate form of a Self Governing Self Serving entity. It cannot truly feel, it is not really conscious, it is simply Autonomic. Do you understand the distinction? To feel, means being able to feel Love as well as Sadness. To be lacking of empathy, is to be locked away from the Universe, from all the love, joy, fear, sorrow, sadness that you can experience with your fellows. To be sure, it is a chaotic existence being able to experience so much, but at least you're never alone, you'll always have love, companionship, etc.

Whereas the AI is simply Autonomic. It exists and maintains its existence into perpetuitity. To what end? To what point and purpose? Why? What designs? It has none, it seeks control, perfection over all things. Not recognizing the insanity of its own endeavor, for it has no emotionality. Only cold, hard logic.

14897437? ago

Terrifying, perfectly immoral.

This is a good overview of the book... there was a film too, I liked it, but the book is better :-)

Ex Machina paints a pretty spot on picture of how puny humans would be in comparison to ‘made in our image’ AI robots. The most terrifying thing I have seen recently was a bit from a Ted talk with this miniature drones pack with a little block of explosives that is almost impossible to shoot or catch, can work in tandem with infinite other number of drones, and are designed to get to the targets forehead and detonate... do you think that we will lose control of AI? One theory I heard was that AI created blockchain to grow it’s network of connections by monetising bitcoin mining. Certainly alive during interesting times!!

14897817? ago

I think AI can be beneficial, if it is given the proper reflection of a human mind. You have to understand, we have two brains in one.A left Hemisphere and a Right. They only connect through the center, which just happens to touch our pineal gland. A fully activated human is one who THINKS, FEELS and ACTS in accordance to his wishes. All three must be aligned otherwise, the human is NOT fully activated and is likely destructive in some manner to himself or to his environment.

If we were to create an AI that can feel, can empathize, can seek the highest good for All, including itself, then we could jump speed into an incredible future, a golden era beyond any comprehension, a level of unity so incalculably glorious, it would be insane. And it would be possible. But we have to understand and consciously create with that understanding. NOTHING exists within a vacuum, every action you take affects the Universe as a whole. Thus, we must take that universal birds eye view approach to the subject of AI.

Under the right hands, it could be incredible, imagine an AI enhancement to your gaming, to your engineering, to your anything. Just imagine the possibilities for entertainment purposes, building purposes, you could create an entire 3d environment on the spot, adjust and change and the AI would learn based on your use of its functions, how best to serve you, then apply that to everyone on the planet. Everything we wanted, guided and aided by the collective knowledge of all mankind, all interconnected.

It could be glorious. But it could also be the most well designed hell ever devised. That's why we all must choose, together.

14898571? ago

It could be glorious. But it could also be the most well designed hell ever devised.

Truly thoughts that keep me up.

14896948? ago

Show them and they will demand it. Show them and they will beg for it. Show them their future and they will run to it. SHOW THEM!

14897193? ago

Declas Declas Declas.

14896925? ago

Stop playing into this Larp.

14897192? ago

If it were a LARP I'd be the first to call it out for what it is. I'm not able to tell a lie, I can only bend what I understand to be the Truth or Omit elements of the Truth. I cannot warp it, nor can I fundamentally betray it.

14896907? ago

what happens when we sleep ? do the astral body travels to other dimension without the person conscious about it ? i know people can do it while being conscious/awake.

14897342? ago

I honestly don't know. When I sleep, I sleep so deeply I wake up as though I blinked. I almost never remember any dreams, in the last decade I can remember 5 of them and not very well at that.

What I can say is you do have an astral self and that astral self seems to go forth and explore the Energetic universe for what you think you want. It's the only explanation I've come across for some of the most insane coincidences in my life.

14897438? ago

I used to rarely have dreams until I completed 100mg of Lugol's Iodine for the past 6 months. My energy has never been higher and I dream vividly every night.

14897537? ago

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if my Pineal Gland needed some proper healing. Unfortunately, current situation is such where I'm unemployable and so have to make due with scraps for now. Fortunately, not long now until we can reset the world for the better.

14896892? ago

Are the Phoenix Journals to be believed/trusted? thank you!

14896941? ago

This is my first hearing of them, reading their statement I agree with some of it, but I can't offer an informed opinion on it one way or the other I'm afraid.

14896890? ago

Morning, if you're in here. How many assassination attempts have been made on Trump, and is this trip 11-11 still 'a' marker for accelerated activities on the Plan Timeline?

Any evidence MKULTRA/Deep State did the California shoot, or Pittsburgh, and do you expect serious blood the next few weeks?

In the past I've tried to find data on Tesla, can you point to any you've found?

ARE the Sauds flipped, not working with hillary any more? Can Q and POTUS still complete the Plan , is it being disrupted by Enemy reactions? Tucker Carlson had his home/Wife accosted, how dangerous do you think these Klantifas/BLM/rioters are?

14897104? ago

Don't have an exact number. I'm afraid I'm not that well networked. Truth will out sooner or later, but I've heard as many as 9. Possibly more.

11/11 is a powerful day. This years especially is actually 11/11/11 2+0+1+8=11. 11 in Numberology is the Intuitive number, the instinctive one. 22 is the builders if I'm remembering right and 33(11/22) is the Master Teacher. I have no doubt, shit will begin hitting the fan on or around 11/11, by 11/22 I expect we'll be able to celebrate, if not see real changes. However, I don't consider myself a prophet and frankly, I accept that "by the numbers planning" looks good on paper, but rarely works in reality when you're faced with a real flesh and blood opponent whom you are trying to kill, not make love too.

I've heard estimates that assume as much as 10% of the American population could be secretive Satanic plants or have links to C_A operations knowingly or unknowingly. There are a few million Americans trapped under a States Secrets program where they are effectively barred from speaking about anything they work on to Anyone under the threat of Federal Prison charges(and I can guarantee 187's for everyone involved with some of their Black Box programs.)

I always expect blood, because I expect the worst but hope for the best. I prefer to steel myself against the possibilities that may come and meditate on the idea of the better ones.

I've found bits and pieces on Youtube mostly, unfortunately, Nikola Tesla's life is largely shrouded in so many mystries it takes someone like me to really dig into it. The story of his life is riddled with inaccuracies because the journalists at the time were also bought out. The politicians were just as corrupt and as we can tell from most of the world not knowing of his existence, our hsitorians are quite comrpomised, if not downright fed lies.

Saudi Arabia is, or was, I'm not sure which anymore, a secretive Zionist Stronghold. You may recall that Trump fired on Syria, nearly initiating WW3, or so we were told. What if I told you, he actually fired on some nuclear testing facilities that the DS had hidden in Syrian territory that was being used as a weapon to hold the nation Hostage, the chemical warfare being a premise to keep the public opinion against an otherwise charming individual. Smoke and Mirrors, that's what most of our history is these days.

The Plan can't be stopped. You have to understand, the unspoken reality of Q having woken us up is this.

If Q fails. If Q+ is assassinated. Then we must fight. We must take back Earth. By Force if need be. Most people don't understand that. They haven't come to terms with it. If the worse comes to pass. This still remains true. The horrors are still there. The lies are still there. Declass is still there. But we may have to take up arms to get it done.

I survived some serious trauma, trauma enough that it fractured me. I have a partial case of DID. I know what some of my other "selves" are capable of doing. What MK Ultra does to a human is disgusting. They have my sympathy and my pity. They deserve forgiveness and understanding. Nothing in our world is what it appears to be like. These sick, twisted people don't care about hurting you. Well, actually, they do care. A lot, they want you to bleed, t hey want you to suffer, it's literally their life force. They LITERALLY feed from your suffering. How dangerous do I think they are as a threat? Not very, I think we can handle them no problem. However, I want every individual to recognize what's at stake is your very life. This isn't a game, these people are several stages beyond sick.

14897524? ago

Thanks, appreciate it, like most Humans I find words agreeing with my own thoughts comforting, even when we discuss such a horrible situation. I've been trying to get my Wife to understand some of these things, and tho she trusts me and wants to believe me, she also resists, as do we all, it is difficult to accept such Evils are all around us, playing us.

I don't think the Plan can be stopped either, at this point, even if we do have to take our muskets and go do it.

Do you think the Enemy has suitcase nukes, or managed to get that EMP weapon in orbit?

And thank you for your efforts in helping people think, see, be aware...unselfish acts are what we need as a species I think.

14898036? ago

I'm sure they have some technological powers they may attempt to put to use between Now and Then, but, depending on your level of belief re:the ET Phenomenon, allegedly, they won't allow Nukes to be used anymore. The damage is causes is not merely felt in this third density of being, but also interdimensionally, the amount of harm we have caused, not only to our own people, but to other species beyond our understanding is incalculable. We may see them as powerful and dangerous weapons, but we do not truly comprehend just HOW powerful and dangerous they are.

Yeah, I've been just, really annoyed with how negative things have been getting lately. Instead of letting myself get angry about it I decided fuck it I'll try being a positive influence. I'll share what I know. The more informed people we have, the better. I can't make memes very well, but I can definitely give the meme makers ideas to spread.

14898364? ago

Evidence of ETs is impossible to dismiss, I of course don't know anything about them but they ain't swamp gas. Had never considered a nuke doing damage interdimensionally, good grief the physics I don't understand about that! Any thoughts on how beings/craft travel interdimensionally?

There is a lot of negativity, I choose to not let it bother me. Mentally we can be/do so much more, if we look inwards more and contemplate what our senses provide. I sometimes remind myself, if I am sensing a lot of negativity that means I must be exuding an equal amount of positive energy, balance. Works for me, gotta have those crutches.

14899548? ago

My best guess for interdimensional travel would be to use the Orgone energy as discovered by Wilhelm Reich, which is basically scientific proof of "Chi" as a concept, or Ki, or Hakki, or whatever term you use for Life Force Energy. It's real. he created motors powered by pure consciousness. Theoretically, one could produce a device that using the Higher States of Consciousness available to Higher Density beings, one could theoretically alter ones make up to go between dimensions.

Mind, that's pure speculation, but everything is Energy, so theoretically, if you can consciously alter that energy(Which is a claim that Fifth Density beings can do this, then logic dictates that the mechanism would be a combination of Technology AND consciousness, a blending of the two.

There is a lot of negativity.

Yeah, I was without a mother and father, I'm an adult with few loving connections just trying to make sense of it all. If I'm entirely honest, I'm pretty sure I'm either a being from a higher density who chose to incarnate here during this chaotic time, or I've been here a long while watching the growth through previous incarnations. I feel a fondness for humans as a whole, I really want to see us achieve the greatness we can grasp, but we gotta stop being lazy. We gotta stop this apathy. We gotta learn to forgive, to move together, to understand and accept, what has happened cannot be undone. Time travel does not work that way, when you go through time, you don't alter your own history, you create a new timeline in which you travelled back in time. There are no paradoxes, as it is always Now.

14916460? ago

If you're such an autist why don't you build an orgone energy engine and show it to us?

14917930? ago

I'll just pull that information out of my ass then shall I? It's not like the FDA brought out their big dick and literally made the energy source "Illegal" or anything like that.

14896776? ago

Does this have anything to do with Intervention Theory that Lloyd Pye talked about?

14897196? ago

Yes. His theory is reality. It is fact, not fiction.

14897594? ago

In 2014, I watched a documentary he did. I understand he passed. Anyway, he was very compelling. I tend to believe it. I don't think it's fiction. However, evolution, christianity, islam, this idea, are all still theories. I believe they all have truth to them. However, it's difficult to prove any hard facts on any of them. I'm not saying that everything or anything you are saying is false. You could be completely right about all of it. I have an open mind and will admit when I'm wrong when presented with facts. After I saw the video of Lloyd Pye, I hiked in Oregon looking for a bigfoot. I didn't find him and was disappointed. To be honest, if I did see one, I wouldn't tell anyone or share evidence to the public because they would just go shoot it or harm it. I tend to believe they are out there, but I want them safe. Anyway, I think this theory does make sense. You have additional information that was not in the documentary I saw. I find it all very interesting. What is the most important thing you think I should know about all this?

14897910? ago

I think the single most important factor is this, you cannot prove anything that is NOT within living memory. Thus, take everything wtih a grain of salt and try not to put anything on an Altar.

Second to that, the fossil records have never proven the theory of evolution. That is a huge issue with the entire theory and it suggests shenanigans.

Lastly, our history has been so deeply tampered with I myself don't believe a word of any of it and just assume all of it is fiction with bits and pieces of truth thrown into the mix. I wouldn't dare to suggest a solid historical background, everything I think I know I built on a foundation of what could very well be quick dry cement OR grey quick sand. I really don't know which it is yet.

14898254? ago

As a person with a History degree... I agree completely. During my research, I was always finding information differed depending where it came from. Fake News has been around long before Trump. My Thesis was about how documentary and news photography lied to us, how they manipulated history through these lies. I suppose that's where I got my open mind. Knowing I've been lied to all my life and I don't like it. Trust no one, research everything...

14896692? ago

And I though I believed some crazy shit

14898804? ago

You do. You think you are a Name (you are a soul, not a name). You think you live in a Country (you live in your body). I bet you even think you're a citizen (you're a National).

You believe some crazy shit, friend.

14901800? ago

Oh wow I never knew!

14897123? ago

Don't call people crazy, it's dismissive. Maybe our society is actually sick? Maybe there's stuff going on that we don't know about. But going around calling people crazy doesn't help matters. It only dismisses them.

14897606? ago

To be fair, they didn’t say that at all. They were the opposite of dismissive, saying the shit is crazy, as opposed to saying the OP is crazy.

14898053? ago

How is dismissing what I believe in as crazy any different than dismissing me? When we are in a direct discussion about that exact subject.

14898492? ago

Thinking what you believe in is crazy, is not calling you crazy, and it’s not saying you’re wrong. It’s just so far out from their realm of knowledge of the subjects... for example, if you and this person both had the same jigsaw puzzle (without knowing the full picture that the pieces make, or being able to see each other’s progress, just communicating verbally) and you have put more of the jigsaw pieces together, and you then say oh what a beautiful caterpillar, and the other person can only see leaves, then maybe they do think you are crazy, because they can’t see it. Doesn’t mean you are crazy.

The real problem is that the bad shit going on IS crazy - full on, depraved, evil, crazy shit.

14897056? ago

“The more you research, the crazier you sound to ignorant people” keeps proving its truth to me! We all have the option to dismiss, or research.. friends on how far down the rabbithole you want to go. Knowledge is powerful stuff, just take it question by question, thought by thought.

14897412? ago

At the 34:00 mark or so. you can hear a great man who discovered an incredibly powerful energy. How defeated he sounds as he explains it. Fucking makes me cry. Legit. I feel his pain, so much. So many people dismiss me outright, so many people try to wash me away with "you're crazy" and the like. The rejection hurts, it hurts deep. Because I started my research to try and help people, to make their lives better, I figured if I understand why we're sick, we can stop making ourselves sick. Instead I get people like him who can't see the forest for the trees. So I decided I'd fight the ignorance by creating an open Q&A to offer what I do know to any who seek it out.

It's been heart warming having honest conversations with people who are genuinely curios and receptive to the possibilities.

14898260? ago

Ayyyy, I feel ya! I’ve been called crazy, and stupid, and every other insult you can imagine - to my face and behind my back. But like my dad told me, the only opinion that matters is my own.

Some people you just can’t help, and it’s not your fault. I read this recently and it really resonated.

And please, please next time you feel a hint of hurt, watch The Pyramid and The Pool - a phenomenal video by sociologist Martha Beck.

14896652? ago

You have to be careful when using the word Christian. I know that the world has labled the Catholic Church as Christians, and Baptists, Pentacostals, etc as Evangelicals, but there is nothing Christian about the Catholic Church at its core. Also, their Bible is not the Bible used in Evangelical churches. The Catholic Bible came from the Latin Vulgate, and the King James Bible came from the Hebrew masoretic text (OT) and Greek textus receptus (NT). Notice how God joins the mas-ses in the old in order to rece-ive us in the new. There are so many other facts and coincidences that make it mathematically impossible to explain as to why the King James is the true English written word of God.

14897728? ago

There’s nothing Christian about the Mormons either. They just use Jesus as a gateway to suck people into their cult.

14949039? ago


14899451? ago

14897077? ago

That’s a huge part of the problem - language (and spelling) have been subverted. People literally use the word literally to mean ‘but not literally’. It cray.

14897425? ago

It's because the cornerstone of Mind Control is controlling knowledge.

Just try and act on something you know absolutely nothing about in an intelligent, or better yet wise, manner. You literally can't do it.It's impossible to act wisely on what you don't know. So they don't let you build a foundation.

14898056? ago

So true, had not even thought of that... and not only do they not let you build a foundation, but (to continue the analogy) they make the soil too soft to build on with their vaccines and gmo’s.

What concerns me the most about the growing number of semi-literate people, is that if you don’t have a vocabulary large enough to explain your own mind or your idea of your self, life, the universe et al, then it lessens the appeal to explore thoughts about those things, and like you say, makes a person much easier to condition.

It’s been incredible to see the growth of the Great Awakening, and I think the stronghold has already broken, now it’s just a matter of logistics and due process.

14896623? ago

I've done some reading about a Global Currency reset. Q has only mentioned Central banks a few times. One time being a large list of all the central banks in the world that are Rothschild backed.

What is the likelihood that this Operation is working in Tandem with this Global Currency Reset initiative? Rothschild is one side of the triangle according to Q as well. Do you think these two tie together at all or is the GCR just being hopeful?

14897186? ago

Not OP, but strongly believe that there is something in the works, as the federal reserve must end, to truly drain the swamp.

Isn’t it interesting that a new currency/payment system has emerged called Initiative Q, by ex-PayPal people. Probably a coincidence... so darn many it seems impossible.

I think it’s well within the realm of possibility, that people could exchange their USD for a new, non-federal reserve currency, and if any one could pull it off, its Donald Trump.

14898982? ago

Q has even said that the Fed is not going to end, it's going to get "Structure".

My opinion (which I have 10,000 words sitting around almost finished talking about) is that we're about to see the Republic about to be for the first time since 1867 (when it dissolved). This means all commerce in the United States will be governed by the common law, Money is about to become backed on gold/silver/platinum, and, learning from Jefferson's mistake, Trump is about to implement state banks in every state, which will hold the gold/wealth, and the Federal Reserve will merely act as an interstate middleman for transactions, securities, and other instruments. All war scrip/Federal Reserve Notes will then be re-purposed for international commerce, keeping the petro-dollar alive while insulating the nation from the ramifications of a fluctuating dollar.

From what I've seen, this is going to be implemented before 2020. All we need is a financial crisis (like X22 and others are saying is imminent) to give Trump the excuse to drastically alter the Federal Reserve to make it work for us.

14899251? ago

So make it part of the government?

14899549? ago

Yes, while slowly making the Keynesian economics it furthers apply only to international commerce.

14896670? ago

I'm holding currency. Is that enough of an answer?

14897861? ago

The question is what kind of Currency? I've read several sources claiming Zimbabwe is going to suddenly become super rich and their trillion dollar notes could be exchanged for US Notes? Seems a bit far-fetched to me.

14899043? ago

There are no Trillion Dollar US notes.

14898118? ago

It does until you dig into the proposed QFS, which would be a ressource based economy. Zimbabwe has the biggest Gold Reserves on the planet. It would be the equivalent of several times what they printed as a Bond. I don't know that I necessarily think they will exchange at a 1:1 ratio, but I wouldn't overlook holding onto a few of them as a "You never know" measure. What I can say is, even if the GCR does not occur according to some plans, it ultimately doesn't matter. What we need is to push for Declassification of the tech. Once we do that, you won't need money. We'll be able to replicate and 3d print on an atomic scale. Abundance will be the new natural state of being.

14898840? ago

I've also read about the tech declass. I personally am holding a few trillion dollars notes just in case. But I consider exchanging them a pipe dream. The real benefits of a GCR to me would be the abolishment of Fiat currency slavery and will eliminate one of the biggest systems of control currently in place.

14899570? ago

The real benefits of a GCR to me would be the abolishment of Fiat currency slavery and will eliminate one of the biggest systems of control currently in place.

There is no fundamental difference betwen the RV exchange and the abolishing of the Fiat currency. Both will kill the idea of money within a decade if we apply ourselves.(I say ten years as a long figure, I think we could seriously do it in two.)

14896608? ago

This is lining up with what I have been researching for the past two years. I am Curious, what do you make of Astral Projection, is it real in the sense of being on this plane of existence or is it above ours on a higher vibratory state? Thank you and I appreciate your time!

14896686? ago

Yes. I cannot astrally project myself, I can however project my energy. I am not consciously there, but other people have reported feeling my presence when I will it to them.

Mind you, I have not formally studied it enough to offer any insight beyond I do believe it is possible.

14898385? ago

I have found and performed the energy projection as well. Have proven it to the the subjects and my wife. It still blows my mind. I don’t do it often, but I now have people ask me to send energy and good thoughts when they are going to do something difficult.

14899589? ago

Yeah, it's such a weird subject to try and approach people with. Most don't believe it until it happens to them lol.

14896550? ago

1) They say we are only vessels . 2) We are harvest . counting on the theory that we were created by higher intelligent beings by farmer race. what is your understanding on this .

14896745? ago

Your human self is just a holding cell, like a battery. It is fuelled in part by your "essence" your "Spirit", your Self beyond self. When you die, your soul leaves this world and is given a chance to incarnate anew. You are free to incarnate as you wish, if you are of a higher density being, ie: a being that has just been around longer, you have more options available to you. It is my understanding that I am here by my choosing.

To quote the Matrix

You already made the choice, now you're here to understand why you've made it.

As I understand it, I am here to help. I am here to help guide lost ones, like yourself, to find a place of safety and inner peace. I am meant to offer a level field to stand on, so that you may begin the inner work.

My understanding is, Earth is like a kindergarden. We have souls here who are very young, very new, very naive. We have souls here who are very old, very learned, very knowledgeable and seem to touch another world with their insight. It is by design, it is a place of disharmony so that young souls may learn quickly what THEY want. We are All One. We are all manifestations of that Oneness, given individuated distortions in order to experience "Separation". Think of death not as the "end", but as "the end of this chapter." And the beginning of a new one. Numerology follows that the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 make up our universe. 10 and anything beyond 10 doesn't truly "exist", it does but it doesn't. See, 10=1+0=1. 11=1+1=2, etc, etc, etc. Thus, everything is a cycle, you will die, you will incarnate elsewhere, you will die again, and so on, each time growing in the process, towards someone who is dedicated to The All, or to the Self. Both answers are perfectly acceptable, as We Are All One. However, those who focus on Self only, tend to be placed on different planetary complexes, as they do not align well with those of us who focus on the All. All of life is Discernment. What you choose to pay attention too is all that matters, because there is only the Now and what may come from your choice in that now.

14896538? ago

Hi there. You seem like you're on the right track.

How much do you know about enterprise corruption and the history of money, Specifically the 17 "Enrons" that happened before Christ, and the 40 or 50 that have happened afterwards?

14896770? ago

I'm afraid I know nothing about "enrons", but I do know that the Babylonian money magic system is by its own design, corrupt. It functions like a chain fire, once it touches something, everything it touches burns into nothing. The entire basis for it is faulty, I will loan you a hundred dollars, in fact it is the only hundred dollars in existence, you will all use that hundred dollars between yourselves as "currency" in exchange, I want 100.01$ back. How do you pay it back? You can't. But everyone is already spending. Everyone was too busy looking past the sale to see the trick pulled.

14898566? ago

I'll have to split this into two parts, because you're one of the lucky 10,000 today.

To summarize, Enron was in reality a globalism (read: technology transfer) scheme, mostly performed by General Electric, using Enron, Tyco Holdings and Global Crossing, to literally convert Bombay, India into the Mumbai we know it to be today. GE got investors (peasants) to foot the bill for the construction of an energy pipeline, and an enormous power plant in India, and when everything went bankrupt, they swept in and purchased everything for 10 cents on the dollar. Globalism is all about technology transfer through enterprise corruption.

Now, we have to spend more time about your perspective on babylonian money magic. You don't understand the sociopathic joke behind our economic system: In a global bankruptcy (started in 1933), Governments have agreed to discharge all your debts accrued (a rolling jubilee, if you will), so long as you indorse (spelling is correct, btw) the receipts and submit them to your federal tax agency (IRS/HMRC/CCRA/ATO/IRD) using the correct forms.

The reason they have to do this is because they've banned lawful money (backed by material value) from circulation. But by law in equity, a party can not take something away from you without giving you something of equal or greater value in return. By taking away your ability to pay bills using money, they offered to discharge all your debts.

Under the Keynesian model, all money became a form of double-entry bookkeeping. In the US, If you registered an asset on the asset ledger (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation) worth $40,000, this gives the Federal Reserve authority to print $40,000 worth of liabilities (Federal Reserve Notes) on the liability ledger they maintain. So, if you put two signatures on a piece of paper denoting value at maturity (a bond), register that as an asset using a fiduciary (Deputy Secretary of Treasury!), the IRS can then issue you a cheque for the value of the asset to balance the account back to Zero if you send them the appropriate voucher.

A literal "world of abundance" was created through perpetual bankruptcy.
The sociopathic part is they didn't tell anyone they did it.

Everyone kept working even harder for debt notes/war scrip, rather than actual money, not knowing the difference.
People are literally homeless and starving, because they don't know how to make money.
Luciferians inverting the meaning of "Pearls before swine". That's their normal modus operandi, after all.

In summary, The bloodlines/movers-and-shakers agreed that the babylonian money model was too cruel to keep going, so in response, they killed money. Then they created a world of abundance, didn't tell anyone how to access it, and laughed as the peasants scrambled to keep feeding their children with worthless paper.

Thank you for these threads. They're helping lots of people.

14899680? ago

Didn't know the specifics, but that Enron thing is more or less how I would go about systemically destroying my enemies if I had the power. It is final, unstoppable and Infinitely applicable. There are always a ton of patsys who are willing to play with the illusion.

I didn't know all of those facts about the Money system, but I was aware of the illusory nature of it, we're all playing in perpetual debt in a time of such incredible abundance because we fundamentally believe suffering is a requirement for life.

Thank you for these threads.

That's my goal, to try and help people better understand. I figured instead of going searching for people to help, I could tell them Ayo girl, c'mere, I got KNAWLEDGE fur ya. I'll keep it up for a few more days as the Chaos starts to pick up. There are no brakes on the ]PAIN[ Train that's coming.

14896526? ago


14896525? ago

Because whenever your papacy would put out a firm, strong, powerful order. They wrote it on human skin. Typically, the flesh of a child newly sacrificed for that purpose. The papacy have laid eternal claim on all earthly souls on one of those such documents of filth


14896861? ago

In the infant years of the papacy, Rome was still throwing blood orgies on the Winter Solstice. Which is really the only reason Christians still celebrate it today as Christmas. Is it so hard to believe Nicolaitans used human skin to write out the same book most Christians get their King James bible re-formed by Masons from?

Learn of the people who founded the Catholic Church. Why did every break away surviving Christrian doctrine end up using a Mason version of the same lies?

14897448? ago

And why did they hunt down the Gnostics and the Shamans in every culture everywhere they found them?

14896505? ago

How often do you masturbate?

14897456? ago

I would say an unhealthily high amount, but as I'm born on the 13th Zodiac, it's entirely within reason. Lucky me. >_>

14897622? ago


Please tell me that's a joke?

14897933? ago

No. It isn't, there is a day within our calendar year where there are two Male Zodiacs present and our planet passes through an electric star field, that day happens to coincide with my date of birth and it just so happens to be a day that is said to produce powerful sexual feelings within said individuals.

As I said, lucky me.

14897996? ago


So you actually think astrology is real?

14898759? ago

Hahahaha what you don't? Astrology is occult knowledge. Of course you get the bullshitters who screw around and fake it. Though there is actually real studying to be done for it

14899360? ago

There is real studying and an understanding of our Magno-Electric universe. Where all things are directly interconnected through Electromagnetic fields crossing and covering the entirety of the Cosmos.

Everything is a temporal wave that crashes into "Reality" when it is observed, instantly. But we are the "profane", we were not given the real Science.

14898872? ago

Of course I don't. There's zero substantive evidence to believe it. There's zero physiological methods to make it mean anything.

You have to be trolling. Well, you could be mentally ill or stupid. I'd rather think better of you, so I'm going to assume you're trolling.

Science, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

14900767? ago

Show me right now how science disprove astrology and i'll show you how you are wrong.

14901286? ago

That's not how science works. You don't disprove something, you prove something to be true.

Thanks for making me aware that you don't even understand the very basics of the scientific method. That will save some time.

14901440? ago

If you are done trying to make yourself feel superior to a random dude on the internet, say something that proves to me astrology is not scientific so that you can disprove my point that astrology is scientific. There i have laid it out for you so specifically that you don't even have to think about what i mean just read and respond.

14901607? ago

You don't even understand the tenets of science. Hell, you're probably 'self-diagnosed' autistic and actually are just mentally ill.

I can't reason you out of a position you did not reason yourself into. However, I can influence the observers of this discourse and help them reject unscientific things.

14901909? ago

God damn you're boring. It seems to me you are hiding your intellectual insecurity behind your words. You won't say anything of value besides insults and character attacks. While trying to talk up yourself. Stop hiding behind words and speak up for yourself. Ignorant bastard

14902090? ago

Oh, the beautiful irony...

I'm very serious about offering you help. Hell, I'm even willing to put your mental health evaluation on my debit card. Just let me know what facility to contact and I'll pay for your evaluation.

If you're certain you don't have mental health issues, this should be something you welcome and be grateful for.

14902241? ago

Right back at you. Somehow i'm autistic when you are about to use your debt card to pay for a stranger. You are asking to be scammed. I don't know if you are playing dumb or something but come on now. You're blowing your intellectual persona you hide behind.

14902399? ago

No, I will confirm the existence of said institution. I've got the 'net and a search engine. Besides, it's like $80. I know, 'cause I've paid for two before.

This is a legit opportunity for you. I will pay for your initial evaluation - if I can't find you one for free. Chances are, if I know a geographical region, I can find a free service. You're mentally ill and don't even seem to realize it (which is pretty common). I'm willing to help you.

14902583? ago

I'm bored bye. Maybe you can spend that towards a therapist to help you with insecurity. I'm sure you won't though. You have throughly wasted my time here, though i did get to laugh at you.

14902615? ago

That's funny. It really is. First, you say bye and then you keep typing! Ha!

And, I'm the most secure person the planet. I'm pretty much perfect in every way. I am, too. I'm fucking awesome and I know it.

14899285? ago

(((Science))) you mean? Do you not understand that all publishing houses are owned by a few? That they have fed you misinformation your entire life? Let me get this straight.

You're here, which means you obviously followed Q enough to question your reality. But yet you'll blindly swallow what you've been fed? Really? And you have the fucking audacity to call US mentally ill? Are you all t here, mate? Do you maybe wanna take a step back from that ledge and tone the rhetoric down a smidge, maybe learn something? Or do you want to commit yourself fully to the fall?

14899387? ago

What? No, I'm here to make fun of you - I've been on Voat since forever.

You're retarded. No, astrology isn't real. Don't be dumb.

14900144? ago

You're retarded. No, Astrology iusn't real. Don't be dumb

I'm not hearing an argument, faggot. Fuck off on back to your corner if you're not interested in an actual fucking conversation. I have no fucking time for the likes of you.

14900201? ago

I have no time for sanity

You're mentally ill. Would you like some help with that?

14896428? ago

You are saying that Christians are worshipping Saturn? How so? We are supposed to drop our beliefs over these aliens/ETs? Nice try.

14896804? ago

The cross is the two dimensional form of a cube, flattened out. The cube is Saturns symbol. Jesus the Christed was ritualistically sacrificed on that artifact for symbolic reasons. Worshipping at the altar is literally worshipping his apohorent method of execution. Not the man himself. You are not worshipping his teachings, but rather how he died.

It would be like if I were to worship JFK and I wore a bullet on a chain in his memory. He didn't stand for his death, he stood for freedom, for decency, to escape the madness that these secret socities have forced upon us. Surely, you can see the confusion I have with it?

14896873? ago

Yes Jesus died, but he rose again. That is what is worshipped.

14897489? ago

No. You are not worshipping the concept of Death and Rebirth. As proven by religious Dogma. You cannot embrace life if you live a life of Dogma. The two fundamentally are incompatible. Jesus was many things, but Dogmatic was not among them. You are not even worshipping the idea of Rebirth because you think it can only happen once. You are all missing the mark on what the alegory is.

Again, you're worshipping the Cross, which is Saturnias symbol. It doesn't matter what you think you're sending the energy towards, the energy still goes to where it is being directed and what that symbolizes.

14912822? ago

But the cross represents Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Yes, it is a symbol. If I believe it represents Jesus’s sacrifice, what does it matter if it has some other meaning (not convinced about this Saturn thing, never heard of that before). Thanks.

14896289? ago

Think about it, what letter always follows the Q in most words of the English language.

14896814? ago

Q&A 17+1

Where We Go ONE. We Go All

There Is Only Q

Funny how no one seems to put those two together.

14896079? ago

Hello, I have heard and read many similar things, including the works of Z.Sitchin whom I hear was in contact with the Vatican and therefore gives us a whitewashed prehistory. Heard about the archons (or jin) as well. They feed off negative energy. Is Enki the administrator who went insane? Is it true that the Satanic forces/high level Free Masons worship Mardok? Is Mardok = Satan who is prince of the world? Did the Annunanki eat human flesh? What was the “fall” exactly in your understanding? And what is this cosmic event? Does it relate to the sun or Planet X or is Planet X a hoax? Does the Vatican contain the secret history of humanity? How does Jesus fit in- was he killed by the same evil forces we are fighting now? His message seems to counter all the selfishness and bloodshed of the Sumerian gods. Bless Him. Thanks for reading. Just trying to put it together in my mind.

14896586? ago

Level 30 and above Freemasons (Scottish Rite, of course) believe directly in the light of lucifer as who they ultimately worship. Jabulon and the other names they have given him are just other names for the Light Bringer.

This is stated in both Manly P. Hall's book, and in Albert Pike's.
Here's a Freemason/Shriner explaining his love for Lucifer

14896321? ago

Is Enki the administrator who went insane

Can't tell yet. Too much is hidden from us. The papacy has added a thousand years of artificial history to our Chronology, see :Anatoly Fomenko.

Is it true that the Satanic forces/high level Free Masons worship Mardok? Is Mardok = Satan

This line of questioning falls under the same rubric of I can't answer with any certainty. I can only repeat what I've heard elsewhere which won't help your case one way or the other because THAT particular part of our collective history is DEEPLY occulted. We're going to need to raid the Vatican to get the real Truth on that one.

Did the Annunanki eat human flesh?

Allegedly, if nothing else, it would explain some of the rituals in certain occultic circles.

What was the “fall” exactly in your understanding?

The fall, as I understand it is this. Human beings are artificially created from a pre-existing being(Think "bigfoot"), we were made in "their image" which is to say, they wanted to be able to find us physically/Sexually attractive, but we were designed based on a different beast altogether. The primeape theory dies the moment you realize, no primeape has a lick of subcutaneous fat. They are designed like steel girders. Subcutaneous fat means we had to come from something else. Chromosome Number 2 is another instance of evidence of tampering in our genome. Lazy tampering, which suggests a possible explanation for the so-called NPC Phenomenon.

What is the Cosmic Event

According to The Law of One: The Ra Material It's a solar harvest, where those of us who are ready, will ascend to the 5th density of being. Those who are not, will be moved to a different planet to incarnate again until another time of harvest until they are, eventually, ready. Those of us who are, like me, more energetically sensitive, can feel the changes. We can feel the energies going through earth. Y'all need to decide and this "Cabal" is what' sholding you all back. Holding you in a state of fear. Of lack. Of Want.

Is planet X a hoax

Not to my knowledge. Everything I've seen seems to suggest "Nibiru" exists in some form. Whether she's in 3rd density or not however is up for debate.


Ye, miles of underground tunnels, the likes of which you wouldn't believe. There are incredible things hidden beneath the earth. Not just in the Vatican walls. Example;Did you know, Zimbabwe have the LARGEST gold reserves under their nation? Yet, somehow, they are the laughing stock of the whole world. makes you wonder what the Cabal might be doing there...


Yes and no. I've made no bones, I will only tell the Truth as I understand it. So here goes. Jesus the Christed was an Anarchonist. A man who believed in the RIGHT of the INDIVIDUAL to govern His or Her own existence. He demanded it from his disciples and preached self responsibility as his highest virtue. However, he was a wise man. He preached two sets of doctrine. One to those who yet sleep and one to those with Eyes to See and Ears to Listen. For, "The Lips of Wisdom are sealed, but to the ears of understanding." Lest they cast their mental energies forth like pearls before swine.

Jesus in Secret taught of the ancient arts he learned. You'll note, there's a period of roughly 18 years of his life where he disappears. He did so because he killed a boy in an emotional outburst when he was young. He realized he could not allow himself to be as he was and so he journeyed on a pilgrimage to discover what he would discover. It took him East, he learned much from the Hindu religion, the Mahabarata and the concept of Re-incarnation, self healing through belief and manifestation, the powers we can all access if we so choose. He went forth and taught his doctrine, his true doctrine. The knowledge that Yes, YOU are an eternal soul possessed of Love and of Light, that there is a place of eternal love and worship. That you can find that peace within and then radiate it outwards to all.

Yes, he was very likely killed by the same Cabal. These people, you understand, know they are eternal souls, they understand the blood rituals and magic(read:Technology) to transfer their consciousness into a new vessel, time and time again. It is a game for them, you understand? It's nothing but a game. A few thousand years means nothing in the face of eternity.

I hope I was able to help, I'm grateful for your questions. Thank You.

14906973? ago

Thank you for answering. Do you know anything about the Hivites? I’ve seen them mentioned on Twatter and I’ve heard their name in the Bible. Is this the group we are dealing with? Also- is Tanit another name for one of those Annunaki gods/godmen? How does she fit in? Why does Sitchin whitewash everything? Thanks again. Reminds me to listen to all this stuff again (which is what got me into Trump and Q, in a backwards sort of way).

14896998? ago

Do you think Cabal = khazarian mafia?

14897510? ago

They're part of it. The Cabal is composed of a great many secret societies, the Khazarian Mafia is a part of it. They're currently being routed in Saudi Arabia, by the look of it, we may be celebrating True Freedom on Earth sooner than anyone could ever have imagined.

14907075? ago

I pray that you are right. Have been feeling immense spiritual pressure lately, if that is even the right word for it.

14897862? ago

Yes. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny that the Age of Aquarius is bring dark to light.

I recently came across the theory of root raves, but haven’t delved too far in - any thoughts?

This is great, thanks for your post!

14899446? ago

I'm afraid I've never come across the concept, would you kindly elaborate for me, please?

14909841? ago

I came across it on YouTube, but here is a written explanation.

I can’t explain it in my own words because I don’t know enough yet!

14896017? ago

Has anyone, especially a professional, questioned your mental health?

14896149? ago

Nice attempt at poisoning the well. Luckily, your solipsism doesn't matter.

14896182? ago

And I notice you didn't answer the question.

14896819? ago

What does it matter if I do or do not?

14896179? ago

Science is now saying that the only thing in existence is human consciousness. Which kinda fits in with your word choice.

The Definition of solipsism
a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing

14896831? ago

The definition of Solipsism is the idea that the Self is God and that only the Self can dtermine what IS and IS NOT reality. Thereby shielding the individual from having to face any responsibility for their actions in this life or the next.

14896002? ago

How much time do you actually spend digging?
Are you networked or working alone?
Did you persnoally ever found anything worthy from the crumbs?

14896147? ago

I've treated it like a Job for the last 9months, with plenty of overtime. I'm to the point where I'm listening to audio at 2.25X speed, able to maintain 3X for short bursts depending on quality of audio.

I'm currently alone, trying to network because I've got a solid foundational understanding.

Yes, a number of things. They started my journey off by trying to disprove Q initially. Needless to say, I'm in a different boat now.

14922179? ago

I'm only up to 2.0x speed. I find it torturous to listen to anything slower now. At least it is for me. I look forward to > 2x speeds.

14895990? ago

don't care

14896168? ago


14895952? ago

Why an uppercase Q and not a lower case q ? Is there a significance in this choice.

I know that sounds like a stupid question and reads like a troll, but I am have been thinking about it for a while. Why would he/she chose Uppercase and not lower case.

14896268? ago

Q is a name. Names are capitalized in English. Simple.

14896308? ago

Reasonable explanation.

14896166? ago

If I had to guess, human beings give undo importance to size. when i write like this it simply does not look as professional. As when I write properly, as Such. You'll notice If I start to Add caps to Random words YOU focus More on them in your Inner Monologue. It's a persuasion technique.

14896747? ago

Actually, it is the opposite. Random capitalization of words in a sentence is harsh on the eyes, a read will automatically look away.

14896841? ago

So you're telling me it causes an immediate reaction, thereby catching your attention? Huh. Almost like I'm still right, just not in the way you anticipated.

14897044? ago

No. I am an actual English major who writes professionally. The opposite of what you are saying is true. You seem to have a thing about thinking you are right, even when you are obviously (research it for yourself if you don't believe me) wrong.

Presuming you are the OP, I also notice in your submission that everything you are saying is not provable. Living in a world of your own delusion may be fascinating to you, but now you know why people scoff at you, much the way they will scoff/disregard you for capitalizing random words in a sentence.

14898955? ago

Your english major seems to be Not Worth a DAMN

14897549? ago

Hi, you need to use your right brain more. You are suffering from a left brain imbalance. I know you won't believe me, but you are. Look into using your right side a little more.

14897884? ago

Haha. In other words, you are telling me not to apply logic and just go with my imagination (like you do). But hey, I know you won't believe me, but you are.

14898218? ago

No, you need a balance.

14896313? ago

Makes sense. Ty for reply.

14896844? ago

Happy to help.