14182725? ago

I know we need to red pill people and I know we need to vote but let's not forget that we need to FUND THE FIGHT!! Contribute to you congressman, your senator, the GOP. It will make a huge difference!

14181149? ago

Persuading a Republican to vote PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

I thought this was interesting. Starts at 41:41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbWS5Tz3xuk&t=41m41s

Register to vote by post https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote

More info. https://www.vote.org/

14180456? ago

Could not agree more. I've been forcing myself to attend a public event weekly(rodeo one week, this time it was fair) with the sole intention of finding one person who through small talk and chit chat I am able to gauge and read there awareness level, find some common ground, let them rant a little to me about something main stream and then boom drop a huge red pill. Clinton's screwing Haiti have been working like a charm. I produce the actual Clinton foundation tax return MEME on my cell and ask do they remember the big deal Rachel Maddow made about Trump not releasing his returns? Tell them to look it up for some hypocrisy in action then check out Mcallister TV and dont believe the Lame stream media about Q. Go see for yourself and offer them the links. Had 3 so far want more

14180117? ago

Discipline = Freedom. Trust the plan

14179976? ago

There is a free Q business card at joewoken.com. It's my new tool for red pilling strangers. It explains Q way better than I could, that's for sure. Plus it has the website where Q's post are found on it. I'm going to write Just Informed Talk at youtube on the back. This is history and I want to be a part of it. I can, at least, leave these cards all around my town. anybody can.

14181574? ago

The business card at joewoken.com is an excellent idea but it's impossible to read the writing in the cartoon. It's much too tiny for most eyes. I can't even read it with a magnifying glass!

14179544? ago

You could mention this: A vote for Democrats is a vote for corruption, bribery, child sex trafficking, fake rape claims, diluting real rape claims, rule by the mob, funding candidates from foreign nationals (like China, which is really illegal and corrupt). Just keep repeating that over and over to anyone but be calm about it. And people shouldn't vote unless they've seen BOTH sides of the story, which many liberals have not done.

That's really what it boils down to. Hitler and Mussolini came to power because not enough people banded together to do more. And look what happened there. The Democrats are the new fascism.

14178787? ago

Wrong!!! Very wrong. attacking the left now will make the turn up on voting day. leave them alone to not worry about trumptards tards. The most important thing to do this October is fire up our base and get our votes.

14178536? ago

Many of my local friend, neighbors, and in-laws are so brainwashed by MSM that it's hard to reach them. Though I DID recently pretend to agree with an in-law about the Kavanaugh hearing (she's convinced Ford is being truthful, and only hates Kavanaugh because she rabidly hates President Trump) merely commenting that "I hoped the truth would come out this year and then the shit would fly and be sure to have toilet paper."

But to my delight, several other of her friends weighed in that they thought Ford was lying and that this was all politically motivated--and that whole thread somehow disappeared...

I can NOT get my liberal friends to look at any news they consider non-liberal--they automatically label Fox, Bloomberg, and many other financial magazines to be blatant propaganda, while seeing CNN, etc. as the only "true" news! So the only chink in their armor against facts is to point out inconsistencies. Florence did a great job of getting even liberals to decry CNN for their over-dramatization of the storm. Why is it they will call "bullshit!" on false weather reporting but not on politics? It's easier to disprove weather, with passers-by walking casually through the dramatic live broadcasts (one newscaster was in a CANOE on a street when two people walked by in galoshes). As Q said, something like "False in this, False in everything else"--we can point out inconsistencies in the "official" MSM outlet's stories, as well as remind them of how they reported in Hurricane Florence. The problem is that we're working against huge confirmation bias with politics. When all this is over, we'll all have a lot of healing to do.

14178510? ago

The Kavanaugh travesty is a blessing in disguise. I have been able to reach liberals this week by talking about the dangers of "guilty until proven innocent". Point out to them that supporting an unsubstantiated accusation is very dangerous - not only for men - but for every American. I've encouraged them to not allow their dislike of the President or their political party preference to cloud their judgement.

As suggested - I use news sources the liberals will recognize and respect. I discuss the histories of Booker, Blumenthal, Feinstein, and the $17 Million settlement that Congress paid to THEIR victims. I don't talk about Q - they're not ready to hear that.

14178293? ago

Q said love them and quit trying to redpill them now to the extent of pushing tyem away. They are going need us very soon.

14180435? ago

Right, I give just a couple of attempts with someone. tthey need space to decide for themselves. Some of them, sadly, will choose not to know. Actually, most of them probably. If they are still defending democrats even after this kind of disgusting behavior we've seen then there is a bigger problem with that person.

14178079? ago

I’m fully on board and have been since near the beginning - November 17th, but also hugely impacted by FBIAnon much earlier. I am involved in an industry that is very much dominated by Leftists. If I start posting on Facebook I could be blacklisted.

What are the best ways to engage in Meme ware fare for those of us that wish to remain anonymous?

14178529? ago

I'd say, try something along these lines :

1) Get VPN, then Tor network.

2) Install Tor Browser and use it. (when using it on Voat, change path when getting Google Cloudflare pages). From them on, change tor path often, and NEVER give any shit can be related to you (including meta in documents/photos).

3) Find anonymous temporary mail to create Protonmail account (some are refused, others are not, don't post the one you'll find which works). Access protonmail by special tor proxy page.

4) From protonmail, can make other email accounts, Yahoo or others.Use these.

5) FaceBook I don't know, try to find ways to make account without being identified. Get real people photos FB does not already have, put some real profile shit about stuff you like and animals things. Join a group or two. Post fun things, make "online friends". Then send in the memes. For others, depend.

6) Take memes (a lot of resources around here) who can spark research interest by a lot of people. Don't try end game revelations, nor things totally speculation. Those who ask questions if possible: – Why are there so many sealed indictments in the US today ? – Do you really know how much corruption is affecting your life ? – It's not about hearing abuse women victims, nor an usual election. It's about the largest corruption in history being reveled – Do you like "podesta art" ? Google it if you need. Me neither. Vote on midterms to kick these sick people and their corruption out of our country and our lives. – In the next weeks, you will learn the most incredible things. Please do it before voting if you love freedom. – The numerous attempts to kill Donald Trump were not about politics. Search the truth, it is about you and avoiding you learn the truth. – They want Kavanaugh out very very bad, don't you think ? Search the truth about why. – Awaken. You were lied to. Take back your freedom before it is too late. Join the battle before they come for you.

14177861? ago

I will admit it is easier to shake people awake now since the congressional shitshow. People know something is happening but there are so many moving pieces and most don't know the players names and ranks. It took me months to study how this puzzle looks from above. I know 1 person at a time works but we need and will get a big shock soon to jolt the normies awake. Doing my best !

14177829? ago

people dont want to be woke

when we wake them they de-register to vote

they get pissed off they've been lied to about political status

they get pissed off they were tricked into paying someone elses debt

they really just want to rid the whole thing from their individual lives

when we wake them they abolish the government for themselves

people dont like to know they were born into voluntary slavery and who can blame them

congress was awake and congress was busy while we slept for 240 years

they dont vote for us

14178143? ago

You haven't tried, or not found how to.

Learn from other Q people who do.

14180225? ago

you don't know me, I been at this 20 years, you think Q is waking you up, he hasnt even got to the good stuff

14177512? ago

Well said Patriot, thank you 🇺🇸

14177450? ago

I would like a viral movent to take place, and we all flood the comment sections of every news source. Filling them up with wiki leak information, and the occult practices based only by facts and the truth. No major conspiracys, only proven facts so no one can call us liars or conspiracy nut jobs. I'm picturing a massive movement that sweeps the nation, and wakes everyone up. But I am skeptical, we are so asleep it's so scary. I really don't know what's going to happen, I fear that the sheep are so far gone they will only resort to violence and primitive instincts. I pray every night, that evil is destroyed and the good in people thrives

14180343? ago

Well, I'm pretty excited about passing out the free Q cards at joewoken.com. I said this before but what if everyone started passing these cards out. I mean, they are free... and they are so cool. Even if the Social Media giants shut us all down, we can still flood our towns with these Q business cards that really do explain Q in all the important issues. I don't know much about what becomes viral but it seems to me this could be what you are talking about. My family just started doing it. I hope you do too.

14178691? ago

There is great power and effect from the gathering and the expressing of thoughts, opinions, discussion. I find I have rehearsed things over a long time, but am only now beginning to make use of the 'skills' I seem to have picked up, not deliberately though. The patience is truly very difficult. But we are in this mess because things became so superficial and immediate. We are one. Many are with you.

14177427? ago

"Ask them if they want their children to become slaves living in misery all their lives. Because this is this it's about."

Yep ! And so ? Make them listen to this Red Piller Master, The Health Ranger (Mike Adams) :


14177318? ago

This is so hard to do. My friends just think I'm a crazy conspiracy nut job. I do nothing but show them but reliable sources, and actual real reports by very reputable people. So really they just don't care enough and don't realise just how important this all is. They sometimes will believe some things but will just chuck it up to, "who cares and it doesn't matter". I have given up telling my closest friends because they really just will not bother to understand and it has lead to minor arguments and them making fun of me, (just the regular shit talk friends make to eachother) but they never seem to understand how serious i am.

They thought pizza gate was proven to be a hoax, I showed them wiki reports and other convicted child rapist in the royal family and other important figures. They still remain in a non caring and a selfish state.

I know my family will think the same. The news needs and other major news sources need to report about big news such as pedophilia and other luciferian occult practices. If the news made the illuminati and other big secret societies a viral story, it would bring The attention To everyone about these important facts. A huge majority of this population is asleep and programmed to think certain ways. I can't wake my friends or family up without a major story getting their attention. Then I can start telling them more information. The new bal archer that effected by the white house was so significant but no one is talking about it. Every news station, even the liberal news should at least mention it. That would be a great intro, and newsworthy starting point, to start telling the public the actual truth

14180906? ago

Yes. Whether liberal or conservative, the people I know are not interested in hearing anything for whatever reason. However, people know me as being a level-headed person that can discuss all sides of an issue. I have left my FB page is a 'safe' zone, but drop truth meme's periodically. My hope, is once the show really starts, I am the person friends come to with questions. I think my role in this Great Awakening may not be on the front side, but the back.

14178515? ago

I have just seen this, might help? A tactful reply to an anti Trump friend (#UK) (QRV) from https://voat.co/v/QRV/2756250#

14178488? ago

This is so hard to do. My friends just think I'm a crazy conspiracy nut job.

Your friends are dependents. There's a funny thing about dependency, it's the excuse for "white male privilege" and why "women don't speak up", people are afraid of being on their own and while the world is a spectrum of color, dependents think in black and white. They see things as is this good for me or bad and will jump into the crowd they side with and try to not stand out.

Did you ever read "how to make friends and alienate people"? There's a reason asking people for favors makes them like you. They're afraid to say no to someone they don't think will say no to them, and once started they see it as an investment that once stopped or questioned they're faced with the idea of throwing away potentially years of work.

Are your friends the type to understand how to 'cut a loss' or are they the type that is always trying to get jobs that offer more money and not figure in the additional time and cost to perform the jobs?

Think about all those that racked up tens of thousands in debt for a degree that no one cares about like liberal arts. Degrees where you're taught how to do something but not bothered to look at how many people know how to do it and are actually needed. How do you tell those people to abandon the financial system when every decision they make is based on did I make more than I spent? They trust money because they've never been let down by it or the system that sells it.

14178328? ago

and theyre right, you are showing them articles and papers that anyone can type up and makes no difference either way if its true or not, you need to show them public record and laws from an outlaw congress like senate document 43 which created a communist government where no citizen owns any property, yeah in case you didnt know YOU CAN NEVER OWN ANYTHING PER OPERATION OF LAW

or show them the day the deep state was created in 1871 congress created a body corporate called "UNITED STATES" as defined here in (15)

maybe you can show them cartoons about jury nullification

more cartoons about the corruption inherent in the system someone created

more cartoons showing how to fix it

14182056? ago

No I showed them stuff from wiki leaks, tape from bohemian grove. And other various insider sources, such as David wilcock and Benjamin fulford. And other news reports and victims regarding child trafficking to prove occult practices

14178244? ago

"It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" --Mark Twain

Breaking the conditioning, ingrained since childhood, is tough. There will be those whose brains have been permanently wired wrong despite the undeniable truths set before them.

I've personally Red-Pilled 27 people (yeh I keep score) and the lights that suddenly come on in their eyes is priceless. When it happens I know my job is done, that this new insight burns like an unquenchable hunger within them. They MUST know more and the more they uncover, the more they realize just how lied to they'd been all their lives.

But, there's this one guy I've been working on for over 5 years now. Yeh I know that's when obutthead was in office. This guy is permanently chained to the plantation of lies and deceit of the Democratic Socialists. Nothing I have given him to look at or research has borne fruit. He watches CNN, MSNBC, is a Mason (Masonic Order), is a Democrat, and is black. He's alluded to me being racist, mysoginistic, bigoted, etc. All the usual talking points when they're proven wrong. I finally gave up on him as unreachable.

There will be some that cannot be saved. Accept it, move on to those you can help.

14180206? ago

Good job! That's 27 people who might go on to become great patriots as this storm really heats up! I'm nowhere near that large a number yet, but I do have a few under my belt at this point. It makes everything better for anyone who wakes up to the fact that they've been lied to their entire lives. The lights really do come back on; not only that, but they begin to regain their sanity, strength and courage quickly. But you are right, some people will never break conditioning. There has to be a part of you, buried deep within, that yearns for truth. Sadly, for some people, that part is too weak.

14179146? ago

i haven't counted, but I've definitely seen that look in the eyes as the lights turn back on... It has never been easy.

Around 9-11 was working construction, several times I talked to different structural engineers, and I would get the to concede every point to disprove the NIST report UNTIL I mentioned the NIST report, at which point 100% (of those I tried) then realized they just disproved NIST, but simultaneously made the connection that NIST is the standards organization they look to for all data, and so each time would say "I would look to the NIST REPORT", they wouldn't even recognize that they had literally just finished debunking NIST.

So, yes, waking people up IS an uphill battle... But now, that can mostly be done online and there's less risk of getti punched in the face.

14177465? ago

Persuasion and de conditionning are not easy, but can be learned, and there are easy scripts you can fast learn. Take mine or another. Seek 8 Chan advice on redpilling (can't find back the link, if someone find it please). Don't throw it all at once, it won't work 99% of the time.

Just find one that works. And don't lose time with those unable to awaken. There are others outside.

14177653? ago

I agree. I learned somthing called the 10%rule, basically exactly what you said. But these guys just really did not care. Ones a marine, and completely does not care because of what ever he's learned in the military makes him think he knows more than me. My other best friend is in college and is so focused on having a social life and partying, he straight could not give sing shit about the truth. My other best friend of the group, is trying to figure out what he wants to do, he's going to the coast guard, and he believes me but he doesn't bother doing research and really doesn't care all that much either. It pisses me off, I stress how important this all is. I told them, "once this all smacks you guys in the face" by then it'll be too late and I won't want to bother telling you guys the things I know and getting y'all caught up.

14178113? ago

Don't waste your time and energy with these. If you try and don't succeed for 10 minutes and don't know for sure how to succeed, it's there is something new you must learn.

To lower resistance along in future similar cases, maybe try this : Don't appear panicked or concerned at first. Don't state, ask questions so that they find by themselves.

The method I gave (based on "Switch" book principles) is sufficient for most people with reasonable Egos (which those two don't seem to be of): first finding the emotion that will move them is enough (for the first one, no more partying cause insecurity, life ruined because of sexual accusations because partying ; for the other, maybe being paid for letting any terrorist in boats inside US kill is family...). Then progressive revelations that they ask.

Your time and energy will probably better serve us all trying with other people for now. You'll see a lot of people are easily awakened one little step at a time.

Chose your batles. Them maybe later when you will have learned to become more persuasive, you''ll be able to "switch" these.

Convincing is 20% of decision (often less nowadays) : logic, proofs, arguments, Persuasion is 80% : emotions, cognitive sequence, bypassing pre existing mindset and beliefs, understanding... With MSM and Ego, the best 20% won't suffice. It's easy though, because those damn cabal servants have made us so much suffering that we all have somewhere a reason to move against them.

To master this persuasion thing, first learn to master a bullet-proofed gameplan (proposed one here, 8chan, persuasion books...).Then understand how this works. Then make variants. Then Innovate.

Most people try the other way : innovation, variants, understanding, and end up doing what works best. Why ? Because nothing else worked.

Practice makes perfect. And a few weeks do a lot when it come to persuasion skills.

14177119? ago

When communicating with libs refer to Kennedy, and the plan back then to elliminate the corruption in the intelligence agencies. That plan was stopped by killing Kennedy, the same plan is happening now by team Trump

14177009? ago

Yes so this, but also remember not to alienate your closest friends and family. I've found that some people I need to give space and let them awaken on their own. I will be there to help as soon as I see signs that they are ready or starting to see

14176994? ago

Make other people become part of us.

If that doesn't work, put a bullet in their brain

We are the tide.

And we are dealing with idiots who eat Tide Pods

14177764? ago

not cool !

14177838? ago

Fuck them. As soon as war breaks out... I'm killing lots of commies.

14176992? ago

My comment on this if that of your day the world and humanity depends on it, you start sounding crazy (unless the conversation already has that tone- it is easy for people to see that things are degrading, but if they aren't red pilled they have a different perspective of what is degrading)

14177086? ago

Yes !!

Hence the advice to do it in right order and only going further with those who seem able to hear the next part.

14176804? ago

Declassify everything. Awaken everyone who can wake up. Enough riddles. Let the pieces fall where they will.

14177920? ago

we need completely open source world, no more killing inventors, no more buying patents to bury the technology

no more trade secrets (hows it made col. sanders) no more stealing the names of newborn Americans to create a shell company to pump up their whole life and steal when theyre dead as abandoned assets

no more presumptions, no more residents we demand domicile status, no more foreign enclaves operating as government,

14177025? ago

I couldn't agree more. The riddles were fun at first. Now, it feels like Q is stringing us along. WTF are they waiting for? Go arrest Dianne Feinstein right fucking now. Then, go grab Hillary. Then, Obama. Continue down the list till we either have them all, or they're all dead.

14178593? ago

Timing, surfacing of nasty stuff, fermenting, bubbling... The population is best woken slowly steadily. If you still want a functioning Country that is...

14194966? ago

It's October with midterms looming. How slowly??

14177207? ago

Still know shit about JFK. I can trust the plan and know the details too.

14176819? ago

I mean everything TOO MANY SECRETS.