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14177318? ago

This is so hard to do. My friends just think I'm a crazy conspiracy nut job. I do nothing but show them but reliable sources, and actual real reports by very reputable people. So really they just don't care enough and don't realise just how important this all is. They sometimes will believe some things but will just chuck it up to, "who cares and it doesn't matter". I have given up telling my closest friends because they really just will not bother to understand and it has lead to minor arguments and them making fun of me, (just the regular shit talk friends make to eachother) but they never seem to understand how serious i am.

They thought pizza gate was proven to be a hoax, I showed them wiki reports and other convicted child rapist in the royal family and other important figures. They still remain in a non caring and a selfish state.

I know my family will think the same. The news needs and other major news sources need to report about big news such as pedophilia and other luciferian occult practices. If the news made the illuminati and other big secret societies a viral story, it would bring The attention To everyone about these important facts. A huge majority of this population is asleep and programmed to think certain ways. I can't wake my friends or family up without a major story getting their attention. Then I can start telling them more information. The new bal archer that effected by the white house was so significant but no one is talking about it. Every news station, even the liberal news should at least mention it. That would be a great intro, and newsworthy starting point, to start telling the public the actual truth

14178328? ago

and theyre right, you are showing them articles and papers that anyone can type up and makes no difference either way if its true or not, you need to show them public record and laws from an outlaw congress like senate document 43 which created a communist government where no citizen owns any property, yeah in case you didnt know YOU CAN NEVER OWN ANYTHING PER OPERATION OF LAW

or show them the day the deep state was created in 1871 congress created a body corporate called "UNITED STATES" as defined here in (15)

maybe you can show them cartoons about jury nullification

more cartoons about the corruption inherent in the system someone created

more cartoons showing how to fix it

14182056? ago

No I showed them stuff from wiki leaks, tape from bohemian grove. And other various insider sources, such as David wilcock and Benjamin fulford. And other news reports and victims regarding child trafficking to prove occult practices