14920435? ago

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14910087? ago

Thank you Patriot for your patience, I have read 2 days of this post and it certainly seems tough dealing with the "drive thru", 'I want it now" and "OMG, you put pickles on my bigmac" crowd. ...again, thank you!

14895987? ago

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14882454? ago

Ok. Honesty.

I am discouraged by the Dems taking the House because the media says I should be. I assume that the Republicans losing control of the House means Trump lost control of it. I assume it means nothing will now be accomplished. Please correct my thinking if you can.

Speaking of nothing being accomplished - I don’t know what I’m hoping for anymore. Obamacare is assraping my budget. This shit is expensive! Fuck me, now Dems control the House, so much for repeal and replace. So much for a wall. So much for border security.

But then you get this sort of bullshit: nah, we don’t need the House. Or something like that.

Ok, then fucking speak plainly. Just what the fuck is the goal? What the fuck is victory and what is defeat?

Do you know what the problem is with Afghanistan? No one knows what the fucking goal is! We can’t form a strategy because we don’t know what we’re trying to do.

Q didn’t give us clear goals to hope for. They were buried in riddles. So we interpreted and then began to hope for things. We hoped Red October meant certain things. Well, shit, I wanted DECLASS, I wanted arrests, I wanted ]Sessions[ revealed. I wanted that FUCKING RR pig fucker to eat a plate of steaming shit. I wanted GITMO populated with pedophiles.

Allllllll that shit I hoped for didn’t happen.

NOW everyone seems to think it’s my fault for hoping in the wrong thing. Obviously we don’t need the House, obviously FISA refers to Trump spying on the left, obviously this and obviously fucking that. Well, tell me, you obviously cocksucking faggots of obviousness, just where the fuck were you 6 months ago? Hell, 6 weeks ago?

How come it’s all obvious now but we were all led astray then and no one stopped us?

Ok, rat fucks - I love ya, but fuck me! What’s the actual, no shit, FUCKING GOAL?

Tell me what I should be hoping for?

Oh wait. Q: “Are you ready for arrests?” Yep. I was ready.

Trump: “Begin DECLAS”........”wait, no, just kidding. Our fuckstick allies wanna play grabass some more.”

You fucking gave us things to hope for. Concrete THINGS. They didn’t fucking happen.

Now Dems have the House. Great. All that shit I was hoping for, but didn’t get, now it’s even FURTHER away. FUCK!

Real simple. Establish goals. Work toward goals. Accomplish goals. Drink beer. The end. Fucking basic common sense that even animals are capable of.

14883424? ago

1) You said it yourself. "Because the media says I should be" That's a problem. Do you understand what the MSM is? They are not "Reporting on news", they are reporting on an infinitely narrow bandwidth composed of all the events that occur within a given period of time and artificially inflate that which they want you to pay attention too. You are being led by the nose.

Do you understand what Magic is? Magic gets a bad rap, it's greatly misunderstood. Magic, at its core, is the ability to alter thought. To change how people see things. If you see an apparition, it doesn't matter if it was real or not, it still changed your perspective. You are now open to the possibility that such things exist, because you've seen evidence for yourself. Make sense? The human mind is divided, quite literally, into two equal and yet opposing factions. You, like most of us, have been trained to focus on Left Brain thinking, hard logic and evidence. You, like most of us, have very likely been trained to not trust your feelings, to not trust emotion, to not trust the hazzy feeling that comes with that realm of uncertainty. Well, I'm sorry to tell you, you can't keep ignoring that side anymore. The spiritual world exists in your "Right brain", the intuitive side.

Let me ask you something, you understand that there are people in power, yeah? These people do twisted rituals and the like, there's evidence of it eveywhere. Ever ask yourself why they do it? I mean really, it's easy to detach ourselves from the act, but some of the things they've done are downright monstrous. Like, I couldn't imagine the screams, I would hear them echo forever, y'know? Especially if I was the one doing it. So you have to ask yourself, do they know something you don't? That's where the element of Faith comes in a little. Understanding that there are forces in play beyond the five senses, that our five senses can only tap into a small % of the "physical" universe.

Jesus the Christed is an example of a being that spoke of the Estoteric understanding of Self and the combining of both halves of our mind. He preached self reliance over Governance.

2) You are allowing outside forces to control your energies. You are allowing them to take hold of you. I understand why, don't get me wrong. There is no one that is really happy about Obama care. If you would like, I can fill you in on your glorious future. Nikola Tesla uncovered the secrets to Infinite Free Wireless CLEAN energy, for the masses. Back in the early 1900s. Your nation has secreted that knowledge away for Nat Sec reasons. Willhelm Reich actually discovered an Energy named Orgone. A litteral "life" energy, using this energy and his "Cloud Busters" he was able to break a drought or break up clouds at will. You can thank the FDA for his arrest, they made Orgone Energy Illegal and used the Law to make the discovery completely Myth, they then burned his books and destroyed much of his research and equipment. National Security reasons my ass. But there is hope, knowing it exists, you can help to push to declassify all this tech that would revolutionize our world overnight.

3)Victory is the Golden Age. An age of Abundance so grand it would truly be Heaven. When we split the Atom, we discovered something essential that most people don't realize. The atom is nothing more than compressed energy. The Atom is the structure behind all creation, therefor, the Universe is energetic in nature. Remember that Free Energy device I mentioned? Imagine that, then imagine it applied to a 3d printing device that can print anything down to the atomic scale.

It gets better. Nikola Tesla wrote; "Everything is Energy, Frequency and Vibration." If you wish to heal disease and lengthen life, well, good old Tesla has us covered there too. He was working on a street light that would, I kid you not, neutralize all disease and lengthen human lifespans naturally, while causing absolutely no negative side effects. He was absolutely insanely brilliant. We've successfully used Sound and Light to heal people from deadly disease. It is not pseudo-science, psuedoscience is a term used by (((Them)))(The Cabal, in all their various forms) to dismiss real science. Take the placebo effect. Have you ever considered how powerful that is? Some drugs don't make it to market because 30%+ of people were healed while taking sugar pills, thinking it was medicine. If that doesn't blow your mind, you're not paying attention. Why aren't we studying that self healing ability through blind faith in medical ability? Why are we just pretending it doesn't exist?

4) The problem with all the wars America has been in has been they are used to create turmoil and chaos abroad so that the UN forces can come in and create chaos on American soil during Killaries Presidential gambit. Luckily for us, that didn't happen. Trump pulled us out of the flames of hell, we were nearly cooked.

5)All those things have been alluded too, but no set date has been established. As Q has mentioned in the past, it is essential that you take a step back and recognize how deeply corrupt your justice system is, from top to bottom, it is filled with Secret Societie infiltrations, CIA, etc, etc, etc. There is no "Justice" in this land right now, that is why Trump has been so focused on changing the Court Judges. These things take time. The world has been under an illusion for what seems to be 3,000 years or more. Such a deep level of corruption simply cannot be excised with the press of a button.

6) I'm not one of those whom you're speaking about, but you recognize, we are not on the ground floor with Q, yes? You recognize, we all have access to the same details, yes? Some of us may have access to intel sources and different places of information to gather from and get a higher birds eye view, but I don't think you understand just how insane the global situation was. Q laid it out many times and will probably repeat it many times more because it sounds so insane.


Disinfo is REAL

Disinfo is NECESSARY

First Law of War, All War is Based on Deception. Q is not speaking with private comms directly to us, he's speaking on a public board anyone can access. You can't expect it all to be laid out in black and white when the stakes are literally planetary in scale. I'm sorry, but none of us are special enough to warrant special access to the backroom on this one. The stakes are insanely high.

8)The goal is simple, prosperity, peace and joy, for All. Declassification of the Extra-Terrestrial Element in human history, De-classification of the last thousand to two-thousand years of history, all the lies revealed, all of it made bare, all of it. Man, when that time comes, you'll be asking yourself why you were so eager for it all to come to light. Mark my words.

14884486? ago

Sigh. Ok. Good points.

I get the Tesla bit. I actually did a paper in grad school about the placebo effect.

I’m not sure about extra terrestrials, but bring it on.

Some Christians say that extra terrestrials can’t be real because that would disprove the Bible. But I bet people would have said that in Columbus’ day too. How could people in the new world exist if the ocean was uncrossable and the Bible says we all descended from Adam? How could aliens exist if space was previously uncrossable and we all descended from Adam? Same problem, different scale.

I get the Alliance. The military. The space force.

But in my mind, the jury is still out on this stuff. Not whether it’s real (well, maybe in the case of aliens - allowing for the possibility for now), but whether Trump will truly deliver. I want to believe he will, but I’m having trouble understanding how he can.

14885859? ago

I'm sure I'll be corrected and I want to be if I'm wrong but here's my understandings. Good people (many if not all) in the military where sick of seeing all the suppression of the people, they knew of this evil. They came together and devised plans (note more then one plan) of how to remove this evil and give true power and truth back to all of us, "the people". They saw Trump as the best hope to pull us back from the edge of the cliff, they approached him and asked him to run for president, with his presidential powers, their combine wisdom, power, plans and FAITH working with Trump are the warriors working to free us but they can't do it alone, they need us to be awakened, they need us to support and help when asked, together we are strong. Hence, the Great Awaking and WWG1WGA

Now think about this, if HC had been elected it would have been the end for us, we were right there facing the death of our nation, the timing of having Trump decide to run for office, these good people working with him and he gets elected, what are the odd's the stars aligned "by chance" at that critical time? Anyone who sees the picture and doesn't think this is all God's will, well they aren't fully awake yet. How many times have we seen Q ask us to pray? Have you seen a president openly pray over and over? These are Historic times, trust in Potus, trust in Q, trust in the plan and most importantly trust in God. Pray and pray often, WWG1WGA with God at our side.

14901712? ago

I don't think this is god's will, but this doesn't mean I have any less faith in the intelligence of POTUS.

Trump tried running a few years earlier, but the timing wasn't right. He ran now because he saw that both parties were vulnerable for disruption, and he was contacted by the military to lead their coup/republic restoration.

None of this requires God's hand. I'm giving credit to Trump and the military on this one.

14885213? ago

I don't care if Trump does it or does not do it. I only care that it gets done. On that, I think we can agree.

re:Christians What if you change the perspective. What if Angels and Demons are Positive/Negative ET types? They share an essential symbolic characteristic, they both have wings. In fact, The Great Shatam himself is said to have been a "Fallen" Angel. IE:Positive ET being that abused his position of power and was punished. What if the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was in fact one of those ET beings? There is plenty of evidence to support the idea that ancient cultures were working with some sort of "Alien" or at the very least, highly advanced technology at the time. Between some Ancient Egyptian walls and some Sumerian ones, we've got plenty to go on.

Q said so themselves, consider the vastness of space. The Universe is so big, there are literally billions of planets similar to earth that could theoretically have conscious beings. There could be human-like entities among us already.

I am only passive right now because I can see a peaceful resolution. I would much prefer a peaceful resolution followed by a re-awakening of Mankind to our hidden, dormant powers. I mean really, 9X% junk DNA? Who buys that? Mother nature doesn't make mistakes on that level, that's DNA that's being repressed somehow. Just imagine what it could be coding for if it were not dormant.

14879720? ago

I can understand the frustration, we've watched our country turn into something we don't recognize anymore and we've seen the blatant crimes and yet so many are blind to it and follow like sheep. We want it to end, we get excited from the drops, we expect to see justice being served and the wicked removed from power and we want it now. But as others have said it took decades to get here, it will take years to correct, we will loose battles along the way, that's part of war. When it happens it's OK to feel discouraged, that's human nature, when that happens step back, morn, reflect and get your head right, then rejoin the front lines.

OP correct me if I'm wrong, the plan in play is not the ONLY plan, correct? If my understanding is correct this is the peaceful plan, to keep order and to keep us as safe as possible as the war rages on. If all else fails I'm convinced there is more then one plan and the last would be a military take over, but that's not something anyone really wants, it would be violent and end up spilling into the streets but it's an option, let's pray it doesn't come to that.

If your a fan of a certain TV show you'll recognize this, "There's no going back Bob." We have been awoke, the curtain has been pulled back and the evil has been exposed, when times are tough we must not, we will not and can not throw up our hands and declare, "it's too hard, I give up" No way I'm leaving the country in this state for my children and grand children to live in, the time is NOW, it's up to US to take our country back! Together we are strong, together we win! WWG1WGA!!

Trust in Potus, trust in Q, trust in the plan and most important trust in God! We are the righteous, through Potus and Q God has handed us this task, it's up to US to see it through no matter what! Pray and pray often! WWG1WGA with God at our side!

Rest up, get your head right and get back on the line! We'll be waiting here for you! I've had to do it too, it's OK. God Bless fellow Patriots.

14880148? ago

If my understanding is correct this is the peaceful plan

Yes. Do you think you could sleep, knowing the horrors? Do you think you could just be peaceful and calm knowing what is out there? I am not peaceful, I am a warrior, I am designed to fight, to destroy. It's in my nature, it's in my blood, it's what I take great pleasure in doing. The only reason I'm calm and patient is because this peaceful measure, this plan, is the better option for everyone. It requires faith and trust, which I can only hope are not being misplaced.

However, if by January 30th 2019 nothing has happened, then I will cease to be my calm, patient self, then I WILL rouse people to action and to arm. Anyone who thinks this is going to last into 2020 is on the wrong timeline.

14878390? ago

Did Q have to reveal his drops on Oct 28, 2017? Could they have kept the plan safe from the spoiled, bitching wannabe's and still saved us? I have to believe the answer is yes. They chose to let us look in and told us WWG1WGA. Gratitude anyone? Admiration? A little freaking patience maybe? This is why you're armchair generals and not the real thing.

14878151? ago

red october wasn't what i had hoped for. Seemed a bit hyped up

14901774? ago

Yesterday was the Anniversary of Red October. LOTS of stuff happened yesterday.

14878196? ago

20% Public 80% Private. You only see what the (((MSM))) wants you to see. Everything is discernment. We really do not have the birds eye view we think we do.

14878052? ago

Simple question, what would it take for you to stop believing?

If 11.11 comes and goes with nothing of significance happening, would that be enough?

If Jeff Sessions is fired and replace by Trump soon, would that do it since Q made it clear that we could trust Sessions?

What about if Trump was asked about Q and denied any knowledge?

14901791? ago

Trump was asked about who Q was. He said "I don't know, But I do know they're good people."

14878164? ago

1)It's not a question of Belief. I couldn't give less of a fuck if "Q" is a real person or not. The Truth of the matter remains, what they have presented to us as evidence of collusion on a global, possibly even inter-dimensional scale is self evident once you do the digging. It's not a question of Belief, so much as I would have to deny reality.

2)No. Time is an energy. it must be understood as such, it is always "now". This event will come, one way or the other. One way is through Q, which presumably would be largely peaceful. The other is through violent overthrow of the current govenrment through coordinated Civilian efforts to reclaim our sovereignty and our freedom.

3)Trump won't fire Sessions. If he was going to, he would have done so by now. Trump values Tax dollars because he's paid more than anyone fairly should in them. He values it too much to allow incompetence to reign.

4) Refer to 1.

14881874? ago

Q said to trust Sessions Sessions just quit. Part of The Plan? I think yes!

14877998? ago

I trust the plan. I don’t trust the Americans that came so close to electing socialist candidates. How do we win THEIR HEARTS?

14878173? ago

By showing them the Truth. By embracing them as brothers and sisters misguided in their understanding of Our Shared Reality. We have all been lied too. We must all heal.

14877867? ago

Seems too many Anons believe all should be in "their way" and "their timing". There are bigger things at work here than 'your wants'. The Plan must go forward. The Plan IS going forward. Trust the Plan. We won last night! If you can't see it, you need to start reading Q post from the beginning, AGAIN for some, with a different frame of mind than "you".

14879551? ago

Q said, "We got what we needed." (not what we wanted, is my thought)(Kavenaugh hearing didn't go exactly to the plan either with repub rhino Flakey man doing his rhino thing-bye bye Flakey, but we still got Kav confirmed) So as with any military plan, it is fluid at any given moment. Either way, plans are moving forward and Senate majority trumps the House for SC staying safe, and fed judges, and any future SC judicial nominations. I think Senate is responsible for immigration issues also, if I read the article correctly. There is definitely leverage on Feinstein for her China attachments, they have her cell phone coms, so FISA declass could be China and election fraud by dems. As noted by many anons, the Russia FISA would expose 5eyes and DNC/HRC/Obama and FBI, DOJ, CIA, treachery, but it does not bring down the HOUSE. Therefore we must have a second one. A Trump FISA on Dems/China, because FISA goes both ways, per Q. Now THAT FISA would bring down the House! Military planning at it's finest, once again, per Q. Just another 10 cent thought of mine, could 1990 be when the plan to take down the NWO began? 28 years or more of planning and we complain when 12 months pass in a massive undertaking without seeing fireworks. Thanks anons. We know way more about the corruption of the world governing forces thanks to Q and Trump than [they] would ever have let us see. I do not plan to ever go back to sleep

14877893? ago

We split last night. we didn't win.

14878299? ago

Then you need to study up. Yes...we won major ground by keeping control of senate thereby control of current supreme court and future supreme court.

14878220? ago

how many of the q people really have swallowed the red pill on jews? he's talking right now how great he is to the Israel

14878327? ago

The fact that the people that run the world are pretty much all Jews is generally the last big red pill people need to swallow. Are you surprised when Q says Israel is last? Jews are victims has been ingrained into a generation, that long of programming isn't easy to undo. The public needs to be slowly awoken, which is happening.

Do your part and wake fellow patriots up.



14877609? ago

We ALL fall out. We ALL loose faith in Q. We ALL drop and think this is fake. We ALL must help each other keep strong. We ALL go as 1 or we don't go at all.

I too have questioned. I too have dropped. I too have come back.

When you drop, loose faith, and no longer trust the plan that is when you think it is dark and bleak.

However when you see something that brings you back you are back with certainty and without question. I have been there and done that. I dropped last Dec. And again in Feb. But now I am back, trusting, and helping the fight.

We would not be here today if we did not question our surroundings. Think logically. Think strategically. Think with the Constitution in mind. The Law is what makes America great. The Constitution and Rule of Law brings the power back to the people.

14899672? ago

We ALL fall out. We ALL loose faith in Q.

Some of us didn't run on Faith. Faith is for the stupid and foolish. We merely Trusted The Plan.

14901361? ago

Trust=Faith. Without one you do not have the other.

14902246? ago

Trust requires knowledge. Faith does not. They are not equal.

To equate the two concepts is to succumb to Orwellian Newspeak. Learn the nuance.

14902385? ago

You learn something new everyday! Thanks!

I guess I should have said we loose faith in Q, we all do, but trust the plan that is put before us. I have no evidence that Q is really out for our best interests in the end, but the plan put forth we should trust. (My enemy of my Enemy is my friend)

Because really at the end of the day, everything Q is saying could happen is the exact thing William Cooper in "Behold a Pale Horse" said would happen. It is just the opposite. (think mirror????) Are they using their play book to complete the operation that the military has trained for? Just the people they are going to get are different? Instead of Patriots they are going after Deep State.

I have Faith in Q. Because you can not have Hope without Faith. I do, however, Trust in the Plan as well.

IS this a better statement?

14878753? ago

We ALL fall out. We ALL loose faith in Q

No we don't. First of all, it's not a question of faith. It's a question of authenticity. To which Q has repeatedly proven authentic.

Q is not to be worshiped or blindly followed. Q is a light - a beacon. Nothing more. Nothing less. Q shines light on cracks worthy of consideration. But it is us who must decide what to believe and what to do. This is in fact why all who claim Q is a cult are rather uninspired shills or simply very ignorant.

Q is not a soothsayer. Q is not predicting the future. Q is telling us the likely outcome. All timetables are estimates. Should our enemy make a move which was unanticipated or have more success with a counter move it means things shift or change. A plan is only good until first contact with the enemy. We are watching a balancing act of move and counter-move, of propaganda and open source counter-intelligence providing insights into the whys of that propaganda. And, of course, the motives of those behind it.

14879275? ago

You don't have faith that the people you trust in your life will continue to do the right thing on a daily basis? I do.

That is the Faith I am talking about. I have faith in humanity. I have faith in our Governmental system (I lost that very recently) I have faith that there is good on this planet and in this Universe.

Keep the faith my friend. Don't think you are not faithful in your daily life.

14877665? ago

Thinking critical means thinking critically about Q team as well. There are many legitimate reasons to be questioning and or have lost faith in Q team. They are not at all demonstrating that they are in control, even though they reiterate over and over that they are. Show us Q, talk is fucking cheap.

14878231? ago

How do you expect to unseat this level of Corruption in 2 years? Come on. Be real. We are talking about a group that has killed 1 president. Tried to kill a 2nd (Reagan) and has made many attempts on the current one.

All of this with control over the Media, and many peoples thoughts. We have been Brainwashed for years. None of us have grown up without any type of brainwashing happening. To undo that level of corruption is going to take longer than 24 months. To make this type of headway in this amount of time is amazing.

The fact that Trump is still alive is remarkable in itself. That is pretty much all the Q proof needed to show they are in control. ;)

14878331? ago

How do i expect it? Maybe i have too much faith in the average american. Releade some proif of corruption on select individuals and i believe that wakes up normies to vote these ass hats out.

Instead, we get jack shit from Q team, and the small group of Q followers are supposed to counter balance millions if motivated anti trumpers? Get fucking real bro. The only way to remove peacefully was to have normies vote them out. Now, theres only one logical outcome if/when Q ever starts releasing info.

14878502? ago

If Q released anything about an individual that then crosses the Hatch act. Q said it when he came back after the silence.

Do you have facebook? Do you have a TV? Or maybe your FB feed is different than mine, or you do not watch normal public TV channels and news.

But American's right now, many of them are smart friends of mine, think Trump is a buffoon, an idiot, and wants to destroy the country. No matter how many times you show them how this country is better off than it was 2 years ago.

If Q and Trump are so bad why then wouldn't they also want to tank the economy, and all of us? They have shown time and time again that this country is on the upward trend. How can you win over those that hate you? Deception, and Optics.

Something brought you here. IF you disagree with this then drop out. Leave. It's the best thing. No one here wants to hear you complain. I know after about 3-4 days you will be back. Sooner if better drops come. We would like it if you stayed and were united WITH us not trying to divide.

14877582? ago

If they have "everything", why not start exposing some truth before midterms to allow normies to see whats really going on and vote out the cancer?

If Q team is in control, how do the Dims winning house aid "The plan"?

If Q team is aware of voter fraud efforts, why didn;t they take steps to stop this?

I have a fuck ton more because I have exhausted my patience with Q teams bullshit. I will no longer be aiding the community in anyway, good luck to you all.

14877966? ago

Never lose faith. Were you here because you want a better world, or because you wanted to be proven right that the whole world is fucked? Faith is a bitch but then so is Karma. Button up your tunic lad. Q and Trump are not God. Maybe you wanted an idol to worship? Only God deserved worship because He is perfect. It was all part of the Military Plan- Q 2445 "Military planning at its best". Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.425 📁 Nov 7 2018 01:59:00 (EST) Do you believe in coincidences? Which (2) House members ran the investigations re: DOJ/FBI etc.? https://judiciary.house.gov/press-release/goodlatte-gowdy-reach-agreement-with-the-department-of-justice/📁 Gowdy resignation. What role did he play re: House investigations? House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Goodlatte resignation. What role did he play re: House investigations? House Judiciary Chairman House >>> Senate House >>> Senate House >>> Senate TRUST GRASSLEY Senate Judiciary Chairman [House of Cards] Military planning at its finest. Q

P.S. Good luck friend. I don't think you will like it on the other side.

14877964? ago

1) One-sided government NEVER works... Declass will be used for 2020 republican elections 2) Dems winning House isn't important. What was important, and OUR WIN was senate...and keeping Supreme Court future guarded. 3) You don't know voter fraud isn't being addressed 4) You were never a true believer, go, we don't need doubters and nay-sayers. We need Patriots.

14878271? ago

Right. Why use all your ammo on the mid-term? You can get more out of your enemies if you hold back your big guns. Once they are weak BLOW them up and drop the MOAB!

14878283? ago

Indeed!!! <wink>

14877883? ago

1) All War is Based on Deception. Make no mistake, this is World War 3, announced after the False Flag 9/11 attack. The "War on Terror(Terra)"

Why they cannot or will not reveal is simple, if you stir the waters to drum up some fish, the smart fish, the BIG fish, they will get the message and do what they do best. See, people need to understand consciousness. You have a soul, it is eternal. Your body is more or less powered by your soul. When you die, you get to incarnate again, if not here, elsewhere, if not in this time, in another. Life is an endless journey. The Elite understand and have hidden this knowledge. They have made the very idea taboo, your natural reaction is to laugh or dismiss me. That's why I don't care if I convince you, or anyone. I'm only interested in trying to answer some questions with what I understand to be the Truth.

Secondly, you can't "vote out the cancer", Politics itself is a cancer. The idea that Men need to be told what to do, where to go, how to act, etc, by an overarching, entirely unaccountable power, is ludicrous. The idea that we need to vote them out is equally so. I understand why people don't understand this point and I'm afraid I can't elaborate it at present, it would require it's own separate post. However; Nikola Tesla and Willhelm Reich are two men who should be studied to better understand what I mean.

2) I believe the "house" was ahoney pot. "[House Made of Cards] FISA brings down the [House]. What if I told you Feinstein is almost guaranteeably under FISA warrant? How else do you explain the Chinese Driver? The pictures asosciating her with being IN China during some pretty big holidays. What if I told you, through extension of that legal use of the FISA warrant, those investigating would also be privvy to the Electoral fraud that was likely comitted during the election.

Tell me, if we happened to have all of that, do you know a single sane Democrat who would take that sitting down? That their political party wanted power so badly THEY RIGGED AN ELECTION TO DO IT. I dunno about you, but I'd wager the optics on that are MUCH worse than anything Trump could have released to the public, as they are now.

Remember, most of the public truly believes the Russian Collusion narrative is real. It's a fabrication, based wholly on misinfo and when the Truth comes out, the FBI will commit Sepuku to redeem its honor. I guarantee it. If you want to understand that fiasco, Dan Bongino's SpyGate is a slam dunk for it.

3) I believe I adequately answered this in 2, but to re-iterate, I believe it was a Honey Pot operation. Get them all with their hand deep in the cookie jar. Humans are really weird creatures, we react more strongly to fresh stings than old. If you start arresting them on old charges out of the blue, revolt is almost guaranteed. However, if you can prove voter fraud and then magically through subsequent "investigations", which have already occurred, we find ourselves with the full weight of the evidence to present to the People who have already accepted that these people are criminal enough to literally STEAL THE ELECTION. Optics my dude are everything.

By all means, feel free to ask more if you want more. But if not, I understand. Take five and breathe, you might see things differently.

14923112? ago

Fuck me. Thanks. I'm awake but even I'm impressed with this - are you Q? Getting v into Willhelm Reich right now. London anon.

14899745? ago

World War III began in 1954, according to (Q-approved) "Behold a Pale Horse". This is the end of World War III you're witnessing.

Everything else you said was otherwise correct.