14179268? ago

Brilliant analysis. The story line is the same here in the USA. People are sponges, soaking up every drop of propaganda with little resistance to question. I completely understand your position because the UK, including the Royal family, is involved with the cabal. Your news organizations make sure that is covered up; as did ours for the entire Obama presidency. Decades of pure evil, corruption, and drunk power have plagued this world and you nailed it with the CIA. We have been asking for transparency and accountability only to fall on deaf ears. While most of what they do allows the world in most places to sleep safe at night, others are not so fortunate. I think they purposely stir the shit pot without licking the spoon. Not right. There is proof the UK is part of the coup to take down President Trump and it will not end well for those involved. We know it is not you, the people of the UK, who are involved and responsible for the actions of the few who are. Stay enlightened, aware, and organized to clean your own house, as we are doing now. As soon as more bad eggs are removed where major progress can be made without impediment, we will reach out. Allies must be able to be trusted. Unfortunately, the UK can't right now. Better days are coming my friend.

14180984? ago

Understood, thank you

14178342? ago

Excellent work and will copy/paste for potential future use. Am in same boat. Used to think like them, so consequently, almost all around me are still in that left leaning brainwashed funk. I snapped out of it when Prince died. Yes, while partially awake, Prince opened the curtains all the way. Thanks for post