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14835277? ago


Do we really need to say more?

14835306? ago

Q team knew we would own these clowns and that's why it was stated that 8chan would be the only place left.

14835376? ago

Agreed. In that light he may also know that the time we have to move to 8chan could be shorter than we’ve been here (from Reddit). Musical chairs but we know the last seat is open to all of us.

14835435? ago

Wait till you meet some of the racists and Jew haters over on 8chan!

14836003? ago

Your buddies? We'll take care of them too.

14836165? ago

Guess you got tired of winning and decided that you'd like to bite off more than you can chew.

14836269? ago

"You cant handle the truth!"

Am I supposed to be scared?

14837227? ago

No. But future will prove past on this one. You WILL lose.

14837561? ago

No way will the future prove that Putt wasn't trying to squeeze hard earned money out of goats, by threatening to shut it down, with 30 million dollars in bitcoin in his wallet. Impossible.

14837863? ago

What a non sequitur answer. Did you get confused there, Boomer?

You will lose in your Crusade against the racists.

14838029? ago

Not confused and not a boomer. I was pointing out your shill handbook ways. It's all you have. Keep attacking a strawman.

14838712? ago

And not even intending to attack an argument of yours, so how can I straw man?

Literally responding to your assertion that you will take care of the racists. Do you even know what a strawman is?

14838796? ago

Yep you created a strawman to not discuss the facts in the OP. "Wait till you meet some.." this thread isn't about that, that was why I believed sane was possibly one of the shills when I first got here. Maybe you should go read the OP again.

14839074? ago

I don't give a shit about the op. I was responding to a comment. If I was responding to the op, it would be a base level comment you stupid Boomer fuck.

14839394? ago

There is a base level comment that i replied to, keep playing games, shill.