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14837221? ago

I've been assisting Putt. I'll address this.

Also, it's seemed before that the SBBH gang we've all grown to be more and more annoyed with is closely partnered with Putt. Most, if not all of these faggots, are poser anon's, kiddy /b/tards, or faggots from Reddit (@Crensch is user u/Creq on Reddit, for instance, who has MODDED THERE FOR YEARS AS PER HIS OWN ADMITTANCE). This particular group exhibits all of the tactics with which we've all grown familiar, and by now I should have a list or graphic or something organized, but I've been rather lazy in this department.

Putt will shortly be given an ultimatum: he either answers these questions adequately or sees no more help from me.

14837467? ago

I would upvote you, bit I seem to have been cut off. There's no way I up/down voted over 200 comments in this thread and I didn't use any votes yesterday anticipating having to defend myself from the shilling

14861762? ago

Have you seen what was posted recently? Guess who posted it. :D

I hope you'll see what happened to the thread that I posted. It got NUKED to all fuck. Classic brigading.

14862062? ago

Yep, I was in there. Lots of other comments too.