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14546963? ago

Hello fellow Patriot! WOW THANK YOU for the link to the http://archive.li/qERv5 IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion

I've attached a pdf version here for your convenience in case the archive is gone https://anonfile.com/BfN8v4jbb4/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion_pdf

This is a TRUE gem, great insight. I believe he's the real deal.

I havn't finished it, but I will report back when I do.

Meanwhile, do you have any more of these links?

14476477? ago

Thank you so much for this post and all the links. I am learning so much.

14495790? ago

You are very welcome. Glad you found it informative.

14462069? ago

Just been reading (on and off for most of the day...) the Rothschild godlikeproductions thread. Still only half way through, but if the writer is a larp, he's intelligent, well read and very convincing given the reading I've done over the years. Thanks OP for providing the link, I'd never even heard of this.

14460022? ago

Speaking of GodlikeProductions, remember when the same guy who threatened to kill the board owner, Jason (Psyop) Lucas, also threatened to kill Obama, thus giving GLP street cred?

14458726? ago




14458481? ago

Uhm... Trump can say ANY FUCKING THING HE WANTS. CLASSIFIED OR NOT. That's the role of the President. NYAnon can fuck off.

14458237? ago

My concern is this a disinfo ruse by Bauer/ B-agents.

There have been speculation among other sources (strong reminder what Q said about outside comms) that at least one Bauer or Bauer family branch has sought an alliance with those seeking to end this 'system of things' in return for immunity and likely position in creating whatever international financial system emerges.

The death question reminds me of the one CDAN Enty claimed on podcast.

The assumption was Jacob/Nat but of course Jacob was just seen alive and well with Clintons in Germany recently.

Here is the podcast link and first relevant CDAN post (the others are linked on podcast page)



14457547? ago

Well that was an intense read; Would have loved to see it live

14476598? ago

Mine too, after two days of pouring through it. Deep—and cold.

14504863? ago

Mind blowing. Cold wicked wisdom there. I'm still slowly reading that.

14457424? ago

Just another faggot concern troll. Anyone with even a cursory interest in Q could tell you that he sent a veiled threat to [L]ynn [d]e [R]othschild and their BLACKFOREST estate, then Jacob died in a suspicious aviation collision.


B-but Q commided da crimes too!

No. Fuck off.

14458650? ago

Jacob was just spotted in Germany with the Clinton's, so he's alive.

14457351? ago

It's worth noting that the Cabal believe that they must somehow warn a target before they attack and that if they don't, God will interfere. I'm wondering if that's what this was.

14637694? ago

Yes! Where did I hear that before?

The Deep State has spiritual beliefs that require them to tell us what they're planning BEFORE they implement it as they believe they need our 'consent' in order to get the blessings of their Deities. In their belief system if the people are shown a scenario (even if its in the form of a movie plot) and the people don't actively 'reject' it....its considered 'acceptance'. For those who believe in the Bible its exactly the same thing Demons or the Devil will do in the bible to trick you into agreeing to something. They can't do shit to you until you accept or agree...they have no power and they can use deception to attain that agreement.


14458814? ago

I was always told they told people what they were going to do to them ahead of time, because of their egos. They just can't resist bragging. I had read somewhere, a long time ago, that most of the illuminati were either atheists, or demonic in belief. Interesting that God would come up here. I guess I need to do more digging.

14521661? ago

Their apparent atheism is a front. They are very devoted to the Luciferian religion, otherwise known as Satanism. Whether true or not, they really believe in God, and that He is the enemy.

14458802? ago

First time I've heard that. Which god do they think will interfere, the real living God or the one they worship, Baal?

14521694? ago

The real Living God of the Bible. Whether right or mistaken, they believe that unless they warn the target ahead of time, even cryptically, they run the risk of having God and his Holy Angels run interference. It's really fascinating. I've read so much stuff over the last year that I can't remember where I first learned this.

14637740? ago

Drop a couple of starter links if you have a moment, please.

14460348? ago

Karma, basically.

You guys are running around blind. You need to learn about Natural Law. Look up Mark Passio and find his speeches on Natural Law. They're very long but you really need to understand that.

But basically there's a cause and effect rule in the universe and they do whatever they can to throw the effect onto other people. Like order followers. If I order you to punch someon in the face, then YOU are the one that punched someone in the face, not me. That's on YOU. If I tell you, "hey I'm moving my fist toward your face right now, so maybe you should move" and then you don't, well, you're the one that could have taken action to prevent it.

I personally dont understand how that could possibly skirt all karmic consequences, but that's the short version of what they believe.

14476494? ago

Thank you so much. I am learning so much. Great information that I didn't know, I didn't know.

14463398? ago

Natural Law has nothing to do with warnings or karma.

It is simply the acknowledgement and respect of nature, especially of strength and guile, regardless of social conditioning. The law of the jungle. Those who respect and obey Natural Law always come out on top.

This is how elites maintain control. They do whatever needs to be done without thinking twice.

14464779? ago

I'd suggest you go do more research. We're not talking about the same thing. Cause and effect is a huge part of natural law.

I'd also suggest reading up on Hermetics.

14470578? ago

I’m well versed in it already, which I why I know for a fact it’s another layer of garbage historical storytelling layered on top of the only part of Natural Law that matters, namely that the strongest survive, period.

The Elites would prefer you didn’t realise that yourself, as they are fewer in numbers. The “elites” who believe this crap are themselves just as fooled and misguided as the rest of those who subscribe to the history hoax.

Ancient Greece can be written off as bullshit easily, by following sources back to the primary source. If you do this yourself you will discover that nothing can be reliably traced further than a couple of hundred years tops, Hermeticism included.

All ancient Greek legends are stories for useful idiots, whether rich or poor.

14481679? ago

You sound like you're talking about Darwin. That's not at all what I'm talking about. Check out Mark Passio's Natural Law seminars. They're on Youtube. He can explain it much better than I can.

14486707? ago

No, it has nothing to do with Darwin except the most basic alignment with his overall conclusions.

I’ve listened to most of Passio’s couple hundred lectures. While interesting, and while there certainly are people who believe in hermeticism, karma and so on, it’s just masturbatory garnish. Control comes down to two things only: strength and guile, or as the “Rofschild” put it, power and illusion. A student of Natural Law understands this and uses it to his advantage while his socially conditioned rivals choose not to for moral or ethical reasons.

14457128? ago

There are stealth programs that inbed messages into the code of the picture, in which you would need a "stealth decoder" to find the message. This was a big deal years back right around 9/11, The give away was the size of the picture file.

14456556? ago

be mindful of images in question. They now contain mind viruses, it was discussed extensively on CBTS,GA and 8chan

14456533? ago

Paste the picture inside here https://www.base64decode.org/

14455845? ago


Having just read this conversation for about 1/2 hour and barely scratched the surface, I would say that the "Rothschild" respondant may well indeed be who he purports to be.

The depth of insught and mind-blowing wisdom in some of the more serious answers hints at knowledge infinitely greater and deeper than mine. Not to mention some "truths" in there that humanity is probably not yet ready for. A consciousness of higher levels far beyond even that which "gurus" teach. There is a hint of very ancient knowledge that I could only wish for.

"Who is in control here?" ..................... "You (collective) are, of course" ................ profound.

14461339? ago



read in conjunction with these two articles to expand the understanding of what this is about.

14460832? ago

Just read the whole thing and one of this persons (claims to be a rothschild) replies stood out:

The evolutionary process is "known", but also a wildcard. Bloodlines are genetic "purifications" at work and span centuries. As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".

This is why control is so very necessary.

It's almost as if the elites saw someone like Trump could be coming but didn't necessarily know if and exactly who it would be. Their "wildcard" ended up being our "Trump-card".

14459876? ago

I read it. So these people truly believe they are descendants of gods. Of the fallen angels inbreeding with monkeys? Which implies the Darwin theory is true and by association we are descendants of monkeys and they are descendants of gods. Truly messed up people these Roths. If all is about the pure bloodline I suppose through the centuries of maintaining the purity now they are genetically inferior. He mentions DNA research. Now I see why - they know something is wrong with them and try with DNA to compensate for the centuries’ stupidity. Also now I understand why they a feeling superior. These people are doomed by their own design.

14471448? ago

The fallen angels = ET visitors revered as gods by early indigenous humans mated with mankind to inherit our viral resistance thereby created a hybrid leading to a duality in both body and mind.

By preserving the bloodlines (purifying) the aim is to 'breed out' the human and bring the ET to the fore whilst pushing the rest of the white population the other way by interbreeding with other inferior races.

14483761? ago

If you mate with a she horse would the horse produce a hybrid to you? Something is wrong about all this concept of fallen angels. If we ignore the ET for now and assume they are from other dimension they would be incompatible with humans to produce an offspring. Consider Jesus-Christ. If you are familiar with Wrstetn esoteric teaching you would know that Christ as son if God was from other world not compatible with ours. So Christ needed a body to “infuse” which was Jesus’. Jesus’ father was steady very advanced individual to handle the task. So Christ “infused” Jesus and we have Jesus-Crhrist. And Jesus was born after immaculate conception. There was not “mating” because mating can produce offspring if it occurred between compatible partners, And so on... The whole ET concept and also what the Roth’s believe in is wrong. The problem for them was they inherited material possessions and are stuck to be forever on the Earth.

14456669? ago

This world is full of questions and not one single fucking answer. That's the maddening part.

14455792? ago

Wonder if it's Anderson Cooper.... This isn't a popular opinion around these parts, but I don't believe Cooper is deep state. I believe he's been set up by it, though. This poster does not seem to be an enemy of the Q team -- reads more like somebody beginning to realize things about their own family, and being disgusted by them.

Personally, I find the most honest reporting in recent memory came from Jon Stewart, and Stewart trusted Cooper.

14458578? ago

Anyone who interned for the C_A and then ended up as the face off CNN is a deepstate RAT. Sorry.

14458769? ago

More than just a rat, he's part of one of the evil bloodlines. His mother is something of a dark queen in the cabal.

14456372? ago

honest reporting

jon stewart

14455590? ago

A trick question. In fact, the Rothschilds ghostwrite all Q posts.

14455566? ago

One of the more interesting aspects is that creation of cryptocurrency is hinted at, and in 2011, this was long before the concept was publicly known.

Bitcoin first block was mined in 2009, work on that project started in 2008, the concept was pretty well known by 2011.

Just not by normies yet

14455705? ago

Correct. By 2009, 2010, the millions/billions had been made by the early birds. What was one of the earliest exchanges? Shapeshift.

14474237? ago

Well Mt.Gox was the first one that caused the early bubbles.

Shapeshift is a decent service for converting one crypto to another quickly, only good for small amounts imo.

14455493? ago

Could be warning is that our ip’s have been logged and deepstate could start targeting researchers for false flags like you stated. The axe thing maybe he’s a nigger \¯_(ツ)_/¯

14455257? ago


14455423? ago

I do believe that is Sam Kinison in the picture you posted (facing us)

14478065? ago


14455665? ago

A close friend of Bill Hicks. Died in a car crash. Some people say Hicks didn't die, but rather turned into Alex Jones. Hicks died immediately after Waco -- calling the military murderers was a key component of his standup act. After sobering up, Hicks moved to New York -- alone. He then became popular in the UK and Ireland.

14455540? ago

You are right.

14458771? ago

The old guy in green is the late Rodney Dangerfield. "Can't get no respect" was his comedy theme.

14454997? ago

None of the info Q gave was clas.

14455181? ago

Yeah, I have no clue what he might have been referring to there.

14464110? ago

Really? I can think of plenty.

Just for starters - ET life existing - if, as Q claimed, this is classified at the highest level (NATO COSMIC clearance perhaps?), then this classified intel

Alternatively, if an F-15(?) shot down the missile using a classified weapons program, this information is classified, and whilst not directly leaked, even leaking the capabilities may well constitute a leak.

I'm fairly sure there will be others - the obama pardon perhaps, or the details of some of the ongoing cases when Q does long X>>>Y>>>Z posts?

14454758? ago

When did you stop taking your meds?