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14528750? ago

Biased, bluepilled, and borderline retarded. Fixed :

Socialism : you have two cows, the government takes 60%+ of your milk and gives it to people without a cow

Communism : you have two cows, you have to work to milk them, but you don't have any say in how the milk is distributed (it almost entirely goes to other people)

Fascism : you have two cows, you get to milk them, you get to do whatever you like with the milk, provided you pay a relatively high rate of tax (lets say 25%, but it really varies because fascism isn't some kind of simplistic box like the rest). If you overstep your bounds and challenge the safety of the nation, the government kills you and reallocates your cows to loyal citizens

Nazism : you have two cows, you get to milk them, you do whatever you like with the milk, provided you pay a high rate of tax (lets say 40%). You use [insert nice huwhite nationality here] cows, because they're the best (and we'll shoot you if you say otherwise) (but to be fair, they are amongst the best cows in the world), and if you overstep your bounds and challenge the safety and security of the nation or shelter the long nose cows (which are grade A shits who keep trying to collapse your nation), then they kill you and reallocate your cows

^^^everything above this line has some kind of safety net from unforeseen disasters, to some degree, generally decreasing from top to bottom

Capitalism : You have two cows, and your success is partially determined by your ability to make the most of the situation, but you still pay taxes (about 20%), which still go to people without cows, and you have little to no safety net (in hardcore capitalism) if a tornado comes through and kills your cows. Some people who started with lots of money generally get to play a different game where their wealth just generates more wealth with minimal effort, and they can simply buy your milk for a comparative pittance, whilst being free to gut the nation and its people in favour of buying milk en masse from a foreign country with less strict rules.

The presumption that more capitalism = more better is fucking retarded - anyone with a brain understands the importance of balance between two extremes.

The presumption that fascism = unequivocally evil, or bad for citizens is just fucking weird. Under that kind of extreme metric fascism (including nazism) = governemnt takes your cows and shoots you, and capitalism = government takes your cows, exports them overseas, and tells you its your fault as you starve to death. You confuse small government, low regulations with capitalism. They're not the same thing. You mean 'libertarianism', not capitalism, and even then its more debatable. An-cap is not a divinely inspired philosophy, its a mass famine waiting to happen.

Do you really think a true explanation of nazism (which, lets remember, managed to take a country from zimbabwe tier economics to taking on most of the fucking planet in WW2 in the space of 5 years), consists of 'government takes your cows and shoots you'?

Why do so many retards post here?

14531602? ago

if you believe Naziism created the German economy and afforded them the ability to fund WWII, then you really do not understand the truth about WWII.

14531965? ago

If you believe national socialism as an economic system is not a more or less functional way to run a country (I do agree, it could do with dialing back the socalism a bit if you can't gain income via expanding it), then you don't understand reality, let alone fucking WW2.

The nazis were pets of the el-ites, who had a substantial degree of support in many ways. However, they both threw out the (((international bankers))), and instituted a number of genuinely smart policies (women = homekeepers, degenerates = not supported by the state). If you can't understand why these were beneficial in ways the modern american "capitalist" (aka keep hordes of niggers and spics on welfare stolen from white tax money) isn't, you do not understand your own country (let alone the economics of other countries and time periods)

14541322? ago

ALL forms of socialism dies faster than capitalism. Havn't you seen history?

14541694? ago

All democracies dies faster than monarchies

All societies that allow female voting die faster than ones that deny females votes

All societies that import shitskins die as a result

Haven't you seen history?

14542349? ago

hahahaha. I see your logic.

If you dig deeper, monarchies are being taken over by democracies.

If you dig deeper, societies that deny female voters is being taken over by societies that allow female voters.

'Shitskins' has been happening since the beginning of time

14542828? ago

You see modern blips and view it as the inevitable march of progress - history disagrees

You are actually kinda right about monarchies vs democracies, I'd say the net trend is towards republics or some democratic variants i.e parliamentary democracy, although these often include heavily oligarchic elements.

In terms of female voters though, you are absolutely 100% wrong. Whites (too empathetic) allowed women the vote, and because they're white, they're pushing their poison on the rest of the world (what you call 'taking over'). Allowing females the vote was the death of western civilisation, it just hasn't come to fruition yet. Rome, Bagdad, and even ancient Egypt all give strong indicators of what will happen though - female voting will be a brief momentary mistake in the timeline of history, albeit one so damaging it cripples societies.

Matriarchies vs patriarchies is a good example of this. Matriarchies are exceedingly rare (taken over by societies run in a rational, male dominated manner), and where they do exist they're hilariously, deeply primitive. Patriarchies on the other hand have evolved as the dominant form of social structure hundreds of times, across every continent. Patriarchies is what we're returning to - I just pray this happens whilst there's still a civilisation left to save. Non-white countries (the men especially) fucking hate what western cucks are doing pushing feminism too, and I can't say I blame them. I don't see this influence being able to be pushed as strongly once the illuminati/cabal (who were largely responsible for pushing it because its in line w/ their satanistic beliefs) are dead and/or jailed.

History says no to female voters.

'Shitskins' has been happening since the beginning of time

This one is more interesting though - are you agreeing with me? Or just making a throwaway comment r.e the ancient history of 'other tribe bad our tribe good'? I suspect the latter, but its worth noting ancient rome, ancient egypt, ancient china, ancient india, modern iran/afghanistan/europe/america/brazil all provide perfect examples of this phenomenon happening - whites create a civilisation, non-whites, at best, maintain it. There are exceptionally few examples of legitimate stable multiracial societies that didn't end in collapse - India is perhaps the only one I can think of (inb4 America your country has been majorly multiracial for 50 years, and is suffering insanely as a result of it), and they only accomplished it via the introduction of a strict race based caste system (amusingly enough, one which is failing thanks to western 'feminism' and 'anti-racism')

History says white societies importing non-whites ends badly (unless you literally subjugate them as an inferior race of people). Either you destroy the host, or the parasite gets destroyed. Multiculturalism is a disease, civic-nationalism a symptom (albeit one common in imperialistic empires, hence why America today pushes it so hard)

14543159? ago

Trend to Power to the People would be nice to have. America when they set up the original structure was good, but over time it got corrupted by the Evils. Trump is fixing the system now, so hopefully it'll spread and fix the other countries.

If you dig deeper, societies that deny female voters is being taken over by societies that allow female voters.

I don't see how this is incorrect? If you look into history, females are getting more and more equal rights. So the society that has no equal female rights are dying and being taken over by societies with equal female rights.

People, regardless of race, colour, religion has been moving around the world for a long time. Civilisation dies off, new one forms.

Let me guess, you are white? Yes?

14545989? ago

If you look at history, females have gained 'equal rights' before - it simply isn't a new trend. You see the current peak of the female rights cycle, but its a cyclic system. In Rome and Bagdad there were feminist movements - you can find a huge number of common modern day features (people complaining about pop music, women not getting married and having enough kids, cat ladies, women jostling to take on jobs that were previously male only, etc).

Western society gave women rights, and this has, at best, aggravated and been symptomatic of the decline. More likely, it was one of the principal causes. Analyses of this have been carried out, and generally agree that women voting = immediate increases in the size of government. This paper provides a good analysis of the effect (

So when you say 'society that has no equal rights are dying' I have to wonder what you're actually talking about? Womens rights are correlated with lower birth rates. No western society has a above replacement birth rate, and this correaltes damn closely with female 'liberation'. Societies that gave women the vote are being replaced by demographic replacement, breeding below replacement rate, and ruled by a range of liberal shifted policies and parties. Your viewpoint is only possible if your view of history only goes back to the 1950's or so, and even then doesn't indicate a broad degree of knowledge of the subject area.

People, regardless of race, colour, religion has been moving around the world for a long time. Civilisation dies off, new one forms.

I mean maybe? Migrations are common, but it depends what you mean. Lets look at two examples - the Proto Indo European (PIE) migration, and the Bantu migration. PIEs expanded from ~central asia somewhere, and went through india, through china, and up into russia, and then in a seperate wave went through eastern europe / northern middle east, into central europe and then western europe. Meanwhile, the bantu expanded from their home nearish modern day Nigeria, and expanded to cover basically all of sub-saharran africa. PIE's were white, bantu black. PIE are responsible for the origins of most all of the major successful civilisations - to be precise, hinduism, chinese (and through them, japanese and most of the east-asian region), mongol, greek, roman, gallic and germanic tribes (and their successor european states). Possibly a handful more, but its already obvious their descendants have some serious achievements, yes?

Now lets look at the bantu. They expanded due to the adoption of iron age technology from the nubidians, who in turn acquired it from the egyptians (who, worth noting, were white, at least as far as pharoahs go). Having acquired this iron age farming technology they then rapidly expanded, and started conqueering, genociding, and displacing the native african inhabitants. This is why bantu is now spoken EVERYWHERE in sub saharran africa, with the minor exception of the very tip of south africa, where some remnant khoisan remain (also some pygmy tribes in the congo). Both of these remaining groups are hugely at risk from the bantu, and left alone would be genocided by them in very short order. The principal cultural impact of the bantu is being slaves, and bitching about being slaves. The principal cultural impact of the PIE is basically every single civilisation of note in europe/asia.

It is true that many of these regions were 'multicultural' - its a common trait of empires, and obvious in many fashions such as Rome (which got heavily shitskinned in the final years of the empire, assisting the collapse of Rome the city until the 'new Romans' were driven off and/or killed by the north Italian natives), or India (where the caste system was instituted on the basis of race/colour, to attempt to control the remnants of society by preventing the aboriginals from fucking it up - it worked too, for fully thousands of years). The movement of people is irrelevant compared to the effects of sub races. Whites make civilisation, non-whites attempt to leech off it, and eventually collapse the system. That is the circle of civilisational life

Civilisations are like leaves - they change colour as they die.

^sums it up pretty well

Let me guess, you are white? Yes?

Bingo, full marks. Let me guess, you're a woman, and potentially on the basis of the formulation of that mixed race / non-white (although women are so utterly lacking in own-group bias it's really very hard to tell you could be white).

14546165? ago

You make a great argument.

Regarding females, you have to note: how many females are more productive than yourself? In terms of knowledge, income, wealth, ideas etc. I'm sure you'll agree there are some women who are better than you, and also those that are not.

I would prefer governments to be small, and held more accountable, and actually work for The People. This is a structural chance that SHOULD be done, but is not. That's where the problem is.

Regarding birthrate, there's a STRONG correlation between living standards and having lots of kids. Higher the living standards, the lower the birth rate. This is general due to Parents having more Children to cover for deaths, and to make sure some survive to look after them when Parents are old. This also changed with Western Society being more Socialist. Taxing the rich, giving to the poor (pensions). When you do this, Adults don't need a lot of children, as they are given payments to keep them alive, and not depending on their children.

Regarding Civilisation, Western Society have taken over the Native Civilisation. Eg America, Australia, New Zealand etc. There's always been a migration of movements.

Civilisation is not like leaves...why? Look at Egypt, Rome etc. They are more like Trees, leaves and branches can come and go, and eventually the tree will die and another will take it's place.

I am male, Asian decent, grown up since age 5 in a Western Society. I do not base my knowledge on what I am, but what I observe. I do my best to break away from my prejudice.

14551374? ago

Thank you, and ah fair enough, mb on the guess. I would say that whilst attempting to avoid prejudice and base things off observation is valid, its important to focus on data at a macro level - individual examples of high/low X matter less than mean performance in X between groups.

You're correct r.e distributions having members above the mean - there are absolutely women more productive than me, and women smarter than me. However, there are two points I think are important here - the first is a relatively simple one r.e averages - on average women are less productive (most of the 'wage gap' is an example of this - women work less hours than men, thus net pay is less). They're also not less intelligent on average, but do distribute differently - at my IQ level (130's) for example, men outnumber women at a roughly 2:1 ratio. As you move towards ~150 or so this ratio becomes more like 8:1. Since many things like PHD's etc require high IQ's (removing meme subjects, phd average IQ is about 130), this ought to mean in a fair world there were 2:1 male ratios here - I'd be fine with it if that were allowed, but that would be 'sexist'. Equality of outcome =/= equality of opportunity. It's also worth noting that averages define the population, not the exceptions. It's also worth pointing out that even during very patriarchal times (i.e 14th century england), women were honestly allowed to work in a great many jobs. There were a surprising number of 'master blacksmiths' from that time period who were female. Even in extreme patriarchy, men have allowed women opportunities (and still would, speaking as a pretty chauvinist person, i'm fine with them having opportunities, just not with them getting away with a pussy pass or lighter workloads). The second point is slightly more debatable, but also worth saying. Koko the gorilla had an estimated IQ of low 80's. That's not only pretty good, its substantially better than the african average. On that basis its fair to say some apes are literally more intelligent than some blacks - should we exclude them? Why would we not use the same argument of overlapping distributions? Or if we suggest we should split it on arbitrary categories 'human/non-human', why would we not allow splitting on other arbitrary categories (male/female, [insert race here] / [insert different race here])?

Supporting a small government is a laudable goal - I'd presume you're essentially libertarian, or at least classically liberal? I'm honestly not a million miles away from that position, and especially w/ libertarians, there's a huge degree of crossover between fascist, ethno-nationalists, and libertarians. As you say - there is structural change that SHOULD be done, but isn't. The reason it isn't is the reason this coalition of ideologies exists - women and non-whites (asians represent a partial exception here, although even then they bias much less libertarian than whites) don't support small government. The paper i linked for example tracks how female vote led directly (and rapidly) to larger governments - this is because women aren't really self-sufficient (either in terms of tax-dollars, or ideologically), but men are. You can see similar effects if you look at breakdowns of voting patterns by race. It's no surprise that african countries tend towards tribal communism, and that they vote for bigger government in western countries by a huge margin - it's just the law of averages. Most libertarians baulk at treating individuals based on their groups, and that is laudable, but unless you do you end up in the current situation - it SHOULD be done X way, but it isn't, because we live in a democracy, and people who support small government / low interventionism are not in the majority, particularly outside men and whites (asians as previously stated semi-support these views, especially since they get shat on by affirmative action just as much as whites, hence the current AA lawsuit heading to supreme court by asians - there's a good reason liberals treat asians like whites and even ethnonationalists treat asians as more or less honorary whites). this image sums up the reason libertarianism and fascism tend to coincide pretty well.

You're also correct about living standards / kids (although you missed child mortality rates, which is a huge factor). People need less kids, that's true. However, here again we run into a problem. Blacks are incapable of understanding this logic - they're R biased (many kids, low input per child), whereas whites are K biased (few kids, high resource allocation per child). Asians vary a bit - japanese are pretty K, chinese R, the rest inbetween. Whites currently have bugger all children, and whislt theoretically fine, its still too low. A sub 2.1 birthrate ultimately leads to extinction - that's just basic maths. It might be acceptable to reduce population levels a bit, but if you do this whilst importing people who will breed at a massive rate (dark-skinned people essentially, r/k correlates closely w/ pigmentation), then you will be replaced via demographic displacement (and then due to the voting differences by race, subjugated under an increasingly large and socialist/communist government). Libertarianism needs the current situation to be radically altered before its anything other than a suicidal philosophy.

You are correct that western society has taken over other native civilisations - I'd note few if any were actually civilisations though. The maori had barely finished killing the original natives when whites arrived, and aboriginals / amerinds had 20-60k years to create a civilisation, and managed to create very little. These instances of migration were dominating, but also transplanted culture. Non-white migration to white countries is subversive, and merely subsists off the existing culture. It'd be hard to say africans provided even 1/100th of the societal/cultural benefit to whites that whites did to africa (jumping it from the iron age to the 19th century in the space of ~50 years).

In terms of being like leaves my point was more related to the spectrum of inhabitants, rather than the appearance and disappearance of successive civilisations. Rome is a great example of this - this thread provides full details (, but essentially rome (the city), by the end of the empire, had very few actual romans left. Just like how current day america has rapidly decreased in % whites, had increases in % hispanics, and is currently becoming increasingly damaged by having to substain its non-white populations, who flock there for the quality of life, but in turn bring the 3rd world with them. America was not powerful, or rich when the amerinds were the main owners. If you removed all whites from America today, it's superpower status would barely survive the year (even accounting for drops in population level etc). Move africans to europe, europeans to africa, and inside a generation europe would be in the depths of crippling famine, and Africa would be booming. That's what I meant by them changing colour as they die - the variation in skin tone on average causes / is indicative of the decay. The only way to prevent this is racial caste systems, such as india - there's good reason they were set up the way they were, with many dalit being aboriginal, and many brahimin being more or less white, and those reasons are the reason hindu culture persisted so long.

The sad fact is, western society, which is (rightfully) the envy of much of the world, is largely a product of westerners. Liberia is a society founded for slaves to be 'liberated' to - it is more or less, America. It has the same constitution. The difference is, it was populated with blacks. It's currently decidedly third world, no better or worse than any other country. Had a parallel country been set up, same rules (even lets say exact same location, and shift liberia sideways a bit), had it been populated by whites, not blacks, and presuming they didn't let in blacks, it would be thriving. Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa, zimbabwe is the land of perpetual famine. Apartheid south africa was a jewel of Africa (and blacks flocked to enter the country). Present day is a small boer minority being increasingly persecuted and robbed via taxation via communistic blacks - that is the future of the west, if migration continues.

In their desire to participate in white male culture, non-whites and women destroy it. There's very good reason they say demographics are destiny. Asians are a decent example of this too - higher mean IQ, lower spread, lower criminality. They have somewhat less potential to develop a civilisation (note, does not mean they can't, just that they're less effective), but they can very easily adapt an existing one. This is why they were able to be colonised/maltreated by the stronger European powers who were able to better/more rapidly develop technology, but also why they were able to bounce back quite so well afterwards. Asia has received 1/10th (if that) of the financial support Africa has. Why do you think they're now in many cases fully first world countries, and Africa is still a shithole? Better quality inhabitants. Sadly the critical lens through which to view culture and civilisations is race and gender. They're the single biggest effects. This is the reason civic nationalism is a doomed philosophy. You can't just 'teach' blacks the value of libertarianism, any more than you can make them not a huge risk of violent criminality. The only way to do it would be eugenic manipulation of their population, at which point, are they really the same as the original one? Final study to link here, because its handy. Why are whites less violent than most other races? ( Eugenics.

14558126? ago

I must congratulate you again, your reply is powerful.

Taking averages regarding sex is unwise. Why? A Female who DON'T have children will have different skillsets to a Female that HAS children. HOW to measure productivity? How to measure her Children's productivity? Female gives birth to 5 children, all males vs mix of male/female vs all females. There's too many factors, so can't use the law of averages as you can't measure it - too many variables.

I found a great link for you, You can select countries at the bottom of the graph + symbol, and you can find your data eg

That has been research that shows the rate of birth is related to the resources available. Put this with the relation to living standards as well, and you'll have MANY more factors that can be the cause of the decline in birth rate. I DONT know the exact reason, but I just use it as an idea.

Blacks are incapable of understanding this logic - they're R biased (many kids, low input per child), whereas whites are K biased (few kids, high resource allocation per child)

Likewise, this is the same argument as male vs female. It's dangerous when averaging, because you'll have blacks that are capable of understanding logic, and those that ain't. Same with whites, some are capable, and some ain't.

The logical summary would be everybody has their own mindset. Everybody's different depending on their families.

Here's a great tip for you, if you are into these kind of things - Rothchild family, the bloodline. A fellow Anon posted this, in this link, there's an archive IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion

It's a GREAT read. I DON'T agree with everything he says, but it does open one's eyes to the possibility.

I believe our brain is BOTH a broadcaster and a receiver of thought. Everything in our universe is made of though vibration (at the very fundamental level). Whatever we create in our mind, the mind/brain sends out the though vibration and creates it for us. It creates a pathway to what you want in life.

There is a great book called The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles pdf - Authur has passed away and his book is public domain, can be found here

If you have the chance to read that book, AND that Rothchild link, you'll see that we humans can create anything that we put our minds to.

Does that scare you? Does that enlighten you? Does that inspire you?

I wish no ill harm to you. I only wish that you can suspend disbelief and check the information I've provided and see how you think of those materials.

To find the truth, we must keep digging to the very fundamental basic layer.

Godspeed Patriot.

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