14073528? ago

Who the fuck cares about upvotes! Geez Louise!

14073059? ago

Not everyone deserves sprinkles!

14073003? ago

This 0.017 post was vicious. 100% shill.

14072390? ago

Is this a good place to ask for upvotes?

14071546? ago

If you down vote me I won't be sad. If you upvote me I want be mad. I don't really have anything to say. I'm a lurker lol.

14071452? ago

What about our freedom of speech ? Isn't asking for upvote our freedeom ? you moron racists.

14070028? ago

I have nothing but down-voats from posting in the "normal" subverses. Didn't use profanity, didn't instigate, didn't even beg for up-voats.

Guess civility and logic isn't welcome here. The irony. Like stepping into a Twilight Zone episode based in the movie Idiocracy, where the pseudo-intellectual circle-jerk pat themselves on the back for being so open-minded, edgy or what the fuck ever... Headed by that self-proclaimed nihilist from The Big Lebowski. Had I just posted "JEWS" or put parentheses around random words in reply to anything and everything, I might have got up-voats.

I'll never be able to post threads, only replies. Coming here was a bad idea IMHO.

14070758? ago

Learn the lingo. Learn the humour. It's very Voat specific. If you talk like a Boomer (like I'm doing now) you may not get upvote sympathy from longtime goats. Humour is the best way. I always upvote funny comments even if I hate the sentiment.

14071254? ago

I didn't come here to entertain self-important douchebags as a way of scoring social status points. So much for the meritocracy.

Back to lurking I guess.

14069924? ago

How the hell did you receive 144 votes for this post? You just did what you said you shouldn't do using reverse psychology. Good job!!

14068955? ago

So if I walk into a grocery store and want milk, I have to shop all the other isles just to get milk?

14070061? ago


You must have a certain number of something something to make new discussions and to give downvotes. You can't get those points here. It's more like going to the bank before you go to the grocery store to buy milk.

Edit: Took out a stupid joke.

14068088? ago

ok so we have to respond with others to get these points to make our own threads of discussion then right? do we have to leave voat to do that or just pick a voat topic? I dont think punishing people for not knowing is helpful.

14070836? ago

Some other topics you may like are:







There are a lot more but those are the ones I remember without thinking too hard.

14068183? ago

No need to leave voat, you will need to leave this subverse. Go browse v/all/new and jump in. QRV IS NOT ALL OF VOAT

14068402? ago

thanQ I am totally new to this Voat stuff but muddling through.

14066629? ago

Is anyone finding that upvotes are not cancelling out downvotes?...

14066543? ago

I mean... the upvotes didnt count towards his ccp

14066661? ago

A q-tard made a post here, directing people to go to a post in v/introductions that he'd made to get upvotes. The only deleted post in this sub so far.

14066759? ago

ohh thought it was referring to this post - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1667382.html#3178808

Maybe I didnt read it all the way

14066269? ago

I came from Reddit just like most of you. I am a grannyfag goat who has been here for almost 2 years. There is important research being done here along with a lot of Niggerfaggot silliness. It's a great site. Until you understand what's going on don't upvote or downvote anything outside of this QRV sub (section) please.

If you continue to shit up the goat's home, you will be thrown out. The main guy is giving you a short time to see what happens. He is hopeful you will follow house rules, which includes not banding together as a group to get rid of "hate speech" and things you don't like. We believe that anyone can say anything and we seldom upvote or downvote unless it meets certain criteria.

By the way, the Jews may have helped do 911. I am a Jew. Not all Jews are bad. It's only Khazarian mob Jews and khazerian Mob Christians. So when they say Jews are the problem they are sort of right. But it's only about 1 to 5 percent of Jews who are bad. It's like saying all Italians are mafia. They are not. It's like all Americans are in favor of war. They are not. It's like saying all people on voat are racists. They are not. However even those who say bad stuff about Jews and others have some valid points. If we disagree we argue with them. We dont downvote. This place is not like reddit. You will overrun it due to your Sheer numbers. I love you all. So don't get kicked out. Peace and love.

14066975? ago

Thanks for your post.. I don't know my way around yet ,but even when I do I hope I don't make myself an unwelcome guest

14065905? ago

Is it possible to here credit in this subverse?

14071266? ago

No. It is only possible to get credits by making comments in other subverses.

Try some of these or just go to front page of Voat.







or just click on the big word Voat at the top of this page and look around. If your username shows up instead of an anonymous number when you make a comment, that is outside of this sub QRV and is part of regular Voat. You are sort of quarantined off in a separate section at QRV. If your name shows up when you comment, that is how you get credit. Not exactly sure how it works, but try not to sound like a normie. Learn the lingo if you can and the jokes if possible. It will help you with upvotes. If your regular wording works, that's fine too.

14066119? ago


14066255? ago

In the QRV board, can we accrue Points?

14066345? ago


14065824? ago

(some info on CCP is noted in this post https://voat.co/v/QRV/2743896)

Voat kinda always needs money, being the small college town it is (unlike metropolitan reddit) and no doubt Patriots are happy to help. A shame someone used that vulnerability and emotional trigger as a false flag TOS violation to start the "removed submission" process here. I'm going to guess s/he was Just Clowning Around.

14065722? ago

Here, have an upvote!

14065526? ago

good Lord these idiots still running there mouths. Why spend the time? is your real life so miserable that you must come JUST to offend and use such language? it is ludicrous. and BTW I earned all my points by venturing out and earning them, yet I didn't have to use idiot language. Just bc you can doesn't make it right. You fucktards need to get a real life. Soon we will outnumber all of you anyways. You are a bunch of sad sad people who think you own something, you have nothing, esp a LIFE

14065404? ago

Lots of new ppl are signing up here on QRV not understanding why they cant post submissions. Then they find out that they need 10 CCP, so they start asking for upvotes because they see others doing it. Then they get attacked, but don't quite understand what they are doing wrong and start to think that this is a horrible scary place. They also have no idea that they can't gain CCP by posting on QRV and that they must venture out to other subverses to gain it. BUT, by the time they learn this they are already put off because of their 'harsh' welcome. They were not asking for upvotes because they wanted to trash the place, but because they desperately want to participate.

I only state all this because it happened to me, and it took me a while to get my head around what was going on, and because Q sent me here so I wanted to be a part of this place. I eventually went to another subverse and joined in a few conversations there and got my 10 CCP overnight. It would have been very helpful to me if I had know what to do from the start instead of fumbling around for days wondering how the hell things worked around here and wondering why I was being attacked.

I think it would be really helpful if someone could write a sticky explaining (in plain english) the does, dont's and how too's, and general advice for new QRV voaters about how to quickly settle in here. For me personally, now I've been here awhile and worked through the frustration I love it here and it feels like home. I post a lot and simply ignore any comments aimed at me that I don't like. I love the anonymity - it's very freeing, but it does add hurdles for newcomers to overcome regarding the CCP requirements.

14066896? ago

It would have been very helpful to me if I had know what to do from the start instead of fumbling around for days wondering how the hell things worked around here

Message your mods and ask for a sticky

14067321? ago

Its already being worked on.

14065453? ago

Expertly said. I too would like to see such a sticky.

14066512? ago

I just went on 8chan - seems the sticky is coming :) Its also been cross posted from there to here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2743896.

14065257? ago

Respect mah authoritay!!!

14065241? ago

Sure - have an upvote

14065204? ago

I bet that guy's a Jew... possibly a nigger...

14070115? ago

Fuck off NaziFag (not the good kind) and Jew Wannabe.

14070261? ago

Well said... fagggot :)

14067798? ago

That was funny and new people here that can't seem to grasp at the humor is probably a wanna be liberal.

14065056? ago

People asking for upvoats is a great way to spot the glowing cia niggers

14070259? ago

Yes, many of the newbies don't understand that shills are often the ones who downvote. We seem to have had a lot of niggershills who have migrated along with the decent, but naive, Reddit Qfags. I believe that most of them are trying to be helpful and clean up this place to get rid of the niggerfaggotkikedicksuck talk, but most of it is said for a reason. Sometimes it's to innoculate newfags. Sometimes it's to make jokes, which we need, to lighten the dark depressed mood that comes from deep redpilling. Other times it's just some fag trying to make us look bad. Newbies don't know the difference and should scroll past the offensive talk. Or they can make a comment.

14064971? ago

it's a very stupid rule , who are unevolved .no where in TOS it is mentioned. link that rule here i dare you it's not there. stop down voting just becoz you dont like it

14065025? ago

If you want to earn some ccp, try proofreading your grammar and proper capitalization.

14064707? ago

Can I shamelessly beg for upvoats...while condemning those who do?? Those terrible upvoat whores will stoop to anything I say!!

14064399? ago

You realize that upvotes in anon subs don't count for shit right?

14064902? ago

Then how the fuk we sposed to get CCP?

14063996? ago

Can I ask for downvotes?

14064660? ago

if it helps you, hereby you get my ones as well

14064567? ago

ok, here ya go.

14063934? ago

I don't even understand the logic. It's really not that fucking hard to get upvoats the honest way. Lots of reddit subs had more stringent rules than this and you all tolerated them for years.

14066282? ago

Exactly! Why is this such a hardship? It took me a few hours over several days to hit the minimums needed to post & downvote.


14067113? ago

We must have instant gratification! The world needs to know what I think about stuff!!

14065772? ago

So true. Let the nigger and faggot comments flow. Feel the power of the goat side.

14063880? ago

Where are these rules? Link Who made them, who voated for them?

I see no rules here https://voat.co/v/QRV/about/rules [from sidebar] except Spam (Voat) Illegal (Voat) Dox (Voat)

Who stickied this? Identify yourself @8bit- [O] @PenSHITLORD [M] @Breadbox [M]

People want free speech on one hand and rules on the other.

If you want to be both Parliament and Policeman, stand for office - enough of the rulers!

Yell at me some more here @Silverlining

14064024? ago

Warning to Vote Brigadiers I will shortly be banning hundreds of obvious alt accounts used to farm/brigade at Voat. While researching this problem, I noticed that no one is really innocent, meaning that we have both obvious farming/brigading going on but we also have this behavior from good solid users too. It is for this reason that I am not retroactively banning any accounts other than the obvious ones mentioned above.

From this point forward, if you brigade another users’ content your account will be banned.

Consider this fair warning that brigading and manipulating votes is no longer tolerated at Voat.


14064391? ago

You've had 1.6 years to solve this problem - almost as long a Q / Trump.

Announcements are not rules - EOs do not create crimes - Legislation does. Shills / bots provide valuable information. If you can so reliabley identify shills / bots flag their accounts.

14063982? ago

For some reason everyone knew about the rules and followed them until you all got here though.

I tried to downvote something when I first arrived, was told I needed more CCP, and moved on with life. Is it that big of a deal? Is earning a small amount of points really that hard?

14063915? ago

Moderation is like government, the less the better.

14063840? ago

Earn your stripes fags

14063829? ago

that sucks

14063823? ago

Anon who made the post reporting in. I would like to things address several things as well as bring up some questions:

  1. If our subverse does not even appear on the list of subs for Voat, and our points do not accumulate under our main account, and we remain anonymous and separate from the site, how is this a direct violation of the rule? Isn't the rule created so people do not have an imbalance of power or accumulate recognition and fame? If that isn't being accomplished here, isn't the rules technically not violated?

  2. As several things I said was mentioned in the /8/qresearch board, I wanted to clarify my last statement in reply to the anon who asked "How many accounts did I make to upvoat my own post."

First, this question is void because no one in their right mind would program a bot or take the time to make over a thousand accounts to upvoat a post about donating money to Voat. And the points go nowhere.

This question was in concern that I was farming points.

I answered, "Now you know" as to say, you know this is how fast the movement comes together and reveals the rate in which we do.

  1. Does this post not contain important information regarding the movement?

For example, in the wee early AM hours, during the lowest average online traffic rate for our sub, the post was averaging around 100/upvoats per hour. This number accelerated to 150/hour around 7 am PST 10 AM PST.

After reviewing this statement, I am sure you will stand behind your decision and I relent as well.

I just want to clarify that this is technically not a violation of the rules.

The rules were created to avoid manipulation, censorship, and to give a fairer opportunity to all users and in no way has this post accomplished any of those.

Thank you for your service. And I stand behind your decisions. I know I pushed some buttons with this post, but I think controversy and tension helps us learn and grow as well.

14069884? ago

We don't care what you do in this anonymous sub, but you don't get points here so you can't post new threads (new discussions). To get points you have to go out into the rest of Voat and make comments.

*Do not ask for votes. Do not band together to upvote or downvote comments. Do not be a nuisance with downvoting. You will be banned. You have been given a reprieve by the head honcho so you have a few days or so to figure out the rules.

It is much better to comment when you disagree with something rather than downvoting. We don't censor here. We like to hear everyone's opinion because even jerks are sometimes right. If you downvote or upvote it a form of censorship because it will change what shows up in each section.

This place is not a joke. There is serious research and much redpilling. Try not to downvote in the sections where it counts (where it's not anonymous and your user name shows up.) You can comment all you want. That is your right on Voat and through the 1st Amendment. Downvoting is not the way. If you see people banding together to vote please tell them to go back to Reddit and that they'll be banned if they continue. Peace and love.

14067605? ago

no one in their right mind would program a bot or take the time to make over a thousand accounts to upvoat a post about donating money to Voat. And the points go nowhere.

you're not fooling anybody, fucking nigger. it's called a test run you stupid fucking nigger

14066790? ago

Don’t be a faggit. Donate some money if you want without making a shit thread begging for upvotes. You have your facts wrong about this subverse showing up on v/all: It does.

The rules were created to make Voat a better place for everyone. Your post was the opposite of that. You broke the rules. Take your comeuppance and try not to be such a moron.

Thank you for your donation!

I received a threat that my toenails will be peeled off.

Fucking lol

14063766? ago

I need 10 upvotes to post new thread. I think. I am an engineer, patent lawyer, military scientist, systems analyst, geopolitical analyst, banking-finance, and a politician, and can provide interesting posts and perspectives. I spend 20 years getting my head around this world, devised a comprehensive solution set for the US. Ran for the US Senate here in CA but lost in the 6/5 primary. Notwithstanding, it is amazing at least to one, that early comprehensive analysis, putting all the pieces together, is playing out as predicted. Side Bar, Trump hit is out of the ball park at the UN today. Hurrah for hero Trump!

14064449? ago

You need 10 in a fucking real subverse. Anon subs don't give CCP. You must be Diane Fientsein's retarded cousin.

14064626? ago

I tried to make a post, and it said 10 cc, I think. I butchered DiFi repeatedly in my campaign blog.

14065005? ago

You're Jason?

14064572? ago

DiFi was one of my opponents.

14063969? ago

Califailian, move out of that state asap or kill yourself. Youre part of the problem not the solution. Barring that secede from the union asap, you wont be missed.

14066425? ago

Hit the faultline....Costa del Lex

14064543? ago

During the summer, after my defeat, I stood out on the streets of Laguna Beach, with my trump sign. Got beat up for showing support for Trump.

14063939? ago

“America will never apologize for protecting its citizens”!! MAGA like a mo fo!!!!

14063696? ago

Please source where it's against the TOS, I'm not seeing it anywhere.





14064027? ago

Putt has himself come out and stated it is not allowed. Look up the "you must be new here" meme.

14064472? ago

Putt saying it =/= it being in the actual TOS. He should put it in there!

14064809? ago

I agree. But when the owner says don't do that, only a turd would do that.

14064848? ago

Oh yeah, begging for upvotes just means you're too fucking stupid to say anything important.

14064017? ago


Warning to Vote Brigadiers I will shortly be banning hundreds of obvious alt accounts used to farm/brigade at Voat. While researching this problem, I noticed that no one is really innocent, meaning that we have both obvious farming/brigading going on but we also have this behavior from good solid users too. It is for this reason that I am not retroactively banning any accounts other than the obvious ones mentioned above.

From this point forward, if you brigade another users’ content your account will be banned.

Consider this fair warning that brigading and manipulating votes is no longer tolerated at Voat.

14065607? ago

14064017; thank you for addressing this, good to know you're attentive to concerns posted by observant concern fags! Vote Brigades sole intention are to control the narrative in the community, they start with the usual line "I follow Q, but.." then they go into their defame fag mode. Many of the VB's are residuals that have been outed as division fagging from former Q positive platforms, they're MO becomes apparent once you've lurked enough in other platforms. Several Qanons have deep dived these individuals and wrote an in depth reports of their mo, organizational charts and who they operate for. Their intentions are solely for disruption, division, and to cast doubts. Discernment cannot be emphasized enough, thank BO, BV, Mods and Anons! WWG1WGA!

14064326? ago

cheers bro!!! I'm here a few days and liked the so called hazing of the Qnoobs ,i literally couldn't believe people weren't aware of the JQ !!!! however they think they're being patriotic by working against their new hosts rules some how working together so they can post the same shit over and over and down vote anyone posing said question or evidence there of to me whats appealing about this site is you have to earn your stripes. that said GAS THE QEWS

14070595? ago

Gas the fags who don't want to help redpill this country by helping the QEWS assimilate into Voat society. All refugees who come here legally and don't take gibs (welfare) should be given a chance.

14070747? ago

Good point

14064116? ago

Well he should probably put that in his actual set of rules. Right now it's not in the TOS so it's not official.

14067423? ago

Consider your ban official notification.

14068185? ago

Well it's been half an hour, how long do I have to wait?

14068297? ago

I don't do the bans. I dont even know if you're farming. But you seem like you've got a guilty conscience.

14068445? ago

I have no need to farm, I've been on here long enough to be able to downvote all day.

Why do you think I have a guilty concise? All I was trying to do was point out that the rule isn't on the TOS. If I were to try and search for the voat rules I wouldn't go in to the announcements, I would scroll to the bottom and check out the links down there.

Maybe some of the new people don't even realize they're farming when they say "I'd upvote but I can't", something in the TOS might help. When I go on new forums I always check out the rules before I post.

14068961? ago

You're the one sitting for a half hour waiting on a ban.

I agree, it should be in the TOS. Voat has been bad about documentation for a long time.

14069015? ago

Do you think I sat and stared at your post for half an hour or something? Just busy doing other stuff.

Hopefully putt sees some of this and putts it up, he's been pretty active lately which is nice.

14063777? ago

Good Call Anon I was under the impression it was codified, as you have pointed out it is not. It has been added as a /v/QRV specific rule instead. Thank you.

14064137? ago

The site admin disagrees with you.


14064252? ago

OP isn't wrong, putt never put the rule in the tos.

14064387? ago

He made an announcement about taking action. https://voat.co/v/announcements/1639027

Sucking your mother's dick isn't in the TOS, you still shouldn't do it though.

14064441? ago

I never said I disagreed with the rule, it's just not in the TOS, so it's not really an "official" rule.

I do agree with it and think Putt should get it in there.

14063802? ago

Hey, we're all here to help, or at least we should be. I agree with the rule myself but I just didn't think it was "official"

14063596? ago

Who fucking cares if people ask for upvotes? Seriously? Why get a Stasi involved? People who want to control other people are the same ones that campaign to be on the board of the Homeowners Association so they can control their neighbors.

14063906? ago

Because it encourages stupid spammy low effort bullshit instead of actual posts.

14063773? ago

If you don't want to be controlled, don't join a website with ToS and don't join a neighborhood with an HoA.

14063935? ago

And that is like saying there are certain places you are discriminated against because you don't fit the standards.

14063994? ago

Theres a word for this. I believe its "reality"

14063569? ago

Asking for upvotes is something a welfare nigger would do

14064793? ago

Are you really a racist - or just trying to make a joke? Either way - sad commentary.

14066955? ago

Go peddle your virtue signaling trash back to Reddit felcher.

14065431? ago

Welcome to faggotland, newfag.

14067656? ago

Who're you calling faggot, nigger, go faggot yourself.

14065066? ago

Your new here racism is healthy deal with it niggerfaggot or go back to reddit. You weak willed faggots don't belong here.

14066761? ago

They belong here you goat fucker. Grannyfag and Redditfags are not stupid, they are just not used to their new home. If they can't learn to deal with this place then they should leave. Most of them don't know the rules. Please see my grannyfag comment below. I am from Reddit. Scroll down for full explanation of what not to do here.

14067033? ago

As far as I'm concerned if your not willing to swallow the red pill and deal with a little racism and antisemitism then fuck off back to your safe space. We don't need you here. I know it's not old grannies as they where more racist than us. This stinks of reddit faggotry pure and simple.

14070889? ago

Everyone is entitled to their point of view, even you.

14071259? ago

Your right my bad but Imma still call you a weak willed faggot

14064865? ago

Niggers would rather take handouts than to contribute to the economy. They are an enormous drain on the economy. OP is similarly asking for handouts.

Niggers are also inherently more violent than all other races and carry disease, which makes them even more expensive to have in the country. Especially since they don't work to support themselves.

14065902? ago

That's funny. Because I always seem black people at work, and tons of wealthy white women and men out shopping during the middle of the day on a weekday.

14065260? ago

God damn man. They are nowhere near a drain as illegal immigrants. And guess what? A lot of predicaments people are in, it was imposed upon them. Just as hip hop was popularized by the deep state in order to continue manipulating and pushing blacks towards sex, drugs, and violence. Rewards and millions of dollars were given to the most loyal and popular of black musicians to help perpetuate this sad condition. Poor education system, illegal immigrants taking lower end jobs, lead lined projects. Do you know why the IQ of black people from the 80s in Harlem were lower than the average American? Because they found lead in the paints of Harlem projects. They didn't stand a chance. Do I think its completely the DS's fault? No. I think its all of our faults. Because you witnessed the same things as I did, but chose to do nothing but accept it.

14066609? ago

Found the nigger

14066288? ago

You're conveniently forgetting the fact that Africans have made no technological advancements in the past 10,000 years, whereas Europeans traveled to the moon.

It has nothing to do with the jews (or as you call it, the "deep state"). They continually score in the 60s and 70s on IQ tests, not just in harlem. Africans simply do not innovate. Their DNA and culture both contribute to them having such incredibly low IQ and creativity. They still live in mud huts and communicate by grunting.

14067843? ago

The fact that they never domesticated an animal boggles the mind

14065048? ago

OK. Question answered.

14065291? ago

Yeah, I'm a race realist. The facts and statistics tell the whole story. Of course I wish blacks weren't so degenerate, lazy and violent, but they simply are.

14066668? ago

14% of the population; 50% of the murders. It's reality people

14063895? ago

Asking for downvote brigades is likewise.

14065697? ago

Tell @SaneGoatiSwear that.

14064087? ago

Don't tell PV that.

14063530? ago

"I would upvote if I could"

To all of the people that say that, how about you just come up with a meaningful comment instead of giving a fuck about internet points. You'll get there eventually you don't need it NOW NOW NOW.

14064600? ago

Agreed. Would upvote if I gave a shit.

14063572? ago

They can upvote. Why the retards say that is beyond me.

14064942? ago

Its more like, give me more up votes so I can dominate this board. Give me a participation trophy now because Hussien says I'm suppose get one wherever I go. The ones asking for up votes are the poisonous critters asking Pepe the frog for a ride to cross the river! Kek!

14064981? ago

Agreed. Glad there's only a few of them acting this way.

14064578? ago

I think it's along the lines of "i would give more than one upvote if i could"

14066709? ago

That doesn't make it any better. You aren't adding to the conversation saying "I agree". That's the problem with eddit it's one massive echo chamber. And don't get me wrong this place is as well sometimes but that's the best part about new users. You add discussion! Just cut out the bullshit virtue signaling. Points (and words) don't mean fuck all

14064596? ago

Could be.