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14457351? ago

It's worth noting that the Cabal believe that they must somehow warn a target before they attack and that if they don't, God will interfere. I'm wondering if that's what this was.

14637694? ago

Yes! Where did I hear that before?

The Deep State has spiritual beliefs that require them to tell us what they're planning BEFORE they implement it as they believe they need our 'consent' in order to get the blessings of their Deities. In their belief system if the people are shown a scenario (even if its in the form of a movie plot) and the people don't actively 'reject' it....its considered 'acceptance'. For those who believe in the Bible its exactly the same thing Demons or the Devil will do in the bible to trick you into agreeing to something. They can't do shit to you until you accept or agree...they have no power and they can use deception to attain that agreement.